Tuesday, December 31, 2024




   Well here we are friend, with a

brand new year on our hands. Sort

of like a blank slate on which we'll

fill in details for each new day. And

who knows what awaits us? Perhaps

fun and excitement. Certainly challenges.

We always have a few of those. And

what about miracles? They may very

well be on the calendar as well. For

many years my Dad, a movie

projectionist, had to work on New

Year's Eve. But just after the ball

dropped in Times Square our phone

would ring at home. It would be

Dad with his Happy New Year

greeting. My Dad passed away

just before Thanksgiving in 1994.

That New Year, just after the  ball

dropped in Times Square, our

telephone rang. I picked it up and

said "Hello" but heard nothing on

the other end. Out Caller ID read

"Out Of The Area" or something

like that. But I knew from whence 

the call was coming and who was

on the other end. It was undoubtedly

my Dad calling to say Happy New

Year and assure us that all was well.

Often we receive miracles like that

without stopping to see them for what

they are. Watch for them in this new

year and perhaps you'll recognize

them! Happy New Year and may all

your NEWS be good!


Monday, December 30, 2024


     TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2024


   Well friends, December is about to be

gone as is 2024. New Year's Eve is

traditionally a time for celebration,

parties, and fun. But it is also an

opportunity for Time Travel! Don't

laugh! I've done it! Here's the trick.

Just before the ball falls at Times

Square in New York, call someone

in Europe. Ask them what year it

is and you'll find out you've just 

called into the future! We have family

in California. If we call them right

after Midnight arrives here we'll

discover we're calling into the past!

Now that's something worth boasting

about! Of course when and where

ever you call, 2025 is bound to show

up so be prepared. Hope you have a

Happy New Year and that all your NEWS

is good! 


Sunday, December 29, 2024



     MONDAY, DECEMBER 30TH., 2024
     I must admit that today's Blog is about
a national "holiday" I won't be observing.
     December 30th is "Falling Needles
Family Fest Day."
     This is a day specifically intended
as a reminder for those taking down their
Christmas trees to clean up and recycle
those trees.
      Every state offers recycling programs
and many communities offer free pick up.
      Before they're recycled the trees can
be used as a shelter for birds or a place
where you can hang treats for our
feathered friends.
      Trees can also be used for mulch.
      It's a very positive "holiday" that's
designed to improve the environment.
      In my case, however, it's too early!
      After months of buildup to Christmas
I think the holiday deserves to hang around
a bit longer. At least until "Russian Christmas"
on January 6th.
      Then there's the fact we've used the same
artificial tree for many years! It's our Christmas
tree and by unpacking it every season we've
saved a lot of natural trees!
       Clean up if you must but I'm hoping
you'll hang on to your tree, and Christmas,
a little longer. And that all your NEWS is


Saturday, December 28, 2024


     SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2024

                  TICK TOCK!

           December is so great. So many special days

to celebrate.
   Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's
Eve, and Tick Tock Day!
    Yep! Tick Tock Day. It comes around every
29th of December. Two days before the end of
the year!
    The day is celebrated by completing tasks on
hand, like ensuring all holiday gifts are delivered.
Better make sure UPS and FEDEX are aware of
this "holiday!"
     It's a day to complete unfinished business so
nothing that should have been done is carried
over into the new year. In my case I may have
to apply for an extension. My unfinished
business may well take me into February!
      But back to Tick Tock Day.
      It's a perfect day to take stock of yourself
and your situation and to come up with those
New Year's Resolutions to improve your lot in
2025. Maybe I'll resolve to finish my unfinished
business. Well, some of it anyway.
      The "Tick tock" of course, is the sound of
this year's time running out. So get to it while
there's time to get things done!
      Hope your clock is on time and that all your
NEWS is good!

Friday, December 27, 2024


      SATURDAY,DECEMBER 28, 2024

          KNOW WHEN TO HOLD 'EM!

   This is one of those "unusual holidays"

specifically designed, I believe, to fall

between Christmas Day and New Year's

Day. December 28th is "Card Playing Day."

It's a time when many families get together

and supporters of this "holiday" believe

a good old fashioned game of cards is a

great recreational activity for everyone.

There is, in fact, a card game designed for

just about anyone. War, Old Maid, and 

Fish are just a few examples of card games

for the kids. Adults may find pleasure in a

game og Gin Rummy, Poker, or Bridge.

I'm not especially interested in any kind

of card game. Seems like everytime I try

to draw the high card I end up with the

Joker! Maybe somebody's trying to tell

me something? So, deal me out. But

enjoy your game and I hope all your NEWS

is good. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

NUTTY AS A .......


     FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27TH., 2024
          NUTTY AS A .........

   It is probably the most maligned gift of
Christmas yet one of the most historical. It's
the Fruitcake! And December 27th is
National Fruitcake Day!
    For those who may not know it is a cake
made with dried fruit, nuts and spices. If that's
not enough, some are soaked with spirits and
we're not talking about the kind of spirits
Dickens wrote about in "A Christmas Carol!"
     The earliest receipt come from ancient
Rome and there are those who suggest some
of the Fruitcakes being sold or served today
were probably made about that time.
      My wife enjoys a good Fruitcake and I'll
usually have a slice or two myself after she's
cut the first slice. There's no hurry! They tend
to last a long time.
       If you don't like them they're prefect as
a re-gift to someone else or keep them long
enough and use the as a door stop! Keep
those options in mind Iris! (Iris is one of
my regular Blog readers who has expressed
a dislike for Fruitcakes!)
        Hope you'll enjoy the "holiday" one
way or another and that all your NEWS
is good!

Wednesday, December 25, 2024




     These days Christmas comes early.

You begin seeing Christmas decorations

in many stores about the same time the

Halloween outfits are going on sale. And

by Thanksgiving the turkeys are being pushed

aside by bells and elves and Christmas trees.

       That said, by December 26th and 27th

some folks are looking at the 25th as the

ghost of Christmas past! What about the 

"12 days of Christmas?" And how

about Orthodox Christmas in January? We're

too quick in some cases to ditch that Christmas

spirit that makes the world so much better.

I'm hanging on as long as possible. Hope you

do too and that all your NEWS is good!   

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


         DECEMBER 25, 2024


      Hello my friends and welcome

to December 25th. Christmas, The

day we observe the birth of Jesus.

Now to be honest Biblical scholars

say it is very unlikely Jesus was born

in December. As a matter of fact, a

few have calculated his birth on

9/11   in the year 3BC. Around the

4th century December 25 became the

popular date to observe Christmas 

and that, ironically, stemmed from a

Pegan custom associated with the

winter solstice. The date has seen

some wonderful events. In 1914,

during World War I, British and

German troops actually called a

Christmas truce and played soccer

together! In took until 1831 that the first

few states officially recognized

Christmas as a legal holiday.  And in

1818, in a small Austrian village, a

famous Christmas tune was born."

Stiille Nacht." You know it as

"Silent Night!" Merry Christmas to

all and may all your NEWS be good!

Monday, December 23, 2024


    DECEMBER 24, 2024


    I've shared this story many times

but it's always worth retelling. My

video BLOG includes a re-creation

of this true story that happened 36

years ago this very day. I had a bad

habit of doing my Christmas shopping

on Christmas Eve. There was a time 

when that added to the Christmas spirit

for me. But that year, 1988, my wife

had asked for a somewhat unusual gift.

It was a lawn decoration that looked

like a lamb. I already had plans to pick

up a present for one of my daughters

at a shop in Montrose which is about

an hour and a half from our home. I

decided I'd better look for that lamb

first. I visited a number of Lawn &

Garden shops. A couple of the owners

were familiar with the decoration but

didn't have any in stock. The hour was

getting late with that drive ahead of me

so I decided I'd make up a gift certificate

for my wife and find the lamb after

Christmas. It was dark and getting late

when I finally set out for Montrose.

I was driving along Route 92 near the

Susquehanna River. I was, I believe,

in the area of Harding when I passed a

house off to my right that had one of

those lamb decorations in the front

yard. They had to know where they

bought it! My dilemma was trying to

decide if I should stop and bother the

homeowner on this dark Christmas Eve

to ask where they bought the lamb. Since

this was a special gift my wife wanted I

decided to take a chance. I got out of my

car and walked up to the house then

knocked on the front door. A woman

answered. The woman who MADE THE

LAMBS!!!! Her name was Madeline Woods.

She once owned an area flower shop. Madeline

had two of the newly made lamb ornaments

in her house. One was a gift for a friend. The

other was available! Coincidence? Somehow

I doubt that. Madeline passed away many

years ago but she left my wife and I with

a wonderful craft that we regard as a

Christmas Miracle! Merry Christmas to

you all and may all your NEWS be good!     


Sunday, December 22, 2024




  It's December 23rd my friends and time to
check your tree! It's fun to have a look at all
the branches and find things you may never
have seen before!
   Oh! I don't mean your Christmas tree. I'm
talking about your Family tree! You see this
is "Roots Day!"
    It's the perfect time to celebrate your
heritage. Many of you are likely home or
headed home to be with family for the
     I can trace my Mom's side of the family
back to the Revolutionary war. And the
Singlet family has been holding reunions
for over 100 years!
     While I don't know much of the actual
history my Dad's grandparents and great
grandparents all hail from the same town
in Italy!
       Genealogy is a big deal these days.
If you really get into it you can find out
a lot of things about your relatives. Of
course that could be a mixed blessing!
         My wife learned she has some ties
to a New York family that ran a "Family."
Now, every now and then, she makes me
an offer I can't refuse!
         So, while you're decorating or just
enjoying your Tannenbaum, give some
thought to those whose roots make your
family tree so sturdy!
          Hope you find some stars on those
branches and that all your NEWS is good! 

Friday, December 20, 2024


     SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2024


    It's December 21st! It's Yule Day! I

don't know if you've heard of it before

or not. But you've certainly heard of the

12 days of Chrfistmas. Yule Day is the

start of that 12 day period. It's always on

the Winter Solstice. In years past farmers

would gather in their crops for the holiday

meals. And folks would begin trimming

their Christmas trees. It's the day you

begin gathetring presents for those 12 days

of Christmas. The first one could be the

hardest. A Partridge in a Pear Tree! Wait

a minute. I know where there's a Pear tree!

In fact it's right across the street frpom my

house. I've got myself a Pear tree. Now...

all I have to do is wait for a Partridge to

show up. I wonder what a Pafrtridge looks

like? This may be tougher than I thought!

Hope your 12 gifts are all ready and wrapped

and that all your NEWS is good!  

Thursday, December 19, 2024


      FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2024

                    WRAP IT UP KID!!

    Don't get worried. This isn't a wrap

song or verse. It's an observation, and

suggestion for retailers out there. You

sell us these swell presents then send

us home with them in a bag! That leaves

guys, like me, to wrap them for Christmas.

I'm not a very good wrapper! I end up with

bits and pieces of wrapping paper and tape

on me. Lots all over the floor too! Why

don't you pre-wrap the presents? Let us see

a sample of the product then send us home

with an already wrapped present. It would

help guys like me a lot. Of course bad as my

wrapping is I'm certain my wife will 

appreciate the bright can of SPAM I've  

just wrapped up in red paper and.....oh....

wait! I want it to be a big surpise. Don;t

say anything! Hope you're all wrapped

up and that all your NEWS is good!  

Monday, December 16, 2024


      TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2024


      It's Christmas time so you know who's

coming to town right? No. Not Santa. I'm

talking about Belsnickel! A Christmas

tradition in parts of Pennsylvania! He's a creature

dressed in furs carrying a long switch from

a tree. He raps on the windows of children's

rooms knowing who is naughty and who 

is nice. The naughty kids get a wack on the

rear end and the nice kids ger a treat.

Belsnickel is a German born tradition who

is still talked about in some of the Pennsylvania

Dutch community. He became nationally

know when actor Rainn Willson, playing

Dwight Schrute, dressed as Belsnickel

for an episode of "Thee Office." So you'd

better watch out and you'd better not cry,

because Belsnickel is coming to town!

Hope you and nice and not naughty

and that all your NEWS is good!  

Sunday, December 15, 2024



       MONDAY, DECEMBER 16TH., 2024

      You've probably heard of Christmas in
July. But one of our favorite Christmas
memories was made in June!
    If was June of 2009 and my wife and
I took a road trip that lead us to
Cleveland, Ohio!
    We passed by the Rock and Roll Hall
of Fame en route to our destination....the
"Christmas Story House."
     It's the home that was used in the movie
"A Christmas Story." A feature all about a
little boy whose only Christmas wish was to
get a Red Ryder BB gun. At one time or
another all little boys want a BB gun!
    If you haven't seen it yet...welcome back
to the United States from your monastery
in the mountains of Tibet or where ever
you've been isolated.
     The movie has become a Christmas
classic and we actually base all of our
Christmas cards on the story.
     It was such a treat to visit the house used
in several scenes! We got to see THE Leg
Lamp! I got to hide under the kitchen sink
just like Ralphie's brother Randy did in the
movie! We even we got to see the actual Red
Rider BB gun that co-stared in the feature.
     And though it was the middle of June
memories of the film made us feel just like
it was Christmas!
     When it comes right down to it a big
part of Christmas is the memories of
previous holidays....usually from the days
when we were kids! Remember those days
when you were a kid, couldn't get to sleep
Christmas Eve, then woke your folks up
about 6am to check and see what Santa left
under the tree!
      I wonder if its too late to sneak an ad
for a Red Ryder BB gun into my wife's
mahjone manual that she checks
every day. Yea......I know exactly what
she'd say! You're saying the same thing!
      Hope your list to Santa has already
been mailed and that all your NEWS is

Saturday, December 14, 2024




    For those of you who didn't already
know this is National Cupcake Day!
     I'm good with that!
     My grandson has mixed emotions.
He's made it clear he prefers full
sized Birthday cakes at his friend's
parties. If faced with those individual
decorated cupcakes he'll usually, but
reluctantly, lick off the icing.
      Cupcakes have been around for
a long time and they've changed
over the years.
       Winston Churchill is the first
person to suggest that cupcakes should
be frosted. Previously the treats were
made from dried fruit, spices, or gilded
lard, Of course Churchill also blamed
cupcakes for his jowls!
       Always anxious to support
Pennsylvania products I have been
buying Tastykake cupcakes as often
as I could.
       For a long time they were tough
to find outside of eastern Pennsylvania.
When my brother-in-law lived in
California he always bought up a
big supply on return visits.
        Distribution is much wider these
days so folks all over might be joining
me in the celebration today!
        If the grandson stops by I'll give
him one with a heavy coat of icing!
Whether you buy them or bake them
enjoy a cupcake for yourself today!
         Hope all your NEWS is good!


Friday, December 13, 2024



       SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14TH., 2024

       It's more than just a line from a popular
Christmas song friends. December 14th is now
"Roast Chestnuts Day!" It's the perfect time to
do the roasting!
       Holiday Insights.com created this new and
very special day in 2015. The date  was selected
to coincide with the beginning of the "Twelve
Days of Christmas".
       We don't roast them, at least not in the
traditional way, We've found it a lot easier
just to put a couple slices in the shells then
toss them in the microwave! Melt a little
butter on the side and you've got a delicious
       Admittedly the best we ever had were
roasted the old fashion way. They were
purchased from a vendor near the Chapel
Bridge in Lucerne, Switzerland. I suppose
the venue added a bit to that enjoyment as
we sat on the span, a pedestrian covered
bridge that dates back to at least 1367!
       A couple months ago we found two
stands selling roasted chestnuts and quickly
bought some. But that was in Munich,
Germany! Maybe you'll find some closer.
 to home! Hope you get  some and that
all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, December 12, 2024




   I'm intrigued with "Used To Be's." Places
and buildings out of my past that are gone now
or changed in their use from their vision in my
    Thomas Wolfe wrote "You Can't Go Home
Again" but that's not really true. Memories
and phots can take you there anytime you'd
like to go.
     A Facebook friend took me back to my
old neighborhood through a couple of
pictures she turned up from her family's
      Just a block away from the home in which
I was born stood a small Shoemaker's shop. I
was sent there often.
      Back "in the day" you had shoes repaired
rather than replaced. And you did it until they
couldn't be repaired anymore!
      I can still remember the wonderful aroma
of leather in that shop and the "German accent"
of the man whose craftsmanship preserved
much of the DeCosmo footwear in those days.
      But I was just a kid and never really knew
very much about the Craftsman himself!
      That's where my Facebook friend comes
in! One of my previous blogs referred to
places in my old neighborhood. After reading
it Sharon Kadler Montone  asked if I remembered
her Grandfather's shoe repair shop!
        And so it is, after all these years, I learn
that Charles Schiel was born in Vienna, Austria
in 1894. He learned his trade there and was
eventually brought to America through an
effort of the church I attended in my home
town of Hazleton.
         Charles and his wife Myra were
friends with my Mom and Dad. They lived
just a few blocks away.
         Mr. Schiel worked in his little shop
for 55 years finally retiring at age 80. He
passed away in 1985 at age 91.
          The shop is gone now. There's an
empty lot in its place. I don't pass that way
very often these days but when I do I look
at that spot and remember the machines and
the smell of the leather as if it were yesterday.
           How ironic my wife and I were
in Austria earlier this year and now I'm
learning about its native son who kept me
in my Buster Brows for so many years!
            There are ways to "go home again."
Hope you do occasionally and that all your
NEWS is good.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024



            DING A LING DAY!

        It's December 12th. "Ding A Ling Day!

The same year that Chuck Barry released

the song "My Ding A Ling," Franky Hyle

established My Ding A Ling Day. It was

1972. Franky started a club asking members

to donate one dollar to join. Some 871 people

signed up. Now thousands of people are on

board. The whole idea is to think about people

you haven't talked with in a long time, Then,

on December 12th, call them up to say Hi and

ket them know you;ve been thinking about

them. It's a ding a ling that will make you

both happy! Hope you get a call or two as

well and that all your NEWS is good!  

Tuesday, December 10, 2024




    Dr. Horace Wells probably pulled a lot\

of teeth during his years as a Dentist in

Connecticut. But it was his own tooth that

made history. And he had a friend pull it!

Dr. Wells had notixed that a number of

medical patients seemed to have less pain

when exposed to Nitrous Oxide. It was a

gas discovered by Joseph Priestly, that same

scidentist who isolated oxygen (and who

settled, by the way, near Sunbury, Pa.)!

Dr. Wells wondered if the gas might ease

the pain of tooth extractions. So, while

inhaling Nitrous Oxide, he had his friend 

John Riggs pull one of his teeth. He was

right! Dr. Wells felt no pain! That opened

the way for Nitrous Oxide to be used as

an anesthesia. A major development and

no LAUGHING matter! Hope you're well, 

have no need for an extraction, and that all

your NEWS is good!  

Monday, December 9, 2024


      TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2024

                  IT'S DEWEY'S DAY   

      Put on your party hats everybody! There's
plenty of reasons to celebrate today!
    December 10th is Nobel Prize Day, Jane
Addams Day and Human Rights Day!
     Your challenge is to list them in the proper
order! You see it's also Dewey Decimal System
      For those who don't already know, this
Dewey is not one of Donald Duck's nephews.
      This is the birthday of Melvil Dewey, the
man who created the Dewey Decimal System
to classify the method by which books are
filed in our libraries.
      A library assigns a Dewey Decimal number
 that locates a particular volume in a position
 relative to other books in the library. This makes
 it easy to find any particular book and return it to
a its proper place on the library shelves. That is
IF you returned those books your borrowed!
     I've always wondered if his inability to find
some book led to his elaborate system?
      Mr. Dewey probably wouldn't happy with my
approach to filing. It's "David's Decimal System!"
      My books are placed on shelves based mainly
on size. That is, how big is the book and where
can I squeeze it in! Unusually large volumes are
placed on top of others.
     When I'm searching for something in particular
I usually try to remember a cover or color. That helps
in my search. Sometimes!
      Of course I've got a limited collection so I don't
suppose my system would work as well in your
typical library.
      Dewey would be 151 if he were still alive. I
wonder if he'd be able to find a book on Amazon?
      Hope you know where your "classics" are and
that all your NEWS is good!

Saturday, December 7, 2024




    If you've ever been told you're
living in the past, or are ahead of
your time, this day may be for
     This is "Pretend You're A
Time Traveler Day!" It was created
in 2007 by the Koala Wallop online
     A lot of people fantasize about
the possibility and it's nothing new.
Charles Dickens envisioned it. In
his story  “A Christmas Carol”
Ebenezer Scrooge, is  transported
back and forth through time to witness
various events, leading to his eventual
change of heart towards Christmas.
     I'm not sure I want to envision the
future. I could look ahead and find I'm
not there! That could be a bit
unsettling! It would probably be better
to go back and relive some of my
better days. Or buy some stocks like
Amazon or Macintosh!
     Of course this is just "Pretend
You're A Time Traveler Day." I, as
I've reported before, have actually
done some Time Traveling. Several
times just after the New Year's ball
fell at Times Square I've called
family members in California
allowing me to speak to people in
the previous year!
     Since I haven't reset my Miata car
clock since we switched to Standard
Time, I'm an hour into the future
every time I go for a ride!
     So enjoy the day. Perhaps you
can pretend it's already Christmas...and
take the day off!
      Hope you get away with it and
that all you NEWS is good!


Friday, December 6, 2024



       FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7TH, 2024
             THE LAND OF COTTON!     

   Sure. Everybody knows December 7th is
Pearl Harbor Day.
   But did you also know the date has been
set aside to celebrate one of your kids
favorite treats? It's true!
    Welcome to National Cotton Candy Day!
    Cotton Candy was originally called fairy
 floss. It is made from Floss (or Flossine) sugar.
    I have to admit I seldom buy Cotton Candy.
It's not that I dislike the stuff, although it's not
my favorite treat. I usually see it carried into
the stands at ballgames and the circus where
vendors push it to the kids at prices that would
cover a full dinner at some establishments!
     But to hear the folks who support this
concoction, adding it to your diet is not only
a taste treat....it's downright "healthy!"
     First, they point out that Floss is not actually
a sugar and is therefore safe for diabetics!
    The Cotton Candy machine was patented in
1899 by William Morrison and John C. Wharton.
They brought it to the St. Louis World's Fair in
1904, where is was quite popular.
     But even though the date is called a "National"
observance" there is no record of any
Congressional legislation honoring Cotton Candy
in any way. Wonder how they missed taking a
vote on that one?
     There's also no explanation as to why a
traditional summer time treat would or should be
recognized in December. But.....it is!
     So if you can find any Cotton Candy today, and
can afford it, you may want to enjoy some just to
join in the celebration!
     Hope you'll clean those sticky fingers and that
all of your NEWS is good!

Thursday, December 5, 2024


      FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6TH, 2024


     This is a day that should get a
lot of attention around these parts.
Yet I doubt most people even    
know about it.
      December 6th., is National
Miner's Day. And, by the way, it
is official! A resolution designating
the day was passed by the U.S.
Senate in 2009.
      Other than occasional visits to
the Lackawanna Coal Mine Tour
my only experience with mining
came as a reporter a few years
back. It was in Schuylkill County
where a team of brothers operated
a coal mine some 500 feet below
the surface.
      My photographer and I were
invited inside so, after putting a
set of coveralls over my business
suit, I joined my cameraman and
one of the brothers on a ride straight
down into the mine standing on a
ladder inside a giant coal bucket!
     There was a long tunnel at the
bottom with a set of tracks and a
small engine used to haul a sting of
coal cars. We road in one of the
cars and had to duck every few feet
so our head didn't smack a timber
or one of the light bulbs that provided
the only glow inside that long cave.
     Water dripped everywhere and
I couldn't help but notice the way we
came in seemed to be the only way
out. That's when I stated to wonder
if I really needed to be there.
      That thought hit me again when
the miner said he was about to set
off a charge! That's dynamite to us
lay people!
      I made it back out with a good
story and a much deeper appreciation
to those men who spent the better
part of their lives laboring in tunnels
like that to provide for their families
and our communities.
      Up till then I figured a "Beaker
Boy" was the kid that flipped the
switch to get the lights back on!
       I'd like to see today's minors learn
more about the miners we're suppose
to be honoring!
       Hope we all remember them and
that all your NEWS is good!



Wednesday, December 4, 2024




   Today I am recalling a long forgotten

"holiday" associated with Christmas. It was

known as Andisop and it ran from December

5th till Christmas Day. In the mid 19th century

on the Isle of Man, a group of fiddlers would

go door to door during the early morning

hours, playing a song called "Andisop", knocking

on doors, telling the hour, and reporting the

"state of the weather." They asked for a

gratuity in return. I suppose if they didn't

play well or knocked too early one would be

happy to give a gratuity just to get these

holiday musicians on their way. Of course

today we have an alarm clock to wake us

up at  the hour we chose and we can check

the weather on TV. But, lets admit it, a lot

of those TV Weather people "fiddle around"

a lot before they ever get to the forecast!

Hope you alarm is set, your weather great,

and that all your NEWS is good!  


Tuesday, December 3, 2024




       Before you start jotting down a

numerical list of all the things "he" 

wants for Christmas or the things

you're considering buying, allow me

to explain that December 4th is  "Santa's

List Day," It's the day when Santa and

his elves begin their final review of

his "Naughty Or Nice list." Ironically

I mention it just after I've completed 

a lengthy afternoon drive taking my

wife to various spots she had or wanted

to visit. Which, by the way, comes after

last evening when I prepared her supper

and put all the tray tables away nicely.

Not that those efforts should put me on

his "Nice list." Although he may want

to consider them. (Might as well let

him know, just in case!) Hope you're

nice, well, and that all your NEWS is


Monday, December 2, 2024



          DECK YOUR HALLS!

   Santa's already showing up in towns

throughout our area and most communities

have all sorts of decorative Christmas light

strung up for people to enjoy. And most

people have already started to do the

work to deck their own halls inside and

outside their homes. My wife has been

doing that by herself for the last few

days and it's beginning to look a lot

like Christmas at our house! The center

piece for most folks is the Christmas

Tree. Many still head out to the woods

at this time of the year to select and cut

their own tree. Ours is artificial. But

it is "our tree." It's decorations reflect

years of family love. Ornaments, hand

made, by the children and  now the

grandchildren make this tree unique

to our family! This tree has character!

It doesn't matter whether you've got

a live tree or an artificial one. The

thing that really matters is that's

it's your tree with all the love and

memories that come with it. Hope

you're getting yours ready and that

you've got some "volunteer" like

my wife to do most of thr work!

Hope you do and that all your

NEWS is good!


Sunday, December 1, 2024


      MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2024

                  SHOP OR SIP?

    No, I haven't spelled it wrong. Read on.

Today is one of our nation's modern

"unofficial holidays." It is "Cyder Monday."

It's a day when you are encouraged to do

all your shopping on line. Small business

owners tried to lure shoppers into their

local store on Saturday. But they haven't

surrendered to those on line merchants

just yet. In fact they've countered Cyber

Monday with Cider Monday! Cider Monday

is the brainchild of bookstore owner

Willard Williams. He led a campaign to

get small business owners to offer cider

and donuts to customers who come into

their stores on Cyber Monday. It's your

choice of course. But cider and donuts

always appealed to me! Have a great

day. Hope all your NEWS is good!   

Saturday, November 30, 2024


          SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2024


    As we welcome December a host of
holiday memories begin to fill our minds.
Most are pleasant although, perhaps,
    That first visit with Santa. Maybe yours.
Maybe your kids or grandkids. That
Christmas wish list. Christmas shopping.
     I've got a host of them too. Today
though I thinking back to December of
1959 and a very important office Christmas
     Before you get the wrong idea that
often gets associated with office parties
allow me to point out this was a party I
did not attend! And that's what made it
so special to me!
      I was an Errand Boy at my local
radio station, WAZL in Hazleton.
Most everyone at the station was invited
to attend the Christmas party. The DJ's
pre-recorded their shows that evening
so the music would go on.
      But somebody had to play those
tapes! And, once each half hour, somebody
had to go on-the-air with the station
identification! And that December evening
(the exact date escapes me) I was the guy
who got to do that! It was my first time on
the air!
       Between radio, and television, and 
my video blogs I'm going on about 65 years! 
       Kind of a Christmas memory that keeps
on giving! Hope you're heard or seen me
somewhere along the way and that all your
NEWS is good!


Friday, November 29, 2024




   Confession time! Yes. There was a time
I painted houses!
   Now before you get all shocked, or offer
me work, or tell my wife, I'm referring to
actually using a paint brush to apply fresh
paint to the inside walls of houses. Not the
mafia's definition. And only one house.
     Back in my High School days a classmate
friend offered me a chance to spend a couple
days in Wildwood painting a couple rooms
in an apartment building owned by his uncle.
     I've always loved the shore so I quickly
accepted the invitation even though my
knowledge in the field of  home repairs or
improvements was, and is, about the same as
my expertise in nuclear fission.
     I was given a brush, a can of paint ,and a
couple walls.  The task was actually pretty easy,
though time consuming,  I pretty much
killed it  There wasn't much to do wrong!
      The shore, however, turned out to be a
little disappointing as it was slightly off
season. The water was too cold and the
Boardwalk was pretty much closed.
        I came home and, as you know, got into
broadcasting. Painting houses just wasn't
for me. It still isn't so don't tell my wife!!!
        Hope all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, November 28, 2024



              SPEEDY DELIVERY!

      For years I have labored under the
illusion that Mr. McFeely, of "Mr. Rogers
Neighborhood," was a Postal worker. A
      I just learned that the man
known for his "Speedy Delivery line"
was, in fact, the primary employee
(probably the only employee) of the
"Speedy Delivery Service."
      I'm remembering that character
today as I think about Christmas
     Look, I go back to the days when
you went shopping in your hometown
downtown. You saw what they had and
bought what you wanted then carried
it home.
      Rarely there was something not
offered locally that you found in a
catalog, probably Sears, that you had
to order by mail. Then you'd wait,
fingers crossed, hoping that order
would actually arrive in time for
      I needed a special battery for my
still camera last year. There was a time
I would have gone to Radio Shack to
find one. Since that chain has all but
disappeared I went to Best Buy. The
folks there didn't have what I needed.
But, like the Santa at Macy's who sent
customers to Gimbles, a friendly clerk
directed me to WalMart.
       That big box store didn't have my
battery either. But the clerk said I could
get it on line. Reluctantly I searched
the internet and found my battery and
a charger at an Electronics site that
promised "Speedy Delivery."
       I placed my order on a Friday
and was shocked to see my order show
up in a UPS truck on Tuesday! (I wonder
if Mr. McFeely was driving?)
       I still prefer buying locally whenever
I can but my experience has me a little
more confident in turning to the modern
version of the Sears catalog that's available
on my laptop if that's what it takes to get
what I need!
       Hope Santa's still on his Speedy
Delivery schedule and that all your NEWS
is good!  

Wednesday, November 27, 2024




   It's November 28th. It's Thanksgiving 

Day. But the holiday falls late in the month

this year consequently another unofficial

holiday sort of gets lost in the shuffle. You

see November 28th is also "Red Planet Day."

It was so designated in honor of Mariner 4,

the first spacecraft to fly by Mars in 1965!

Mars is know as the "Red Planet" because

of the rust-iron color of its soil. Of course

the question everyone always asks is

"Is their life on Mars?"  I can't answer that

but just in case there is I'd like to wish

everyone (or thing) there, and here, a

very Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you're

well, where ever you are, and that all

your NEWS is good! 

Tuesday, November 26, 2024




   The Thanksgiving holiday is filled

with traditions, The turkey dinner. Shopping

on Black Friday, left overs, more shopping

on Cyber Monday, and holiday parades. But

there's one Thanksgiving tradition that is now

pretty much limited to our memories. It was

the annual High School Thanksgiving Day

Football game. Every town had its own

High School back in the day and usually

it played its game with its biggest rival

on Thanksgiving Day. In my case it was

Hazleton vs. West Hazleton. Those Turkey

Day games started to disappear as school

district mergers brought the traditional

opponents under the same roof at a new

High School. I was only on the field for

one of those Thanksgiving Day games.

Actually I was on the sideline for the

most part. I was a Manager for the Football

team. One of those guys who took water

to the players during time outs. And on more

than one occasion I was one of those guys

to carried an injured player off the field

on a stretcher. One "tradition" I truly

don't miss. Hope you've got some good

Thanksgiving holiday tradition memories and

that all your NEWS is good!  

Monday, November 25, 2024




  Of all the unusual "holidays" I tell

you about this one may be the least

needed. November 26th is "Shopping

Reminder Day!" Some on line sites

list it as November 25th but the

majority use the 26th so I'll go with

that. We're already being bombarded

with Christmas ads on TV, radio,

newspaper, and social media since

Christmas is just one month away.

We're also facing "Black Friday,"

Cyber Monday, and Small Business

Shopping Day so I'm not sure who

decided a reminder was needed,

That said, there are a couple things

I wouldn't mind having as gifts

this year so I'll observe the day by

reminding my wife about those!

Hope you'll get all your shopping

done and that all your NEWS is


Sunday, November 24, 2024


   MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2024

                  SO WHAT?

   When I tell you this is November 25th

it may not matter to you at all. And that's

OK because this is "Blase' Day!"  Blase'

is a French word that, generally, means

who cares?! Many of us are so impressed

with art or music or whatever that we

become overwhelmed! Well it's time

to relax and take a break. It's a day to

be unimpressed! Be blase!  Just take

the day and whatever comes with it

a grain of salt. Don't be impressed

with anything! (Except, maybe, my

BLOG!) Hope you're blase' and

that all your NEWS is good!

Saturday, November 23, 2024


            SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2024


          It happened this week in 1984. The

Joe Palooka comic strip was published for

the very last time. Palooka was created by

Wilkes-Barre native Ham Fisher. A monument

at the base of Mount Palooka stands just off

route 309 in Hanover Township. I was a member

of a 4 man committee who raised public funds

for the monument which replaced a bronze 

marker stolen around the time of the Agnes

Flood. Palooka's character was so popular

that when that character joined the army at

the start of World War II, thousands of men,

inspired by the comic strip, joined up too!

Palooka was credited by the President with

helping the war effort. In the final comic

strip Joe and his wife "retired" back to his

hometown of Wilkes-Barre, PA. Joe's out

there somewhere yet I suppose. Hope his,

and your NEWS is good!  

Thursday, November 21, 2024


     FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 2024


   Thanksgiving is just a few days off now.

 But today I'm remembering another day

in November. It was November 22, 1963.

I was driving when I first heard

reports that shots had been fired as the

resident's motorcade drove through Dallas,

Texas. I rushed back to the radio station

where I was working, WNAK to cover

the story. We had no radio network, just

an Associated Press Teletype machine

that printed the latest news as it was

received. I ran an extra long microphone

cord into the closet where we kept the

AP machine and read every word as it

was printed! Of course the climax of

those reports can with confirmation

that President John F. Kennedy had

sustained fatal wounds and had been

pronounced dead.  We didn't know. as

a nation, if we'd get over this tragic

event. We did. Eventually. Just as we

get over all of the tragedies we face.

Still, November 22nd will always be a

day to remember. Hope you're well and

that all your NEWS, unlike the news of 

that November 22nd, is good!

Wednesday, November 20, 2024



                     SAY WHAT!?

    It's November 21sr friends! It's "World

Hello Day!"  The observance was begun

in 1973 in response to a conflict between

Egypt and Israel, Since then World Hello

Day has been observed in 180 countries!

It is a day when people are encouraged

to think about world peace! The simple

act of saying "Hello" serves as a reminder

that communications is better than force

to settle conflicts! And, by the way, "Hi"

or "Hey there" will work just as well!

Give it a try on this World Hello Day!"

Hope you will and that all your NEWS

is good!


Sunday, November 17, 2024


    MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2024


     November 18th is "National Apple

Cider Day!" Apple Cider has been around

for a long, long time. The Celts in Britain

made it from crab apples as early as

3,000BC! Acidic Cider apples came with

the Norman invasion on England in 1066.

When a climate change produced colder

than usual seasons in Western Europe

between the 14th and 19th centuries grapes

didn't do very well but apples did. So cider

became the favorite beverage. These days

cider shows up everywhere around

October and we usually buy a few

quarts. Lately my wife has discovered

that apple cider poured over a venison

(or any other kind of) roast makes for

a delicious meal. There's another

thing that lures us to cider. That's

when they use it to make apple cider

donuts! Hope you'll enjoy some

cider this season and that all your

NEWS is good.

Saturday, November 16, 2024


     SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 2024


  This is one of those unusual "holidays" I

won't be observing. This is "Facebook Unfriend

Day." It was either created or at least promoted

by talk show host Jimmy Kimmel and was

started ten years ago. Kimmel suggested that

having too many friends on Facebook keeps

you away rom your actual friends. I don't

agree. The average Facebook user has about

130 friends. I have 4,900. I probably actually

know about 30 of them. But most of them know

me from my many years in the media. We're

suppose to social distance from friends right

now so this seems to be a very safe way to do

that. So I'll keep you if you'll keep me! Hope

you're well and that all your NEWS is good!

Friday, November 15, 2024



  SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH.,2024          
               A QUICK STOP!

     OK. Here it is in a nutshell gang. This is
National Fast Food Day!
      The pace of live in America is fast and
during the 1950's the food industry began
to address that pace by developing Fast
Food Restaurants.
      Ironically many of the outlets that
lead the way vanished nearly as fast as
they arrived. Remember Carrols or
Stop and Go? When those chains were
around you could pick up a burger,
fries, and a soft drink, give the clerk a
dollar and get change! Hamburgers at
the original McDonalds were 15 cents!
For 3 cents more you could add a slice
of cheese!
       Of course McDonalds, Burger
King and a host of other fast food
places are around these days so you
should have no trouble celebrating
the day. But you will need a little
more than 15 cents!
       Hope you still get some change
and that all your NEWS is good!


Thursday, November 14, 2024


    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2024

             DON'T WASTE IT!

     November 15th is "America Recycles

Day." The average American throws out

4.9 pounds of trash every single day. Much

of that "trash" includes products that could,

and should be recycled. Cardboard for

instance. Cardboard can be recycled 7 or

more times. And how about paper? Recycling

one ton of paper saves 17 trees and 380

gallons of oil! Aluminum cans are the

most recycled objects. Recycling one ton

of aluminum cans saves 21 barrels of oil.

Recycling one ton of plastic would save

685 barrels of oil! So there are plenty

of things you can recycle. Paper, glass

bottles, plastics, and aluminum cans.

And this "America Recycles Day" is

the day to get on board and join the

effort! Oh. One reminder. Before

tossing any cans or bottles make sure

they're empty. I'm working on getting

a wine bottle ready right now! Hope

you're recycling and that all your

NEWS is good!  

Wednesday, November 13, 2024




   It's November 14th everybody. And today

is "Block It Out Day!" It's a day set aside

to remind everyone of the dangers of

on line hatred, trolls, and bullying! We've 

seen so much of that especially in the

wake of the recent election! Why dule

it out with some texter who disagrees

with you? Why bother to argue? Simply

Block the offender and get on with

your life! Build your own "wall" and

ignore those who want to engage in a

battle of wit but are generally

unarmed! Clear some space! Block

your offenders. But, please, don't

block the BLOG! Hope you're

\well and that all your NEWS is


Tuesday, November 12, 2024



              THE RACE IS ON!
    Single men. On your mark, Get set!
     It is November 13th, also know in
some parts as "Sadie Hawkins Day!"
     According to holidayinsights.com
This holiday originated in a cartoon.
     It all began in Al Capp's "Lil Abner
Cartoon in the 1930's. In the cartoon series,
the mayor of Dogpatch was desperate to
marry off his ugly daughter. So he created
Sadie Hawkin's Day.
     On this day, a race is held and all the
single men were given a short head start.
Then, all the single women, including the
mayor's daughter, chased the boys. If a girl
catches her man, he had to marry her.
     Sadie Hawkins races and related events
were a bid deal for many years. But they
generally died out when the comic strip
was discontinued.
     There are still some events today,
usually on college campuses.
      And there's still a town in Ireland
where matchmakers get together one
day each year to get try to get couples
together! Of course in that case it's the
men chasing the women!
     After the harvests in September,
young farmers from all over Ireland would
shuffle into Lisdoonvarna to find themselves
a potential wife, with the help of the
     Sadie Hawkins Day is still specifically
for the women!
     So, if you're male and single, this
is a good day to keep looking over your
      You may want to walk a little faster.
Or, maybe, just stop!
      That Depends on what, or who, you
      Hope you meet your Sadie, and that all
your NEWS is good!

Sunday, November 10, 2024



          MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH, 2024

  Everybody knows, or should know, it's Veteran's Day.
   And everybody is, or should be, remembering our
veterans, past and present!
   But November 11th marks another "holiday" as well
and there's a pretty good chance you never knew it!
   Today is "Origami Day!"
   Now, as we all know, Origami is the Art of folding
objects out of paper without cutting, pasting, or decorating
it. You knew that.....didn't you? 
   Hey....I had to look it up!
   In a sense Origami Day shares the same origin as
Veterans Day!
   November 11 is also World Peace Memorial Day
and the symbol of World Peace is a Crane, fashioned
out of folded paper!
    I've done a bit of paper folding myself over the
years. Primarily back in my "school days"
    I never made any cranes.
    My expertise was Paper Airplanes.
    Usually, we judged success more by distance
of flight rather than artistic design.
    Some students tended to favor "spit balls." I'm
not sure any of them  fit the artistic qualifications
for origami.
    I must also tell you that Origami art isn't limited
to traditional sheets of white paper.
    I found an entire web site with step by step instructions
on how to create an elephant, a butterfly, a ring, a tee shirt,
a heart, a bow tie, or a pixie shoe by folding a dollar bill!
   I checked my wallet. I've only got enough for a ring and
a pixie shoe!
   I think I'll just keep them as they are. Flat and a little
   But the rest of you, with talent, ought to think about
celebrating a bit today by taking a piece of paper, or
a dollar bill, and folding it into the form of a crane to
mark World Peace Day!
    I hope you've got the dollar to do it and that all your
NEWS is good!



Saturday, November 9, 2024


        SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2024


    So many memorable characters! So much

good music! So much shared knowledge! All

coming out of one television show! And today

we celebrate "Sesame Street Day!" That classic

series first aired on November 10th of 19691

    We were introduced to stars like Big Bird,

The Count, and Cookie Monster to name just

a few. We learned classic music like "Rubber

Ducky" and "C is for Cookie." The show

even hit the Guinness Book of World Records

capturing over 100 Emmy Awards! Financial

problems forced the series off of PBS and

onto HBO a few years back. But you don't

have to look too far to find re-runs of

Sesame Street still helping kids to learn

and adults to laugh. I'm just wondering

if Big Bird gets residuals?  Hope he does

and that all your NEWS is good!

Friday, November 8, 2024



                CLEANUP TIME!!!

  Regular followers of this blog know how fond

I am of telling you about unusual "holidays" that

are observed every single day of the year. Today,

however, I'd like to suggest a new one. One that

I've come up with. I'd like to establish "Take

Down Your Signs Day." It would be held twice

each year on the day following elections. We have

put up with political commercials on radio and

TV for at least the past two  months. Last night

at least one ran an hour after the poles closed!

They, hopefully, will be over for the time being.

But the political signs that litter our roadsides seem 

to linger long after the elections have ended. Some

people are still displaying signs for a Presidential

candidate and his running mate who, last I heard,

pretty much hate each other these days!  I had heard

there was a regulation requiring the cleanup of

political signs but I either heard wrong or, if it

does exist, it's not being enforced.  It's now time

to take them down/ I'd be OK with giving the

candidates two weeks so they could post "Thank 

you banners" over the existing signs for a week.

After that I'd prefer to see more positive sights

like brush, or grass, or even weeds ! Hope the

signs are all down soon and that all your NEWS

is good. I'm David DeCosmo and I have approved

this blog!

Thursday, November 7, 2024




   Today's BLOG has nothing to do

with tornados. November 8th is

"International Tongue Twisters

Day!" You remember those old

tongue twisters. Like, Fuzzy

Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy

had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't

fuzzy  was he?  Tongue twisters

have been around forever. And

they are not just used by kids

for fun. They are used by actors

and public speakers. Politicians

often practice them! (They love

anything with a twist!) Tongue

twisters help all of them improve

their speaking presentations.

So celebrate! Pull out some of

your old favorites. She sells

seashells down by the sea

shore. Which witch is which?

How much wood would a

woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck

could chuck wood? Or make up

something new on your own.

Hope you're well and that all

your nifty NEWS is nice tonight!  

Wednesday, November 6, 2024



          CHEF BOY OUR GUY!

  It's November 7th friends. The first

Thursday in November which is 

observed as "National Men Make

Dinner Day!"  It's a day for guys

who are generally lost in the 

kitchen to take on the challenge

of preparing the meal. It's an

opportunity to look for your

own recipes (I'm told some are

often improved with the use of

some beer or wine!)  I was all

set to observe the day by

preparing a delicious menu but,

alas, I checked the pantry and

there was no Span available!

Maybe next year. Enjoy the

day! Hope your dinner and all

your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, November 5, 2024


 Wednesday, November 6, 2024

               Story Time!

    A few BLOGS back I told you about

a book I had written. My wife did one

too. Through a website called "Storyworth"

my daughter and a granddaughter asked

my wife and I questions about our lives

and we responded with written stories.

I bring it up because November is

"Family Story Month." People will

be gathering for Thanksgiving and very

often at the meal or afterwards the

family will be telling stories from years

gone by. These stories are worth 

remembering and retelling to generations

yet to come. Whenever possible they

should be written down or recorded.

Maybe their are traditions unique to your

family that are worth remembering too.

Again, they should mainly be shared

with family. Otherwise you might

find yourself sharing embarrassing

moments like the time I started my

small motorcycle inside our kitchen

and put it in gear. The rear wheel,

spinning at 40 miles per hour, did

quite a burn job on one section of

linoleum! I often wonder in the

current residents in my old home

ever wonder how that deep dark

mark got in the floor! Hopefully

they'll never read my book! Hope

you'll share, and record your

family stories! Hope you've got

some great memories and that

all your NEWS is good!    
