Well tonight is the night we say hello
and goodbye all at the same time.
Our goodbye, of course, is to the
year we have called 2018.
Some will say it's been a good year
while others will likely describe it as a
bad one. The truth, I suppose, us that it's
been a bit of both.
My wife and I have had a lot of
opportunity to spend time with family
this year. She reunited with all 7 of her
siblings in Florida in March and every
hour spent with our grandchildren was
We made new friends as well
hosting a cruise and also a bus tour to
Canada for Travelworld!
Add that to time and adventures
spent with friends as 2018 looks pretty
But there were shadows on the
year as well not all caused by the rain
clouds that seemed every so present
this past summer. We lost some good
friends. My best friend's wife of 50
years passed on in 2018 as did several
of my former media colleagues.
Hellos and Goodbyes often run
together though we don't always
realize it as it's happening. As the
song by Roger Whittaker reminds
us "When they begin the overture
they start to end the show."
Hope you'll have happy
memories of 2018, and love,
laughter and good NEWS in 2019!