Thursday, August 31, 2023



               LET IT ALL OUT!!!                

   Well September has arrived and, with it,

"International Enthusiasm Week!" You are

encouraged to throw yourself into something

full force this week. Perhaps a hobby, your

work, or some sport. Pick something you  

 really enjoy. That will make it easier. I

can't tell you a lot about this 7 day campaign.

We don't know how it got started or who it

was that came up with the whole idea. Maybe

they weren't really too enthusiastic about it.

Thar said, this is the week, so really get into

something and don't hold back! Hope it works

out for you and that all your NEWS is good!  

TEMBER 1, 2023

        LET IT ALL OUT!!!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


     THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 2023


    Now don't panic! Summer isn't over
yet. Officially or unofficially. There's
still plenty of hot days ahead.
        But as we say good bye to August
there are all too many signs that the end
of this long hot summer is within sight!
       Most of the community swimming
pools have either shut down or are in their
last week. That's partly because most of
the colleges are back in session and Life
Guards are hard to find.
          Playgrounds seem pretty empty
now that most of kids are back in their
         You'll find you need your
headlights on before 8pm now that
September is coming round. At
least we've still got Daylight Savings
          The Fall Fairs have already
started. And while they're a lot of
fun they're also a sign that summer
is on its way out.
          But the worst is yet to come.
Soon those little Ice Cream Stands
will be closing for the season. I never
quite understood that. I buy ice cream
year round and if the stands stayed
open I'd be a customer!
          This is the first summer in a
while that really has seemed long and
hot right on through.
          Hope it hangs in till the bitter
end and that all your NEWS is good!


Tuesday, August 29, 2023




   Those were the exciting words spoken

by Dr. Frankenstein shouted out when he

realized the man he created from dead

bodies was breathing and moving!

August 30th is Frankenstein Day!

You might think such an observance

belongs on Halloween! Actually there

are three separate Frankenstein holidays!

There's Frankenstein Friday, National

Frankenstein Day, and today..Franenstein

Day. This August day was selected because

it marks the 1797 birthday of Mary

Shelly who wrote the book

"Frankenstein" in 1818. So there you

have it! Three Frankenstein holidays!

And each is a Monster of a day! Hope

you're observing the day and that all

your NEWS is good!   

Monday, August 28, 2023


    TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 2023


   Many famous people are honored

or remembered on their Birthdays but

today's unofficial holiday honors a

man on the date he died. I wonder if

you can guess who? Here's a hint or

two. Edmund was an Englishman who

passed away on August 29th of 1769.

He was well know for establishing the

rules for all kinds of games, especially 

card games. Got it? Well, when you

plays games of any sort you are

suppose to play be the rules. You're

expected to follow those rules

"according to Hoyle!" Edmond Hoyle

that is! And this unusual holiday is

"According To Hoyle Day!" Don't

cheat now! Hope you follow the

rules and that all your NEWS is good!

Sunday, August 27, 2023


    MONDAY, AUGUST 228, 2023


     Throughout the years pharmacists

have been coming up with concoctions

to help us deal with what ales us. But

sometimes their products don't really

seem like medicine! Such was the case

in 1837 when two pharmacists, John Lea

and William Perrins came up with a mixture

that was too harsh to ingest. They stored it

in a basement but discovered the taste

had changed after the liquid fermented!

And on this day in 1837 they marketed their

new product... Worcestershire Sauce!

 In was on this day in 1893 that pharmacist

Caleb Bradham came up with a medicine to

aid digestion. He called it "Brad's drink."

The name was eventually changed though

and you know it now as Pepsi Cola! Ah the

wonderful world of pharmaceuticals! Hope

you're taking all your medicines, that you're

well, and that all your NEWS is good! 

Saturday, August 26, 2023


    SUNDAY, AUGUST 27, 2023

              THE BIG BANG!

    Mother Nature can be powerful.

We got a small taste of that power a

couple days ago with heavy rains and

a strong wind that caused flash flooding

ans well of some power outages. But if

you want to know just how powerful she

can be you've got to look back a few years

to this very date in 1883 the largest

explosiong ever heard on this planet took

place west of Java in Indonesia with the 

peak eruption of the volcano on the island

of Krakatoa! The blast was heard 3,000

miles away! It sent rock and ash 50 miles

into the sky and created a tidal wave 120

feet high. To give you an even better idea,

the blast was 13,000 times stronger than

the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima!

It claimed between 36 and 40 thousand

lives! And, again, it happened on this date

in 1883. Never fool with Mother Nature!

She has more power than most of us could

ever imagine! Hope you're well and that all

your NEWS is good! 

Friday, August 25, 2023



    SATURDAY, AUGUST 26TH., 2023
                     ON A ROLL!

     If you're a regular blog reader. that's
 great! Especially today! August 26th is
"National Toilet Paper Day!"
     This everyday commodity is usually
taken for granted.  It's difficult to imagine
it hasn't been around forever!
     A guy named Joseph Gayetty gets
the credit for producing the first
commercially available toilet paper in
this country. That was in 1857. That's
38 years before the Sears Catalog came
along. (You older readers will have to
explain the connection between the two
for younger ones!)
     As I noted, wed tend to take toilet
paper for granted. We expect it to be
there when we visit a public rest room
and it's more than just disappointing
when we find an empty roll! Of course
when the pandemic hit the first thing
that seemed to be missing was toilet
paper. Iy was very hard to find as 
horders bought up all they could find!
       If your home is anything like
ours there's a sort of waiting war to
see who will replace a roll that's
running out. How long can we
extend the life of that rapidly
decreasing supply?
       We do have an agreement on
proper installation! Our roll feeds
from the top front in our dispenser.
       I suspect, at one time or another,
all of you will be absorbing.....I mean
observing this holiday sometime
during the day!
       Toilet paper shuld always make
you feel calm, After all, it's always
found in...a Restroom!
       Hope you've got a full roll and
that all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, August 24, 2023


    FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 2023

         THE COWEN KID!

      When it comes to remembering inventors

who had an impact on our lives most folks

tend to think about Edison or Alexander Grahm

Bell. So the name Joshua Cowen may not ring a

bell with you. Let me shed some light on the

subject. Joshua came up with the idea for a

light that illuminated the turntable on record

players. It eventually became what we now

call the Flashlight! Joshua's creativity began

when he was only 7-years-old! He came up

with a tiny electric motor that could be

attached to toys. Still don't remember him?

Maybe his middle name might give you a

clue to his success story. It was Lionel!

That should put you on the right track!   

Hope you're well and that all your NEWS

is good!  

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


     THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 2023

            ONE SHARP HOLIDAY!

    It seems there's an unofficial "holiday"

for everything! August 24th is no exception!

This is "National Knife Day!"

     Knives have been around since the dawn

of man. The originals were made from rocks

and animal bones. They evolved into speciality

knives for all kinds of special uses. There are

knives for cakes and knives for steaks. There

are butter knives. There are carving knives.

And let's not forget the all purpose Swiss

Arm Knife! This a day to appreciate knives.

Tools for all kinds of jobs these days. So, on

this August 24th., .....have a "Knive Day!"

Hope you place them on the table where

they're suppose to be, that you're careful

with the sharp ones, and that all your NEWS

is good!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023




   I noticed when checking my list of

unusual holidays that August is listed as

"Back To School Month." If that means

it's time to think about buying the 

pencils and tablets and picking out nice

classroom duds I'm OK with that. But

the fact is, August has become actual

back to school month and I've got some

issues with that. Back in"my day" school

always started up again after Labor Day.

I had some of the family at Knoebels

Amusement Park this week. Several rides

and stands were closed. Nobody to man

them! One worked I spoke with said the

staff was being cup quickly as college 

and High School students returned to

the classroom. I'm sure other business

places are affected too. And to the best

of my recollection we did very little

the first few days we were back in class

and nearly nothing during the last week

of two each academic year! I'm all for

getting ready! But as for actually going

back to school I still favor the "after

Labor Day approach. Hope you're well,

back to school or not, abd that all your

NEWS is good!

Monday, August 21, 2023


    TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2023

          SEE ANYTHING?

         There didn't seem to be too much

special about this date until I did some
research and learned that one of the
longest living legends started on
August 22nd in the year 565!
       That's when Saint Columba, the man
credited with bringing Christianity to
Scotland., claimed to see a monster on
Loch Ness!
        I was in Scotland in 2014 and had
the opportunity of cruising on Loch
Ness. Everybody was hoping to catch
a glimpse of "Nessie." But even with
bottom searching sonar all we saw was
the beautiful lake and the surrounding
         I took a few photos but haven't
really looked at them all. I'll post a couple
for you.
         Don't believe everything  you hear
but, on the other hand, don't blink! You
might miss something!!!
          Hope you're well and that all
your NEWS is good.

Sunday, August 20, 2023


   MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 2023


   The traditional "Happy Birthday song"

is sometimes followed by a chorus of

friends singing "How old are you now?"

I mention this because today, August 21st.,

is "Senior Citizen Day!" Now there's a

term for you to consider. "Senior Citizen."

When you're in your 20's you may think of

anyone over 50 as a "senior citizen." Then,

when you hit 50, the AARP is trying to get

you to join its ranks. Funny because the

term "senior citizen" has pretty much been

retired. Remember the "Senior Citizen

Centers?" Well these days they are being

call "Active Older Adult Centers." But

in view of the fact this is still called

"Senior Citizen Day" you should think

about your friends who fall into the

category and give them a call just to

let them know you're thinking about

them! Beware though! I just made

such a call......and had to answer my

other phone! Seems I called myself!

Hope you'll enjoy "Senior Citizen's

Day" and that all your NEWS

is good.

Saturday, August 19, 2023




     For me it's a walk down Memory
Lane. August 20th is National Radio Day.
     The bulk of my 63 years in the
media have been in television. But
I got my start in radio. And I've got
a lot of memories from those "radio
      I learned a lot from the years I
spent as a DJ. How to Ad Lib for
instance! You had to think and
act fast when things didn't go just
      I remember reading a list of
Basketball scores. Suddenly, in
the middle of the list, I hit this one
( School name)  36
Pennsylvania School for the Dead, 20.
     What the wire service writer meant,
of course, was Pennsylvania School
for The Deaf.
      With my microphone still turned
on I said...."Gee, I'm surprised they
scored at all."
       Local radio was generally a lot
of fun back then. If you were
innovative you could do some neat
things. One day, at WBRX in Berwick,
I was working the control board when
a parade started coming down Main
Street. I grabbed an extra long
microphone cord, walked to a hallway
window, and did a "play by play" on
the line of march.
     Local radio was very local! I still
remember WAZL in Hazleton still
doing the Mine Working Schedules
for area coal mines and breakers when
I was getting started in 1959.
     We carried the New York Yankees
when I worked at WTHT (also in
Hazleton). When Yankee announcer
Mel Allan paused for stations on the
network to identify themselves, I'd
say "Thank you Mel" as though we
knew each other before giving our
call letters.
     Problem was, we were a "Daytime
Station" and had to go off the air at
dusk. But, sometimes, the ballgames
weren't over at dusk!  I'd have to
turn off the transmitter and run out
of the place as soon as possible to
avoid having to answer the telephone!
       I broadcast from a closet at
WNAK the day President Kennedy
was shot. That's where we kept our
Associated Press Teletype and it was
the fastest way for me to air the
latest developments.
       Our shining hour came just
before and in the weeks after the
1972 flood in Wyoming Valley when
a dozen area radio stations joined
forces to provide information on
the emergency. One headline read
"Radio Was The Hero Of The Hour!"
        So here's a tip of the hat to the
folks on and behind the microphones
then, and now, as we observe
National Radio Day!
        Hope the School for the Dead
is still playing strong...and that all
your NEWS is good!

         (WBRX Berwick 1965)


Friday, August 18, 2023


     FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 2022

           FAIR OR FOUL?!!!!

   The Little League World Series is

underway in South Williamsport. I thought

it appropriate to do another baseball story

today. And this date, August 19th, provides

a perfect time to do so!

    For those who don't know, Christy

Mathewson was one of the greatest

baseball pitchers of all time. He's on

the list of the top ten major league pitchers

and was one of the original 5 players

inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.

For us, he was also a "local boy,' born in

Factoryville where he is honored with a

festival every year. He was known as

"Bix Six" and "The Christian Gentleman."

Seems ironic then that, on this very day in

1917 he, then managing the Cincinnati Reds,

and legendary New York Giants Manager

John McGraw, got themselves arrested!

They had planned a special baseball game

for August 19th to benefit soldiers about

to ship overseas in Worle War I. They

even arranged to have a band play for

the soldiers before the game. Problem

was, August 19th was a Sunday and New

York's "Blue Laws" were still in effect!

So McGraw and our "Christian Gentleman"

were arrested for staging a baseball game

on the Sabbath! They both went to court

and could have faced hefty fines were in

not for an understanding judge who

dismissed the charges....setting in place

a police that allowed baseball to be played

on Sundays! Not an umpire,,,but a great

call! Hope you're well and that all your NEWS

is good! 

Thursday, August 17, 2023



    FRIDAY, AUGUST 18TH., 2023
            BAD  POETRY DAY!

     August 18th is "Bad Poetry Day!"
    Heaven knows we've all heard our share
of bad poetry over the years. I've written
plenty myself!
     Little birdie in the cage, How I wonder
what your I tried to pass that
off as blank verse.
     There have probably been a million
bad poems beginning with the line "Roses
are red." They're still coming up with new
      My first exposure came from my uncle
who was fond of repeating  "Little Billy
hung his sister. She was gone before they missed
her. Always up to naughty tricks, little Billy's
only 6."
      So think of some poetry,
You really should. It may make your day 
and your NEWS seem good!       


Wednesday, August 16, 2023


   THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 2023

                 CRY FOUL!

   It's the peak of Baseball season in

many ways. The Little League World

Series is underway in South Williamsport

and the major league teams are all

battling for a spot in the playoff games.

It's great to get out and see a ball game.

But you've got to keep alert! Those balls

fly off in all directions! Alice Roth learned

that the hard way. It was on this day in

1957. Alice was watching a Philadelphia

Phillies game from the Pres Box. Her

husband was a writer for a Philadelphia

newspaper. Richie Ashburn was at bat. He

fouled off a pitch and the ball hit Alice!

It broke her nose! If that isn't reason

enough to get you to stay alert, consider

this....moments later Ashburn fouled off

another pitch and hit Alice while she was

on a stretcher! The second foul ball broke

her leg! Alice took her injuries in stride

and became friends  with Ashburn who

was admitted to  the Hall of Fame after

his playing career and later became a

Phillies broadcaster.  Alice kept coming

to games and, years later, her son became

the Phillies Batboy! Enjoy the game!

Hope you stay alert and that all your

NEWS is good!  

Tuesday, August 15, 2023


        WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2023


   It's true! This is "National Joke Day!" Just

last month I told you about "Old Joke Day."

That was a day to bring out the classics.

This "holiday" is designed to celebrate jokes

old and new and to appreciate the benefits

of humor in our lives. I asked our 8-year-

old grandson Anthony to join in the

observance by offering a joke. He pulled

out one of his favorites Why did the

chicken cross the playground? To get to

the other slide! That's a good one Anthony! 

When I asked him about the oldest joke he

knows he simply replied "You grandpa!"

That is kind of funny! Hope you'll tell a joke 

or two today and that all your NEWS is good!

Monday, August 14, 2023


        SATURDAY, AUGUST 15TH., 2020


  In TV you have to deal with re-runs from
time to time. It's the same in my blogs. I
sometimes repeat one because it's timely
or just kind of neat. Today's is a bit of both.
  It is one of my earliest memories!
It was August 15th., 1945. I was 3.
I know we were vacationing at
the shore. And I know the radio
was on in the car.
I was already sitting up front.
Probably on my Mom's lap. "Child
Safety Seats" were unheard of back
Suddenly my Dad let me start blowing
the car horn. And he didn't make me stop!
I was in my glory! King of the road as
it were.
Somewhere along the line we
stopped at a restaurant. I don't remember
ordering on my own. But I do remember
a huge pile of spaghetti put on a plate
and placed directly in front of me!
Perhaps, at 3, I had become the
world's greatest horn blower! Why
else serve such a big portion to such
a little kid?
Well, at it turns out, there was
another reason. Thought I had no
idea of its impact back then, I now
know it was VJ Day! The empire of
Japan had surrendered to the United
States thus ending World War II !
The surrender came on August
14th but President Truman didn't
announce it publicly till the 15th.
Of course it wasn't signed until
September 2nd.
I am pleased to have been
allowed to participate in what
turned out to be a world-wide
It has been 78 years. And each
has its share of memories. Yet the
memory of that horn and my heaping
helping of spaghetti will always have
a special place in my mind.
Hope you have some treasured
memories too..and that all your
NEWS is good!
(Unfortunately no photo from the
day. But this is me and the car a
year or so later!)

Sunday, August 13, 2023


    MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 2023


     By now I suspect a lot of people
are thinking about that verse little
kids can be heard to sing when showers
come along. My grandson does a pretty
good rendition. "Rain, rain, go away."
      It's been around for a very long
time! But it's also changed a bit over
the years.
      Similar versions can be traced back
to ancient Greece. The first English version
goes back to the 17th century when a guy
named James Howell wrote "Raine, raine,
goe to Spain, faire weather come againe."
         As a kid I sometimes enjoyed a
rainy day. I'd play on our small back
porch where toys that used to belong to
my older brother were packed away
waiting to be rediscovered by the likes
of me.
        On days like that our L-shaped front
porch, covered by the floor of the porch
above, became a refuge from the rain
drops as my friends and I used it as a
fortress for our games of cops and
robbers or Cowboys and Indians.
         My wife tells me when the
rains came to her backyard, without
lighting that is, she and her brothers
and sisters would often dawn their
bathing suits and use their wet grass
as a water park, sliding across the

         These days it's rare to find
playing outside, even in the sunshine!
         The recent storms around our
area have been generally too strong
to allow outdoor play so kids take them
games inside and repeat the age old
chant, "Rain, rain, go away."
          Hope it works soon, and that
all your NEWS is good!

Saturday, August 12, 2023


  SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 2023

              BAGEL DAY!

  The second Sunday in August is

"Bagel Day!" No one knows who

originally came up with the bagel

but a recipe for a similar baked

product was found in 13th century

Arabic. The bagel as we now know

it dates back to 17t century Poland.

The Jewish families developed a

tradition of baking and enjoying

fresh bagels during the end of

Sabbath. Bagels are usually

shaped by hand into a roughly

hand sized ring from yeasted

wheat dough that is boiled in

water for a short time and then

baked. This would be an

appropriate day to celebrate

by enjoying a fresh bagel

yourself! By the way, do you

know what they call a Bakery

that only bakes bagels and

donuts? A "Hole food shop!"

Enjoy your bagel, Hope all

your NEWS is good!

Friday, August 11, 2023




  This blog is not about Robinson Crusoe's
   In this case it's the records themselves
that are the survivors. August 12th is
"Vinyl Record Day!"
   Back in the days when I was a DJ
all of the music we played came on vinyl
records. 45rpm records provided the
Top 40 hits. Albums which played at
33 and a third rpm were filled with
songs from your favorite recording
     Listeners tried to record the music
we played on their home cassette tape
recorders so we were encouraged to
speak over the beginning, and sometimes
the end, of the music. That way the fans
had to buy the records they liked and
that's what  the artists, distributors, and
record stores wanted!
      Over the years technology provided
many new improved ways for people
to get the music they wanted. The radio
stations even started to get and play
their music from on line sources.
       Record stores started to
       Then, over the past 5 to 10 years,
something strange happened. There
was an increase in the demand for vinyl
records! And much of that demand came
from a new generation of music lovers
who weren't even around during those
Top 40 days.
        Some of them had to be re-introduced
to the record player. But those players,
some looking a lot different than the ones
I remember, are selling too.
         There's something about a vinyl
record, even the old ones with some
background scratches, that makes the
music sound more real or live.
         Most of you, if you're 40 or
older, may have some old vinyl hidden
away somewhere.
          Today's the day to pull it from
storage and give it a spin, literally!
           Hope the sound brings back
great memories and that all your
NEWS is good! 

Thursday, August 10, 2023


   FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 2023


   You may not know the name

Frank Epperson. But his "accident"

has made a lot of our lives better.

Especially in the summer!  Frank

was 11-years-old and living in

Oakland, California when he

added some powered soda mix

to glass of water then put a stick

inside to stir the mixture. He put

it aside and apparently forgot about

it till the next morning. That's when

he found his concoction frozen in the

glass! He ran the glass under hot water

and used the stick to pull the mixture

out. He tasted it and liked it a lot!

He continued making the mix for himself

and his friends. Then, when he grew

older, he made it for his kids! In 1923

he got a patent for the treat which he

intended to call an Eppsicle . His kids

had a better idea and convinced him

to change the name to Popsicle! 

You might consider having one now

since August 11th is "National

Popsicle Day!"

Wednesday, August 9, 2023


   THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 2023


    Our granddaughter recently got a

job which involves her college studies

in the field of chemistry! It's a tough

 field! Working in a laboratory hour after

hour and day after day can certainly

give one a headach. But that's what

German Chemist Felix Hoffman did.

He took on a challenging project as

he tried to find ways to synthesizer

acetylsalicylic acid. He finally

succeeded on this day in 1897!

Eventually he set up a company to

market his new chemical miracle

after it was patented/ The company

was Bayer! His product, of course,

was asprin! Hope you don't need

one and that all your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, August 8, 2023




       In many states across the country

August 9th is observed as "Book Lovers
     It's a day that could probably be
named for my wife, one of my daughters,
and a granddaughter as well. In fact the
granddaughter's picture could logically be
used in any promotional efforts for this
day! But all three of them read as often
as they can.
     I was a great reader for many years.
Of course my initial interests in the
written word  came with publications
of Superman or Batman & Robin where
the text was supplemented with vivid
action drawings!
      I continued to read through the
years but the reading gave way to
writing. And the need to read a lot
of newspapers and wire service
material as I got into the news business
dampened my desire to spend off duty
hours reading still more!
     These days I will make an effort
to read only when the subject matter
really attracts me. That's nearly 100%
non-fiction. And I admit I still
appreciate a few pictures to support
the text where appropriate.
      My most recent reading efforts
have been prompted by friends to
seem to know what I'd like. My
collection of books on the Titanic,
for instance, could rival some
       I recently completed a book
by the late Clayton Moore who
played The Lone Ranger on radio,
TV, and movies, as well as a
lengthy publication entitled
"Saturday Afternoon at the Movies"
which recalled the features and
serials I often watched growing up
at the neighborhood theaters in my
home town.
     "Blind Man's Bluff" is an account
of the surveillance work done by our
U.S. Submarine Service.
       I'm now reading a book about
"Click & Clack" the two brothers
who, for many years, did the "Car
Talk Show" on National Public
       I guess, even though I don't
read as much as other family
members, I could still be considered
a book lover when it comes to the
books I do choose.
      And I must admit, every now and
then, I feel the urge to find a comic
book somewhere. If I give in you
may find me stuck in a book daily!
      Although they're not books I
hope you enjoy reading my blogs and
that all your NEWS is good!

Monday, August 7, 2023


     TUESDAY, AUGUST 8TH., 2023

   With August come some unique 
"holidays" and special observances.
For instance this is National Psychic Week!
    It's a time to recognize and even try to
improve your extra sensory perception.
    All indications are that I have a certain
amount of psychic ability which I often
display right here at my home.
     For instance, should I be wearing a
shirt with even the smallest microscopic
spot I know, as soon an my wife sees me
she'll say "That shirt goes in the laundry."
     If I'm on the couch watching TV after
just having a brief snack I know she'll
ask "Where did all those crumbs come
      Now if she had ESP she wouldn't
have to ask.
      I will  admit it doesn't always work.
      Each night before they draw the
lottery numbers I envision just what
those numbers will be.
       I've yet to pick nay of those they
       So, I'll be using this week trying
to improve my psychic ability.
       See? I know you're thinking I'm
going to say "Hope all your NEWS
is good." Right?
        Not bad!

Sunday, August 6, 2023


   MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 2023


   While our car ac was on most of the

way to Wildwood, New Jersey last week

we cranked the windows open once we

neared the first view of the ocean and

bay inlets. That salt air is just so

refreshing and proof positive that we

had arrived at out vacation destination!

We pulled into the garage at our condo

and unloaded all the luggage and supplies/

I'm not sure what it was we forgot that

brought me back to the car the next day.

But I was greeted by a terrible odor that

was confirmed by my wife and grandson.

My wife suspected a pillow that's been in

the car for a very long time so we hauled

it inside to be washed. I put it back the

following day o ly to realize the stench

was even stronger inside the vehicle! My

first thought was carbon dioxide from

our grandson's truck which was parked

next to our car in the garage. But then, I

figured, carbon dioxide fumes don't smell

that bad. It was my wife who finally solved

the mystery,,,and rightfully so, After all,

she's the one who accidentally left those

large cloves of garlic in a bag somewhere

in the back seat area and let them sit in that

confined heat for three days or so. At least

our vehicle was "vampire proof!"  Hope

your garlic is stored properly and that a;;

your NEWS is good! 

Saturday, August 5, 2023


   SUNDAY. AUGUST 6, 2023


   It's listed under "unusual holidays"

but it seems to me this one has real

potential. It's "National Family Day'

and it is already an official holiday 

in Arizona where it was born in

1997. The idea is to get family

members to spend time together.

No gifts or cards. Just togetherness.

Our family got a jump on this

first Sunday in August. We just

spent a week together with most

of our family on vacation at the

Jersey shore. Guess we got a

jump on this 'Holiday." I think

it's a good one that should be

observed nationally. Celebrate

family together when ever abd

where ever you can! Hope yo do

and that all your NEWS is good!

Friday, August 4, 2023


    SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 2023

          SAND CASTLE DAY!

  We're still on vacation in Wildwood,

New Jersey. It's a perfect place to be fpr

today's BLOG because August 5th is

"National Sand Castle Day!" You see

sand castles or at least sand sculptures

nearly everywhere along the beaches

from Cape May to North Wildwood.

Most are not the most artistic designs

you'll ever see.....unless you show up

at Wildwood Crest each year when the

comunity hosts its sand castle competition.

Again, they don't have to be castles although

many are. But participants can build anything

they want and you can see everything from

a sand sculptured whale to a giant crab.

But whether you're in a contest or just a

"beach bum" with a shovel, bucket, pile

of sand an an idea....go for it. Just keep in

mind the winds and tides have no respect\

for art work and sooner or later they'll

dissolve back in to the same sands you used

to build them. But don't miss the fun. Build

your own sand castle and enjoy the challenge.

Hope you do and that all your news IS good!

Thursday, August 3, 2023


   FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 2023

            A NICE STOP!

   It's August 4th friends. And that

happens to be Coast Guard Day.

It marks the day in 1790 when

the Revenue Marine Service, the

forerunner of what is now the

Coast Guard, was founded. There's

a Coast Guard training center just

a few miles from where we're

vacationing. It's at Cape May

New Jersey. That makes this a

patriotic day and it reminds me

of something that happened just

this morning. I was walking the

Boardwalk here in Wildwood.

It's a very busy place. People

walking, riding bikes, shopping

at all kinds of stands, playing

games, lining up for tickets to

the water parks or grabbing a snack

at one of the hundreds of eateries

here. Then, suddenly, at 11AM, 

everyone froze in their tracks!!!

It was as though they had all been

struck by some sort of ray that

turned everyone into statues. It

was a wonderful, and very

appropriate sight! You see at 11AM

the boardwalk speaker system plays

the National Anthem. Everyone

stopped. Men removed their hats

and most people could be seen with

their right hand over their hearts!

It was especially nice knowing this

was Coast Guard Day. But it's done

everyday and it's so nice to see

people taking a moment to stop

and pay tribute to out great nation!

It was truly a "nice stop." Hope

you're well and that all your NEWS

is good!     

Wednesday, August 2, 2023




  Most of you who  follow my daily

posts know I have been continuing my

appendectomy recovery while on our

family vacation in Wildwood, N.J. 

I have been coming here since I was

about 3 years old. Oh I missed a few

years now and then. But it's been a

regular stop every year since 1973

for my own wife and kids and me. I

find it amazing how much things have

stayed the same. And yet, there haved

been changes. I find myself remembering

some of the things that used to be here

that are now gone.  Ironically one of

them was an amusement that  had

customers shooting balls at boats

floating in a little pool. The "game"

was recently moved to an ice cream stand

in Mountain Top, PA. just a few miles

from my home. In its place...a new

Curly Fries stand! I remember when

there were two movie theaters on the\

boardwalk. I found workers reworking

rge facade of the Boardwalk Mall as I

passed. It was one of those two theaters

back in the day. I could still make out

a triangular steel structure that used

to hold the marque. A few blocks

away the marque of the former Strand

theater is still in place although 

the screens inside when dark many

years ago. On the boardwalk the

theaters were only busy on rainy

days. When the sun shone they

were about as empty as they are

now. Vacations are neat. So are

the memories. Hope you enjoy

some of each and that all your NEWS

is good! 

Tuesday, August 1, 2023




   We're on vacation as I write today's Blog

and this evening we'll have a big celebration!

We've good reason. It's my grandson Anthony's

8th Birthday. But in reality everyone should

be celebrating! We waved the flag and shot

off fireworks back on July 4th. That's when

the delegates approved the Declaration of

Independence back in 1776. But guess what?

It wasn't signed that day! That happened

on this date, August 2nd, of 1776. So, in

reality, this should be Independence Day! 

So break out the flags and the fireworks

and maybe even a Birthday cake! You can

celebrate Anthony's Birthday or Independence

Day or, better yet, both! That way we're sure

all your NEWS will be good!!!!