Friday, July 26, 2024


     SATURDAY, JULY 27, 2024

          HOWDY PARTNER!

    Put on your boots and your Stetson
everybody. July 27th is "National Day
Of The Cowboy!"
    Observed annually on the 4th Saturday
of each July, the day is set aside to
celebrate the contributions of Cowboys
(and girls) to America's culture and
     When I was a little kid most boys
I knew wanted to be a Cowboy. They
were a lot more popular back in those
     Cowboy programs were all over
the radio. The Lone Ranger, Sky King,
and even Gunsmoke, long before there
was a TV in every living room.
      Our neighborhood movie theaters
usually featured a double feature of
two Westerns every Saturday afternoon
and stage shows, while they still
existed, often featured some well known
Cowboy star.
        Cowboy stories were almost always
pretty simple and you could always tell
the good guys from the bad guys!
          Times, of course, have changed.
Cowboy stories still come out in the
movies from time to time but it's a lot
harder to tell the good guys from  the
bad guys these days.
            I sometimes dressed as a
Cowboy for Halloween. Try that today
with a 6-gun cap pistol in your holster!
            I'm glad there's an effort to
salute the Cowboys (and girls) and
what they've meant to our country!
They sure meant a lot to me back in
the day!
           Happy Trails to you and may
all your NEWS be good!

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