"Show me your John Hancock" is usually
a request for your signature. Today, however,
it's much more.
You see January 23rd is National Handwriting
Day!" It is a day established by the Writing
Instrument Manufacture's Association back in
1977 to promote the use of pens, pencils, and
writing paper. It is a day when you're encouraged
to step away from your computer keyboard
(the thing I'm using now) or typewriter for the
few of those who either have one or know what
they are, and actually write a letter, a note, a
pome, anything, by hand.
Of course as the teaching of "Cursive"
disappears from more and more classrooms,
we find it harder to find individuals that can
write anything by hand.......unless they print it!
I'm wondering if the day is drawing near
when the documents written by our founding
fathers will be unintelligible to young people
who can neither read or write in Cursive style!
I mean, as it is, it's difficult to decipher Script
placed on paper with a Quill Pen!
That's one of the reasons the founders of
this unique "holiday" choose January 23rd.
It's the Birthday of John Hancock whose
signature cannot be missed on the Declaration
of Independence!
So those of you who are brave of heart,
give it a try. Pick up a pen or pencil and
write something today. Even if it's just your
grocery list!
Hope you use Cursive and that

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