Monday, July 31, 2017
As reported in one of my Facebook
posts from Wildwood Crest my
grandson and I did some fishing Monday.
Our dinner that evening featured
Tuna steaks, among other things!
No, we didn't catch it. In fact we
didn't catch anything! And left to our
own devices dinner would have been at
the nearest Soup Kitchen.
But we had Joe! Joe Janosov!
Joe and his wife Cindy are spending
a couple days with us on this vacation.
And Joe love to cook!
We returned from our fishing
expedition to find him standing over
a grill filled with ribs, chicken, hot
dogs, and potatoes! The Tuna went on
last, Probably when he discovered that
we came back empty handed.
We've dinned with Joe before.
Usually at his home. If my observations
are correct I believe he determines the
number of expected guests,then prepares
food for triple that number in case anybody
else shows up. If you wanted a Doggie
bag after filling up on one of his
delicious meals it would have to be in
the form of a small crate!
The guy has a great job. But he
probably should be running a restaurant!
In any case we ate well. Very well!
Hope there's left over Tuna and
that all your NEWS is good!
Sunday, July 30, 2017
MONDAY, JULY 31ST., 2017
Although there was a slight breeze in the
air the sun was out and the temperature was
rising as our gang made plans for the day in
Wildwood Crest Sunday,
Sine the condo where we're staying features
a beautiful swimming pool that seemed to
highlight the morning agenda for most folks.
(Editor's not: the term "morning" varies a
lot in most people's minds when they're on
vacation.) It was probably around 11 when
some of the family made it into the pool.
I decided to take some photos and it was
clear everyone was enjoying themselves. I
decided to put down the camera and join in.
That put it closer to 11:30 for me. It takes
at least 10 minutes to put on enough sun tan
lotion to keep me safe for about an hour!
Anyhow, bathing suit on and lotion
applied I ventured into the pool myself.
Maybe in was just the warm air. Or
perhaps someone had spilled ice cubes into
the pool and failed to mention it! Whatever
the case my mind immediately remembered
how most of those victims on Titanic died
from hypothermia within minutes of their
immersion into the sea!
Long ago I discovered the best way
to deal with this situation was to dive in and
get used to the water as quickly as possible.
On Sunday I discovered that it takes
a lot longer to "get used to it" now than it
use to!!!!
But I eventually did and had a great
time. Still...........hope the water gets warmer
and that all your NEWS is good!
Saturday, July 29, 2017
SUNDAY, JULY 30TH., 2017
It wasn't 'the answer' that was
blowing in the wind! It was me!
I thought Chicago was the
"Windy City."
Wildwood Crest might have
something to say about that after
one very blustery Saturday!
Things were calm enough when
we turned over our house to
Carl for the week. (Thank you
Carl and Cassie)
We made record time coming
down and I'm now thinking it's
because we had a tail wind!
When we arrived at our
vacation house I noted the flag
at the church across the street
was stretched out straight in the
That same breeze practically
blew me across the street as I
walked to take a look at the beach.
A Lifeguard was on duty but I
didn't see anyone in the surf. And
there was a lot of surf to see!
One poor soul walking along
the beach looked like he was
dressed for the wind but wasn't
making much progress as he walked
into it!
Great day for a kite but I
was just a little tired from the
drive so I opted for a nap.
Hope it's sunny and calm
all day Sunday and that all your
NEWS is good!
Friday, July 28, 2017
I was trapped. Trapped by my own
I've always told my wife if she wants
to do something she must "Tell." Tell
me that is. Well the other day she did.
She told me she wanted me to drive
to Boscov's so we could buy some new
shorts. For me!
I should have seen it coming! We're
about to head out on vacation and everybody
wears shorts at the beach.
I argued I already had shorts. My wife
countered by pointing out the hole near a
pocket in my favorite pair.
Heck! I've seen teens wearing torn jeans
that they bought that way! I'm just trying to
keep up with the kids!
It didn't work! I found myself in Boscov's
standing near several racks of shorts while
my wife pointed out various colors that
might go good with some of the shirts I
Then, of course, I had to try them on.
I hate trying on clothes!
The first pair fit just fine but my wife
suggested I try on a similar pair one size
larger. I did and they were too loose. Dah!
There's nothing fast about trying on shorts!
Thank goodness there were only five
pair to check and one of those, in the
larger size was ruled out after the
experiment with the other larger ones.
Anyhow I've got three new pair to
take on vacation so everybody is happy.
Hope my wife fixes the rip in my
old pair when we get home and that all
your NEWS is good!

Thursday, July 27, 2017
FRIDAY, JULY 28TH., 2017
I can't understand what's happened to
my former colleagues in the news media!
They are usually up to date on ever
important event....especially those that
are scheduled ahead of time.
Yet I've listened to the radio, watched
two television newscasts, and gone on
line to check several newspapers
and have seen absolutely no mention of
my former colleagues in the news media!
They are usually up to date on ever
important event....especially those that
are scheduled ahead of time.
Yet I've listened to the radio, watched
two television newscasts, and gone on
line to check several newspapers
and have seen absolutely no mention of
the fact that July 28th is "National Milk
Chocolate Day!"
Talk about missing the 'biggie!'
According to my web source it is a
day when everyone, Chocoholics or not,
are encouraged to consume Milk
Chocolate either in candy, baked goods,
or both!
As WILK's John Webster reminds us,
"If it's on the Internet it must be true."
We are also admonished not to be
dyslexic about this special day. It's a
day for Milk Chocolate...not a Chocolate
Milk Day!
I will make a special effort to have
my wife observe the day although she
admittedly favors Dark Chocolate.
I'm sure I'll have no problem
getting the grand kids to join the effort!
The 'researchers' who reveled the
existence of Milk Chocolate Day report
they were unable to trace the origin of
the 'holiday' or whatever you want to
call it.
But I'll bet there's a paper trail on
this one that leads straight to Hershey
Hope your day is sweet and that all
your NEWS is good!
Chocolate Day!"
Talk about missing the 'biggie!'
According to my web source it is a
day when everyone, Chocoholics or not,
are encouraged to consume Milk
Chocolate either in candy, baked goods,
or both!
As WILK's John Webster reminds us,
"If it's on the Internet it must be true."
We are also admonished not to be
dyslexic about this special day. It's a
day for Milk Chocolate...not a Chocolate
Milk Day!
I will make a special effort to have
my wife observe the day although she
admittedly favors Dark Chocolate.
I'm sure I'll have no problem
getting the grand kids to join the effort!
The 'researchers' who reveled the
existence of Milk Chocolate Day report
they were unable to trace the origin of
the 'holiday' or whatever you want to
call it.
But I'll bet there's a paper trail on
this one that leads straight to Hershey
Hope your day is sweet and that all
your NEWS is good!
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
The neighbors were probably wondering
why my wife and I were standing out in
front of the house with our heads tilted
back so far we looked like tourists on their
first visit to New York City!
We were searching the sky. And we
weren't looking at a bird, a plane, or even
We were looking for the International
Space Station! And we found it!
For six whole minutes we watched
as the star-like object sailed across the
sky. I checked the facts. It was traveling
at 17,500 miles per hour!
And you thought those NASCAR
guys were fast!
There are three people aboard the
space station right now, Fyodor
Yurchikhin, the Commander, Jack
Fisher, and Peggy Whitson. (See,
we are working with the Russians!)
We waved but there was no
sign of them waving back! Then I
realized it was dark down here.
I should have brought my
flashlight outside with me so they'd
know just where we were standing.
Anyhow it's kind of neat to
know there are folks circling the
globe high above our daily issues
and controversies, working together
on projects that may make life a
little better for everyone!
Maybe it is "Superman (men)
after all! Hope all your NEWS is

My wife and I took in a movie Tuesday.
It's been over two months since we've been
able to get out to see a flick. And boy have
things changed!
While we were away the folks at Cinemark
remodeled their auditoriums and installed
easy chairs (recliners) in new rows wide
enough to allow people to walk by you and to
their seats even while you're seat is fully
Of course these new luxury leather seats
come with a price. A higher one at the box
office to start. And longer ticket lines as
customers are asked to pick their seats
before they enter the auditorium.
That decision is not working out well
with everyone!
While we waited to buy our tickets
a family of six walked out after realizing
they could not get seats together.
I witnessed a similar sight when I
stopped by to get a gift certificate a couple
weeks ago. A woman, just looking for a
single ticket, became frustrated when
she was asked to pick her seat from a
seating chart. She quickly gave up and
left in a huff!
The seats are certainly comfortable.
They make you feel like you're lounging at
home. Which, apparently, has some
potential customers wondering if it would
be just as easy, and cheaper, to stay at home!
I enjoyed the setting, although I
could have done without the XD theater
with its additional expense to be shaken
by the blasting speaker system.
And I have to wonder what those
leather recliners will look like after a year
of wear and kids playing with the "up" and
"down buttons."
I suppose you're a little less likely
to fund gum under the seats!
Hope you get the seat you're looking
for and that all your NEWS is good.
Monday, July 24, 2017
Saddle up everybody! It's National
Merry-Go-Round, or Carousel Day!
The Merry-Go-Round has been
going round for a lot of years! July 25
was chosen as National Merry-Go-
Round Day, an “unofficial” national
holiday, as it coincides with the first
United States patent that was issued for
the modern carousel.
That patent was awarded to William
Schneider of Davenport Iowa on July 25,
1871. I didn't cover the event. But I'm
sure glad he got the patent!
The Carousel, along with the train,
are about the only amusement rides I
can still handle these days.
Knoebel's has two. Both built in
1912. The year the Titanic went down!
Today's "thrill rides" remind me of
the titanic! My stomach goes down
just watching the grandkids ride those
There are several in the Binghamton
area that are open to the public all
summer.....Free of charge. That price
make it worth the trip!
You can still catch the Brass Ring
on the Grand Carousel at Knoebel's. My
niece Betty would have a better chance
on a Merry-Go-Round in Europe. She's
left handed!
Most European Carousels turn
clockwise while most U.S. models
go counter clockwise. Of course most
riders don't give any thought to which
way they're spinning. You can get
dizzy either way!
Still there's nothing like mounting
a noble steed that knows where it's
going and won't throw you!
Hope you'll grab that ring and
that all your NEWS is good!
Sunday, July 23, 2017
A funny thing happened on the
way to today's Blog!
I found out July 24th., is "National
Tell An Old Joke Day."
Please note there is a difference
between this date and "Tell A Joke
Day" which is always observed in
Today is a day for having people
remember exactly why the chicken
crossed the road or who was left in
the boat when Pete and Re-pete
went sailing and Pete fell out!
The whole idea of course is to
keep old jokes from fading away.
If they were funny once they'll
still produce a laugh, especially
among those who may be hearing
them for the first time!
I'm serious about this. It's not
like Velcro...that's just a rip off!
So get out there and "knock,
knock" them dead with the best
of the jokes you can remember.
Hope you get a laugh and
that all your NEWS is good!

Saturday, July 22, 2017
SUNDAY, JULY 23RD., 2017
With sincere apologies to the area
radio station that used to use this title
as a promotion, my blog has nothing to
do with broadcasting. It is,rather, a
statement of personal preference!
You see July 23rd is "Hot Enough
For You Day." It's written with a
period but I think it's safe to assume
it should be in the form of a question.
While I hate bitter cold temperatures
and blizzards as much as most I must
admit not especially thrilled with the
high 80's and 90's that are stacked with
humidity that doesn't seem to allow me
to breath!
Of course part of my feeling has to
do with the complications of seasonal
allergies as well as adult onset asthma.
I really enjoy breathing and had
intended to make it a life long habit.
So when it comes to hot weather, I'm
just fine with anything between 72 and
about 84. That's why it's only warm for
Hope you're all breathing well and
that all your NEWS is good!
We haven't been getting around quite
as much as usual over the past eight weeks.
So last night my wife and I loaded the
car with two of our grandkids and headed
out "to the old ballgame."
The Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Rail Riders
are leading the International League even
though a lot of their players have been
called up to the New York Yankees.
It was a great night for a ball game.
In addition to some great plays there were
French fries, ice cream, and soda to be
enjoyed while we watched the players and
a whole lot of little princesses who turned
out for Princess and Pirates Night at the
I brought my trusty glove along to
catch any foul balls that came our way.
But all the batters, probably realizing I
was there, managed to steer clear of
our seats.
I didn't spot any peanuts or Cracker
Jacks but there was no shortage of foods
to please most everyone in the crowd.
Best of all we finally got to see
fireworks! Oh we've heard plenty since
the 4th of this month. But since Pocono
Downs dropped its display in favor of
funding the one in Wilkes-Barre there
has been nothing visible from our house.
They have them every week at the
ball park so we may be going back
because they're a real "blast" there!
By the way we did root, root, root
for the home team and it won!
Hope those guys keep winning
and that all your NEWS is good!
Thursday, July 20, 2017
FRIDAY, JULY 21ST., 2017
I know people don't use the mail as
much as they used to.
Emails and on line options are now
more common than letters and
postcard greetings.
Still, our mail box is filled with
correspondence nearly every day.
And most of the envelopes have
one thing in common. They are
We're used to them and we
realize it's our responsibility to
"pay the piper" for the services
we receive.
You know. Things like
fuel oil for our furnace, Since
we're on a so called "Budget plan"
the home heating bills keep coming
even though it's 90 degrees outside.
There's the telephone bill. Yes,
we still have a "land line" telephone
in our home.
And the Electric Bill. People
keep telling us we can lower that
one by switching from one
provider to another. I'm waiting for
one to offer it for free. Then I'll
In any case we pretty much
know how much we owe each of
our providers. So there's usually no
big surprises. Until Thursday!
That's when we received the
Hospital Bill for my wife's open
heart surgery!
At approximately $475,000
it suddenly makes our Cable bill
look pretty reasonable!
Fortunately, until the government
completely goofs up Health Insurance,
we're covered. I'm so glad. I'd hate to
have to send her back to work!
Hope your bills are low and
your NEWS is good!
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Now to be perfectly honest with you
I knew exactly where the beef was.
It was the likes of bagels, English
muffins, juice, soda, and popcorn that
had me a bit confused.
We've been shopping at our local
Walmart for many years, In fact we
were customers at the much smaller
store the corporation originally
operated about a mile south of its
current location.
We liked the smaller store. But
we knew our favorite workers would
be moving along with the store so we
followed them.
After a year or so we began to
appreciate the larger store since it
included a nice grocery section that
seemed to meet all of our weekly
Then. a couple weeks ago, I
set out to find an appliance bulb for
our stove. (Editor's note: You should
consider buying stock in an appliance
bulb manufacturing company since
these fixtures are apparently designed
to burn out as quickly as possible,
requiring users to purchase replacements
with great frequency!)
The Light Bulb section was not
where I last left it! And when I did
stumble across that department there
were no appliance bulbs to be found.
On my next visit I found the
bagels and muffins had found new
shelves, as did the popcorn, juice,
and soda.
For some reason I still can't
comprehend the inventory is being
shifted from aisles familiar to me
to other locations.
I'm thinking about bringing
my GPS inside on my next
shopping trip! At least they haven't
moved the beef. Yet.
Hope they don't move the exits
and that all your NEWS is good.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Tuesday marked 8 weeks since my wife's
open heart surgery. Although her recovery
continues the formal "structured recovery
period" is now over.
Certain restrictions that had been in
effect have now been lifted. She can ride
in the front seat again. In fact, she can drive
if she wants.
And although she should not be bench
pressing 200 pounds, the 10 pound lifting
restriction has also been....well....lifted!
The initial weeks were made a little
easier by our family and friends. Folks at
our church, for instance, provided meals
that I could actually heat in the microwave
and serve to my wife.
We got a lot of great dinners, especially
after I threatened to serve a steady diet of
Spam! The one can I actually had on hand
just sat on a cupboard shelf.
As the days went by my wife seemed
to get stronger and stronger. Quarter mile
walks around the neighborhood grew into
two mile strolls on the local levee system!
As I said, complete recovery will
be an on going process. But that 8 week
milestone has now been reached.
So we celebrated at dinner.
My wife had some left over
General Tso's Chicken!
Me? I finally had the Spam!
Hope all you NEWS is good!
Monday, July 17, 2017
My wife had two appointments
Monday. One at 12:30. The second
at 3:20.
The sky looked a bit dark as we
went to the first. But the rain held
As the time approached for the
second appointment that dark
turned to black and rumbles of
thunder seemed to be coming from
My wife told me I was not to
follow my usual procedure of
opening her car door. As torrents
of water poured from the sky she
insisted it would be "every man
(or woman) for him or herself!
I tossed on a small rain jacket
and a hat I keep that doesn't have
any special meaning to me and made
my dash for the vehicle.
It's amazing how wet one can
get in 20 to 30 seconds! Without
diving into a pool or the ocean that
I was able to pull close to the
door for that second appointment so
she could get inside quickly. I waited
in the car while the rain started, then
stopped, then started again.
At least we were safely back at
home when the hail began to pelt our
car and the porch roof.
Plenty of lighting and thunder
too. Enough, I think, for a week or so
Hope it's over for awhile and
that all your NEWS is good!
Sunday, July 16, 2017
MONDAY, JULY 17TH., 2017
Well it's finally come! Yellow Pig Day!
It's observed every July 17th. Although,
for the life of me, I can't seem to find it
marked on any of our numerous calendars!
According to Yellow
Pig Day is a mathematician's holiday celebrating
yellow pigs and the number 17. What those
two thing have in common, if anything, is
totally beyond me!
Anyway, the day has been celebrated annually
since the early 1960's, primarily on college
campuses, and primarily by mathematicians.
My late brother was a mathematician. He
taught Math & Computer Science at Wilkes
University for years. But he never told me
about Yellow Pig Day!
Maybe you have to be in some secret
mathematicians club?
On campus, Yellow Pig Cake and Yellow
Pig Carols are tradition.
You're also suppose to spend the day
thinking and working in multiples of 17.
Ironically, even though I'm terrible in
math, the number 17 does mean something
to me. My Birthday is on September 17th
so, I'm two months away today.
As far as a Yellow Pig is concerned, I've
never seen one and don't expect to!
And whether I think about it 17 times or
not....none of this Yellow Pig Day adds up
to me!
Hope you know a couple Yellow Pig
Carols...and that all your NEWS is good!
Well it's finally come! Yellow Pig Day!
It's observed every July 17th. Although,
for the life of me, I can't seem to find it
marked on any of our numerous calendars!
According to Yellow
Pig Day is a mathematician's holiday celebrating
yellow pigs and the number 17. What those
two thing have in common, if anything, is
totally beyond me!
Anyway, the day has been celebrated annually
since the early 1960's, primarily on college
campuses, and primarily by mathematicians.
My late brother was a mathematician. He
taught Math & Computer Science at Wilkes
University for years. But he never told me
about Yellow Pig Day!
Maybe you have to be in some secret
mathematicians club?
On campus, Yellow Pig Cake and Yellow
Pig Carols are tradition.
You're also suppose to spend the day
thinking and working in multiples of 17.
Ironically, even though I'm terrible in
math, the number 17 does mean something
to me. My Birthday is on September 17th
so, I'm two months away today.
As far as a Yellow Pig is concerned, I've
never seen one and don't expect to!
And whether I think about it 17 times or
not....none of this Yellow Pig Day adds up
to me!
Hope you know a couple Yellow Pig
Carols...and that all your NEWS is good!
Saturday, July 15, 2017
SUNDAY, JULY 16TH., 2017
Nothing terrifying here gang!
Just a notice that this is "National'
Ice Cream Day! And that makes
today almost like Christmas!
You are, of course, expected to
celebrate by seeking out an ice cream
stand and consuming some of the
tasty treat! The trick is to find the
best ice cream.
Now in that respect I'm a
little like Will Rogers. I never met an
ice cream I didn't like.
Oh there have been a couple of
flavors I never completely understood.
To me, for instance, Cotton Candy
belongs on a cardboard holder at the
circus. Not as an ingredient in an ice
cream cone!
We've found plenty of great
Ice Cream Stands. Of course our
search didn't begin this year. We've
been looking for many years.
"Incredible Edibles" in
Nescopeck is probably my
personal favorite. I haven't found
any other place that offers as much
high quality ice cream for such
reasonable prices! It's also a pleasant
top down drive on a hot summer day.
But right here at home, Plains
Township, there's no question I
enjoy our stops at "Curley Cream."
Of course part of my enthusiasm
stems from tradition. I don't know
how it got started. But at this stop
my wife used to stand in line and bring
the ice cream to me! And often
that line is long!
Lately though I've given in and
ordered for the both of us which can
get confusing, at least for me, when
she wants something that isn't
exactly on their main menu.
Hope you'll enjoy a
cone or two from your favorite
stand and that all your NEWS
is good!
Friday, July 14, 2017
No. We're not actually moving. I
just wanted to point out the importance
of this special, although somewhat
unique, day.
You see July 15th is "Cow Appreciation
Day." I suppose a few of you have been
celebrating since dawn.
Some proponents of this "holiday"
suggest you go out and give a cow a big hug
and/or a kiss. While it might sound like fun,
you don't have to go to extremes to enjoy this
special day. It can be as simple as pausing for
a moment to think about cows, and all that
they do for us.
I started the observance a bit early by
enjoying some cheese while I wrote. I'd
love to cap the day off with a huge steak
but I'm not sure if that qualifies as
"appreciating" the bovine!
Hope there's milk in the fridge and
that all your NEWS is good!
Thursday, July 13, 2017
FRIDAY, JULY 14TH., 2017
Although I can't remember ever having
seen one I do remember hearing the phrase
"It isn't worth a plug nickel."
I looked it up.
Some early coins were made with a
small silver piece added to the center to
increase the value to equal its face amount.
But sometimes, when people got
change, they found that center disc, or
;plug' had been removed! So, in the case of
a nickel, it wasn't really worth 5 cents.
I discovered another definition for a
Plug Nickel yesterday!
I took my grandson to the mall to
ride on a couple of those small amusement
devices designed to capture kid's attention
and grandparent's quarters.
There's not a whole lot to choose from.
It's not a Knoebels! Still, my grandson
enjoys the 90 seconds or so he gets aboard
a rocking train with a figure of Barney
sitting along side.
There's a merry-go-round-like horse
the kids can mount too.
But at least three of the attractions
were inoperable! In each case someone
had plugged the quarter slot with nickels
which could not be removed by hand!
Plug Nickels if you will!
It worked out OK for us as both
Barney and the horse ate up the
quarters and my grandson was happy.
Oh, by the way, the change
machine was working perfectly.
Hope the nickels come out and
that all your NEWS is good!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Much like a movie producer checks
the best locations for his feature film
my wife and I have been checking
various walking trails throughout our
area as she continues her rehabilitation
following open heart surgery some 7
weeks ago.
We never realized how many choices
there are close to home.
On Wednesday we found ourselves
on the levee system along the Susquehanna
River walking south from the Borough of
Our starting time proved to be a poor
choice! The heat and humidity around 1pm
was probably similar to that in the Sahara
A group of young children passed us
as we got started. Each on his or her own
motorized scooters! I wished I had one
long before I got to the one mile marker!
Still, the route was pleasant enough.
We watched a helicopter land, successfully
by the way, at the Wyoming Valley Airport.
Another larger plane came in too. Each
close enough to watch without being too
close for comfort!
It was also neat to see a trio of men
casting their fishing lines into the river
in the hope of making that big catch!
We've walked a couple of the
levees now and we enjoy them. Although
we find ourselves wishing for some shade
trees every now and then,
There's also the realization that rain
could prevent us from using those trails.
A friend suggested we join her and
others who do their hiking at the mall.
Of course she also suggested we join them
at 7:30 or 8am. Regular readers already
know I don't recognize those as official
times of day unless there are extraordinary
Later might work for us if we can
stay on the path and out of the shops!
Hope they're not too crowded around
Noon and that all your NEWS is good!
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
I met my buddy in the parking lot of
a local Walmart.
The exchange was quick! I gave him
the money and he gave me my package.
A brown box carried in two plastic bags.
I wondered what people who saw us
must have been thinking? And what they
might think if they knew that brown box
carried merchandise from Cuba?
Perhaps Cuban cigars? Or something
restricted by the existing regulations?
Oh wait a minute! We're all thinking
about Cuba the country. This package
came from Cuba, New York! The
And while there were no prized
cigars inside my package did contain a
treasure! A two pound block of Extra
Share New York Cheese!
My buddy's Mom, who just
celebrated her 99th Birthday, lives in
Cuba so I asked him to bring me a
supply of the cheese when he
returned from her party.
He brought me some after his
last visit and, in our house, it lasted
exactly one week!
Hope he visits his mom a lot
and that all your NEWS is good!
Monday, July 10, 2017
My wife and I both walked the
green mile Monday. Unlike the movie,
however, the only thing waiting for us
at the end of the line was our car.
In our case the green was provided
by the steep hills of grass that make
up both sides of the Flood Protection
levee in Kingston.
The levee provided an interesting
and entertaining venue for our walk.
There was a Softball game underway
at the Third Avenue Recreational Complex,
a combination Cheerleading and Football
Camp on the soccer fields nearby, and
the roar of a train as it passed overhead
on a long bridge that carries rail traffic
over the Susquehanna!
And you never felt alone. Other
walkers, joggers, bikers, roller bladers,
and roller skaters were constantly
passing by.
We saw a couple of dogs and a
groundhog. But there was no sign of
Mr. Jangles.
By the time we finished we had
done two miles. One out and one back!
Hope to go back again soon, and
that all your NEWS is good!
Sunday, July 9, 2017
MONDAY, JULY 10TH., 2017
July 10th is National Blueberry
Picking Day!
Over 90% of all blueberries are
grown in North America. In 2012,
the U.S. harvested total: 564.4 million
pounds of cultivated and wild blueberries.
But I have the Blueberry blues!
Several years ago I bought a
blueberry plant for my wife. She planted
it in the backyard.
We've enjoyed a fairly good crop
of the delicious berries every year since
But last year my wife decided the
bush was growing just a bit too much.
So she pruned it.
Apparently it didn't work. I can't
find any prunes on the bush!
I couldn't find a lot of blueberries
either! In fact I only found one as I
checked the bush Sunday. And it was
Blueberry's medicinal benefits include
improved memory and brain health. So, as
my regular readers know, I could use a
big batch!
Fortunately the Farmer's Markets
have started to open and we each have
vouchers that can be used at one of
Think I'll use mine to pick out some
blueberries. And, maybe, some prunes!
Hope your bush is filled with berries
and that all your NEWS is good.
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Some of the family traveled to Country
Cupboard in Lewisburg Saturday for a
informal Birthday celebration for our
daughter Missy (July 11th) and our
grand daughter Jenna (July 12th.)
We just ordered from the menu. But
we were delighted to learn that, at 23-
months-old, grandson Anthony qualified
for a free Buffet dinner!
He did well with the carved roast
beef and the baked corn. So, of course,
he was allowed to get some desert as
The cake he and his mom selected
looked really good. The only problem
was the fact he didn't want anyone
to feed him! Every time his mon tried
to give him a piece of cake on the
fork she held he made it very clear
he wanted to do it himself!
So, the decision was made. He
had his cake. Let him eat it!
And he did!
He made at least two attempts
with fork in hand and hat on his head.
Then he got down to business!
The hat came off and the fork
went down! His hand reached out,
grabbed the cake and he ate it, as
Frank Sinatra might have put it,
"My way!"
Me? I just snapped the
pictures then got him some
ice cream which, by the way, he
allowed me to feed to him!
Hope he doesn't get soup
next time, and that all your NEWS
is good!
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