Thursday, December 22, 2016


    FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23RD., 2016
            WALKING THE MALL

      My grandson and I spent some time
 at the Wyoming Valley Mall Thursday.
 We've been there a couple times since
 the weather turned cold because it's a
 good place to take a walk inside!
       There were a lot of people there!
 But they weren't there to walk. They
 were there to shop!
        I suppose you'd call them "last
 minute shoppers" although I can
 recall a couple times doing my last
 minute shopping on December 24th!
         The sounds of Christmas were
 everywhere. Carols playing on the
 sound system. The rush of people
 passing by, their arms filled with
 packages. And the sound of crying
 coming from a little girl would be
 happier if Santa just came to her
 house without being subjected to
 having to sit on his lap for a picture!
 Funny how such a popular guy can
 strike fear into the hearts of some
         My grandson and I just took it
 all in and topped off our visit with a
 hot pretzel from Auntie Ann's! Just
 one old guy on a bench and one
 young guy in a stroller, eating our
pretzel and watching the world go by!
         Somewhat inspired by the 
 atmosphere I did give in and bought
 one present for my wife. Hope this
"early buying" doesn't become a habit,
and that all your NEWS is good!

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