Sunday, June 30, 2019
Maybe it's fatigue after a week of
vacation. Maybe it's old age. Whatever
the reason I've been finding a lot of
"left overs" lately.
Usually it's things I meant to do
in the next two or three minutes but
got sidetracked by something else
and then completely forgot my
original plan.
Example. I save the pull tabs from
my soda cans. My daughter uses them
for a charity that gets money for the
tabs. We have a container on top of
our microwave in which we deposit
the tabs. As soon as I've puled a tab
I make a mental note to put it in that
container. Today I found three tabs
in my back pocket!
I put my cell phone on my
computer table with the specific
intent of transferring it to my pocket
as soon as I completed a quick task
in the other room. Task completed
I waked past the table and my cell
phone and went outside only to
wonder, seconds later, why my cell
phone wasn't in my pocket!
Then there was Sunday's lunch!
Delicious but far too much for my wife
and I so we got take out boxes.
Sinec we wanted to go for a ride in
the Miata I decided a stop home first
would be wise to put the leftovers in
the fridge. So we did. Stop home that
I believe I ran in to use the bathroom
before starting out on our adventure.
After the ride we came home and decided
to finish our lunch. That's when my wife
opened the refrigerator and asked where
I had put her pizza.
Well, the trunk of the Miata smells
pretty good right now! We ate grilled
Hope I remember not to forget and
that all your NEWS is good!
Saturday, June 29, 2019
SUNDAY, JUNE 30TH., 2019
Well we're back from our week of
family vacation. Karl has turned our
home back over to us and we are
Now I'm wondering if I'll be
able to sleep. Tired as I may be it
sure is quiet around here.
I've become used to the sound of
family all around me in the same
house or at the beach or the boardwalk.
We had time to enjoy activities or
just a sit down chat from time to time.
I had time to read my youngest
grandson to sleep and to listen to
my son strum his guitar.
Wildwood has been a family
vacation retreat for me since I was
about the age of my little grandson.
My Dad and Mom took my brother
and me each year and after my
brother went off to college I was
allowed to bring a friend along.
It was natural for me to bring
my own family after I got married
and now our "kids" bring their
"kids." Actually we're now at the
stage where the grandkids, the
older ones of course, are trying
to include our tradition in their
annual plans.
I'll keep coming as long as
I'm able. I prefer all that family
noise to this darn quiet!
Hope we'll all be back and that
all your NEWS is good!
As our family vacation time runs
short we made an extra effort to visit
one of our traditional attractions.
Sunset Beach near the tip of Cape
May usually draws us in the evening
when there's a special flag lowering
ceremony honoring all veterans.
This year, however, circumstances
brought us there during the afternoon.
I've always been fascinated by the
ruins of a concrete ship that was
permanently beached there during a
storm many years ago. It was going
to be intentionally sunk to help
create a channel for the near by Cape
May Ferry but the storm washed it
towards Sunset Beach where it
bottomed out in the sand.
Each year I've seen it worn away
a little more by the ever present force
of time and tides.
My little grandson, nearly 4 now,
seems intrigued by its remains and
the story of how the ship, the Atlantis,
ended up just off Sunset Beach.
As we visited Friday it occurred to
me that someday he may bring his own
\child or grandchild here. I wonder if,
by then. he'll have to depend on old
photographs and tell them what "used
to be" in that water not far off shore.
Whether there's something to see
or nor I'm hoping he'll tell the story
and keep it alive!
Hope all your NEWS is good!
Thursday, June 27, 2019
FRIDAY, JUNE 28TH., 2019
They showed up this morning just
as they've done year after year during
the week we spend in Wildwood.
The day may vary but we seem to
be able to depend on their arrival as
certain as the Swallows that return to
Capistrano each year.
"They" are Sticky Buns!
Over the past few years the search
for these pastry delights seems to have
fallen into the hands of our son-in-law
and he's really come through!
And he always manages to get a
good variety. Plain ones, Nut covered
and those topped with raisins!
As far back as I can remember one
Wildwood breakfast every visit was
highlighted by Sticky Buns.
The young folks seem to enjoy
them just as much as old timers
although one of the grandsons made
it clear he would be very happy to
follow his treat with bacon! So my
wife cooked up a bit of that to go
with this unique "Breakfast of
It's often the little things that
make the day and this tradition is
no exception.
Hope no one else spots those
few leftovers and that all your NEWS
is good!
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Most of us have been to the beach
everyday during our annual family
vacation in Wildwood.
I was reflecting on that as I sat
in my folding chair fighting off the
urge to just go to sleep.
After all there is just so much to
see. Much more than just sand!
There's the ever present advertising
airplanes that drift by overhead towing
banners from local restaurants and
night spots. They've been joined by
at least one vessel with a huge digital
electronic billboard that sails by from
time to time.
Jet skis are now a rather common
sight just yards from where swimmers
ride the waves.
And who can forget the Ice Cream
man who pushes a large cart filled
with dry ice and a wide assortment
of ice cream bars and popsicles.
Unfortunately there's also a bit
of trash like the cups and empty
wrappers and water bottles left
behind by the party goers who set
up next to us today.
Other than that though, it's all
good. Especially the memories of
beach days years gone by and the
ones we're creating this week!
Hope you're got great vacation
memories and that all your NEWS
is good!
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
I posted some thoughts on this blog the
other day about the popularity of those
"Crane machines" here on the boardwalk
in Wildwood.
I must now own up to the fact that the
Arcades were some of my favorite stops
when my Dad and Mon brought me to
the shore every year.
In that regard I suppose the fascination
my grandkids have about these machines
that offer the chance of a great looking
(if actually cheap knock off) prize is
something of an inherited passion.
My first born grandson has been
playing them for the better part of his
visits to the seashore.
But Jason is now 21 and as I write
he and his girlfriend and his aunt and
uncle are preparing to leave us or
the evening to make the short drive
north of here to Atlantic City.
He's not likely to find many Crane
machines in the casinos there but I
suppose with all those years of "Spring
Training" he'll have a much chance as
anybody for winning a prize.
Hope he does and that all his, and
your, NEWS is good.
Monday, June 24, 2019
The condo our family is sharing
for vacation week has just about
everything we need. There's air
conditioning, multi channel tv,
bicycles and a beautiful pool.
But this is the seashore so most
everyone wants to spend time away
from the tv and air conditioning and
at the beach.
We're only about three blocks
away from the surf. But they've
long blocks, especially when you're
dealing with some foot and back
Then, when you finally reach
the beach, you realize the Wildwood
beach is at least a quarter mile of
sand before you get to the waves!
Today we found a way to make
the trip a lot easier!
There's a small indoor garage
right at the boardwalk that only
charges $5 for weekday parking.
We loaded up the beach supplies
and drove to the garage.
Then, after walking up and
over the boardwalk we found an
enterprising man who has hooked
up a trailer, with seats, to his
pickup truck and drives passengers
from the seaside of the boardwalk to
the surf!
It's only a couple bucks which
could seem expensive for a quartet
mile or so until you realize it's hot
sand, you're carrying chairs, towels,
and bags filled with beach supplies,
and the like!
At day's end you've got the same
ton of equipment and you're tired!
So you go to the beach hot dog stand
and he calls the taxi back or you.
Believe me, it's money well
spent. Especially for the return
Hope he's there are week, and
that all your NEWS is good!
Sunday, June 23, 2019
MONDAY, JUNE 24TH., 2019
I've worked for and listened to a lot of
radio stations that pride themselves as being
the "Home of the Golden Oldies."
I like the oldies because, as I've pointed
out before, I played them when they were
new in my few years as a DJ.
I haven't heard any regional stations
playing oldies here in Wildwood and
that surprises me because as many people
will tell you this town might well be
considered the home of those golden
Consider this. Bill Haley and the
Comets first preformed "Rock Around
The Clock" here in Wildwood.
A fellow known as Chubby Checker
also premiered "The Twist" in a night
spot not far from the Wildwood
Bobby Rydell even did a song
about the area. "Oh Those Wildwood
Of course all of those popular
rock songs were generally played on
local AM radio stations and the AM
dial in my car picked up absolutely
nothing when I switched to the Scan
Mode. That's kind of sad.
Guess I'll just fire up the XM
receiver and set it on 50's or 60's.
That should take me back a few
years ago right here at the beach!
Hope they play Bill Hailey
and that all your NEWS is good!
Saturday, June 22, 2019
SUNDAY, JUNE 23RD., 2019
It was the first evening of our annual family
vacation to Wildwood. For some of us a walk
to the boardwalk was a must!
For me it was the combination of tradition
and the need for my ration of Curley Fries.
My son-in-law and two grandkids accompanied
me to the great white way and joined in my French
fry feast.
But it was their actions afterwards that got me
to thinking about how our communities could
raise much of the revenue they now receive by
taxing us.
The solution is very simple. Install "Crane
Machines" everywhere possible. You know.
The devices are filled with attractive (but
cheap) trinkets that have kids, and many adults
as well, dumping quarter after quarter in only
to find, 29 times out of 30, the crane will not
lift the item up and over to the box where
they're suppose to fall out to you.
Put these machines in school hallways
and the district budget will likely end up
with a surplus,
I know you could argue that the money
is still coming from your pocket but at least
there's the fun of trying and the ultimate
lesson to the player that the house always
I just sat back and watched while
enjoying my fries.
Hope the grandkid's money holds out
through the week and that all your NEWS
is good!
(Again, thank you to Karl for watching
the house while we're out trying to win
stuffed animals!)
Friday, June 21, 2019
FRIDAY, JUNE 22ND., 2019
I've cleared of the spare bed,
stocked the fridge with hot dogs
and cheese, a few beers and left
instructions for how to change
channels on the television.
We're going on our annual
family vacation and our occasional
live in relative Karl is moving in
to watch the house.
It's a vacation for him as well
and reminiscent of his basement
quarters he once enjoyed at my
late father-in-law's home.
Don't send the Welcome
Wagon. Karl is not what you'd
call a "people person." Maybe
that's why he's such a good
I'd love to include his photo
with today's blog but Karl has
never, to my knowledge, allowed
anyone to take his picture. And
while I mean no offense, I suspect
if I did get one of him you'd expect
to see numbers beneath his face.
He does not, as you might already
expect, read my blogs. Nor anything
else that comes on a laptop or tablet.
He does enjoy a good joke!
I would like to thank him for
all his help and his willingness to
show up whenever we need him.
Hope we all have a good week
and that all your NEWS is good!
Thursday, June 20, 2019
FRIDAY, JUNE 21ST., 2019
It's finally here (officially that is.)!
June 21st. The Summer Solstice. The
beginning of metrological summer!
It's the longest day of the year so
I should be able to get some extra
sleep and still have plenty of time to
do other things. Like nap!
If you lived at the North Pole
you'd be able to get a lot of things
done today. The sun doesn't set!
There's 24 hours of daylight there
today. Of course it can get a little
chilly there even on the longest
day of the year!
For most of us it means the beginning
of vacation season, swimming pools,
picnics, outdoor fun and the like. In
between rain storms of course.
Get as much in as soon as you can.
The truth is that each day gets a little
bit shorter as of tomorrow so, as that
old song points out, the end of the
beginning is the beginning of the end.
Hope you have a wonderful summer
and that all your NEWS is good!
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
I'm sure each of you has had to
put together a check list from time to
time to make sure you get to everything
that has to, or should, be done.
I've recently realized that a new
task has come up on my daily list and
I find myself making this chore one
of my top priorities.
It's deleting the growing list of
junk emails I find in my inbox every
single day.
They come rom every Tom, Dick,
and Harry you can imagine! Harry, by
the way, is fairly new to the list. It's a
company that sells reasonably priced
shaving razors. I like the product but
I really don't need a daily reminder
that it's available.
This morning I checked (read
that marked for deletion) some 30
emails that might just as well have
been addressed to "Current Occupant."
I realize by doing this I often
ignore my opportunity to secure a
guaranteed loan for my advanced
education or exceptional deals
offered by a multitude of retail
outlets that have somehow added
my address to their sales promotion
I would like to point out I
do not discriminate as I delete
each piece of junk email. I remove
both Republican and Democrat
propaganda as well as appeals for
funding from both parties.
Sob stories and funding
requests from charities and
individuals via email also fall
victim to my daily elimination
The biggest danger I face
is checking too quickly so as not
to recognize an actual email from
a friend who decided to send their
greeting electronically. I get one
or two of those a month too.
I'm not sure how all of this
mess started. When I signed up
for an email account way back in
the laptop stone age I just passed
along my address to some family
and friends I knew used the internet.
Now I'm hearing daily from
candidates, causes, and commercial
Hope they're not hurt by my
failure to reply. And, as for you, hope
all your NEWS is good!
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Sometimes it's not so bad to be
left holding the bag!
My wife and I joined a large group of
senior citizens, excuse me, older active
adults the other day to take part in one of
the best programs offered by Uncle Sam.
It's the Food Voucher Program! It
provides vouchers to seniors that can be
used at participating Farmer's Markets
to buy fresh fruits and vegetables as they
come into season.
The senior gets $20 in vouchers and
the farmers, usually local ones, end up
getting the money.
It's the closest thing to a real "win/
win" program we've ever seen. Of
course it could be even better for
the consumer and the farmer were
the rate to be bumped up to 25 or30
dollars per person. Hint, hint!
Along with the vouchers this year
the participants received an attractive
shopping bag that's great for holding
those fresh farm products and
eliminate the need for plastic bags.
So, in this case at least, being left
holding the bag proved to be a very
positive thing!
Hope the corn is good this season
and that all your NEWS is good.
Monday, June 17, 2019
I always liked the "Dragnet" police
stories, First on radio then on
The lead character, Sgt. Joe Friday.
always questioned witness and
suspects and admonished them to
give "just the facts."
As a news reporter I was always
looking for the facts too and I
appreciated it so much when the
people I questioned just answered
the questions.
Back then though some 80%
of all answers began with the word
"well." You'd hear "Well you see,"
and the sentence would move on from
Some 10 to 15 years ago I noticed
a change. A lot of people, especially
young people, began answering
questions with the word "like.:
"Like, you know" seemed to
beat out "Well, you see."
Seems we're entering a new
era. I was listening to the radio
the other day and heard two
different interviews on two
different stations in which the
person being interviewed began
most of their answers with the
word "so."
(Q) What's causing this
unusual weather?" (A) So,
there are several contributing
None of this upsets me,
although it would have driven
Sgt. Friday crazy.
It's just interesting
to note these changes of habit.
So, hope all your NEWS
is like, well good!
Sunday, June 16, 2019
MONDAY, JUNE 17TH., 2019
Get your motor running, Head out
on the highway!
It's June 17th. This is "Ride To
Work Day!" And the ride of choice
is a Motorcycle or Motor Scooter!
is a Motorcycle or Motor Scooter!
A fellow named Andy Goldfine
began pushing the day 27 years ago
to encourage people to ride their
cycles to work as a way to reduce
carbon emissions and traffic congestion,
and make it easier for everyone – even car
drivers – to find parking spaces in crowded
Of course we probably should note that
Goldfine is also the guy responsible for the
Aerostitch Roadcrafter riding suits that
many motorcycle drivers wear when they're
on the road! Maybe that's just coincidence?
I will not be participating in today's
observance....for several reasons.
First, I don't work anymore. At least
not technically. I sill do a couple "jobs."
But nobody pays me for them anymore.
Secondly, I did take my cycle to work
on a couple occasions a few years back.
It was my way of being born to be wild!
It was my way of being born to be wild!
It's 90cc engine coupled with my weigh
did not work out well when attempting to
climb the hills along my route.
I didn't mind joggers that happen to pass
me by. But the sound of an approaching truck
often made me wish I was riding something
with a Harley rather than a Honda Street/Trail
Logo on its side!
Of course downhill was a lot better, as
long as the other drivers realized I was not
just an illusion trying to share the road!
Still, as Mr. Goldfield suggested, I did
little to pollute the air, only had to fill my
gas tank about every 4th trip, and never, ever,
had a problem finding a place to park!
Mine has basically been sitting for a
couple years now but if you've got a motorcycle,
motor scooter, or even a good bicycle, saddle
up and ride to work today and join in the celebration.
Mine has basically been sitting for a
couple years now but if you've got a motorcycle,
motor scooter, or even a good bicycle, saddle
up and ride to work today and join in the celebration.
"Like a true nature's child, we were born
to be wild."
Hope you find some adventure "in whatever
comes your way," and that all your NEWS is good!
SUNDAY, JUNE 16TH., 2019
It's Father's Day everyone.
But it seems Dad will be sharing
his day with some other celebrations.
June 16th is also Family Awareness
Day and Play catch with someone
day. Both o those, I suppose, can
easily coexist with Father's Day.
Then there's Fudge Day! Also
June 16th. Perhaps you can celebrate
both by giving your Dad a box of
June 16th is also Turkey Lover's
Day. Of course most Dad's would
probably love some turkey on this
special day.
The next one is the one I don't
quite get. I'm sure many a Dad
would enjoy his special day with
a ticket to the old ball game.
But as it happens, June 16th
is "Ladies Day" at the ballparks!
Something fishy there!
Oh well, Dads will probably
gladly share the day, and the fudge!
Hope you have a great day
Dads. and ladies, and that all
your NEWS is good!
Friday, June 14, 2019
I am saddened to hear the news that
the Hazleton YWCA is about to
become a "used to be." The "Y" will
be closing on June 30th.
When I was growing up Hazleton
had two "Y's." The YWCA and the
Even if you've never been a member
you have certainly heard of the latter in
that infamous audience participation
I practically grew up in the YMCA.
The initials, just in case you don't know,
representative "Young Men's Christian
Association." The YWCA was the
women's counterpart.
But don't let the name fool you.
One of the most active members in
my circle was a young Jewish boy.
The "Y," either one, was the
original "health and civic club" in
our community.
We had a swimming pool, a
weight room, ping pong and pool
tables and two bowling lanes. I set
pins there or a time but well before
that I listened to old radio programs
like "The Shadow" and "Fibber McGee
and Molly" while my Dad bowled in
one of the regular Men's league there.
There were clubs for the kids.
I was President of the Model
Train and Rifle Club, taught
archery there and, believe it or not,
was Chaplin of our "High Y Club."
My Dad actually met my Mom
while she was attending a meeting
at the YWCA. The Projection booth
at the old Grand Movie Theater had
a window that overlooked a window
in the room where my Mom's group
had gathered. They struck up a
conversation and, as they say, the
rest is history.
We played on the streets back
then but it was great to have
structured indoor activities at the
I was never inside the YWCA
but there was a old story I believe to
be true that reported the swimming
pool in that building was built below
the elevation of the city sewer lines
and consequently, was never used.
Years after I left my hometown
both of the old buildings were closed
and demolished and a brand new "Y"
was built just a couple blocks away.
I was inside a couple times and
was very impressed by both the
building and the programs that were
being offered. My two oldest grandkids
took swimming lessons there.
The Board cited ongoing financial
problems for its decision to close. One
report indicated it reached out to
community leaders for help. But it
hasn't come. WHY?
I'm wondering if that reach included Hazleton
native Joe Maddon who manages the
Chicago Cubs Baseball team and who
has headed a number of efforts to bring
people in the community together?
Seems to me everybody in town
should be singing the praise of the
YMCA (or W) and coming together
to save this wonderful institution.
Hope they do so that all their
NEWS, and yours, is good!
Thursday, June 13, 2019
FRIDAY, JUNE 14TH., 2019
We stopped in our favorite Flea
Market over the weekend. Somehow,
in a room packed with bits and pieces
of this and that, my wife spotted a
small grill in the middle of a shelf
about 10 feet off the floor.
She questioned the man responsible
for that section of merchandise and
learned it was a table top propane grill
that was never used and virtually brand
He was asking ten bucks and my
wife asked me if I was interested. I,
in effect, was on the grill.
Just last year we had two full sized
grills hauled away by a scrap dealer.
One had been rebuilt by a friend many
years ago while the other was given to
us by friends when they got a new one.
Both provided a lot of good hot dogs,
burgers and steaks over the years but both
completely malfunctioned a season ago
and repairs proved too expensive.
Add to that the fact my son does
most of the grilling these days either in
his back yard or at the camper we all
So, if I endorsed the small grill, I
knew I'd be doing it with the probability
I'd be the guy expected to put it to use.
With some reluctance I agreed and
the unit now sits atop a picnic table in
our backyard.
We had a close call last night when
my wife suggested a couple hot dogs
might be a nice early evening treat.
No sooner had I agreed when
the downpour hit! Saved. At least for
the moment.
I'm not hoping for rain but, perhaps
my son will call! Hope all your NEWS
is good!
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Whether you say this in Italian or
English the phrase is bittersweet. I've
long since forgotten most of what they
tried to teach me in my high school
Italian class but if I've this one right
it means "Goodbye Granddaughter."
Roberta Papa came to us as an
exchange student living with my
daughter, son-in-law, and their two
kids last year.
It took about an hour to accept
her as another grandchild!
Her enthusiasm to get involved
with every phase of family, school,
and community life has been
overwhelming! Her appreciation
for anything done on her behalf
is as impressive as her ever present
It has been both an honor and
true pleasure to be a small part of
her life. She quickly became a big
part of ours!
The "'down side" for us is the
need to say farewell as she returns
to her family and home in Italy. She
graduated from Wyoming Area High
School last week and has one more
year of high school to complete in her
native Sicily next semester.
I feel like Dorthey in the Wizard
of Oz when she said goodbye to the
Scarecrow as she left the Emerald
Palace to return to Kanas. "I think,
she said, I'll miss you most of all."
How quickly the time seems to
have gone by! It brings to mind
the lyrics of a song by Roger
Whittaker "The first time that we
said hello, began our last goodbye."
"Grannie" and I are sincerely
hoping life will allow us more
"hellos" with this beautiful,
intelligent, and thoughtful young
lady somewhere in time.
Meanwhile Roberta please
know our hearts and love go with
you where ever you may be!
Congratulations on all your
successes here in the USA and on
being named the first Italian
member of the DeCosmo "Picnic
Buona Fortuna e tanto amore!
Grandpa & Grannie DeCosmo
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Long before Spiderman spun his first
web or Hulk became incredible there was
the original Super Hero, Superman!
I mention the man of steel because
June 12th is "Superman Day."
The date was only chosen a few years
back and that was in connection with
the release of a new Superman movie.
That movie has come and gone but
we're still celebrating.
I've been a Superman fan since, as
a kid, I bought every Superman comic
book as sun as it hit the stands. Of course
they only cost a dime back then.
I was thrilled when the superhero
came to my neighborhood movie
theater in the form of a weekly serial.
And I never even noticed the lack of
color in his suit which of course, was
filmed in glorious black and white.
I even had a glow in the dark
painting of Superman flying right
through a brick wall.
I appreciated my hero even more
when I became "a mild mannered
reporter for a great metropolitan"
TV station! I've worked along side
my share of Lois Lane's and Jimmy
Olsen's too and took orders from a
few bosses that acted a lot like
Perry White!
I'm still doing some television
but I'm not on the regular news beat
anymore. It's just as well I suppose.
It's really hard to find a phone booth
these days
Hope you're all fighting for
truth. justice, and the American way
so that all out NEWS is good!
Monday, June 10, 2019
Straws are becoming a thing of the
past and that's got me a little concerned.
There are all kinds of good reasons
why establishments such as McDonalds
and Starbucks are phasing out plastic
Some argue that there are types of
plastic used in straws that are made with
materials that are potentially toxic or
The straws don't disintegrate and can
remain in the environment for 2,000
It's tough to argue about those kinds
of facts but I like using straws.
They keep my lips away from
restaurant glasses I can't be sure were
completely sanitized.
They seem to make my milk shake
last longer. When they're made the right
away the shake is tough to suck up
quickly through the straw.
Most of all I love opening the end
of the straw cover the blowing into ,my
straw and shooting the cover at someone
else sitting at our table,
My wife used to do that too till she
hit one of our grandkids in the eye. He
was OK but she felt bad.
I'm told alternatives will be available
like, perhaps, paper straws. I'm OK with
that if I can still shoot off the cover.
Hope my aim is better than my
wife's and that all your NEWS is good.
Sunday, June 9, 2019
MONDAY, JUNE 10TH., 2019
Writing has gone through a lot of
evolution over the years.
I don't mean "style." I'm writing
about the mechanics of writing.
From drawings on the walls of
caves to the quill which penned our
Declaration of Independence.
But one of the biggest revolutions
in writing happened 75-years-ago
That's the day the Bíró brothers,
László and György, got Patent
# 2,390,636 for their invention....
the Ball Point Pen!
It's hard to believe it was only
available to the wealthy initially.
These days most of us have
lost or misplaced more Ball Point
Pens than all the quills that ever
Many companies hand them out
as promotional items. Although
most banks still chain them to those
platforms where you endorse your
Personally I favored the fountain
pen.....up until I ruined my 4th white
shirt with leaking ink! I believe it was
my wife who suggested I switch to a
Ball Point!
I generally have about 3 or 4 Ball
Point Pens within ten feet. I use them
till they won't write anymore.
Of course the advent of the Lap
Top has me doing most of my writing
on line these days.
But when it comes to personal letters,
thank you notes, Birthday Cards and such,
I still turn to the Bíró boy's invention to
get my message out!
Now if we can just find a way to make
sure there's one close by to take down a
message or number when someone's
trying to rattle off that stuff on the
Hope you've got one somewhere
where you can find it and that all your
NEWS is good!
Saturday, June 8, 2019
As some of you may know I picked
up a new boat last week. Well, to be
perfectly accurate, my son and grandson
did the "picking up" and hauled the
vessel to a lake where my son's family
has a camper.
A very good friend of mine gave me
the 14 foot boat which we knew would
be a great addition to the camping
My son and his father-in-law
hauled the boat to the shore of the
lake the other day. But the only
thing that got launched was my son.
He thought his father-in-law had
hold of the boat as he swung it
around. He didn't. My son ended up
in the lake.
I know it should have been me.
I've been advised to go jump in one
on several occasions.
In any case I handled the
inaugural voyage yesterday with
my daughter-in-law, granddaughter,
and grandson on board.
In all fairness my son helped
by pushing us off. This time however,
only his feet got wet!
I have an electric motor I plan
to install on the vessel. Until I do
it is, of course, a row boat. And I
am the rower! Consequently the
sail across the small lake took a
little longer than expected.
Good exercise I'm told!
Hope the soreness goes
away soon and that all your NEWS
is good!
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