Friday, March 7, 2025



             HE'S BACK!!!

   There's been no shortage of news

during the past few weeks. But one

item, more than any other, captured

my attention! The news release came

from Scotland! It was a brand ne

photo of what just might be The Loch

Ness Monster!  Known as "Nessie," the

first written reports of the creature

appeared in the 7th century biography

of Saint Columba, the Irish missionary

who introduced Christianity to Scotland.

Thousands of sightings and even a few

photographs allegedly depicting Nessie

have been reported since the 1930's

although scientific studies of the deep,

dark lake have reveled nothing. My wife

and I took a cruise on Lock Ness several

years ago. I brought my camera along

and we joined other tourists

scanning the waves for anything out

of the ordinary. They even had

underwater scanners on board to

check for anomalies. But our search

was in vein. Of course I couldn't

watch my camera constantly so there's

a chance I might have missed

something. Maybe the photo released

last week will prompt me to go back

and check every frame of my video.

Who knows what I may find? Hope

I find something and that all your

NEWS is good!   


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