Thursday, March 6, 2025


      FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 2025

          TIME FOR A BOWL!

  This is "National Cereal Day!" I've

always liked cereal but when I was a 

kid I got it more for the prizes the

company offered than for the taste of

the product. I used to send about 25cents

and two box tops (or one box top and one

box bottom) for some kind of premium 

that appealed to a little boy. Cereals 

started to develop around the time of

the Civil War. Back then a lot of people

had digestive problems brought about

by eating way too much meat along

with caffeine. A guy named Dr. James

Jackson came up with brand nuggets.

They were a good alternative to meat

and coffee but they had to be soaked

overnight so they could be more easily

digested the following day. Dr. Jackson

started a sot of Health Spa to focus on

things like nutrition. Among his guests,

John Kellogg and William Post. They

liked the cereal idea for breakfast.

Kellogg and his brother came up with

a way to "flake" wheat, They did it

accidentally by the way! And along

came Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Post came

up with Grape Nuts before developing

his own brand of corn flakes. 49% of

all Americans begin their day with some

brand of cereal. So, perhaps you'll

celebrate this day with your favorite

brand today? Enjoy them but don't

crush or mash them! After all you

don't want o be known as a "Cereal

Killer!" Have a great day! Hope

all your NEWS is good!

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