Saturday, April 30, 2022


     SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2022


   It's a brand new month. It's May,

named for the Roman goddess Maia

who oversaw the growth of plants.

We can tell that Spring is truly in

the air as flowers bloom and buds

begin to show up on bushes and

trees. Unfortunately it's not only

Spring that's in the air. There's also

pollen which has found it's way onto

our car and into my nose  and eyes!

Guess it's part of the cost of better

weather. Hope you're feeling fine,

enjoying some sunshine, and that

all your NEWS is good!

Friday, April 29, 2022


    SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 2022

                 NICE DEW!

   It's April 30th., "Hairstyle Appreciation

Day! Now I suppose most people would

tend to link this day with woman's hair styles/

But what about us guys? It may not be as

noticed but we go through hairstyles and

trends too. When  I was in High School

the "Flat Top or Crew cut" were popular

options. I actually visited a stylist every

other week when I was in television to

make sure my hair was as neat as could be.

These days my grandson and granddaughter

seem to enjoy running a comb through my

hair in all directions. I'm basically happy

with the style I'm wearing now..thought it

cost a lot to keep that gray up there!

Hope you're in style and that all your

NEWS is good. 


Wednesday, April 27, 2022


   THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2022


   This is one of those "unusual holidays" I

truly enjoy! April 28th is "Great Poetry

Reading Day." I like poetry! My Mom was

a very good poet. Her verses were gathered

together by my Dad but never published.

They probably should be. And I have done

some poetry writing on occasion. I thought,

in view of this special "holiday: I'd share

one of mine with you! It;s called Grandpa's


I don't know if it's "great poetry reading" or not, but it's original and

it's mine. Get yourself some poetry, I shurely wish you would. And

until we meet tomorrow, I hope all your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2022

          DOTS AND DASHES!

   This is a very important date in the world

of communications. This is Morse Code Day.

It marks the birthday of Samuel Morse who

invented that electrical system of dots and

dashes that can send a message anywhere in

an instant. Probably the most famous was the

SOS sent from the Titanic. The system was

widely used until voice communications all

but eliminated the need for coded messages.

My wife sent a coded message just now

but the translation reads "I have chores for

you to do so get busy!" Seems whether it's

morse code, text, of just a yell.....the message

stays the same! Oh dear. Hope you're all well

and that all your NEWS is good. 

Monday, April 25, 2022


   TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 2022


   It's April 26th and I had to make

a decision. You see I found two

unusual "holidays" listed for this date.

Rather than skipping one I found a way

to observe both. I'll give each one a

theme song! For the first I've selected

Chubby Checker's "The Ewist!" You

see it's National Pretzel Day amd who

hasen't enjoyed one of those double

twisted hard pretzels at one time or 

another. The first were baked right

here in Pennsylvania by Julius Sturgis!

We'll kick off our second holiday 

observation with Elvis's "All Shook Up."

April 26th is also "Richter Scale Day!"

It marks the birthday, in 1900, of Charles

Richter, the man wgo invented the scale

by which the strength of earthquakes

are measured! Which ever, if either,

you;re observing, I hope you're well

and that all your NEWS is good!


Sunday, April 24, 2022


    MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2022


   Yesterday I told you about the first

family to make a cross country car

trip from California to New York  It

wad 1908 so there's a good chance

they had a license plate on their

Packard even if they were from

California. New York was the first

State to require license numbers on

cars. As a matter of fact it happened

on this very date in 1901! But while 

the State required license numbers, it 

did not provide the license plates! That

was up to the car owners! Some painted their

numbers on pieces of wood or even

on the side of their vehicle! Imagine

how that system would work in

Pennsylvania today where the State

allows motorists 280 choices for license

plate categories! It's also one of the

States that only requires a license plate

on the back bumper. Easier to spot a

get away car than one heading towards

you I suppose! At least we know license

plates serve a good purpose in Florida.

You can always tell when its Fall in the

Subshine State!

The license plate colors change there

like the leaves do here! Hope your

registration is up to date  and that all your

NEWS is food!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Saturday, April 23, 2022


   SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 2022

             ROAD TRIP!

   April 24th is a big day in automotive

history. On April 24th of 1908 Mr. and

Mrs. Jacob Murdock and their children

set out in Jacob's Packard in an attempt

to become the first family to travel across

the United States by car! Their trip began

in Los Angeles and their destination was

New York City. They made it! The trip

took a total of 32 days, 5 hours and 25

minutes! An amazing accomplishment.

But just imagine poor Jacob hearing

"Are we there yet?," for 32 days, 5 hours,

and 25 minutes!!! Hope your travles are

fun and that all your NEWS is good! 

Friday, April 22, 2022


   SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 2022


   It's April 23rd. I suppose you expected

me to tell you it's "English Muffin Day" 

and usually I'd take some time to tell

you about milestones like that. But today

I'm going to tell you about another

milestone. Today I begin my 12th year as

a blogger! Not long after I left the news

beat I decided to write a blog. I wasn't sure

if it would be once a month or once a week

but, almost immediately, it became a daily

effort. For the past two years, thanks to a

suggestion from my son, it's also become a

video blog. My subjects? Strange holidays.

Funny things that happen to me. Sometimes

historical moments. I have missed a few from

time time ime what with vacations and an

occassional illness. And I've repeated a

number of subjects. Either they deserved to 

be repeated or I couldn;t think of anything

else! Today's blog is number 4, 108! I hope you've

enjoyed at least a few of them. I have to take artistice

license to produce them and there's always a chance

that license will expire. But not just yet! Hope you

like and share my blogs so friends, other than mine

get to check them out! I also hope you;re well and

that all your NEWS is good!   

Thursday, April 21, 2022


   FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2022


   The answer is, or should be, God! In

fact April 22nd is "In God We Trust Day!"

It recalls April 22nd., of 1864 when

Congress passed the law requiring "In

God We Trust" be placed on U.S.

currency. In 1956 President Eisenhower

went a spet futher and signed a bill making

that phrase the official motto of the United

States. Of course humorist Gene Shepherd

looked at it this way. "In God we trust, all others

pay cash!" Hope you're well, in the money, qnd

that qll of your NEWS is good

Wednesday, April 20, 2022


    THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2022


   It's April 21st. It's "National High Five

Day!" It's a greeting that began sometime

in the 1990's but wasn't really noticed

very much until it became a habit among

basketball team players. One reaches out

one's arm and slaps a friends hand with

arms outstretched. Somehow it's migrated

from sports to everyday life. One version

has friends "bumping fists." I suppose

the pandemic helped it along as actually

skaking hands was viewed as downright

dangerous. So go ahead, feel free to extend

a high five to your friends today. It's now

an official unofficial holiday! Hope you

enjoy the day and that all your NEWS is


Tuesday, April 19, 2022


   WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2022


  Yep! You read it right. The third

Wednesday in April is "National

Banana Day!" Of course bananas

are not a "national fruit" here in the

USA. But they are very popular and

several colleges actually plan special

events around this unofficial holiday!

Bananas can be used in so many ways

including, of course, Banana bread and

in special treats like Banana Splits! I

happen to wonder about banana's

popularity. I find, after you peel off

the skin and thrown away the bone

there's nothing left. But, if yoy enjoy

them then, by all means, have a

banana to celebrate. Hope your

bannanas and fresh and all your

NEWS is good! 

Monday, April 18, 2022


       TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 2022

              A BICYCLE TRIP!

   It's April 19th. It's  "Bicycle Day!"

But I wouldn't heard out of your Schwinn

to begin the celebration. April 19th became

Bicycle Day after an unusual incident on

that date in 1943. Albert Hofmann was

working an a chemical lab in Switzerland

when he began feeling ill and decided to

go home. Albert came and went to his lab

by bicycle and was riding it home when

he noticed changes in his perspective. In

just a moment he started to believe his neighbor

was a witch and all kinds of colors flashed

before his eyes. You see Albert had accidentially

come in contact with a substance in the lab which

became known as LSD! Quite a "trip" for him!

Hope you're well and that all your NEWS is good! 

Sunday, April 17, 2022


    MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2022

          DYNGUS DAY!

   It's the Monday aafter Easter!

It's Dyngus Day! Admittedly it is

a Polish holiday but it's one all

of us guys should be celebrating!

On Dyngus day we get to chase

the girls and douse them with water!!

I can't wait to fill my water guy and

get my wife all wet!!!!! Wait a minute!

According to my notes the girls get

to toss plates and such at the guys the

next day!  Maybe I'll just have some

kielbasa instead! Hope you're well,

dry, and that all your NEWS is good!

Saturday, April 16, 2022


     SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2022


    The date of Easter, as you know,

varises from year to year. Since it falls

on the 17th this year there are a couple

other unofficial holidays that always

fall on the 17th that will likely be

forgotten this year. I wanted you to

know about them! April 17th is "National

Cheeseball Day.! It's also "Bat Appreciation

Day!" I suppose one celebrates National

Cheeseball Day by, well, eating cheeseballs.

I think I'd prefer ham. As for Bat Appreciation

Day, I think I'll let that one fly and just

celebrate Easter! Happy Eastereverybody!

I hope all your NEWS is good!

Friday, April 15, 2022


    SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2022


    I saw a banner the other day reminding

people that the Shrine Circus is coming to

town. Today happens to be "Circus Day!"

The circus is still a very big deal in Europe

but it's not lieke it used to be here in the

U.S. Several years ago sosme animal rights

activists made a big deal about seeing

Elephants in chains at the circus and caused

such a fuss that the "Greatest Show on Earth"

dropped them from its lineup. A couple years

later the Ringlings Brothers Circus folded

after years of providing fun and entertainment

to millions of people across this country. When

my Dad worked spotlight in Madison Square

Garden for Ringling Brothers years ago I got

to spend a lot of time "back stage" and was

amazed at how all the animals, from Elephants

to K9s, were treated as family pets! And, by the

way, were dogs meant to be kept on a leash by

people? Or trained to "sit" and "stay?" Yet

when a well fed, and very large, Elephant is

on a chain leash somebody gets upset! For

millions of American kids the circus was their

first and ofte only chance to see rare animals

in person. I, for one, am very happy we still

get a chance to go to a circus. And I hope we'll

only see Clowns in the center ring! Hope you

go, enjoy it, and that all your NEWS is good.

Thursday, April 14, 2022


    FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2022

        A McHOLIDAY!

    It's April 15th. It's "M cDonalds

Day," It's the anniversary of the day

in 1955 when Ray Kroc opened his

first McDonalds's franchise in Des

Plaines, Illinois. Of course the

first McDonalds restaurant was

owned and operated by the McDoanlds

brothers in California in 1940. They

turned it into a fast food restaurant

featuring 15cent hamburgers in 1948.

Kroc basically took over the name

and the chain with his franchise

outlets. McDonalds is now located

in 120 countries! And even if you

don't like the menu you've got be

be happy with the convience of all

those restrooms! Hope you're well

and that all your NEWS is good! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022


    THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2022


  We hear a lot about the Ides of March.
That's March 15th. But what about what I
consider to be the Ides of April? That's
today. April 14th. Consider the misfortunes
in April. April 14th, 1912. The Titanic strikes
an iceberg. Bad news for everyone on 
Titanic! April 14th, 1865. President Lincoln
goes to a play. That didn't work out very
well for President Lincoln. As for the rest
of us, at least usually, it's the last day to
get all our income tax information so it
can be filed tomorrow. And that, often,
is bad news for a lot of us. Well, do the
best you can with the day and here's hoping
all your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


   WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 2022


    Today we celebrate a birthday! It's

Thomas Jefferson's birthday! He was

born on this day in 1743. Thomas

Jefferson was the third President of the

United States. But he's probably best

know and remembered as one of the

main authors of the Declaration of

Independence!As such he is considered

by many to be a true American Hero!

I wanted to show you a picture of

Thomas Jefferson in honor of his

birthday but it's on a two dollar bill

and my wife dosen't like me carrying

around that much money! Maybe

you can find a photo on line? Hope

you do and that all your NEWS is


Monday, April 11, 2022


      TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 2023


     It's April 12th, "Big Wind Day!"

It has nothing to do with politicians

although that might seem logical. It's

literally about big winds! The strong

bursts of wind that show up from time

to time. Weve had a few damaging

winds in our area lately. But they were

mere breezes compared with the wind

remembered on this very day in 1934.

It was atop Mount Washington where

the wind speed was measured at 231

Miles per hour! That could sure get

a wind powered generator cooking!

Hope all your breezes are pleasant

and light and that all your NEWS is


Sunday, April 10, 2022


    MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2022


   Ever since I reunited two Titanic

survivors in 1972 I get asked to

speak about the doomed ship every

April. So, since it's Titanic week,

let's go to sea! Violet Jessup went

to sea in 1911. She was an aid on

the Olympic, a sister whip to the

Tianic. Unfortunately the Olympic

was rammed accidentially by a 

British warship and it sustained

heav damage. Fortunately it didn't

sink! Violet Jessup survived. She

went to sea again...on the Titanic!

Went it went down after hitting the

iceberg, Violet survived! She went

to sea again, on the Britannic, the

other sister ship to Titanic. The

Britannic hit a mine during the war

and sank. But, you guessed it, Violet

survived. I suppose if I were sailing

in those days I'd want to stay as close

to Violet as possible! She was a 

survivor!! I'll be speaking about

Titanic tonight at the Archbald Historical

Society and again, on WBRE TV this

Frfiday. the 110th anniversary of the

sinking on PALive sometime after 3pm.

Hope you'll catch one of my Titanic

presentations and that all your NEWS

is good.

Saturday, April 9, 2022


    SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 2022

          PAYING HIS DEBT!


   Today we salute one of the most

important inventions every created

for mankind! It was on this date in

1859 that Walter Hunt got a patent

for the Safety Pin! Walter owned a

friend $15 and decided the quickest

way to make some money was to invent

something. He quickly can up with the

idea for the safety pin. Then he sold the 

patent for $400, paid his friend the 15

bucks and pocked the rest. Of course he

lost out on all future revenues from the

safety pin. They used every day for pinning

cloth to cloth. name tags, and, in my case

to hold my trousers together when I pop

that center button! You get the point!

Use them carefully, that point can  be very

sharp! Hope you're well and that all your

NEWS is good!

Friday, April 8, 2022



     OUR BRITISH CITIZEN!                      

     By all accounts you might think
today would be a British Holiday. It
is, after all, Winston Churchill Day!
But the day is observed right here in
the good old USA!
     It's got nothing to do with the
fact that, at one point or another, most
babies resemble the World War II
British Prime Minister.
      Instead in marks the day Mr.
Churchill was made an honorary US
citizen! President John F. Kennedy
proclaimed it so in 1963.
      A couple years ago I saw the
movie "The Darkest Hour" which
recalled Churchill's brilliant
leadership of Great Britain in the                  
fight against Nazi Germany well
before our country got into the
      I always liked the guy. I always
favored those who could make a
good impression through their
speech. Churchill probably would
have made a good newsman. If he
could only shake that "English
       He was also famous, of course,
for flashing that two finger victory
sign that symbolized the confidence
of the allies during the war.
       I see a lot of people flashing
the sign these days but many seem
to have forgotten you're suppose to
use two fingers! Maybe they're
not calling for victory!
        Anyway, happy Winston
Churchill Day to you all! Hope all
your NEWS is good!

Thursday, April 7, 2022


    FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 2022

            THE BIRDS!

   This unusual "holiday" is "Draw

a picture of a bird day." It may sound

a bit crazy but consider the story that 

lead to this observation. In April of

1943 7-year-old Dorie Cooper visited

her uncle in a hospital where he was

recovering from a war wound. He was

feeling depressed but responded to

Dorie's request that he draw a picture

of a bird. When she saw his drawing

she said "this isn't very good but I'll

put it on my wall anyway." Her response

drew smiles from her uncle and other

wounded men in the ward. Each time

she returned everyone in the ward had

hand drawn pictures of birds to give to

her. Unfortunately, three years later,

the little girl was strck and killed by a

car. Since then April 8th, her birthday,

became "Draw a picture of a bird day."

So whatever your drawing skills, or

lack thereof, consider taking a moment

and drawing a pictue of a bird today in an 

effort to bring a smile to soemone's face.

Hope yours is better than mine and that

all your NEWS is good.     

Wednesday, April 6, 2022


    THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2022


   No. Nobody's under arrest. This is

"Teen Reading Day!" It's part of Library

Week. It;s generally believed that teens

are not reading near as much as they used

too. And that's too bad. Many get sidetracked

with video games or texting on their cellphones.

They miss out on the excitement and entertainment

a good book can provide. Not to mention the

entertainment and learning experiences available

by way of the printed word. And while this is Teen

Reading Week I franjly suspect that a lot of us are

in a similar situation. We could all benefit from a

good reading experience. So teen, or senior citizen,

let's enjoy some lirerature. I myself have picked

a good mystery! It's called "The Monster At The

End Of This Book!"  Hope you're well, reading,

and that all your NEWS is good. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022


    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2022


   This is "National Walking Day!" The

American Heart Association came up

with this unusual "holiday" to encourage

people...of walk. The Association

tells us walking is a good way to promote

heart health. It's reccomended that people

walk 30 minutes every day. If you're just

beginning, however, start off with a little

less. If you are used to walking for exercise

celebrate the day by adding an extra 10%

to your constitutional! I've been doing a 

lot of walking lately but admit I've never

noticed a change in scenery. In fact, I've

gone miles but never gone anywhere!

Maybe it's the tredmill I've been using!

Hope you get a walk in today, and for

days afterwards as well, and that all

your NEWS is good.


Monday, April 4, 2022


          TUESDAY, APRIL 5TH., 20229


    If you're planning a trip, near or far, there's
a pretty good chance you've entered your
destination into a GPS device.
    Well today, turn it off! This is "Read A Road
Map Day."
      There's probably a fair number of you out
there who can't observe this day because you
either don't know what a road map is or don't
have one in your car!
       Don't get me wrong. I use my GPS on a
regular basis. But there are times when I
much prefer a good old fashion road map.
       That's especially true when you're trying
to find an address in some small township
that isn't even recognized by your GPS. Or
when your GPS tell you to turn left at a spot
where a left turn would put you in a lake!
        Maps have been around forever. Who
ever heard of a Pirate who used a GPS to
find the X where his treasure was buried?
         We keep several maps in our vehicles.
One for Pennsylvania and one for New York
and New Jersey, the states we visit most
often. They're usually free at Visitor's
Welcome Centers and they're updated pretty
         They display very small roads, some
with dirt surfaces, that don't show up on all
GPS devices.
          Just one bit of advice if you're using
a road map. Always check the mileage scale.
We once spent half a night trying to find a
campground in Maine where one inch on
the map equaled 20 miles. The state before
was listed at one inch to ten miles so we
were a bit surprised when it suddenly took
twice as long to find what we were looking
        Have some fun. Get out a road map and
plot your own route to your next destination.
The only potential problem I've run across is
trying to fold them properly back up!
Hope you give it a try and that all your NEWS
is good!

Sunday, April 3, 2022



   MONDAY, APRIL 4TH., 2022
                NO KIDDING!

    Today's unusual holiday might better
be suited for the 1st rather than the 4th
of April! That, after all, is April Fools
     But it's official! April 4th is "Hug
A Newsman Day."
     I don't ever remember hearing about
this when I was on the regular news beat.
     It's probably not a very popular
holiday. The days when Walter Cronkite
was the most trusted person in America
are long gone.
     Cries of media bias and "fake news"
are so common you'd think reporters
would want to remain anonymous.
      I probably would have enjoyed
celebrating this day when I was single.
On the other hand I'd have to wonder
how many "huggers" would now be
claiming harassment! Times have
       Perhaps, these days, a nice pat on
the back and a comment of "good job"
would be best for the newsman, or
woman you admire.
       Of course I'm still accepting
hugs from by biggest fan and most
loyal supporter. My wife!
        Hope all your NEWS is good!


Saturday, April 2, 2022


   SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 2022


   Since the 3rd of April falls on

a Sunday this year the question may

be academic. This is "Don't Go To Work

Unless It's Fun Day!"
      Wouldn't it be nice to wake up
in the morning and decide whether
you will go to work? If it is going to
be fun at work, you get up and go.
Otherwise, you turn over and go back
to sleep.
      Holiday which
compiles a list of strange holidays
was unable to find the creator of
this one. It's likely, however, it
was not originated by anyone in
      Since I am technically "retired"
I'm not facing this decision today.
 So it's all up to your working
folks. If you have fun at work go
in. If you don't, stay home.
    One suggestion if you're not
going in. You may not want to
mention this "holiday" as your
reason for calling off. I'd suggest
a cough as you phone in "with a
     Hope it works one way or the
other, and that all your NEWS is