Monday, October 27, 2014

What's In The Trunk?

   Trick or Treating, we used to call in
"Halloweening," is not what it used to
    When I was a kid we dressed up,
went door to door, sang a song or told
a joke, then hoped for either a Hershey
Bar or a quarter. The quarters were the
treat of choice since you could always
buy a Hershey Bar!
     We never had to worry about a
tainted "treat" or being mistreated by
someone along the way.
     Unfortunately that innocence was
lost somewhere along the way.
     There are still plenty of safe
neighborhoods these days and it's
always safer to have the parents escorting
the kids nowadays. We pretty much used
to head out on our own.
     Anyway, there are also great options
these days that assure safe Halloween fun
and a bag full of goodies.
     Yesterday one such option was offered
by the Plains Township Lions Club in our
     It's called "Trick or Trunk."  A lot of
good people from our town loaded their
car trunks and pickup beds with treats
and gathered at the community park to
welcome hundreds of kids in their
Halloween costumes!
     Most of the adults were in costume too!
     It's hard to tell which group was having
more fun!
     The kids, of course, will get another
crack at filling their bags again on
Halloween evening. But it was really nice
to see the community coming together to
support this fun and safe event!
      Judging from the "take" I suspect
local Dentists will be pleased too!
      Hope you're ready for October
31st and that all your NEWS is good!


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