Thursday, March 31, 2022


        FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 2022


   Time for today's blog friends! It's the

start of a brand new month and I'd like

to say thank you to all of you to check

out my daily essay! Many check "Like"

on Facebook and some offer comments

as well. Today, praise from Ceasar! Got

a note from my wife. It reads......."Just

wanted to tell you how proud I am of

your daily Blog. It's humor and wisdom

demonstrate how very talented and clever

you are. It's no wonder so many people

are impressed by your brilliant writings!

Your wife.

P.S. It's April Fools Day!

Thanks dear! Hope you're all enjoying

the day and that all your NEWS is

good! (No fooling!)

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


   THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2022


    Life has changed a lot since I retired

from the "news beat."  But one of the

biggest changes happened so gradually

it didn't really hit me until earlier this

week. From the time I started in broadcasting

in 1959, and before that for holidays and

church, you'd always find me in a shirt and

tie. I wore a tie as a DJ and every single

day as a news reporter. Including the day I

went some 500 feet underground in a bootleg

coalmine! The miners gave me a pair of

coveralls to go over my suit!  I wore the suit

and tie for most of my 11 years as an anchor

and producer for Electric City TV after leaving

WYOU. I  even had a few special ties for

special days. I Christmas tie. A Saint Patrick's

Day tie. Even a tie for the beginning of baseball

season. When I stepped out of that volunteer

role on a weekly basis I also stepped out of my

suit and ties. Church had already gone casual

somewhere along the line. This past week,

however, a friend of my wife's family passed

away and I found my self back in a suit. I

easily found my one solid black tie and 

realized as I and the people I know best

aged. this was the one I had to keep close

at had. For that reason, I'm not very

anxious to "tie one one!" Hope you're

well, however you're dressed, and that

all your NEWS is good.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022


    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2022


    March 30th is "National Pencil Day!"

The modern pencil was said to have been

invented by a scientist serving in Napoleon's

army in 1795/ Of course many years prior to

that graphite was being used as a writing

instrument. Where would be be without

a pencil? Especially when someone gives

you an address or message over the

telephone. That's when most of us find

ourselves searching to find one! I used a

pencil a lot through my school years. But

it was Hymen Lipman's improved pencil

design, patented on this very day in 1858, 

that really helped me through school. He

invented the pencil with an eraser!! Thank

you Hymen! Hope your pencil's are all

sharpened and all your NEWS is good!

and my 

Monday, March 28, 2022


    TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 2022


   March 29th is 'Smoke and Mirrors

Day." It's a term that was typically

associated with stage magicians who

sometimes used smoke and mirrors to

create their illusions! Over the years

the term has come to apply to those

who use tricks nor for entertainment

but, rather, as a con! Those folks who

call to suggest your car warranty has

expired when, in fact, you never had

a car warranty in the first place! Then

there are the politicians who sometimes

employ smoke and mirrors in their

promises to trade those promises for

your votes. All too often those promises

are as empty as the magician's top hat.

As least the magician can pull out a

rabit! The politicians haven't managed

that trick yet! I'm hoping the smoke

and mirrors will stay on stage where

they belong, and that all your NEWS

is good.

Sunday, March 27, 2022


   MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2022


    It's March 28th. "Weed Appreciation

Day!" Now to fully appreciate your

weeds you've got to know what they

are. Actually any plant is a weed if it's

growing where you don't want them to

grow. So, any flower can be a weed!

The dandeline is a good example. It's

a plant used in salads and often turned

into wine. But find a collection of them

scattered throughout your back yard and

chances are you'll pull them out as weeds.

Of course there's another plant usually

just called "weed" that probably shouldn't

be growing in your back yard! Hope you're

appreciating your weeds, like dandelions,

and that all your NEWS is good! 

Saturday, March 26, 2022


    SUNDAY, MARH 27, 2022


   This is "Oscar Night" when Holleywood

celebrates the best in the movie industry.

I have an Oscar here at my home. I allow

myself to think it's for my fantastic acting

in the movie "All In Time: which was shot

in the Wilkes-Barre area a few years back

and is currently showing on Tubi, a free

streaming channel. I only had a couple of

lines but as I hold the Oscar I envision

myself receiving it at the annual awards

show. I was doing it yesterday when my wife

walked in and reminded me to read the

inscription on the statue. "World's Best

Wife" it reads. That's's hers!

Well......I acted like it was mine so

thagt's pretty good...right? Hope you're

well and that all your NEWS is good!

Friday, March 25, 2022


SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 2022    

               GOING UP?

  It was a bit breezy and it seemed as

though more rai was on the way as I

typed. But thyat's OK. It fit my theme.

You see March in National Umbrella

Month and it's always good to have an

umbrella near by! In fact the average

home has 3.2 umbrellas! I think I have

two of the point two in the trunk of my

car. The umbrella was invented about\4,000

years ago. But it was generally used to

provide people with shade. The Chinese

came up with the idea of waterproofing

them for rain protection. And it was a 

petty good idea! I was going to close with

a joke abour umbrellas...but I was afraid it

moght be "oevr your hear!: Hope your're

well. keeping dry and that aall yoru NEWS

is good! 

Thursday, March 24, 2022


    FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 2022

             SNAKE EYES!

    Seems there's on ePennsylvania

industry that's doing pretty darn well

in spite of the pandemic and high gas

prices! It's the Gambling industry! Last

year the state took in 4.73 Billion

dollars in gambling revenues. There's

plenty of cars parked at all of our

casinos and thousands of lottery tickets

are sold every single day for all of the

many games played daily! I mention

this because Marh happens to be

"Problem Gambling Awareness Month!"

Most folks who gamble don't have a problem

with it except, perhaps, for losing money

they might better use somewhere else. But

others become obsessed and keep wagering

and waiting for that big jackpot that surely

will come along any time. It could happen.

But don't BET on it! The "House" most always

wins! Still, I hope your luck and all your NEWS

is good!


Wednesday, March 23, 2022


     THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2022

           TOO MANY CHEFS!

   It's an old saying you've likely heard

at one time or another. "Too many chefs

spoil the broth." Yesterday when our 6-

year-old grandson was visiting we put

that to the test. We both like pudding.

But Anthony disagrees with my plan

for making it. The directions on the box

say you begin with two cups of milk in

a bowl. Then you're to add the box mix

into the bowl. I suggested simply tossing

the box in to speed up the process but

Anthony disagreed. "You've got to open

the box grandpa" he said. So I did. Then

I suggested just trowing the package inside

into the milk to make things easy. "No" he

cried! "You've got to open the package and

dump the power in!" Well, we did it his way

and, by darn, that pudding turned out pretty

well and had no cardboard taste! He's a pretty

sharp little guy and, I suppose, a decent chef

at that. Hope you like your pudding without

the box and that all your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022


    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 2022

                 A NEAR MISS!

   Near misses! We've all had one from

time to time! Usually on the highway

when somebody cuts us off without

warning. But the near miss we're

remembering today could have been a

little more serious. It happened on

March 23rd of 1989 when an asteroid

the size of a mountain missed hitting

the earth by 500,000 miles. In 

astronomical terms that equates to a

near miss! Had it hit it would have

left a crater the size of Washington, D.C.

And the energy released by such an

impact would have been equal to a 600

megaton atomic bomb! Other asteroids

have come as close as 12,000 miles. And

history tells us one giant one actually

hit which, we're told, caused the death of

the dinosaur! So at 500,000 miles, the

miss we're rememberfing today was still

too close for comfort!b Hope they continue

to miss and that all your NEWS is good!


Monday, March 21, 2022


        TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2022


        I know I'm repeating myself or, rather, my

blog. But how could I not make sure you were
all aware of this important though unofficial
     Saint Patrick's Day and all of its related
parades and celebrations seem to get all the
attention during March.
      That's too bad because there are a lot of
other things well worth celebrating in this
month which heralds the arrival of Spring.
       Take today, for instance, This is
"National Goof Off Day!" It was created
by Monica Dufour of Davison Mi. and her
grandfather. He had a radio show and was
encouraging people to call in with ideas.
She disguised her voice and called with
a suggestion that there be a "Goof-Off Day."
A newspaper heard the call and printed a
story supporting the idea. So there you
have it!
    I've been rehearsing for this day for
many years! I think I've just about got it
down to a science.
        They did a survey a few years back
and found that most of those who
"celebrated" this unusual holiday did so
by playing video games.
       That seemed a bit strenuous for me.
       I elected to just sit around as much
as possible and do pretty much nothing!
       I would have no objections to
extending this observance to a week or
more. In fact "National Goof Off Month"
seems to offer a lot of potential to my
way of thinking.
      One small bit of advice. If you plan
to celebrate by taking the day off from
work you might be better off suggesting
you're ill rather than citing this holiday
as the reason. Some bosses don't observe
the day.
      Hope you'll mark it on your
calendar and that all your NEWS is good!


Sunday, March 20, 2022


    MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2022

                 HUG A TREE!

     Marxh 21st is "International Day

of Forests!" It's a United Nations day!

We probably don't spend much time

thinking about forests. In fact, sometimes

we can't see them because of the trees. Or

so they say! But about 1.6 billion people

depend directly on forests for food, shelter,

energy, and income! And since trees give off

oxygen, which we all breath, that alone seems

like a good reason to hug a tree most any day!

I've always enojyed breathing and I expect you

do too. Hope you'll spend a moment or two

appreciating our forests today and that all your

NEWS is good!    

Saturday, March 19, 2022


    SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 2022

            NOBODY HOME?

      If your colleague isn't answering you
phone call. If your neighbor isn't opening
their door to your knock. Don't assume
they're just ignoring you.
    You see March 20th is  Extraterrestrial
 Abductions Day!
     I haven't the faintest idea why this
particular date was selected. In fact
the folks at holiday have
been unable to locate the creator of this
unusual holiday. But...maybe that's because
he, or she, has know.
     In any case, and just in case,
this would be a good day to keep one eye
on the sky.
     Of course if you're someone looking
to abduct an extraterrestrial it's a
completely different story! If you should
catch an alien make sure it's totally
vetted before you decide to keep it!
     You can celebrate today by reading
and watching science fiction stories about
UFOs and Extraterrestrials. Or you can
simply blog about it as I've chosen to do
on this 1st day of Spring.
      Hope you're still here and that all
your NEWS is good!



Friday, March 18, 2022


         SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2022


   This is a great day to celebrate! A lot of

people planned for that as Scranton's Saint

Paddy's Parade was moved from last Saturday

till today. But if you're not inclined to join

those festivities don't dispare! There are

plenty of other great reasons to celebrate

today! March 19th is 

 International Sports Car Racing Day

National Backyard Day 
National Certified Nurses Day
National Chocolate Caramel Day
National Corn Dog Day
National Poultry Day
National Quilting Day
National Tequila Day:
Operation Iraqi Freedom Day
Play The Recorder Day
And, to top it all off, this is the day
the Swallows return to Capistrano!
Hope you celebrate at least one of 
those March 19th events and that
all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, March 17, 2022


   FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2022

           40 WINKS!

  Quality sleep, sound mind, happy world!

That is the theme for this special, unusual

holiday. March 18th this year is "National

Skeep Day!"  Its supporters remind us that

quality sleep is important to us from both a

physical and mental point of view! But to

celebrate the organizers of this holiday have

scheduled some 200 activities world wide to

observe the day. With that many events it's

unlikely anyone will have any time to sleep!!!

I intend to try though. To sleep that is! Hope

you'll catch some shut eye too and that all your

NEWS is good! 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022


      THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2022



    And I'll bet you thought all the excitement
centers on Saint Patrick's Day! Nope!
    As the title revels, this is "Fix A Leak
Week!" It "runs" through March 24th.
    According to the statistics household
leaks waste about a trillion gallons of
water across the United States annually!
    Of course you're encouraged to fix
them as soon as they happen rather than
just waiting for this week. This is just a
time to remind you to pay attention to
that drip in your house. (The water one!)
      If you haven't done it lately you should
check your faucets, shower heads, and
toilets to make sure they're not leaking.
      Should you find a leak you should
repair the problem or call someone who
knows ho to do it. In my house, for
instance, I'd call my wife!
       Leaky pipes aren't that terribly
difficult to find and repair. There are
other leaks, however, that are much
harder to handle. Most of those leaks
are found in government!
       Unlike water leaks, sometimes
governmental leaks can be good!
They can expose problems far worse
than broken pipes that need more than
a plumber's attention!
        Hope we're all looking for and
fixing any problems related to leaks
this week and that all your NEWS
is good!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022


    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2022

              JUST A YEAR AGO!

   Funny how time flies. Even if you're

not having fun. As I see the steady trend

away from face masks and social distancing

I'm reminded of my trip to the University of

Pennsylvania Hospital just one year ago. My

wife had a couple of appointments that day

as follow ups to open heart surgery a few years

back. My grandson accompanied us to 

Philadelphia for the day and he and I sat, 6 feet

apart and wearing masks, reading or checking our

Smart phones throughout the day while my wife

saw doctors and went through some tests. Fortunately

her tests all came back OK. Unfortunately, by the

time we left the hospital I was feeling very sick!

Good thing my grandson came along and was able

to drive us home! As it turns out, even after getting

a shot two weeks prior, I had come down with

Covid!!! My wife and grandson followed just a day

or two later. It's been one year and 65pounds since

that day. The first 20 pounds came off thanks to

covid. I don't reccoment that diet! Still I used the

loss to begin a serious effort to get back to exercise

and better health. Hope you've taken all the

precautions and can feel secure in allowing life

to get back to "normal." That way all your NEWS

should be good!

Monday, March 14, 2022


    TUESDAY, MARCH 15. 2022

          A DAY TO BEWARE!


   THURSDAY, MARCH 15TH., 2018

       Well March 15th., the "Ides of
March" has come around again.
         It was actually a day of
celebration at one time. It's the first
day of the Roman New Year. It also
marks the first day of spring in the
Roman calendar. So if you go by
that calendar Spring is here!
         The date's infamous
reputation goes back to 44 years
before Christ was born.
          That's when soothsayers
(Fortune tellers) warned Julius Caesar
to "beware of the Ides of March". He
ignored their warning. Then, on March
15th, he was stabbed to death by a
group that included his good buddy
Marcus Brutus.
            I think that's what promoted
the old saying "With friends like that
who needs enemies?"
             I'd like to think we'd celebrate
the date like it's the start of Spring.
Our soothsayers (we call them Weather
Forecasters) are calling for warmer
             That's good because I still have
a stabbing pain in my back from all the
shoveling on Saturday!
              Hope you have a great
day and that all your NEWS is good!

Sunday, March 13, 2022


     MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2022

              CRUMB'S CHIPS!

    It's March 14th. It's "National

Potato Chip Day!" They are the most

popular snack in the United States!

15 Billion dollars worth of chips are

sold in the U.S. every year. But it is

somewhat strange that March 14th was

selected as National Potato Chip Day.

The creation of the potato chip, as we

know it now, traces back to a funny

story dating to August 24th., of  1853.

An unhappy restaurant customer kept 

sending his potatos back to the chef,

complaining they were too thick and

soggy. That chef, George Crumb, cut

his next batch of potatos as think as he

could, abd fried them in oil till they were

crisp and solid. He salted them and sent

them back to the customer whe was so

thrilled with the chips they were added

to the menu. They were called "Saratoga

Chips."  And speaking of funny potato

chip stories, have you heard about the man

who visited the monastery and spotted 

someone making potato chips. "Are you

the 'friar' he asked? "No" came the reply.

"I'm the Chip-Monk." Hope you're well,

enjoying some chips, and that all your

NEWS is good!

Saturday, March 12, 2022


    SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 2022


    Years back there was a children's

television show that opened with the

question "Hey kids. what time is it?"

Some of us may be asking the same

question today/ If you followed the

rules to the letter you were up at 2

o'clock settung your clocks ahead

one hour as Daylight Saving Time

went into effect. In the Fall the process

is reversed as we revert to, in my case,

Eastern Standard Time. But that annual

clock setting may finally be neaaring as

end. More and more states are considering

proposals to simply make Daylight Saving

Time our permanent setting for the whole

year. It would sure save me a lot of trouble,

especially in resetting the clocks in our cars!

We'd get light later in the day throughout the

year...but at the expense of darkness about the time 

the kids are heading to school each morning.

For most of us, of course, the idea is nothing

more than a proposal. I hope Pennsylvania is

up for the change and that all your NEWS is


Friday, March 11, 2022




   Guess who's 110 years old today? It's
the Girl Scouts. Well, not the girls. It's
the Girl Scout Organization! I don't
believe any of the original members
are still around.
    Juliette Gordon Low started the first
 Girl Scout group in Savannah Georgia 
with 18 girls on March 12th., 1912.
That was a month before the Titanic
went down!
    Girl Scouting runs in our family
although I've never been one myself.
I was a Scout for awhile. A Cub
      My wife was a Scout Leader
when my daughters were involved in
the program and both of our older
granddaughters were Girl Scouts
for a time. Our youngest granddaughter
was a girl scout and our daughter-in-law
helped with the meetings and activities
in her troop.
      These days there are Boy Scout
Troops that are enrolling girls. 
However you feel about that it
probably would have kept me in
Scouting a lot longer if they did
it when I was a Cub!
       Thankfully, one tradition
remains unchanged. The Girl
Scouts still sell cookies! 
       Hope you're ordering
some from your favorite
Girl Scout and that all your
NEWS is good.  

Thursday, March 10, 2022


    FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2022


   It's March 11th everybody and that means

  it's John Chapman's Birthday!

 John Chapman was born on this date

in 1774.
     Mr. Chapman was an American pioneer
nurseryman who introduced apple trees
to large parts of Pennsylvania. But he didn't
stop there!
      His trees were distributed in Ohio,
Indiana,  Illinois, and northern counties
of West Virginia to name a few of the
      Thanks to his efforts I've enjoyed
plenty of apples over the years and an
apple dumpling whenever I can find
     Oh, by the way, you may remember
Mr Chapman by his other name.
Johnny Appleseed!
     Yep. It's a true story!
     Hope you'll have an apple in his
honor today and that all your NEWS
is good!

  It's March 11th everybody! And that

means it's John Chapman Day!!!


Wednesday, March 9, 2022


     THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2022

          WHAT'S IN A NAME?\

    It's March 10th and we're already in

the middle of "Celebrate your name week!"

This is a week during which you're to

learn more about your name. It's history

and what it means. My name, David, means

beloved. Every name has a meaning you've

just got to search it out.  Each day of this

week has a specific designation. Today, for

instance, is Name Tag Day. Where would I

be at class or even family reunions without

those little stick on tags that read "HELLO,

I'M _____________." I have a hard time

remembering names so they really come in

handy! Have a little fun, Celebrate the day

by wearing a name tag! Want more fun? Put

somebody else's name on the tag!!! Have a

good time and I hope all your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, March 8, 2022


    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2022

               YOUR CHOICE!

     You've got a big decision to make today

friends! I've got two unusual "holidays" that

fall on March 9th and they clash!

       Today is "Get Over It Day." As the name

suggests you are encouraged to take those

worries and concerns you facing and just get

over them! Toss them aside and forget about

them. At least for this day.

       If you can't and those worries and concerns

have or are becomming just too much to

handle, you'll probably want to observe the

other March 9th "holiday." It's "Panic Day!"

A day to push the panic button!

      I'm hoping your choice will be to "Get

over it!" Hope you do and that all your NEWS

is good!

Monday, March 7, 2022


      TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2022


   Odds are most of you never heard of

Don Ku. But if you're a traveler you can

thank him for making your life a little

bit easier. On March 8th of 1994 Don

got a patent for a suitcase on wheels

with a collapsible handle. His invention

literally took the load off of a lot of

people trying to make their way through

busy airports and boarding ramps at docks

everywhere. If only he had included a

homing device to make sure that luggage

ended up the same place and at the same

time as you!!! Hope you've got all your

bags and that all your NEWS is good!  

Sunday, March 6, 2022


   MONDAY, MARCH 7, 2022


   It's March the 7th and that means

it's "National Oreo Cookie Day!"The

ever popular Oreo Cookie. First baked,

according to yhe experts, on March 7th.,

1912 at the Chelsie Market in New York

City! By the 1920's it had become one

of those popular kid's snacks . Kids usually

twist the top and bottem apart, lick away

the icing and dunk what's left in a tall

glass on Milk! Celebrate the day by

getting some of those tasty cookies

and dunk a few yourdself! Hope you do

and that all your NEWS is good

Saturday, March 5, 2022


        SUNDAY, MARCH 6TH.


    186 years ago today a small
band of men were wiped out trying to
defend an old mission in Texas against
some 5,000 Mexican soldiers. No. I did
not actually cover that story. 
    A few years back  people in Lewistown in Central
Pennsylvania gathered around a monument
to pay tribute to three Mifflin County men
who traveled to Texas to join the fight
for Independence and died at the Alamo!
      In fact there were 15 Pennsylvanians
at the Alamo. And one other who was sent out
of the mission before the final battle to search
for supplies.
      Even if you never heard of any of those
brave men you should have seen at least one
of about a dozen movies about the battle
featuring big stars like John Wayne and Billy
Bob Thornton taking turns playing Davy
Crockett who died there along side Col
William Barret Travis and Jim Bowie.
       Recently I mentioned the Alamo to a young
lady at the  Check out counter of a local pharmacy. 
The stunned look on her face reminded me of the
time I gave another clerk a five dollar bill and a
quarter to cover four dollar and twenty five cent
bill. She would have been OK with just the five
but my payment totally threw her! I guess history,
like math, isn't what it used to be.
        That's too bad! They say if we don't learn from
history we're doomed to repeat it! And  I'll bet both
were "good students" too! 
        Then, within the past 10 years or so, those
ceremonies in Lewistown came to an end. Perhaps
too few volunteers or too little funding. It's sad,
however, to think folks there may be forgetting
the Alamo and their own local heroes!
        Hope you Remember The Alamo, especially
on this anniversary date, and that  all your NEWS
 is good!

Friday, March 4, 2022



             I'LL GET TO IT!

    I think it's only fair to tell you
this is National Procrastination Week!
It actually started March 1st and runs
for two weeks! I was going to tell you
but I decided to put it off.
     We all put things off from time
to time. It's OK this week.
      I've got a list of things I'm
suppose to do. Now I've got an
official excuse to put them off a
little longer!
       There are several expressed goals
for the week. The first is to celebrate
the act of procrastinating by leaving
necessary tasks to be done at a later
time. There are, however, other
purposes for the holiday. One claim
is that the week of putting-off provides
a mental and emotional break causing
a decrease in stress and anxiety!
         So take it easy this week and
don't rush to get things done!
         Hope you enjoy the break and
that all your NEWS is good  

Thursday, March 3, 2022


    FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 2022


   It's Marcg and today we're observing

two unusual and unofficial "holidays"

worthy of some attention. The first is

observed by taking the numerical date

and using it as a word as in "March

Forth. That is "March forward." Move

ahead. Perhaps with a goal if your life.

March forth into something new and

exciting. Today is also "Unplugged

Day."  A day to rid yourself of 

technology that holds you captive.

Get away from the radio and TV,

Get out and enjoy life, Do something

different. Who needs all that electricity

anyway? I was going to write more on

the subject...but my light just went out!

Maybe I'd better rething this "celebration!"

Hope you're well, marching forth, can

see where you're going and that all your

NEWS is good!    

Wednesday, March 2, 2022


    THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2022


  It's March 3rd. It's "National Athem

Day!" Our National Athem was originally

a poem written in 1814 by Francis Scott

Key and it was originally called "A Defense

of Fort McHenry." It was turned into a song,

ironically, by taking the melody from a

British drinking song! It wasn't until 100

years later that it officially became our

National Anthem! That's when President

Herbert Hoover signed legislation naming

The Star Spangled Banner as such. The

lyrics are dramatic and very moving as

they describe our flag flying throughout

the night as the British bombarded the

fort during the war of 1812. So if someone

tells you that any another tune should be

our anthem.....don't stand for it!!!!! Hope

you're well and that all your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022


     WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2022

         SAME OLD, SAME OLD!

   How many time have you started a

conversation with someone with the

question "What's new" only to get the

answer "Nothing much, same old stuff."

Well, this is their day! You see March 2nd

is "Same Old Day! But it is not a day to

do the same old stuff. This is a day to try

new things. To look for new adventures

and get out of that "same old rut!" Meet

some new friends. Take on a new hobby.

Expand your horizons! By the way my wife

said I'm the perfect guy to talk about old

stuff. Wonder what she meant by that> Oh

well, enjoy your day and I hope all your NEWS

is good!