Monday, September 30, 2019
Relax! This has nothing to do with the
controversy making headlines across the
country. But the term "whistle blower"
got me to thinking about a few prominent
Remember the days when a lot of the
bigger cities had whistle blowers, in
police uniforms, directing traffic at busy
intersections? Since they could see and
judge the volume in each direction they
often proved more effective than traffic
lights and generally kept the cars moving
pretty well.
How about those Life guards who
alerted many a swimmer before they
got in over their heads? Those
whistles have saved a few lives over the
These days most whistle blowers
wear stripped shirts and roam football,
soccer, and other sports venues both
inside and out.
They're not always the most
popular people in the games!
Back in my senior year in High
School one of them blew a whistle
because someone sitting on our
Basketball team's bench said something
he didn't appreciate and the foul he called
eventually cost us a championship
playoff game.
The whistle's are effective! They
can stop traffic or games with one
blast. And that makes me think.perhaps,
they should be used in more places.
Imagine a City Council meeting
when spectators are shouting at one
another over a zoning issue or the like.
The Chairman could halt the commotion
with one blast of a whistle!
Maybe we could replace the judge's
gavel with a whistle to restore order in
the court?
And might teachers get attention
in their classroom a lot quicker with a
loud whistle?
Think of all the possibilities!
Hope this blog isn't whistled
for a foul, and that all your NEWS is
Sunday, September 29, 2019
OK gang! It's the last day of September.
So let's send the month out with a bang! Well...
let's make it a Pop! You see September 30th is
Chewing Gum Day!
Nobody seem to know the origin of this unique
"holiday." But chewing has been around for a very
long time. The first chewing gum making machine
was patented by Thomas Adams in 1871.
He's the guy who came up a licorice flavored
gum called Black Jack!
Of course there's all kinds of flavored gum these
days in addition to sugar free chewing and bubble
gum. I still get in trouble when I chew my gum
around my wife. She says I chew "too loud" and
sometimes "like a cow."
It doesn't sound that loud inside my head and,
anyway, cows don't chew gum!
I began chewing gum to avoid waste. It came
in my pack of Baseball Cards.
I think chewing gum is good for people. It keeps
some from smoking or eating too much. And think
of all its other features!
Gum can be used to plug leaks (temporally of
Some gum still comes wrapped in tin foil. That
wrapping can complete electrical connections! In the
days before circuit breakers gum wrappers used in
place of a dead fuse have kept the lights on in some
houses (usually just before they burned to the
And there's always some gum around. Always
in stores and often under the seats in stadiums!
Gum has only three natural enemies. Mothers,
wives, and teachers! Chewers should try to avoid all
three and never get caught blowing a bubble in the
vicinity of any of them!
You might want to celebrate the day with some
Double Mint or, perhaps, some Double Bubble!
Remember, though, should you come across a
Mom, Wife, or a teacher try to dispose of your gum
properly and avoid swallowing it!
Hope your chewing gum keeps its flavor on the
bed post overnight and that all your NEWS is good!
Saturday, September 28, 2019
It's Sunday again and, chances are, my
wife and I will spend at least part of the
day enjoying a ride somewhere.
Our travels have never been restricted
to Sundays but during our working years
that was the day most often available.
One in particular comes to mind.
It was a pleasant day with the
leaves beginning to show off their fall
colors. Pretty much like this week.
I'm pretty sure I had the top down
for at least part of the drive which
took us into Sullivan County. But I didn't
have my Miata!
That convertible was a 1965 Chevy
Impala with a Corvette engine! Plenty
of horsepower to handle the mountain
roads that weaved their way to World's
End State Park!
The date was Sunday, September
29th., 1968 and I remember it pretty
well because that's the day, 51 years
ago, when Leona and I got engaged!
The car is long gone but we're
still going strong!
Pretty good Sunday drive for me!
Hope all your NEWS is good!
Friday, September 27, 2019
September 28th is "Ask A Stupid Question Day."
It was established by teachers back in the 80's
who were trying to encourage students to ask more
questions in the classroom.
It has often been said there is no such thing as a
stupid question. I would have to disagree. Some of
my colleagues in the media prove that on a daily
regular basis. Not that it's limited to them.
I often wondered why ,for instance, when you've
checked yourself into an emergency room, the first
thing the doctor asks is "How are you?"
How about the guy who drives up in a bright,
shiny car with the purchase sticker still on the
window who is greeted with questions such as
"Is that car new" or "is that yours?"
How about the boss who sees you come in
10 minutes after your starting time and asks
"You're late, aren't you?"
Still those in the media usually get the Stupid
Question Award.
You see them at the scene of a fire, usually the
"Cub reporter" approaches the home owner and
asks "How are you doing?" I'm surprised more
haven't been answered with a slap upside the
Of course there's also the "hopeful reporter"
who asks the alleged killer "Did you do it?"
They're hoping for a stupid answer such as
"Sure I did and I wanted you to be the first
to know."
Then there;s the ultimate, no win, stupid
question. "Are you still beating your wife?"
In any case today all bets are off! You can
ask anything you want. In fact it is suppose
to be stupid! So ask away!
Hope you get a sensible answer and that
all your NEWS is good!
(Stupid is as stupid does: Forest Gump)
who were trying to encourage students to ask more
questions in the classroom.
It has often been said there is no such thing as a
stupid question. I would have to disagree. Some of
my colleagues in the media prove that on a daily
regular basis. Not that it's limited to them.
I often wondered why ,for instance, when you've
checked yourself into an emergency room, the first
thing the doctor asks is "How are you?"
How about the guy who drives up in a bright,
shiny car with the purchase sticker still on the
window who is greeted with questions such as
"Is that car new" or "is that yours?"
How about the boss who sees you come in
10 minutes after your starting time and asks
"You're late, aren't you?"
Still those in the media usually get the Stupid
Question Award.
You see them at the scene of a fire, usually the
"Cub reporter" approaches the home owner and
asks "How are you doing?" I'm surprised more
haven't been answered with a slap upside the
Of course there's also the "hopeful reporter"
who asks the alleged killer "Did you do it?"
They're hoping for a stupid answer such as
"Sure I did and I wanted you to be the first
to know."
Then there;s the ultimate, no win, stupid
question. "Are you still beating your wife?"
In any case today all bets are off! You can
ask anything you want. In fact it is suppose
to be stupid! So ask away!
Hope you get a sensible answer and that
all your NEWS is good!
(Stupid is as stupid does: Forest Gump)
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Lift you foot high. Then bring it down quickly! This
is September 27th. It's "Crush A Can Day."!
People crush cans for a number of reasons. For some it
relieves stress! They stomp on the can as a way of dealing
with the frustrations of the day.
I, on the other hand, do it simply to get as many cans as
possible into our recycling containers. Our township only
collects recyclable materials once a month. This month
it's today!
While the "holiday" itself surprised me I was just as stunned
to learn my method of flatting the aluminium is not the only way
to do it. And the other is rather impressive!
Here is the way it is described on one Web site:
1. Fill a large pot with three quarts of cold water.
2. Put one tablespoon of water into an empty aluminum soda can
and heat it on the stove until it boils.
3. Let it boil for 30 seconds and then carefully remove it with tongs.
4. Invert the can and quickly dip it in the pot of cold water.
The can will collapse immediately, impressing women,
captivating small children and frightening the family dog.
I may have to give this a try..although we don't have a family
dog. Not sure if that makes a difference or not.
Anyhow, which ever method you decide to use, I encourage you
to celebrate by crushing all the cans you can find.
Hope they're empty...and that all your NEWS is good!
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
It's apple season! Orchards throughout
our area are open and stocked full of your
favorite varieties.
Many have turned the season into
festivals with apples, apple pies, apple
butter, apple cider, and apple dumplings
on their shelves.
At least one orchard even makes use
of its bruised apples by selling them to
customers who use them in a sling
shot aimed at wooded targets!
So if you enjoy apples or any of those
apple products this is a day to thank the
gentleman who made them so widely
John Chapman was born on this date
in 1774.
Mr. Chapman was an American pioneer
nurseryman who introduced apple trees
to large parts of Pennsylvania. But he didn't
stop there!
His trees were distributed in Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois, and northern counties
of West Virginia to name a few of the
Thanks to his efforts I've enjoyed
plenty of apples over the years and an
apple dumpling whenever I can find
Oh, by the way, you may remember
Mr Chapman by his other name.
Johnny Appleseed!
Yep. It's a true story!
Hope you'll have an apple in his
honor today and that all your NEWS
is good!
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
It wasn't as easy as we had hoped to get to
Downton Abbey.The movie that is.
We were at our usual auction stop in
Honesdale when we decided to join the
Crawleys and their staff in a new feature
based on the popular TV series.
As you probably know a lot of our
regional Interstate system is being
repaired so we were fortunate to make
it to the theater in time.
We probably could have slowed
down since there were both commercials
and numerous previews before the
feature began.
I did miss one of those previews
when my wife spilled a rather large
part of our popcorn operating the
reclining seats.
We enjoyed the movie and were
getting ready to head home when I
discovered our SUV wouldn't start.
Remember all those work
zones? I followed the rules and
turned on my headlights. But I
forgot to turn them off and my
vehicle doesn't do that automatically!
I carry a special small power
pack for just such emergencies and
I always put in in the SUV. Well,
almost always. This was the day I
forgot it.
To top things off I parked
"nose in." Something I usually try
to avoid.
I had a car in font of me and
one to each side. I probably could
have used my jumper cables to get
a start from any of their drivers.
But all those drivers were in the
theater watching movies.
Mt son-in-law Josh came to our
rescue, even bringing his own
jumper cables. Remember those
three cars surrounding me?
We found ourselves
pushing the vehicle out of my
parking spot so we could get his
cables to my battery.
Success!!! We were off
and running...until we ran into
another parking lot on I81!
Rather impatient by then
we took the first available exit to
avoid the highway mess!
Hope I remembered to
turn those headlights off when I
got home...and that all your NEWS
is good!
Monday, September 23, 2019
My wife accepted an invitation and joined
two of her sister's and a friend on a trip to
the Bloomsburg Fair on Monday.
It was her first visit in many years.
We went as a family when the kids were
little but their demands for food and
amusements always seemed to keep her
away from the Craft and Flower exhibits
she really wanted to see.
After covering the fair at WYOU for
many years I haven't been especially
interested in returning to the crowds and
long walks I always faced there.
So this was a day for the girls!
My wife got to enjoy those exhibits
she always wanted to see and then
joined one of her sisters on stage at a
Hypnotist's show! I might have gone
along had I know about this!
But, ironically, the guy couldn't put
my wife under! I was shocked! She
can usually fall asleep anywhere. And
she usually does!
At least she was able to go back to the
audience and watch as the showman
allowed his other subjects, including
my sister-in-law to make fools of
I ended up the winner. I didn't
have to deal with crowds or walk
all over the place but my wife brought
an apple dumpling home for me!
Hope my wife can get to sleep
tonight and that all your NEWS is good.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Like a thief in the night Autumn shows
up early Monday morning and, just like
that, Summer is over. Officially that is.
I don't know about you but I had a
pretty good summer and I'm not
especially happy to see it go.
That said I wouldn't be too quick
to grab the earmuffs and hide in the
TV room!
I suspect a few sunny days still
await us and they'll be brighter than
ever as the leaves show off their
beautiful colors.
I'll put the top down on the
Miata as often as possible and,
towards evening, I'll turn on the
heater if need be.
A month down the road or so
those leaves will all have fallen
and that make for a unique
That's when you'll find
sights behind the trees you never
knew were there in the midst of
Summer! I've actually "discovered"
lakes or ponds in the Fall I never
saw in the middle of June or
July! That's kind of neat!
All the "big TV series" will
be back for those evenings when
you don't feel like exploring and
some of you may even pick up a
good book!
See you later Summer! Fall's
here so I plan to make the best of
Hope you do too and that all
your NEWS is good!
Saturday, September 21, 2019
This is a very BIG day!
September 22nd is "Elephant Appreciation Day!"
It was created in 1996 by Mission Media.
It's founder, Wayne Hepburn, received a paperweight
of elephants on parade from his daughter as a gift. He,
according to holidayinsights,com, became fascinated by
them and started to collect books and trinkets featuring
I have seen a lot of animals lately!
Some make good pets. Some just make a mess!
I have enough trouble taking care of myself although
my wife does have a few fish.Other critters have tried to come into our life,.at least
in passing. We've got the usual cats that don't belong to
anybody but keep coming around. I've told you about the
bear in the area although I haven't seen it for two weeks
now. And a rather huge groundhog has seen in our backyard
as well as the neighbor's.
But I haven't seen any elephants! We use to see
an elephant or two. But only "seasonally."
They came during "Circus season" when
Ringling Brothers or one of the other big shows
come to town.
Of course Ringling Brothers folded, the year
after giving up its Pachyderms. Coincidence?
Anyhow supporters of "Elephant
Appreciation Day" suggest you pay a visit to
your local zoo to show your appreciation.
The 'local zoo' in Scranton is long gone
as is "Toni" the elephant that was once its star
attraction. The next closest animal preserve lists
50 species....but no elephants!
So, unless you're willing to travel to
find an elephant to appreciate, I can only think
of one alternative.
You'll' just have to hug a Republican!
Hope you don't work for peanuts and
that all your news is good!

Friday, September 20, 2019
I am about to be a whistle blower of
sorts. But it's time you knew!
There was a day when television
reporters stood in front of a scene
associated with a news story and told you
what happened there, sharing as many
facts as they had available .
Then, somewhere, someplace, a
consultant showed up and told the
bosses the viewers would like it more
if reporters moved around and, where
possible, help up props tied to the
They also insisted it was better to
get people's reactions than statements
from "officials."
Show the fire trucks behind you
then walk towards the neighbor's house
to show how the siding melted from
the heat. Get the Fire Chief later. First
get other neighbors who saw the flames
and felt the heat.
Maybe the next day you can revel
a faulty, uncleaned furnace caused the
blaze and suggest everybody get their
furnace cleaned. Maybe a second
fire will wait until you've reported.
And make sure you're Live on the
scene all the time. Even of it's night,
the fire engines are gone, and the ruins
behind you are black from burning.
On Friday I saw two network
reporters doing stories on flooding
in Texas. Both were standing in water.
Luckily there weren't any open manholes
near where they stood or walked.
I'm still wondering if any
viewers decided to was OK to walk
in the flood waters too?
I once heard a local newsman
report the Susquehanna River was
so low "you could walk across it."
Fortunately, for him, he didn't
I wonder if we all might
benefit from a little less "show biz"
and a little more of "Dragnet's"
"Just the facts mam."
Hope all your NEWS is
Thursday, September 19, 2019
All this controversy about a wall to
keep aliens out of our country and this
morning more than 471,000 people
vowed to jump the walls they believe
are keeping aliens in!
If all went according to plan at 3am
those people were to stage a raid at
Area 51, the top secret Air Force Base
in Nevada, where many believe there
are the remains of aliens from outer
space that crashed nearby many years
I've been interested in flying saucers
and aliens since I saw the original
version of "The Thing" (From Another
World) in 1951, staring Gunsmoke
Marshal Matt Dillon. Well, actually,
James Arness who played the Thing
and, later. the Marshal.
That said, I spent some 250 hours
watching the skies over Hazleton as
a member of the Ground Observer
Corps (a volunteer subsidiary of the
Air Force) tracking aircraft flying
over northeastern Pennsylvania.
I never spotted any UFO's
during any of my shifts. Maybe they
just slipped by?
Personally it seemed to me that
raiding a U.S. Military installation
was not an especially good idea.
By the time most of you read
this we should know if the raiders
found any aliens, were arrested, or,
perhaps, disappeared.!
Hope they weren't vaporized
and that all your NEWS is good!
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Wednesday morning and early afternoon found
my wife and I dashing from one doctor's appointment
to another.
The first was exclusively for my wife. Some
time ago, however, we learned it was advantageous
to schedule our general practitioner visits together.
The appointment may have been a little longer but
it only tied up about one hour on a single day.
The practice also allows us to hear all the
findings, good or bad, together.
On Wednesday we realized it has been a year
since we had our last flu shot. We both go along
with the prevailing medical opinion which
recommends the inoculation, especially for those
of us who have attained "Senior status."
But the records also showed I was due for
an allergy shot!
So my part of our appointment ended up
with one needle in the arm and another in.....well...
the end!
Luckily for me I'm still one month away from
my second and final pneumonia shot!
So this evening I type with my left hand while
Hope your health and all your NEWS is good!
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
A thousand thanks! That's just about how many
of you took the time to wish me a Happy Birthday
It's nice to be remembered.
Most did so by social media. Facebook comments
and messages came in faster that I could hit "Like"
or write "Thank you."
It gets a lot of criticism because of political
fights on line. But, at least in my case, I find those
comments are usually used to celebrate things like
birthdays and anniversaries or to update friend's
health status.
I often see requests for prayers as folks who
are hurting or facing uncertainty reach out for
One of my grand kids who's away at college
used social media to send me birthday greetings.
My "adopted granddaughter" from Italy did the
same while another granddaughter made sure
she sent text greetings and love on my cell phone.
Two of my grandsons actually called me to
say Happy Birthday. I wasn't sure grand kids
actually made calls anymore. But they did!
My three children checked in too. One
was able to stop by, one used social media, and
another used the telephone.
Whatever means you employed it was so
great to hear or read all those greetings and
realize I was "not forgot!"
You made my day! Hope all your
NEWS is good!
Sunday, September 15, 2019
I got a double take from a gentleman
when I stopped at a local market this
He looked at me for a moment then
suddenly said "you have a twin."
He named an individual from the
area who, according to this gentleman,
looks exactly like me. I don't know the
man who was speaking or the man he
was speaking about.
But it's not the only time this has
Awhile back another gentleman
claimed to know someone who "looks
just like" me. And it wasn't the same
individual who was linked to my
image this weekend.
Last year a photo of a group on
vacation appeared on Facebook and
the facial identification feature tagged
one of the people as me. I will admit
there was some resemblance but it was
not me! I think I would have remembered
a vacation!
So it seems there are two or three
people wandering around out there who
have to explain that they're not me!
Sorry guys!
It's no real problem for me. At
least it isn't yet!
That new Brad Pit movie comes
out next week so I may be swamped
with people thinking it's me!
Or not.
Hope all your NEWS is good!
Saturday, September 14, 2019
I was invited to church on Saturday. My
good friend Dan Shission is the Lay Speaker
at Dymond Hollow Community Church.
He's come up with a monthly breakfast
program that invites members of other area
churches to come together to share a meal
and hear from a speaker/
Saturday was the first breakfast and I
was the first speaker.
Speaking wasn't the problem. I speak
all the time. My wife and some others
think I may speak too much.
The problem was the fact that
"Breakfast" was specified in the invitation.
As some of you probably already
know breakfast is usually served in the
morning. I'm not bIg on mornings!
Dymond Hollow Church is about
45 minutes from my home. The breakfast
was set for 8:30. That meant I'd have to
get up about 7 to make sure I could clean
up and get there on time.
Since "retiring" I no longer
recognize 7am as a legitimate part of
the day,
But I'm proud to say I did it!
I even arrived in time to actually
sit down and enjoy the food and fellowship
with those kind folks who got up early to
share a meal and listen to me!
That's got to say something for
I was so impressed I offered to
come back again! Hope they ask me and
that all your NEWS is good!
Friday, September 13, 2019
I know! I know! You're going to tell me
it's suppose to be "Who's on first" from that
famous old Abbott and Costello comedy
And I agree. I love that old bit.
In fact I was wearing my Abbott & Costello
T-shirt, with the entire routine on the back, at
an auction Friday evening.
We were waiting for the actual bidding to
begin when we decided to enjoy a dish of
sausage and shells from the concession
That's when my wife discovered that
the first spots to hit my shirt were from
the tomato sauce. The stains from the
chocolate bar were next. So, in my case,
the "What's on first" was sauce!
I've never claimed to have a magnetic
personality. But most of my shirts seem to
have an attraction to food.
I use napkins and even what I believe
to be reasonable care. Still they come!
If only I attracted money that quickly!
Hope the Tide Stick works and that
all your NEWS is good!
Thursday, September 12, 2019
It is Friday the 13th. For some, a day to
be weary.
But it is also "Defy Superstition Day!"
It's amazing how superstitions impact
our lives. Even though we don't always
realize it.
For instance, try and fine the 13th
floor or a room numbered 13 any place
in New York City. Or most any other
big city as well! They are few are far
I never had any special fear of the
number 13. In fact I often welcomed
it when visiting my local bakery.(Do
they still do that?)
But for whatever reasons a lot of
people are superstitious.
This is a day to confront those
unnecessary worries!
So go ahead, walk under a ladder
or let that black cat walk right in front
of you!
Have no fear! I don't (knock on
Hope your lucky lottery number
comes up and that all your NEWS
is good!
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Today is Video Games Day!
I admit to being somewhat behind most
of today's video game players. I still have
a Flip phone and it's Games Library is
limited to Scrabble and UNO.
I have not played either although in
the case of Scrabble my reluctance is
based far more on my inability to spell
as opposed to my technical malfeasance.
To me "Candy Crush" is simply a
description for chomping on a Life
But I do remember Pong!
It was a device that looked like a
small TV set with two knobs.
When you turned it on a little dot
sailed across the screen. Each knob
lifted a small straight line up and down
on that same screen. If the line blocked
the dot's trajectory it went back the
other way.
One contestant worked the knob
on the right while the other manned the
one on the left. The object was to block
the dot in its flight. If you missed the
other player got a point.
Not very sophisticated by today's
standards. But it used up a few of my
hours back in the day. Kept me out
of trouble. (I think!)
So on this special day I offer a
salute to Pong, one of those games that
got things started!
Hope you not spending too much
time on those screens and that all your
NEWS is good!'
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
It's an Idiom. And a phrase I've used for the
title of this daily blog. And, as it happens, September
11th is "No News Is Good News Day!"
Talk about ironic!!!!
The day we're asked to refrain from listening
to, watching, or reading news happens to be
the same date as one of the very biggest news
stories in American history!
As most of you know I've spent the better
part of my life delivering news. That included
9/11/2001 when I stationed myself at the
Tobyhanna Army Depot thinking it could be
a potential target of the terrorism that struck
our country that day,
Thankfully it wasn't and I was able to
concentrate my reporting on just how ready
our area military installation was,,,just in case!
News most often deals with occurrences
that are not pleasant.
Walter Cronkite once described news as
watching yards of white linen coming off an
assembly line. It's suppose to be white. That's
the norm.
When you suddenly see a black spot
you want to know why it's there.
Newsmen and women are suppose
to alert you to that spot. Editorials may
suggest ways the spot can be removed.
Some people complain about news
being "negative." But if there's black smoke
coming from the factory near your home
there's a good chance you'll want someone
to tell you why it's there and what's being
done about it.
That's the news you'd be looking
News reporters these days are
often chastised for offering "Fake News."
That phrase is almost always linked to
political news. Highlight a decision by
a politician you like and that's news.
Report that same politician's
involvement in a controversy and you're
likely to believe it's all made up.
Good reporters, and there are
still plenty of them, offer the basics that
have always produced news. Who, what,
where, when, why and/or how.
No news really isn't good news.
It's ignorance.
Hope all your NEWS is good!
Monday, September 9, 2019
So when I was growing up this is the way
it worked, If you found a quarter on the
pavement you were immediately 25 cents
It worked a little differently with objects
other than coins. If you came across
something like a pair of binoculars in the
woods you usually made some effort to
find out who the owner was.
Of course if a reasonable effort failed
to identify that person those binoculars
probably wound up in your closet.
I remember reading of a couple cases
where large sums of cash were found. In
those instances when the owner could not
be located the police usually turned the
money over to the finder.
Now you've got the case of some folks
who suddenly found thousands of dollars
in their checking account. Money they
didn't put there.So they started to spend it.
Now I confess I have absolutely no
idea how much money is in my checking
account. My wife is our bookkeeper and
a good one at that.
But were I sent out to make some
purchases by check it's totally conceivable
I'd spend more that she put in.
If the bank made a mistake and deposited
money to our account I'd never know it until
after it was spent.
Obliviously I'd never spend thousands
without checking with my wife.
The folks who spent the money they
didn't deposit will be facing consequences.
Possibly even jail time.
Now I'm thinking the "Finders, Keepers"
argument may not cut it in court.
I wonder if I should put that quarter
back? Wait a minute...I already spent it
70 years ago on two comic books. I may
still have the nickle change!
Hope my wife's checking our checking
and that all your NEWS is good.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
After church and a visit to watch our
granddaughter cheer her mini football
team on to victory my wife and I
headed home to enjoy some left over
ham and cabbage.
The clouds covered the sun for too
much of the early afternoon to be sure
of a pleasant afternoon drive so we
decided to stick around and just do
something at home.
My agenda worked out well.
I watched the Eagles game although
throughout the first half I thought it was
a replay of Penn State. No matter. They
both won.
A nap seemed a good move after
all that excitement so I took one.
But, when I awoke, I had some
unused energy to use up.
I decided to get some exercise by
taking some shots with my recently
acquired .22.
Shooting isn't too difficult but the
walk up the hill behind my house can
be a killer!
I only took a few shots, all aimed
at an old soda can some previous visitor
had left in the woods.
I am pleased to report that in
addition to hitting it a couple times I
also got one confirmed kill!
It was a mosquito that attacked
me without provocation as I was about
to fire at the target. Just so we're clear
on this I got him with my right hand,
not my rifle! It was right on target!
Hope I remember the repellent
next time and that all your NEWS
is good!
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Whether you know it or not this is a
National Holiday. September 8th., is
"National Grandparent's Day."
President Jimmy Carter made it
official in 1978. It's always the first
Sunday after Labor Day.
I have been a grandparent for
21 years and now claim the title of
Grandpa for a total of 6 kids!
I truly enjoy the role, But I didn't
have a lot of training!
My grandmother DeCosmo
passed away when I was about three.
My Grandmother Singley passed
when I was in 4th grade.
But I never knew either of my
Grandpa's! Both of them passed away
before I was born.
I think that's part of the reason I
have spent every available minute I
could with my grand kids.
I want to make sure they have a
grandpa to remember. And I'd like to
believe the two I never knew would
be proud of me for being the grandpa
they couldn't be for me.
It's not always easy. My wife and
I have often found ourselves running
from one school or tow to another to
be there when the grand children are
involved in sports or special activities.
I spend more time on the floor
with my 4-year-old grandson playing
with trains and toy cars than I did
with my friends when I was 4!
But it's much harder to get back
up these days!
That said, it's worth every minute!
Hope you've got pleasant memories
with your grand parents and are making
some with your own grand-kids!
Happy Grandparents Day and may
all your NEWS be good!
Friday, September 6, 2019
I returned to my old radio home at WILK
yesterday. Sort of. I didn't get my own show.
Actually I joined the ranks of those who
called in to the Jason Barsky Show.
I don't make many calls to talk radio primarily
because the talk usually centers on politics. I've
spent all of my broadcasting career trying to be
totally neutral and objective on that subject and
political commentary isn't my thing.
But Jason wasn't talking politics Friday. He
was talking memories. And I've got lots of
Specifically he asked listeners to reflect on
their earliest memory! An interesting challenge
for a guy my age!
And yet, I have a memory that goes back to
the crib! I remember looking out a window and
seeing evergreen trees swaying in the breeze!
Now, to be totally honest I had no idea what
a window was at the time and certainly could
not have identified the species of trees which
captured my attention. Still, I remember the
sight and it's the first memory I can recall.
I impressed myself. Especially since I
can't recall what I had for lunch yesterday!
I think I'll call whats-his-name back
again sometime. If I remember the number!
Hope you remember to read my blogs
and that all your NEWS is good!
Thursday, September 5, 2019
One of the many people hoping to be the President was
criticized Thursday for a tweet in which she suggested
that people might turn Hurricane Dorian away from land
by collectively thinking it into turning a different way.
I, on the other hand, applaud this unique approach
to dealing with weather!
In fact that concept may have been what kept my
grandson and I dry for the past two days when local
weather forecasters were reporting we'd likely see
afternoon showers both days.
I kept thinking "don't rain" and it didn't! And that was
just me!
For years I have been suggesting our area
might avoid major rain or even snow storms by
gathering the population together and, at a given
signal, blowing into the air in the direction of the
approaching storm.
Imagine the collective force of that blast of air!
We could increase the velocity exponentially
by having all of our politicians join in! Their
cooperation would also warm our blast for
obvious reasons!
Mark Twain was often quoted as saying "Everybody
talks abut the weather but nobody does anything about
it." So give that candidate, and me, some credit for
trying to do something! Heck, maybe that's why
Dorian didn't hit Alabama!
Hope our ideas work and that all your NEWS is
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
I'm hoping there's no direct connection
between my recent acquisition of a .22
cal. target rifle and Walmart's decision
to stop selling ammunition.
I've only purchased ammo twice and
both times were at Walmart!
It was an extremely pleasant experience
for me. They asked for my ID to prove I
was old enough! I look old enough to
be ordering musket balls for a flintlock!
In fact my first purchase was similar
to musket balls, I was buying a tube of
By the way, on both occasions I
passed the age requirement!
I'm not overly upset by Walmart's
decision. There are other places in
the area where I'll be able to get my
bullets and bb's.
I'm not sure how those particular
armaments pose much of a threat to
anyone with the possible exception
of the expressed danger of shooting
my eye out with the bb gun!
I don't intend to boycott Walmart
over this issue. As long as I can still
buy my Cherry Pepsi there I'll continue to
shop. I'll just miss getting "carded."
Hope there's a sale on their remaining
stock and that all your NEWS is good!
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
When will it end!
First this huge bear scares me half to
death as I leave my porch and see him
standing 7 feet away raiding our bird
Next he makes off with my garbage
can and scatters the contents he doesn't
eat over a dirt road nearby.
He was next seen camping out
beneath the Pear tree right across the
street devouring some of the fruit we
usually harvest when the property
hasn't been rented.
On Monday, as reported, I went
for some pears of my own and stepped
into the do do he left behind!
I thought I'd escape all this
nonsense by taking my wife to our
favorite auction on Tuesday/ And
what's the first thing I see on the
auction floor?! A bear!
No it wasn't "my bear." Would
that it were. This one was stuffed,
Some lucky hunter already caught
this bruin. Maybe under somebody
else's Pear tree!
I must admit a thought crossed
my mind. If I bought this taxidermied
critter and set it out in front of my
place might the trespassing bear flee
thinking he's invading another bear's
It might have been worth a try
had the bidding not started out at
a hundred dollars and climbed from
I can buy a lot of pears for a
hundred dollars!
Hope the winner has a big
Living room and that all your NEWS
is good!
Monday, September 2, 2019
As I told you, there's a bear roaming
around our neighborhood! It's a big
I haven't seen him for over a week
but a worker renovating the place
across the street spotted him again
just the other day.
He's been seen several times under
the Pear tree right across the street
which is a particular concern to me
for two reasons.
First, that's way too close.
Second he's probably getting
some of the pears we usually pick
when there's no tenant in the
mobile home there.
I decided to take action! That's
where the Bear Trap comes in.
My plan was to pick as many of
the pears as I could before the bear
But after grabbing the first one
I could reach I detected a "squish"
beneath my right foot and immediately
detected a very unpleasant odor!
Seems the bear had left a trap
behind after his last visit and I
stepped right into it!
The next hour was spent
cleaning my sneaker and airing
it out.
Any further pear picking will
have to be done with the realization
the tree stands in the middle of a
"mine field!"
Hope the air clears by then
and that all your NEWS is good!
Sunday, September 1, 2019
It's been about 62 years since I was
President of the Rifle Club at the old
YMCA in Hazleton. I still have one or
two of the targets I shot at and the
Bull's eye is pretty much obliterated!
I was a decent shot!
But our club used Air Rifles. BB
guns if you will.
This year my grandson, now 16.
expressed an interest in hunting. His
good friend and his friend's father
enjoy the sport and he'd like to join
He passed the hunting course
offered by the Game Commission
and now has an arsenal consisting
of a hunting power rifle and a 22
for target shooting.
I've never been a hunter but
remembered enjoying the target
shooting from the old club and some
experience at camp.
A couple weeks ago, realizing
my interest, my brother-in-law gave
me his old 22 which happens to be
a duplicate of the one my grandson
now owns.
After a family gathering on
Sunday my grandson and his buddy
made plans to visit a target range
for some practice.
I was unable to join them but
their enthusiasm sparked by interest
After returning home I fetched
my trusty 22 and headed to a wooded
hill not far from my house. I didn't
have any of those old targets we used
at the "Y." But I'm happy to report
I found an old soda can and am
still able to hit my mark!
If they decide to bring back
"The Rifleman TV series" I'm going
to audition or the part!
Hope nobody needed that
old can and that all your NEWS
is good!
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