Sunday, March 31, 2024


   MONDAY, APRIL 1, 2024


 Time for today's blog friends! It's the

start of a brand new month and I'd like

to say thank you to all of you to check

out my daily essay! Many check "Like"

on Facebook and some offer comments

as well. Today, praise from Caesar! Got

a note from my wife. It reads......."Just

wanted to tell you how proud I am of

your daily Blog. It's humor and wisdom

demonstrate how very talented and clever

you are. It's no wonder so many people

are impressed by your brilliant writings!

Your wife.

P.S. It's April Fools Day!

Thanks dear! Hope you're all enjoying

the day and that all your NEWS is

good! (No fooling!)

Saturday, March 30, 2024


  SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 2024


  Today is Easter. Probably one of

only two days throughout the year

when most churches are at near

capacity. The Covid epidemic

forced people away from church

and many have not returned. Most

churches now broadcast their

service on line in an effort to

reach people in their homes.

But you just can't beat a good,\in 

person, service to get people

involved. One of our former

pastors had a great way to

involve the congregation in our

worship service. We called it

his "Shoe Box Challenge."

Each week a different member

of the congregation would place

something in the shoebox. The

pastor would open it before his

sermon at which time he was

challenged to tie the object,

whatever it was, to the day's

sermon. It was a real challenge

on most Sundays but I must say

he usually came through with

flying colors. I had the shoebox

one Easter Sunday. Some people

were surprised when the pastor 

opened it. It was empty! was the tomb!

Happy Easter everyone. I hope all

your NEWS is good!       

Friday, March 29, 2024


    SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 2024


   It's March 30th friends. " National Virtual

Vacation Day! This is a day created in

2016 by Terrance Talks Travel. It's a day

to remind you don't have to wait for

retirement or your scheduled time off

to get the feel of a nice trip. No bags to

pack, no airline boardings to deal with.

You're only limited by your dreams.

There are several ways to take your

virtual vacation. You might go through

your albums from trips you've made

years ago and relive some of those

great memories. Or head to your laptop.

There are live cameras in vacation

hot spots all around the world, Pick

one and enjoy the live video from

places like Rome, the Matterhorn,

or whatever moves you. It's an easy

way to "get away" for a couple hours.

Or maybe you can checkout the

Travelworld web site and get an\

idea about future tours that are

coming up. Leona and I will be

escorting two trips to New Hampshire

this year and there's still space on

our busses. We'd love to have a

few of you BLOG readers join us.

Meanwhile enjoy your virtual

vacation day. Hope all your NEWS

is good! 

Thursday, March 28, 2024


       FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 2024


   This is a very big day at Niagara Falls.
   But it's no Honeymoon!
   March 29th is "Niagara Falls Runs Dry
   Local residents, and tourists, will be
celebrating an event that took place on
March 29th of 1848!
   Ice blocked the river on that day and
literally shut off the falls!
   I saw the same thing! But it was in
1969! Yep! I saw Niagara Falls turned
   My wife and I were on our Honeymoon
at the time and Niagara Falls was on our
list of places we wanted to see.
   Imagine our surprise when we got there
and found the falls, at least the American
falls, dry!
    It wasn't some David Copperfield trick
or the biggest plumbing problem you
ever saw. It was science.
    A team of engineers was conducting a
survey to determine how quickly the edge
of the falls was deteriorating. To do that
that had to stop the flow of water. So they
built a earth dam upstream and diverted
all of the river water over to the Canadian
    Any would be dare devil, thinking of
that old "over the falls barrel trick," probably
had second thoughts if he or she saw what's
really under those thousands of tons of
water that pour over the brink every second!
    People riding aboard the popular "Maid
of the Mist" got an up close view of boulders
as big as the iceberg that sank the Titanic!
    It was probably the biggest thing at the
Falls since 1953 when Marilyn Monroe
filmed a movie there!
    Of course the water is flowing again
these days. But the community, on both sides
of the border, is always looking for a reason
to celebrate. And you can be sure that none
of the pubs there will be "dry" today!
    Perhaps toss an ice cube into my wine
and raise a toast to the falls today!
    Hope you'll get there one of these days
and that all your NEWS is good!

             Niagara Falls 1969



Wednesday, March 27, 2024


   THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 2024


   It's March 28th. "Weed Appreciation

Day!" Now to fully appreciate your

weeds you've got to know what they

are. Actually ANY PLANT IS A WEED if it's

growing where you don't want them to

grow. So, any flower can be a weed!

The dandeline is a good example. It's

a plant used in salads and often turned

into wine. But find a collection of them

scattered throughout your back yard and

chances are you'll pull them out as weeds.

Of course there's another plant usually

just called "weed" that probably shouldn't

be growing in your back yard! Hope you're

appreciating your weeds, like dandelions,

and that all your NEWS is good! 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024




   The last Wednesday in March, and

that would be today, is observed

annually as "Little Red Wagon Day!"

The famous little red wagon, often a

"Radio Flyer" which encouraged kid's

imaginations! To them that wagon

could be a sports car, a jet place, or

even a Rocket ship! How to celebrate?

Well there's a docudrama called

The Little Red Wagon. You might

consider gathering round as a family

to watch that and have some pop

corn! Better yet, encourage the kids

to get out and play with their little

red wagon. You may even want to

take a turn yourself to relive some

childhood memories! Be careful if

you do! It's much harder to get in

and out of them these days! Have

fun and I hope all your NEWS is


Monday, March 25, 2024


   TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 2024


   I love telling my readers and

viewers about the many unofficial

and unusual "holidays" I find 

listed on various web sites

throughout the year. March itself

is filled with unusual holidays.

But here's one you should really

appreciate. Marc 26th is "Make

Your Own Holiday Day!"

That's right. This is a day for

you to come up with your own

holiday idea! I for one plan one

that calls for rest, relaxation and fun.

How about you? If you come up

with something neat let me know.

Maybe I'll share it with the rest

of this BLOG family! Hope you

create a great one and that all

your NEWS is good!  

Sunday, March 24, 2024


   MONDAY,MARCH 25, 2024

          HIGH STAKES!

     Seems there's one Pennsylvania

industry that's doing pretty darn well

in spite of the high gas prices!

It's the Gambling industry! In

2021 the state took in 4.73 Billion

dollars in gambling revenues. It's grown

since then! There's plenty of cars parked

at all of our area casinos and thousands

of lottery tickets are sold every single 

day for all of the many games played daily!

I mention this because March happens to be

"Problem Gambling Awareness Month!"

Most folks who gamble don't have a problem

with it except, perhaps, for losing money

they might better use somewhere else. But

others become obsessed and keep wagering

and waiting for that big jackpot that surely

will come along any time. It could happen.

But don't BET on it! The "House" most always

wins! Still, I hope your luck and all your NEWS

is good!


Saturday, March 23, 2024


     SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 2024


   It's Spring everybody. I know it's

been pretty cold around these parts for

the past couple of days. But it's Spring!

That brings me back to my youth in

my home town of Hazleton when I

always searched for chicks around

this time of the year. You had to know

where to find them. But I knew just

the place to find some pretty ones

And I found them. Problem is, I

wasn't allowed to take one home.

Oh, I should probably mention I

was talking about the chicks, peeps

if you will, they gave away at a few

local gas stations around Easter every

year. You could get one with every

five dollars of gas you purchased. My

Dad said we need the gas but not the

chicks so it was a "no go" for me.

Years later I resumed my search for

"chicks" but not at the gas station.

I finally found a good one and now

she's my wife! Hope you got

your "chick" and that all your

NEWS is good! 

Friday, March 22, 2024


   SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 2024

                  OK DAY!

   March 23rd is "OK Day" on our list of

unusual "holidays." We use the phrase

OK everyday probably without ever giving

it a thought. But think about it. Where did

the term "OK" come from? The most popular

story suggests that "OK" was born in a

Boston newsroom back in 1839 when a

group of editors were joking around about

abbreviations. One suggestion was that

the letters O and K be used as an

abbreviation for "All Correct." The idea

could have just faded away. But 1840

was an election year and the abbreviation

turned into a campaign slogan for

President Martin Van Buren who was

seeking reelection. Van Buren came

from the community of  Kinderhook,

New York. His supporters began to

call him "Old Kinderhook" and then

used the town's initials in a slogan,

calling out "OK is OK!" Ironically

everything was not OK for Old

Kinderhook as he lost the election

to William Henry Harrison! Well,

here's hoping everything is OK with 

you and that all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, March 21, 2024


   FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2024

        NOTHING DOING!         


        I know I'm repeating myself or, rather, my

blog. But how could I not make sure you were
all aware of this important though unofficial
     Saint Patrick's Day and all of its related
parades and celebrations seem to get all the
attention during March.
      That's too bad because there are a lot of
other things well worth celebrating in this
month which heralds the arrival of Spring.
       Take today, for instance, This is
"National Goof Off Day!" It was created
by Monica Dufour of Davison Mi. and her
grandfather. He had a radio show and was
encouraging people to call in with ideas.
She disguised her voice and called with
a suggestion that there be a "Goof-Off Day."
A newspaper heard the call and printed a
story supporting the idea. So there you
have it!
    I've been rehearsing for this day for
many years! I think I've just about got it
down to a science.
        They did a survey a few years back
and found that most of those who
"celebrated" this unusual holiday did so
by playing video games.
       That seemed a bit strenuous for me.
       I elected to just sit around as much
as possible and do pretty much nothing!
       I would have no objections to
extending this observance to a week or
more. In fact "National Goof Off Month"
seems to offer a lot of potential to my
way of thinking.
      One small bit of advice. If you plan
to celebrate by taking the day off from
work you might be better off suggesting
you're ill rather than citing this holiday
as the reason. Some bosses don't observe
the day.
      Hope you'll mark it on your
calendar and that all your NEWS is good!


Wednesday, March 20, 2024


  THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 2024


  March 21st is "National Memory

Day." Our ability to remember things

is an important part of our human

existence. We evolve based on the

things we learn and remember. The

research world tells us too many

people are relying on technology,

such as smart phones, to remind us

of things that must or should be done.

It's suggested you write things down

as a means of helping your memory.

So lets all celebrate! Teel your friends

so everyone of us can observe.....ah...

what did I say we were observing? Oh

yes. Memory Day. Hope you remember

to celebrate and that all your NEWS

is good.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


   WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 2024


   Well it's come everybody. A day you

have waited for. Well, maybe not. March

20th is "World Frog Day!" The biological

name for the Frog order is Anura. They make

up 7486 of the 8478 known species of

amphibians on our planet! But the Frog's

habitat is shrinking around the world and

several species have been placed on the

endangered list! I spoke with my 8-year-

old grandson Anthony about this and asked

if he knew why that was a problem we

should be concerned about. He said "Yes.

If we don't do something about it those

frogs with croak! Enough said. Hope

you're frogs are well and all your NEWS

is good!   

Monday, March 18, 2024


        TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 2024


   Don't feel down. I know St. Patrick's

Day is over and there's a lot of time from

now till the next official holiday. But

there's still plenty to celebrate and today,

March 19th, is a perfect example. Today

is National Sports Car Racing Day! It's

Certified Nurses Day! March 19th is

also National Corn Dog Day and 

National Backyard Day. You probably

never noticed that March 19th is

National Poultry Day in addition to

National Chocolate Carmel Day. And

if that's not enough to make you smile

this is also the day the Swallows return

to Capistrano! The Robins haven't

shown up here yet but there's still a

few hours till Spring begins so they're

bound to be around soon! Hope you're

celebrating something and that all your

NEWS is good!


Sunday, March 17, 2024


      MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2024


    Today we remember an are tragedy that

led to a popular song! It was on this day in

1965 that driver Gene Sesky was driving

his loaded truck into Scranton. Family

members said the clutch gave out as Sesky

was headed down the steep Moosic Street

which prevented him from shifting into a

low gear. Sesky could have jumped but

didn't. Instead he yell to people and 

sounded the truck's air horn as he

tried to steer around traffic and people

in the area. It's estimated the truck

reached a speed of 100miles per hour

before it crashed at South Irving Avenue.

Sesky was killed instantly! Years later,

in 1974, singer Harry Chapin recounted

the crash in a song appropriately titled

"30,000 pounds of bananas!" That's

what Seky was hauling! He is remembered

as a hero for sticking with his runaway

truck in an attempt to save others. Hope

you remember and that all your NEWS

is good. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024


    SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 2024


    And I'll bet you thought all the excitement

centers on Saint Patrick's Day! Nope!
    As the title revels, this is "Fix A Leak
Week!" It "runs" through March 24th.
    According to the statistics household
leaks waste about a trillion gallons of
water across the United States annually!
    Of course you're encouraged to fix
them as soon as they happen rather than
just waiting for this week. This is just a
time to remind you to pay attention to
that drip in your house. (The water one!)
      If you haven't done it lately you should
check your faucets, shower heads, and
toilets to make sure they're not leaking.
      Should you find a leak you should
repair the problem or call someone who
knows ho to do it. In my house, for
instance, I'd call my wife!
       Leaky pipes aren't that terribly
difficult to find and repair. There are
other leaks, however, that are much
harder to handle. Most of those leaks
are found in government!
       Unlike water leaks, sometimes
governmental leaks can be good!
They can expose problems far worse
than broken pipes that need more than
a plumber's attention!

       I was all set with hammers, a
wrench, and pliers to stop the leak
in out kitchen sink when my wife came
in and simply turned off the water! 
I think she said something about there
still being "One big drip" in the room.
I don't like the way she looked at me
when she said that!!
       Hope we're all looking for and
fixing any problems related to leaks
this week and that all your NEWS
is good!


Friday, March 15, 2024


    SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 2024

   TIME TO GIVE YOU SOME LIP!            

  Welcome to March 16th." Lip 

Appreciation Day!" Most people

don't give much thought to lips

except for the females who apply

lipstick for every occasion. But

lips are very important. They help

protect our teeth from the elements.

They're essential for eating and

drinking, and they help us present

a pleasant smile! I appreciate my

lips. I had cancer in the lower one

and had to have surgery. A skin graft

was taken from behind my ear to

complete the reconstruction. I guess

that's why I can hear myself whistle

much better now than before. Of course

I must admit I appreciate other lips,

my wife's, a lot more than my own!

Hope you appreciate yours and that

all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, March 14, 2024


      FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2024

           THE IDES OF MARCH

  "Beware the Ides of March!" That

warning came in a play about Roman

Emperor Julius Caesar written by

William Shakespeare. In real life

Caesar was assassinated on March

15th 44 BC.  But even before the

Roman Emperor was slain the day

was know as the date when one's

debts were to be paid. So you might

want to make good on all your

IOU's today and be sure you don't

have a "friend" named Brutus!

I hope all your luck, and NEWS,

is good today!   

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


   THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2024


   This is one of those unusual "holidays"

I don't believe many of your will be

celebrating or observing. March 14th is

"Save A Spider Day!" I don't believe too

many of us are prone to saving spiders

or appreciating them in nay way! We

are told, however, that spiders do have

some redeeming qualities. Sime spider

venom is used to make new medicines.

And engineers study spider webs which,

ounce for ounce, is stronger than steel!

Our son found a spider, a rather large one,

in his bedroom the other day. Unfortunately

for that spider it was not "Save A Spider

Day" and it was not spared! Whatever

your view on spiders may happen to be

I hope you'll note the "holiday" and that

all your NEWS is good!.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024


        WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2024

                    LENDING A HAND!

     It's March 13th which just happens to

be "Good Samaritan Day." It is a day when

we are encouraged to lend a hand and help

those who may need assistance, as in the

story of the good Samaritan from the Bible.

Of course being helpful can sometimes

lead to some strange situations. Like

that of the homeowner who was

awakened by a knock on his door one

very stormy night. He answered it only

to find an intoxicated man outside

who said he needed a push. The

homeowner shouted "No" and

slammed the door. But, once back

in his bedroom his wife reminded him

of the parable of the Good Samaritan.

The homeowner went back to the

door and yelled "Are you still there?

Do you still need a push?" "Yes," the\man

replied. "Where are you asked the

homeowner? " The reply........"I'm

over here on the swing!"

Hope you're helping others where

and whenever you can and that all

yoiur NEWS is good!  


Monday, March 11, 2024


   TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 2025


   Guess who's 113 years old today? It's

the Girl Scouts. Well, not the girls. It's
the Girl Scout Organization! I don't
believe any of the original members
are still around.
    Juliette Gordon Low started the first
 Girl Scout group in Savannah Georgia 
with 18 girls on March 12th., 1912.
That was a month before the Titanic
went down!
    Girl Scouting runs in our family
although I've never been one myself.
I was a Scout for awhile. A Cub
      My wife was a Scout Leader
when my daughters were involved in
the program and both of our older
granddaughters were Girl Scouts
for a time. Our youngest granddaughter

was a girl scout and our daughter-in-law
helped with the meetings and activities
in her troop.
      These days there are Boy Scout
Troops that are enrolling girls. 
However you feel about that it
probably would have kept me in
Scouting a lot longer if they did
it when I was a Cub!
       Thankfully, one tradition
remains unchanged. The Girl
Scouts still sell cookies! 
       Hope you're ordering
some from your favorite
Girl Scout and that all your
NEWS is good.  

Sunday, March 10, 2024


     MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2024


 It's March 11th everybody and that means    

   it's John Chapman's Birthday. He was born 
on this date in 1774.
     Mr. Chapman was an American pioneer
nurseryman who introduced apple trees
to large parts of Pennsylvania. But he didn't
stop there!
      His trees were distributed in Ohio,
Indiana,  Illinois, and northern counties
of West Virginia to name a few of the
      Thanks to his efforts I've enjoyed
plenty of apples over the years and an
apple dumpling whenever I can find
     Oh, by the way, you may remember
Mr Chapman by his other name.
Johnny Appleseed!
     Yep. It's a true story!
     Hope you'll have an apple in his
honor today and that all your NEWS
is good!

  It's March 11th everybody! And that

means it's John Chapman Day!!!


Saturday, March 9, 2024


      SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 2024

       STAYING 'CONNECTED!'       

   You "older folks" may have to help

the kids with this one! March 10th is

"Land Line Telephone Day!" A lot

of younger people know little or

nothing about a land line or "Home

telephone." These days most everyone

has a Smart or Cell phone to search

the web, take pictures, send texts, and,

yes, even make and receive telephone

calls. But before those cell phones

came along everybody was "wired"

to Ma Bell (the Telephone company)

to make your personal or business

calls. A little less that 50$ of people,

me included, still have a land line

telephone at home. And they still

offer some advantages. The sound

quality on a good land line phone

is hard to beat. They work in areas

where there are few if any cell phone

towers. And, if nothing else, you can

use them to dial your own cell phone

when you've misplaced it so you can

listen for the ring to see where you 

left it! Hope you've got the right

number and that all your NEWS is


Friday, March 8, 2024


    SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 2024

           WHO'S CALLING?


     Regular followers of my Blog know how

I love to tell you about unusual but unofficial

holidays. Well today we observe what is likely

the newest of those "celebrations." March 9th

is "Slam The Scam Day!" It was created just

two years ago in an effort to alert people to

the growing number of Scams they face these

days. The scammers usually arrive by a telephone

call. They claim to represent some government

agency and demand payment for some debt

that say you owe Uncle Sam or claim your

social security number has been compromised

and you've got to take action of some sort.

Sometimes they demand payment and threaten

you with arrest. Sometimes they want you to

give up personal information to "verify your

account." Well truth be known the Federal

Government never calls to make such demands

or request such information. And yet, in 2022,

some 500 million dollars was lost to scammers!

The trick is to be aware of these schemes before

they take you by surprise. The best advice is to

simply reject calls from someone you don't know

or hand up immediately if you hear from someone

demanding money or requestion personal

information. I must admit I tend to play along

with the scammers from time to time and 

usually they're the ones that hang up on me.

Especially when they ask for my social securing

number and I tell them I'm so old my number is

"1." Hope you stay alert for the scammers, slam

them when they call, and that all your NEWS is


Thursday, March 7, 2024


    FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2024


    Odds are most of you never heard of

Don Ku. But if you're a traveler you can

thank him for making your life a little

bit easier. On March 8th of 1994 Don

got a patent for a suitcase on wheels

with a collapsible handle. His invention

literally took the load off of a lot of

people trying to make their way through

busy airports and boarding ramps at docks

everywhere. If only he had included a

homing device to make sure that luggage

ended up the same place and at the same

time as you!!! Hope you've got all your

bags and that all your NEWS is good!  

Wednesday, March 6, 2024


     THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2024


  This is "National Cereal Day!" I've

always liked cereal but when I was a 

kid I got it more for the prizes the

company offered than for the taste of

the product. I used to send about 25cents

and two box tops (or one box top and one

box bottom) for some kind of premium 

that appealed to a little boy. Cereals 

started to develop around the time of

the Civil War. Back then a lot of people

had digestive problems brought about

by eating way too much meat along

with caffeine. A guy named Dr. James

Jackson came up with brand nuggets.

They were a good alternative to meat

and coffee but they had to be soaked

overnight so they could be more easily

digested the following day. Dr. Jackson

started a sot of Health Spa to focus on

things like nutrition. Among his guests,

John Kellogg and William Post. They

liked the cereal idea for breakfast.

Kellogg and his brother came up with

a way to "flake" wheat, They did it

accidentally by the way! And along

came Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Post came

up with Grape Nuts before developing

his own brand of corn flakes. 49% of

all Americans begin their day with some

brand of cereal. So, perhaps you'll

celebrate this day with your favorite

brand today? Enjoy them but don't

crush or mash them! After all you

don't want o be known as a "Cereal

Killer!" Have a great day! Hope

all your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 2024

         IT'S A SLAM DUNK!  

   Welcome to March 6th. "National

Oreo Day!" The Oreo is America's

most popular cookie! The cookie

originated way back in 1912. It was

originally called the Oreo Biscuit.

That was changed to the Oreo Cream

Sandwich which evolved simply into

the Oreo! It you stacked all the Oreos

ever made they would reach to the moon

and back more than 5 times! Some people

take the cookie apart for eating, sometimes

licking up the icing first. Women are far

more likely to do that then men! Of course

a lot of folks like to dunk their Oreos as

they eat. I was just about to do that last

night when my wife told me most people

dunk them in Milk! I'll have to try that

sometime. But I already had my wine

poured. Hope you'll celebrate with a

few Oreos today and that all your NEWS

is good! 

Monday, March 4, 2024




   I was checking my listing of unusual

"holidays" in March and discovered

that the entire month is "Play the

Recorder Month!" I got excited and

pulled out my hand sized cassette

recorder and a couple cassette tapes

to enjoy some popular music. Unfortunately

the batteries were as old as the tapes

and it wouldn't play. That's probably

just as well because the "recorder" we

are being encouraged to play is

actually that small flute-like instrument

many of us were introduced to in

elementary school. We've probably

all tried one or heard our kids or

grandkids do their best to try to

play classics like "Twinkle twinkle

little star" or the like. I decided to 

celebrate by digging out a 

recorder we've had at the house

for many years. I tried a few note

but put it away after my wife told

me the cassette machine, the one

that didn't work, sounded better!

There's no accounting for musical

taste around here! Hope you're

hitting all the right notes and

that all your NEWS is good!

Sunday, March 3, 2024


    MONDAY, MARCH 4, 2024


 No! I didn't say "Home Wreckers.!

I'm talking about "Holmes Wreckers."

I saw an interesting historical post

with my email yesterday and thought

I'd share it with you. It's a story that

began way back in 1916 when a

mechanic in Tennessee got word

that a guy driving a Model T Ford had

run into a creek. He grabbed a rope and

some blocks and went to help. He and

5 others took 8 hours to get the car out

of the stream! The mechanic, Ernest

Holmes, realized there must be a better

way to handle situations like that. He

attached a chain and pully system on

his 1913 Cadillac thus inventing the

first Tow Truck, or Wrecker as those

type vehicles have come to be known!

He made other improvements over the

years and became a Tow Truck supplier

for the Army in World Wars I and II.

He even came up with wreckers

for NASCAR! Holmes wreckers can

still be found on the road today! Reminds

me of a caution one of my former TV

photographers gave me one day.

Whether your car is new or

day "the Hook" will get it! Just thought

you ought to know! Hope all your NEWS

is good!

Saturday, March 2, 2024


   SUNDAY, MARCH 3RD., 2024

             I'LL GET TO IT!

    I think it's only fair to tell you
this is National Procrastination Week!
It actually runs for two weeks!
     We all put things off from time
to time. It's OK during this celebration..
      I've got a list of things I'm
suppose to do. Now I've got an
official excuse to put them off a
little longer!
       There are several expressed goals
for the week. The first is to celebrate
the act of procrastinating by leaving
necessary tasks to be done at a later
time. There are, however, other
purposes for the holiday. One claim
is that the week of putting-off provides
a mental and emotional break causing
a decrease in stress and anxiety!
         So take it easy this week and
don't rush to get things done!
         Hope you enjoy the break and
that all your NEWS is good  

Friday, March 1, 2024


    SATURDAY MARCH 2, 2024

           SAME OLD?

   How many times have you asked

someone "What's new?" only to have

them reply "Same old same old."

Well in a sense this is their day! March

2nd is "Old Stuff Day." But it is not a

day to do the same old stuff! Quite the

contrary. It is a day to encourage you

to look for some new activities. Have

some new adventures in your life.

Maybe meet some new friends. Find

some new projects. Maybe some new

hobby! Find ways to get away from

doing "the same old stuff." My wife

told me I'm the perfect guy to talk

about old stuff. I think it was a

compliment. But I'm not absolutely

sure! Anyway, hope you enjoy some

new endeavors today and that all your

NEWS is good!