Tuesday, October 31, 2023



                SHOULD I?


          I had just completed a couple errands

and was thinking about other things that

need to be done when I realized it was

November 1st. This marks the annual

"Give Up Your Should Of Day!" The idea

is simple. You give up things like "I should go

to the gym. I should lose weight. I should help

clean up the house." Toss them all out the window!

After last year's  "Give Up Your Should

Of Day" participants reported feeling a lot better

about themselves! Some of them felf so much

better they gave up their "Should of''s" for the

following day too! I think it's a great holiday

that we should celebrate more often. And one

we shouldn't put off! Hope you're well and that

all your NEWS is good. 

Monday, October 30, 2023




    It's Halloween! A time for Witches,
Ghosts, and Scary stories!
    I've covered a lot of scary stories
during my days as a reporter. Of course
some of the most frightening dealt with
politics. They still scare me!
     I also covered a few stories just
perfect to be retold on Halloween.
One involves "the stone couch."
     There's a back road that runs
between the Weatherly area and
Eckley Miner's Village over what
most people know as Buck Mountain.
      In an appropriately desolate
stretch of that road travelers will
come across a huge rock formation
(or carving) that looks very much
like a couch.
      The story of the couch has
numerous versions depending on
who's telling it.
       The one I first heard suggests
that one sitting on the couch will
become ill. If one sits upon it a
second time he or she, or their
family will be involved in a serious
       The ultimate curse, according
to the legend, awaits those who sit
on the couch a third time. In that
case they will die!
        As an objective reporter I
usually put no stock in these type
of horror stories.
        I can say without question,
however, that part of this story is
real! If you sit on the stone couch,
whether it be once, twice, or a third
time, you will die.
        In fact even if you don't sit on
the couch you will die. The only
question is when?
        I haven't bothered to sit on it
anyway. Just in case!
        Happy Halloween! Hope all
your NEWS is good.

Sunday, October 29, 2023



     MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2023

           ONE COLD SCARE!

     Halloween is still a day away. But you don't have to wait

for a good scare!
   You may have a chill in store tonight...IF....you observe a
bizarre "holiday" that's scheduled for this pre-Halloween Eve!
   So you're thinking "Mischief Night". right?
   The chill tonight will be coming from something lurking
right in your own house! It may be behind you as you read
this essay!
    You see October 30th is "Haunted Refrigerator Night!"
     Ruth and Thomas Roy came up with this unusual
     They suggest there's no need to go out to one of those
"Haunted Houses" when you could have the scare of a
lifetime waiting right there in your Fridge or Freezer!
      You may or may not have been keeping your
refrigerator closed just in case there's a power outage
in your neighborhood.
      But even if you occasionally reach in for a snack or
a beverage there's a good chance it's been quite awhile
since you really checked all of the items buried inside
that cold vault!
      So here's the plan.
      Turn out the lights.  Perhaps a couple of candles
 would be appropriate.
      Gather around your refrigerator this night…open the door
slowly and take in a deep breath…slowly move things around
and see what is lurking in that container or box buried in there!
      With a little luck you're discover a forgotten treat that's
been safely maintained in its cold surroundings.
       Of course there's also the chance you may be growing
your own penicillin on some leftover that's been forgotten
far too long ago. And that, my friends, is SCARY!
       Either way this is a great setting (and excuse) for a
Haunted Refrigerator Party!
       And mark the date on your calendar for next year so
you don't miss it!
       Hope that little light inside is working and that all
your NEWS is good!


Saturday, October 28, 2023


  SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2023


    It's October 29th. The date of an old

Cornish Festival known as "Allentide."

It's observed the Saturday cloest to

Halloween and, in fact, it's closely associated

with ghosts and such just like Halloween.

But Allentide features a couple traditions

that are, to say the least, unique! Apples

were given out as gifts on Allentide. But

young girls didn't eat them. Instead they

placed them under their pillows, Tooth

Fairy style, in the belief they would then

dream of the man they were to marry!

Another unusual Allentide tradition involved

hanging apples from a suspended board with

candles on top of the plank. You "bobbed"

for the apples by reaching up rather than

dunking into a pail of water. Proble is, if

you tilted the board as you stretched for your

apple you were likely to get some hot candle

wax on your head! I think I'll stick with

Hallowen's Trick or Treat traditions! Hope

you're well and that all your NEWS is good!

Friday, October 27, 2023


     SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2023


   Decisions, decisions! It's October

28th and according to my list

there were two unofficial, but

interesting, holidays being observed

today.  "National Chocolate Day."

And "International Champagne

Day!" I know one observes Chocolate

Day by consuming chocolates. The

instructions for Champagne Day are

in French so I'm not sure exactly what was

expected. I would think, however, that

drinking champagne would be a logical

part of any celebration. Not wishing to 

offend anyone I couldn't celebrate

which to observe. Then I learned

Champagne Day was moved this year.

It was actually yesterday, October 27th.

Feeling sad about missing the day I

decided to celebrate both today!

I have one full bottle and one box

of chocolates. That should do it! Hope

you'll be celebrating too and that all

 your NEWS is good! (With enough champagne

and chocolate it should be!) 

Thursday, October 26, 2023


   FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2023

             TIME FLIES!

   You hear it asked all the time! "Where

has this year gone?" The summer seems

to have whizzed by! It seems like we should

still be in September instead of near the end

of October. But a visit to a local supermarket

may have provided the answer. I found

the hall where the shopping carts are kept

fully stocked with snow shovels and small

children's sleds! Halloween decorations

could be seen in many shops even before

Labor Day. So now I think I get it. 

Marketing is forcing us to be absorbed 

into holidays and seasonal changes long

before they actually happen! Perhaps it's

time to relax a bit and let time slide by

slowly! Hope you do, that you're well,

and that all your NEWS is good!   

Wednesday, October 25, 2023


      THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2023


   This is "National Senior Fitness Day!" 

It's a time to encourage those of us who

have "logged a few miles" to be aware

of the importance of exercise! It can help

live a few more of those Senior years! I'm

a firm believer in exercise so I decided to

join in the day's efforts. I sat on my porch

rocking chair, rocking back and forth while

holding a 3 pound weight in each hand!

Pretty impressive I'd say. My wife disagrees.

But, what does she know? Even as she watched

me she insisted there were three dumbells on

the porch! Hope you're fit and that all your

NEWS is good!  

Tuesday, October 24, 2023



                HEAT UP THE OIL!

      Some of you will love this unusual "holiday"

I'm about to tell you about. Others may have a

heart attack when they learn that today, October

25th., is "National Greasy Food Day!" It is a

day when you are not to feel guilty about

enjoying some of those foods that have been

know to clog arteries! French fries. Hamburgers

from one of those especially greasy grills. And

let's not forget pizza. A favorite around these

parts that can sometimes be measured by it's

greasy texture! I decided to go another

direction and just have some popcorn. But after

just one handful you could hear me screaming

for butter! Tons of butter! Well, whatever

you choose, enjoy the day and I hope all

your NEWS is good!

Monday, October 23, 2023


     TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2023

           A HIDDEN THREAT!

   October 24th marks an unusual "holiday"

that you should know about. This is "Recycle

your mercury thermostat day!" Most

thermostats aren't made with mercury

anymore but there are still plenty around

having been installed many years ago. There

was a time when most of them, like

thermometers, contained mercury. That's

a liquid metal that can cause all kinds

of problems when coming in contact

with people. Heck, as kids, we used to

break open thermometers and play

with the mercury on our hands. Now

we know it can poison the central

nervous system, cause fatigue, and

even hallucinations. The hallucination

symptom has my wife convinced I

played with too much mercury back 

in the day! So be safe, recycle your

old mercury thermostat so I know

you're health and that all your NEWS

will be good!

Sunday, October 22, 2023



     MONDAY, OCTOBER 23RD., 2023
           JOHNNY AND ME!

      This is "TV Talk Show Host Day!"
      It's always observed on Johnny
Carson's Birthday. Some of you may
remember him hosting a Talk Show on
NBC a few years back! Guess he did
pretty well!
      While most of my 60-year broadcast
career was spent as a reporter I began
hosting and producing a Talk Show for
Electric City Television not long after
I left the news beat.
       My show was a bit different than the
ones that followed in Johnny Carson's
         These days I  concentrate on
promoting public service agencies 
that offer help to the community.
          I don't offer a lot of comedy,
at least not intentionally. But I guess
a flub now and then may offer the
audience a chuckle!
          Those big network shows
are very scripted. Mine is a lot
more ad lib. Anyhow I am, in my own
very small way, a part of that unique
group entitles to observe TV Talk Show
Host Day.
           Maybe I should find an announcer
to open my show with..."And now,
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeer's David!"
             Hope you'll watch mine
sometime on Comcast channel 19 or on
Youtube, and that all your NEWS
is good!

Saturday, October 21, 2023


     SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22ND., 2023


        October 22nd is National Nut Day. So
I'm pretty sure a lot of my friends out
there will be celebrating. I know a lot of
Nuts out there! Several are probably
reading this!
    Unless, of course, this is a day that refers
to the food we know as "nuts." I suppose
that's more likely.
     Nuts are said to be nutritious and healthy.
I probably don't eat as many as I should. But
I do buy Chocolate Almond ice cream. And,
of course, I do so for the health benefits!
      When we were in Hawaii a few years ago
I picked up some Macadamia Nuts. I bought
them because they were Spam flavored! Span
and nuts! How healthy can a guy get?
       I know I had some peanuts this year
too. Problem is....Peanuts are not nuts!
They are Legumes, a member of the "Pea"
family. You could have fooled me. I always
thought Mr. Peanut was a "Nut!"
       There are still plenty of nuts to choose
from so buy a bag or a can and enjoy this
special day even thought there is no
documentation to support the claim this
is a "'National" holiday.
       Hope it's not just a "shell game" and
that all your NEWS is good!   


Friday, October 20, 2023



                   A BRIGHTER IDEA!

     Doing my daily blog can sometimes be

a challenge! It's not always easy to come up

with subject matter. I felt that way about today,

October 21st. And then I came up with an idea!

Seems this is the very date, in 1879, that Thomas

Edison experimented withn a carbon filament that

made the buld last for 13.5 hours! Much longer

that any bulb before. These days of course we

have the new light bulbs that are more energy

efficent and are suppose to last very long. Which

is why I was a bit upset when I replaced a burned

put bulb in our kitchen only to have the new one

burn out immediately! Guess it wasn't an "Edison

brand!" Hope you've got all the light you need,

that you're well, and that all your NEWS is good! 

Thursday, October 19, 2023


      FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2023

                 IT ALL ADDS UP!

    Right about now I'm thinking...if they

knew then what we know now! It was

October 20 of 1927 that engineers at

MIT came up with a huge machine which

could solve complicated equations and

math problems in minutes, or hours, that

might take men a lot longer to figure out.

It was, basically, the first electronic computer!

These days most of us carry cell phones that

can preform the same task, tells us the time,

give us the news and weather, and even make

telephone calls. We've come a very long way!

Hope it all adds up for you and that all your

NEWS is good!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


     THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2023


    We've all had it happen. Example. You ask

someone what kind of apples are on a certain

tree and you end up getting a lecture on how

many kinds of apples exist, how long it took

to grow the tree, and how many wars its lived

through. I cite this example because October

19th is "Information Overload Day!" These

days we are bombarded with information.

And more and more of it somes from the world

wide web! You'd be surprised to know the huge

number of people who depend on social media

such as Facebook for their "News!" And yet

Facebook is media filled with people passing

along their opinions as though those opinions

were certified facts. So take a step back today

and remember that the title of my daily blog

is sometimes worth remembering. "No news is

....good news." Still, I hope all your NEWS is



Tuesday, October 17, 2023



                 THE FUNNIES!

      October 18th is "Newspaper Comic
Strip Appreciation Day."
       A lot of people don't get the daily
paper everyday and they're missing a
lot more than local news! They're
missing the funnies!
        I was a devoted reader of the
comic strips back in the day.
        Comics like Blondie, Donald
Duck, The Little King, Ally Opp,
Superman, and the Phantom got me
more into reading that any course
in Literature I ever took in school.
         That could account for my
writings these days.
         Sunday papers were especially
appreciated with at least one full
page of color comics.
           I must admit I'm a bit bias
on the subject since I actually
appeared in the comics!
            I, and my colleagues on
a committee to restore the Joe
Palooka Monument along Route
309, found ourselves included in
that character's comic strip back
in the 1970's.
           We were pictured as judges
in a beauty contest since that was
the subject of the strip's storyline
at the time.
            It's one of my favorite
claims to fame although many
people were not surprised to
find me in the "funnies."  There
are those that think the comic
strip is a perfect place for me!
           Many of my old favorite
comic strips, including Joe Palooka,
and gone now although a few, like
Blondie and the Phantom have
           They're still fun and, in
many cases, better reading than
the news headlines!
           Hope you enjoy them too
and that all your NEWS is good!

Monday, October 16, 2023


    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17TH., 2023

           A DO OVER DAY!

 You don't have to play golf to enjoy this "special day."
 But golfers will certainly understand its significance!
 Today is "Mulligan Day!"
  Basically a "mulligan" is an opportunity to start again.
  You could call it a "Do Over Day!" In fact I did!
  You get to play it again Sam!
  According to the U.S. Golf Association, there are three
possible explanations for the term and its meaning, all
relating to a David Mulligan. "One day Mulligan hit a very
long drive off the first tee, just not straight, and acting on
impulse re-teed and hit again. His partners found it all
amusing, and decided that the shot that Mulligan himself
called a 'correction shot' deserved a better named, so they
called it a 'mulligan.'"
  Students may want to mention this unusual "holiday" to
their teacher in the event of a bad test score.
  If you've done anything wrong on your first try today
you should get a second chance.
  Of course you can't count on mulligans to save your
whole day!
  I don't think you'll get one if you're already driving
south on the Interstate's north bound lanes!
    You should also be careful when using your mulligan.
    Your boss, for instance, may not be observing this
day like the rest of us! A "non believer" like that
could force you to restart your entire career!
    I actually wanted to start this whole Blog over.
    But I'm too busy watching TV!
    Hope you'll use your Mulligan wisely and that
all your NEWS is good!

Sunday, October 15, 2023


    MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2023


   Hi gang! I wonder how many of you are

aware this is "Dictionary Day!" October

16th was selected as the perfect date as it

was the birthday of Noah Webster, considered.

to be the father of the American Dictionary.

Mr. Webster began work on his dictionary.

when he was 43 years old. It took him 27

years to complete his work. But, in reality,

work on the dictionary never really stopped.

As of September 290 new words have been

added in 2023! Words such as "Simp."

A verb used to demonstrate devotion

or longing for someone or something.

I'd tell you about other words but I 

can't. I can't look them up because I

don't know who to spell them! I've been

telling my teachers that for years. But

they kept sending me to the dictionary.

Maybe I'll just Goggle them! Hope you're

up to date on your words and that all

your NEWS is good! 


Saturday, October 14, 2023


     SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2023

             ARE YOU AWARE?

  We have just returned from out wonderful

Travelworld trip to New Hampshire and we're

back just in time to celebrate! As you are

probably aware October 15th officially

kicks off "Rodent Awareness Week!" W

became aware that a rodent was nibbling

on paper products in one of our cabinets.

Rodents will do that, especially at this

time of the year when temperature

drop and they find their way inside

looking for something, anything, to

eat. We decided to treat our rodent to

some cheese. We served it on a rather

old fashioned device generally known

as a Mousetrap! Seems our rodent was

unaware of the device and is no longer

dining on our paper products. Rodents

can be a big problem but you've got to

give them credit. They will never

squeal on other mice. To do so would

make them a "rat!" Hope you're well,

aware of any rodents and that all your

NEWS is good!

Monday, October 9, 2023


    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2023


   October 10th marks the anniversary

of a terrible tragedy that happened right

here in northeastern Pennsylvania. Some

10,000 people from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre,

and the greater Hazleton area gathered in

Hazleton on October 10th., 1888 for a

temperance rally in Hazleton. Many of

those participating were Irish immigrants

seeking to destroy the stereotype image

of the Irish as drunkards. When the rally

ended about 5,000 of those attending

boarded one of eight special trains which

would transport them from Hazleton through

a part of Carbon County and then north to

Wilkes-Barre and Scranton. The 7th of those

trains stopped at the Mud Run Station, a small

isolated station in Kidder Township, Carbon 

County. The engineer believed he had plenty

of time until the 8th and final train  caught up.

He was wrong! The final section of train 

appeared as the engineer of unit 7 was oiling 

his locomotive and the two trains collided!

The old passenger cars, made of wood in those

days, were smashed to pieces and immediately

caught on fine! 64 people died in the wreck

and another 50 were injured! It remains one 

of the worse railroad accidents in U.S. history.

And it happened "right in our backyard" on

this date in 1888. Most people around here

known little or nothing about it and the history

behind it. I thought you ought to know...and

remember! Hope you're well and that all your

NEWS is good!

Sunday, October 8, 2023


    MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2023

                FAIR MUSIC.

    I should quickly point out this blog

has nothing to do with music that is sub

standard. It is, rather, about music your

are likely to hear at a Fair. Or an amusement

park. You see today we're celebrating the

work on inventor Joshua Stoddard from

Worcester, Massachusetts It was on this

day in 1885 that Stoffard received his

pattent for....the calliope! And, let's face

it, what would a fari or amusement park be 

without the music of a colliope playing in

the background. Why it's as American as

apple pie! You've probably enjoyed it over

the years. Hope you still do. And that all yoru

NEWS is good!

Saturday, October 7, 2023


        SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2023


     October 8th is "American Touch

Tag Day!" It's a game you should

remember. Most everybody played it

as children although the name of the

game varied from place to place. Around

our neighborhood it was called "It For

Chasie!" But whatever you called it

the general rules were probably

pretty much the same. Whoever was

"It" had to find and chase an opponent

them tag him or her. Sometimes various

places were designated as Safe spots 

where you were not allowed to be

tagged. Something like standing on a

base in Baseball. Move off and you could

be tagged. The game even inspired a

movie called "Tag" about a group of

adult men who spent one month a year

continuing the game they played as kids!

It's a true story! So celebrate yourself

today by joining in a good old fashion

game of tag with the kids, neighbors,

or anybody else to wants to join in.

TAG! You're it! And I hope your NEWS

is good! 

Friday, October 6, 2023


        SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2023



    October 7th was a milestone day for Johnny

Heisman in 1916. If you don't know much about

the man you probably do know about the trophy

that bears his name. The Heisman Trophy is awarded

to the most outstanding college football player each

year. John Heisman was a well know and very successful

coach. Not just in football! He coached basketball and

baseball too. Additionally, he was a sports writer and...

an actor! His coaching on the football field was the

trait that probably made him most notable. He was,

for instance, one of those who lobbied, successfully,

to make the forward pass a legimate move in the game

of football. As to October 7, 1916, it was on that day that

Heisman, coaching Georgia Tech, had the most lopsided

win in the history of the game. His team defeated Cumberland

222 to 0! Bet he had them pass a lot in that contest! Just

thought you ought to know! Hope you're well and that all

your NEWS is good!

Thursday, October 5, 2023


     FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2023


    Today, October 6th., is "Mad Hatter

Day!" Most of you probably remember

that strange character from Alice In

Wonderland. He drove everybody mad

including Alice! He wore a top hat with

a huge tag reading 10/6. That was the size

of the hat and, coincidentally, the numbers

representing October 6th. That's the main

reason why this is "Mad Hatter Day." While

that seems innocent enough the story behind

the expression "Mad as a hatter" is really quite

serious. In the 1800's many hats, especially

Top Hats were made with a process involving

lead. Once injested into one's system, lead

can cause someone to go insane. Hence "Mad!"

But the character is a colorful one and the 

story is worth reading or watching again and

again. Just don't let it drive your crazy!!! Hope

you're sane and that all your NEWS is good! 

Wednesday, October 4, 2023



     THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2023



   October 7th marks one of those unusual

"holidays" that a lot or parents and kids

probably wish they could observe! It is

"International Walk To School Week!"

It was started in 1997 by the Partnership

For A Walkable America. While created

as a national observance it quickly caught

on in other countries around the world!

When I was a kid I walked to me grade

school (about 2 blocks), to my Junior

High School (about 3 blocks) and to my

High School. The High School was

about a mile hike. At least till I got my

driver's license and could borrow the car!

Last year, because of the pandemic, a walk

to school for many students involves going

from their bedroom to the kitchen or living

room, where ever their lap top was kept.

Most kids are back actually in a school

building this year and, hopefully, at least

some get a chance to walk to school. The

only day or week I would have preferred would

be "Running Home From School Week!"

Hope you're well, walking somewhere, and that

 all your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023



          GREETINGS FROM....

    It's the first full week in October

which means this is "National Postcard

Week!" Postcards have been around

since the 1700's but they didn't go over

very well initially. Many people rejected

them because they didn't like the idea of

other people "reading their mail" just by

looking at the back of the cards. Eventually,

of course, they became very popular as

people sent scenes of their favorite vacation

spots or attractions to family and  friends

back home. For many years they could

so that for just a penny. A penny postage

that is. These days social media has made

a dent on the postcard industry.  You can

send those greetings and pictures instantly

through venues like Facebook and the

like. Still, a lot of people like to but a

postcard from time to time. Some

collect them and a lot end up pasted

on refrigerators. You can still send them

the old fashion way but don't expect

to send them for a penny anymore.

Celebrate by picking up a postcard

and sending it to a family member

or a friend.  of course you'll

need more than a penny stamp

these days. And include a message!  

"Wish you were here" still works!

Hope you're well and that all your

NEWS is good!  

Monday, October 2, 2023



            TALKING TRASH! 

     It's already October! So many great

holidays this month! Halloween. Columbus
Day, or Native American Day if you'd prefer.
    Just so happens one of my favorites falls
on October 2nd. Today! It's National
Custodial Workers Day! It's a day set aside
to pay tribute to all the men and women who
work to keep our environment clean. The
Janitors if you will!
      I began my broadcasting career as a
janitor at a small radio station in my hometown
of Hazleton, Pennsylvania. After the station
signed off the air I'd go in and clean things up.
And after I was done I'd play with the Control
Board. It's one of those "show business like
stories." Somebody got sick and I was the only
available person who knew how the Control
Board worked so I got on the air.
       To this day I can't stand to see paper
thrown on the floor. The janitor in me feels
I must pick it up and throw it in the trash.
Seems, like broadcasting, it's in my blood!
Hope your place is clean and that all your
NEWS is good!