Back in the days when I was on
the news beat my assignments took
me all though northeastern and
central Pennsylvania. Where ever
we drive I'm likely to say "I did a
story here."
I literally met thousands of
people and left most of them as
friends. Not close personal friends.
But friends, in a general sense.
When I joined Facebook some
four or five years ago I got a lot of
requests from people who wanted
to be on my "Friends List." Many
wrote of remembering my TV days.
Before long I had a list that included
nearly 3,500 people!
Lately though I have noticed an
increased number of Friends Requests
from folks who are unlikely to have
seen me on TV.
Right now, for instance, I have
requests pending from IbNu Sungkar
Virareal, Gauri Sakhare, and Diletta
Luna to name just a few.
I can't seem to remember covering
any stories in Indonesia, India, or
Villamagna, Italy. So unless my
episode of Forensic Files has made it
to those places I'm not sure how these
would be Friends know me or why
they'd want to! If they're already your
friends let me know so we can become
mutual friends. Otherwise I think I'll
hold their, and a few other requests for
friends let me know so we can become
mutual friends. Otherwise I think I'll
hold their, and a few other requests for
Hope we're still friends and that
all your NEWS is good!

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