Friday, July 13, 2012

Art....It's everywhere, it's everywhere!

      I couldn't help but notice all the efforts that are
being made to promote "Art" in our area.
      Most any kind impresses me since my artistic
ability is limited to stick figures drawn by pencil. I
used to offer them to my bosses during trials and
arraignments. But, somehow, my art work was
always rejected.
      Art, of course, comes in many different forms.
      I found plenty on display in a new co-operative
gallery that opened in downtown Pittston recently.
      It's filled with paintings, photographs, scluptures,
all kinds of neat artsy stuff.
      One center city restaurant has even turned it's
sidewalk arae into a sort of streetscape with trees,
shrubbery, even a birebath.
      Of course there's the colorfully painted Mule
greeting visitors and locals alike on one street
corner that's bound to attract your attention.
      But the art that really caught my attention was
probably done by a youngster who lives a couple
of blocks from downtown.
     That where I spotted his or her sidewalk chalk
drawings of a rainbow and a huge flower!
      I literally brightened my day. I'd call it
"Art from the heart."
     With all the downtown improvements in
the city know best for it's annual Tomato
Festival local officials may want to seek out
this young Rembrant and come up with a
commission to do all the sidewalks!
     It may not be professional. But it's bright
and "positive" and looks a heck of a lot better
than any of my stick figures!
    Then again art, like beauty, is in the eye of
the beholder!
     Hope you're looking for beauty everywhere
and that all your NEWS is good!

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