What an exciting day!
It's Halloween. It's Frankenstein
Friday. And, it's Increase Your
Psychic Power Day!
But then, you psychics must
have already know all that.
Psychic Day seems to
have originated in England back
in the 19th century. Some sites
list it on October 30th. Most
associate it with Halloween.
It's a day to work on those
psychic powers.
Flip a coin and predict
whether it will be heads or tails.
When the phone rings, identify
the caller before you pick up the
receiver. If you're right,or
consistent with those coin calls,
you may be psychic.
I think I may be Psychic.
My wife says I'm partially right.
She says I'm just spelling it wrong.
In my case, she says, there's an "o"
in the word.
I think I know what she is trying
to say. That would make me
right. Right?
OK. Let's give it a try!
I see children in your future,
knocking at your door, asking for
something. I see you doing something
with your clocks this weekend. I see
the weather getting colder.
It's amazing! All this psychic
ability and I haven't been able to pick
the Lottery numbers.
Hope you can...and that all your
NEWS is good!