Friday, August 31, 2018



   Welcome to Saturday, September 1st,
also known as "International Bacon Day!"
It;s an unofficial observance celebrated
on the Saturday before Labor Day.
     I have two grandsons who would, if
allowed, make this a daily holiday in the
USA. They are the reason we have had
at least two Thanksgiving turkeys
wrapped in bacon!
      The day is typically "celebrated"
in social gatherings in which
participants create and consume dishes
containing bacon including bacon
themed  breakfasts, lunches, dinners
and even bacon flavored drinks!
       Still healing from last week's lip
surgery I am unable to join in this
delicious celebration. Perhaps I'll
take a rain (or in this case a bacon)
       I trust the rest of you will continue
this great tradition and do your part.
But remember, Canadian Bacon is
really just ham so go "American!"
        Hope you'll enjoy the day and
that all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, August 30, 2018


   FRIDAY, AUGUST 31ST., 2018
            SITTING PRETTY!

  If you know her this isn't news to
you. My wife is a gem!
  During my convalescence from lip
surgery she has been by my side,
checking on my comfort, and providing
the liquids and straws I need to drink
my meals.
    On Thursday, however, she went
above and beyond. She bought and
installed a new toilet seat!!!!!
     Our old seat, probably the 2nd we've
ever had, was beginning to show signs
of age. Oh it was clean enough. But
some sort of protective plastic cover,
probably shrink attached at the factory,
had begun to crack and crumble. It
just wasn't the same smooth seat it
once was.
      I admit to being a bit surprised
when I saw her carry it out of WalMart.
      It's probably good she didn't wait
for me to buy one. I'd likely have picked
the wrong color or size. Do them come
in sizes?
       Anyhow it's here and, as I said,
installed and ready for use. I may
drink some extra milkshakes tomorrow!
       Hope she kept those books close
by and that all your NEWS is good!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


                NOW HEAR THIS!

   Well I showed up early at my
dermatologist's office Wednesday for
surgery to remove squamous cell
cancer from my lower lip. Having had
a similar procedure awhile back on the
right side of the same lip I pretty much
knew what to expect.....I thought!
    This job turned out to be a little
bigger than either the Doctor or I
planned for.
     The cancer had spread a bit so
the incision had to be big enough to
get out everything that had to go. But
that left a pot hole that, proportionally,
could be equated to those we've all
been dealing with on our streets and
       As you probably already know
dermatologists don't keep a supply of
either cold or hot patch on had for
such situations. Instead they use a
procedure called a skin graft!
        So, after having sever injections
of anesthetic in my lip I had another
done behind my left ear. That's where
the doc got the "extra skin" to fill up
my lip!
         It will take awhile for the "ear
skin" to turn into :lip skin" but he says
it will work. As for the hole behind my
ear there was enough extra skin there
to stitch together and tighten things up.
        I'm looking forward to being able
to speak and eat again sometime soon.
I'm also especially looking forward to
complete recovery eventually  because
the sore on my lip prohibited me from
whistling the way I used to.
         When this is all done my lip
should have a far better "ear" for
           Hope the milkshakes keep
coming and that all your NEWS is

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


                LAST (NIGHT'S)  SUPPER!

   I've been trying to cut down on my weight
a bit over, I guess, the past few months. I've
enjoyed  modest success but the key to any
success whatever is based on my ability to
say "no." I haven't always been able to do
that but it's worked more times than not.
    I've especially tried to limit my input
for supper because that's always my
biggest meal of the day.
    Today (Wednesday), however, I'll
be visiting my dermatologist who'll be
preforming MOS surgery to remove
some cancer from my lower lip.
    Facing the need to intake my meals
through straws for awhile I caved when
my wife offered to cook up some
spaghetti and sausage for supper! I
even had seconds including a third
piece of sausage.
      It will undoubtedly show up on
the scale in the morning. But that's
before the operation which could
result in a very successful diet of
milk shakes and soup for a week or
so. I can live with that!
      If it takes much longer I'll
buy a blender and throw some
spaghetti and sausage in there!
      Hope all your NEWS (and
mine) is good!     

Monday, August 27, 2018


             SCHOOL DAYS!

    My Face book page has been loaded
with photos of kids and grandkids heading
"back to school."
     Many of them are "firsts." You know.
First day of school. First day of 3rd grade.
First last day of school (reserved of course
for High School seniors.)
      I actually remember my first day of
school. To some extent it set the standard
for most of my academic career. I cried
and was consoled by a female student.
And my favorite part of the day was
going home.
       Of course school was different
then. Everybody walked there. In my
case that was a hike of two and one
half blocks. There was no Kindergarten
at my elementary school until a few
years after I started going there so my
first day was in first grade.
        School, back the, started
after Labor Day!! And snow
seldom stopped us!
       12 full years of school. Less
tears for the most part but my favorite
part of the day was still going home!
       Three of our grandchildren have,
basically. never not been in school!
The two oldest have a Mom who
taught in a school with  an attached
day care and nursery so they were
in school cribs and playrooms while
their Mom was in a classroom close
       My youngest has been in a
nursery for most of his three years
and, in fact, he's been going there
while other kids enjoy summers
off! No wonder he looks so happy
when  I come in the door to take
him out!
       That's more years that some
Felons do!
        So best wishes to all of you
starting school, a new grade, or
just another year. Hope you're
not in tears and that all your
NEWS is good!


Sunday, August 26, 2018


    MONDAY, AUGUST 27TH., 2018

     Most of you are well aware I use
Facebook a lot. There are posts about
my family, my trips, my TV show on
Electric City Television and, of course,
my daily blog.
      I love to share these things with
family and friends and Facebook offers
an easy way to do that.
      Every since I first joined I've been
accepting "Friend requests" from many
of the people  who asked me to do so.
Often their home location or
profession suggests that know me from
my nearly 60 years in the local media
or through mutual friends.
      But that's become a little less
dependable than it used to be.
      After accepting a few Friend requests
from people who claim to live in the
area or be area natives I've received
messages from them usually beginning
with something simple like "Hi. How
are you doing?"
        Deciding to greet my new "friends"
I've replied with comments such as "Fine
thank you. And you?" And that's when
it begins.
         Those greetings are followed by
a message in which the new "friend"
tells me how great life is now then
asks "Have you heard the good news?"
Usually, no matter how you reply
you then receive an invitation to
take advantage of some new government
program that offers you something for
nothing. I believe it's usually a federal
grant or the like.
          Now I'm all for getting free money
for doing virtually nothing but I've yet to
find a legitimate program like that.
          My policy now is to immediately
click on my new "friend's name" and
Unfriend them! Seems they're just
identity thieves who have come up with
some scam for anyone accepting their
"Friend request" and I suppose they
get enough suckers to make their
scheme work out.
           Of course I could be wrong and,
by now, I've probably lost thousands in
free money and about two dozen  new
             Think I'll just stick with you guys!
Hope you're still a friend and that all your
"Good NEWS" comes in my blog!          


  SUNDAY, AUGUST 28TH., 2018
           MY COUSIN VINNY?


  Some 60 people were gathered at a Barn in
Schuylkill County yesterday.
  But this was no Grange meeting or Barn Dance!
  This was the 107th annual reunion of the
Singley Family! No....I have not attended them
   For those who don't already know, my middle
name is Singley. It was my mother's maiden
name and she was logically proud of a family
name that has been traced back to the American
Revolution. (I wasn't involved it that either!)
   My Mom and Dad used to bring me to the
reunion every year. It was held in a small church
in the community of Zion Grove. After a service
meeting, we would all go outside to the church
pavilion where we could either buy food prepared
by church volunteers or dig into the covered
dishes many people would bring along.
   I fell away from the meetings during my teen
years. So did a lot of others. But a couple of
years ago a few of the cousins expanded the
gathering to a family farm not far from the
church. They still hold the meeting and family
"business' session at the pavilion. But, since
the church no longer has volunteers to prepare
food, we all go to the farm where there is what
can only be described as a feast and a whole
lot of fun for the kids!
    They don't play with IPods there! They
play poor, or ping pong in the barn or an 
exciting ride in the cor4n fields in the 4
wheel drive Ranger!
    Everybody knows we're all related in some
way even if there are faces we seldom see and
names we might not always remember.
    There's bound to be a "Cousin Vinny" in
there somewhere!
     There's corn. fresh from the field, broworst,
and what seems like a hundred deserts! You
don't start your diet here!
     What's really great is to see the kids enjoying
some "farm living!" They're the ones that will
have to take the Singley's towards the 200th
reunion! I think the family has a chance to get
there! I hope they do....and that all your NEWS
is good!

Friday, August 24, 2018


           I HEAR YA COMING!
       The road running past our
development goes up a hill, through
the woods, and leads to a rather
unique structure.
        It is a double arch tunnel.
There are railroad tracks on top.
One of the arches covers a mountain
stream. The other is for traffic.
        But the roadway beneath the
tunnel is very narrow. There's no
more for cars to pass each other
so you've got to go through one
way at a time.
        Tradition mandates that a
driver entering the tunnel sound
his or her horn so drivers approaching
from the other direction can be alerted
someone's already coming through.
        I sometimes walk on another
road nearby and have discovered that
any opportunity to sound a car horn
is not only welcomed by most drivers
it is a chance to "lay on that horn!"
       Some just sound the blast from
the moment that start into the tunnel
to the second they come out the other
side. Others, perhaps a bit more
musical, seem to sound random "beeps"
as they proceed.
        It must be especially entertaining,
although "entertaining" may not exactly
be the right word, for a few homeowners
who live on the east side of the underpass.
You see, even though headlights would
be just as effective, drivers, most of them
men, see the need to continue their
mobile symphony even as their pass
through the tunnel at night!
       It's times like this when I miss the
specialty horn I had installed in my old
jeep. I think both other drivers and
neighbors would be delighted to hear
the strains of "Take Me Out To The
Ballgame," or "Dixie" as I passed through
the arch! I had about 50 different selections
so I could do a whole show as I passed
back and forth.
      Hope they hear you coming...and that
all your NEWS is good!


Thursday, August 23, 2018


  FRIDAY, AUGUST 24TH., 2018
          LIFE IN THE FORT!

    First I'd like to say a personal
"Thank you" to all of you who took
the time to read my last Blog on the
passing of our very dear family friend
Peg Biscombe. I have passed your
condolences along to my old friend
Bob, her husband, who was touched
by learning of some much support.
     I escaped the melancholy
memories that might have saddened
my day by spending time with our
two youngest grandkids.
      They reminded me of how happy
the simple things in life can be. It's
hard to be down when you're playing
the part of "Robbie The Robot"
stabbing bits of Chicken nuggets
and shoveling them into the mouth
of a 3-year-old.
      My wife, on the other hand, has
become the "volunteer" model for
our granddaughter's make up class.
At least she gets to rest on the bed
while all that lipstick, eye shadow,
and stuff is applied.
      I tend to be down on the floor
with the grandson playing with
either cars or Thomas the Tank
trains. Or both. Admittedly the
hardest part for me is getting
back up.
       But the highlight of their
day, I think, was watching some
Disney program on Netflix from
the confines of the "Fort" Grannie
created with a couple of snack
tray tables, a blanket draped
above, and two pillows and a
second blanket underneath!
         To them that fort is as
far away as you can get from
any trouble in the world and as
secure as Fort Knox!
           There are times, I think,
when we should spend more
time in forts like that instead of
worrying about anything! I'd
have jumped in right away but
I pictured myself trying to get
back up and settled for the
rocker nearby!
           Hope you've got a "fort"
somewhere (or can build one)
and that all your NEWS is

Wednesday, August 22, 2018



    While I long to make you laugh or
smile with my daily blogs today I am
forced to offer one of a serious nature.
      As I write I received word that a
dear family friend has left us for her
new home in Heaven.
      Peg Biscombe was married to my
best friend Bob. I've been friends with
him since Grade School and with Peg
since they were married 50-years-ago.
My wife met Peg about the time we
were married and their friendship
developed immediately.
       We have shared so many memories!
 I remember, for instance, playing ball
in the back yard of Peg's family's home
the very day she married Bob! And the
many visits we shared with she and Bob
as our and their kids were growing up.
Though our homes are separated by many
miles we have found ways and time to
come together as often as possible.
   Peg was always fully of energy!
She was a Physical Education teacher
and was always so very fit.
       A few years back she was diagnosed
with Parkinson's Disease and, shortly
thereafter, her memory began to fade.
Eventually it became clear she had
Alzheimer's which robbed her of both
memory and her ability to communicate
with others.
        The physical Peg was still there. Go
on a hike with her just 4 or 5 years ago
and you'd be hard pressed to keep up.
But as the disease progressed she could
so less and less for herself. Bob was her
care giver through those years and did
whatever was necessary to provide for
the woman he vowed to be with "for
better or worse."
        For several weeks now it became
clear that the end was near. Bob took
her to Wyoming where their son Jason
was able to visit and where Kelly, their
daughter, and her family reside.
        As it was for all of their lives, Bob
was always there. Right until she passed.
         I have written a pome for Bob
reflecting on his walk through life
with Peg. Allow me to share just a
short portion of it with you in her
honor and for his sake.

        "I was called to make this
this journey by the Lord God up
    And in truth I'm walking with you
 still.  For you'll always be my love."

       Farewell for the moment dear
friend. We'll see you later.
        Dave & Leona DeCosmo

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


                       LIP SERVICE!

    I got one of those calls from my doctor
Tuesday that you'd rather not get. The
small sore on my lower lip that hasn't
healed properly is a case of squamous
cell carcinoma. That's medical talk for
skin cancer.
     The determination was made after
a "sample" was removed from the
affected area which, in essence, ,means
a chunk was taken out of my lip to be
examined. I was left with a sore lip and
a stitch.
     I've gone through this once before
having had the same thing happen to
the other side of my lip. Next week
I'll go into his office for so-called
MOS surgery.
     It's somewhat ironic this
procedure seems to be named after
one of the Three Stooges since it
leaves one in a stooge like predicament.
     For a week or so I'll be expected
to speak like a ventriloquist, moving
my lips as little as possible while
trying to communicate with family
and friends. It's especially tough, I
thing, for a guy whose career has
been in communications!
     I am thinking about drawing
eyes and a nose just above and
behind my left thumb and creating
my own character similar to that
used by a once famous comic
called Senor Wences who created
his ventriloquist dummy that way.
       Maybe I can make a few bucks
while I'm healing!
       It's not a gigantic deal. My first
surgery worked out very well and I
healed fairly quickly. I'm trying to
work my schedule on ECTV so I
won't have to do the act on my
weekly show there. Television
already has more than its share of
dummies these days!
         Hope I'll look more like
Brad Pitt when it's over and that
all your NEWS is good!


Monday, August 20, 2018



    There's just something about sliding
that makes one feel good. As long as
it's not in your car on an icy road!
     My wife and I were at the Little
League World Series in South
Williamsport yesterday to take in a
couple games. I used to love to slide
when I played softball although some
leagues prohibit it. Usually the rule
is designed to protest the slider, not
so much the fielder.
       We saw a couple good slides by
players. But there were a lot more
exhibited by some fans!
        It's almost as traditional as
Little League itself. Kids show up
on the steep hill overlooking
Lamade Stadium with huge pieces
of cardboard which they use as
sleds to carry then down the slope.
         When the grass becomes too
chewed up to work well they improvise.
Sometimes they'll make their own
track out of carboard and use it as
their runway. A few brave souls
wrap their carboard in a circle
then climb inside and roll down
the hill. It's fun to watch but I
won't try it.
          I have learned over the
past few years that I am often
able to slide, on anything, just
by walking. I therefore stay
clear of things like ice, hills,
and wet surfaces whenever
           Hope, if you do slide, you're
called "Safe" and that all your NEWS
is good!

Sunday, August 19, 2018


     MONDAY, AUGUST 20TH., 2018

    Two of our grandsons accompanied us
to church Sunday and, afterwards, the 3
year old said he'd like to go to a playground.
His older cousin agreed which meant we'd
have an extra hand to try to keep up with
the little guy!
     Since we were already in Mountaintop
my wife suggested one of the playgrounds
she used to use "back in the day." That
took us to the Fairview Township Municipal
     The road in was as she remembered as
was the stream and the old swimming pond.
The playground equipment, however, has
all been updated, When you see how safe
playgrounds like this are these days you've
got to wonder how the rest of us survived
the "old days."
       There was a time when a fall from
a swing or slide meant landing on rocks
and dirt. Now-a-days you can almost
bounce when you hit the shredded
rubber that coats the ground.
        Don't get me wrong. I'm very
pleased the playgrounds are being made
as safe as possible. I'd probably have a
couple less scars had they been built this
way 60 some years ago!
         And it's nice to see some old
stomping grounds preserved and
           Hope you've got some great
playground memories and that all your
NEWS is good!


Saturday, August 18, 2018


    SUNDAY AUGUST 19TH., 2018

    My wife and I prefer to travel so
called secondary roads when we're out
for a drive. If you take the time to look
or even stop there are a lot of interesting
things to see.
      Our Saturday began with a ride to
what we thought was our grandson's
soccer game. Turns out there was no
game. But, just around the block, we
found a neighborhood yard sale. My
wife found several puzzles at bargain
       When the sun came out the top
came down and we were on the road
again. First stop a Flea Market at
Blakeslee where my wife found....yep,
a puzzle!
        Next stop a short walk along the
Lehigh Gorge Park from an area near
White Haven known as the Tannery.
We might have walked a bit futher
but heavy bicycle traffic and a little
fatigue prompted a decision to drive
on. So we did. To Weatherly.
          There's a community park there
that reminds one of a small New
England town. There's a snack shop,
playground, and a beautiful vintage
Band Shell which still serves as the
stage for a concert every now and then.
           Unfortunately the swimming
lake fell victim to flood damage a few
weeks ago. It's been drained for
cleaning but local swimmers will have
to wait till next season.
             The rains returned as we left
so the top went up as we negotiated
the Weatherly Hill Climb road
then turned onto Buck Mountain
where "the haunted couch" still rests
along roadside waiting for unaware
travelers to test it's deadly curse by
sitting on it three times! I have
determined that the curse is real. If
one sits on the stone sofa three times
they will unquestionably die. Of
course the curse doesn't say when!
             So many sights seldom seen
but worth a look. Hope you do, and
that all your NEWS is good!

Friday, August 17, 2018


     SATURDAY, AUGUST 18TH., 2018
             POETRY IN MOTION.

     August 18th is "Bad Poetry Day!"
    Heaven knows we've all heard our share
of bad poetry over the years. I've written
plenty myself!
     Little birdie in the cage, How I wonder
what your I tried to pass that
off as blank verse.
     There have probably been a million
bad poems beginning with the line "Roses
are red." They're still coming up with new
      My first exposure came from my uncle
who was fond of repeating  "Little Billy
hung his sister. She was gone before they missed
her. Always up to naughty tricks, little Billy's
only 6."
      I wrote about this day in a previous blog
and listed a couple of the bad poems I wrote.
But in that last blog I promised I'd share with
you one with which I won a contest  aboard a
train roaring through the Canadian Rockies.
Poetry in motion if you will!
      We were traveling next to a river that sees
huge Salmon running upstream in season and
our coach attendant challenged us to come up
a poem with the fish as its subject.
       As I recall 4 or 5 of us entered and at
least 3 would qualify for honors in Bad
Poetry Day.
       Mine was more serious so even though
the day is suppose to be about bad poems I
humbly submit mine for your reviews.

"WELL DONE."       

          Hope your life rhymes well and
that all your NEWS is good.

Thursday, August 16, 2018


    FRIDAY, AUGUST 17TH., 2018

   My wife, three grand kids and I spent
some time in the Alley Thursday,  It was
a Bowling Alley.
    Our granddaughter Jenna was helping
us watch her two small cousins and
suggested it might be nice to take advantage
of the air conditioning at the bowling lanes
to have some fun and beat the heat,
     I elected to watch and take some photos
as the others played.
     I was happy to see the facility's shoe
collection included something small
enough for the three year old. But watching
the little guy try to carry even a 6 pound ball
was rather a humorous sight! I sat close by
ready to help but made sure he didn't have the
ball in close proximity to my feet!
      The game was "Bumper Bowling" which
involves inflatable bags that seal off the
gutters on both sides of the bowling lane. It's
something I would have loved to have had back
in my bowling days.
       The kids were also assisted by a portable
ramp placed at the foul line when their turns
came up. Instead of walking to the line
swinging the ball then rolling it forward, one
places the ball on top of the ramp, which is
generally aimed at the center of the lane, then
pushes the ball off so it rolls towards the pins.
          Even with all these modern assists a
perfect game was not in the cards. At least
not in a "scoring sense." Judging by enjoyment,
however, I'd say they rolled several perfect
           It brought back a lot of memories for
me. Days at the YMCA in Hazleton where I
actually sat above the other end of the alley
then manually set the pins and rolled the ball
back. A really good bowler could hit those pins
with such force they'd fly as us "Pinboys" on
our ledge just above the lane. We dodged a
few close one from time to time.
           Later both my wife and I were in a
Bowling League which we eventually gave
up because, back then, smoking was allowed
and the bowling lanes were usually
filled with a thick cloud from Chesterfields
and Lucky Strikes (not the bowling kind)!
           I may get back to it. Especially if
they let me use the bumpers!
           Hope you read this in your "spare"
time and that all your NEWS is good!