Wednesday, February 19, 2025





The groundhog predicted 6 more weeks of  
winter but today's the day we can head that
prediction off at the pass!
     February 20th is "Northern Hemisphere
Hoodie Hoo Day!"
     The creators, at, encourage
everyone to go outside at Noon today, wave
your hands over your heads, and chant
"Hoodie Hoo!"
      The whole idea is to chase away any
winter blues and bring in Spring.
       I'm not sure if there's any data to
measure the effect of these actions but,
perhaps, it's worth a try. Our grandson
Anthony tried but it was a day early so
we're not sure if that really counts. I
haven't questioned my friend Weather
Bob about this technique but somehow
I feel he would not use it in preparing
his forecast!
       Since this truly is a little know
"holiday" you might want to pick a quiet
area away from others to participate. I'd
hate to see any body hauled away for
disorderly conduct just for trying to
do something about the weather.
        Hope it works and that all your
NEWS is good!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025



                      BOOK' EM!

   We're already half way through February

and I've failed to mention this is

"National Library Month!"  We have some

really great Libraries around these parts

and they've all adapted to today's

technology. Not only can you check out

books on line but in some libraries you

can check out things like medal detectors

and such! I'm not a big user of the

library but I used to be. I just found an

old newspaper article that lists me

along with about a hundred other 

kids who participated in the Heritage

of America Reading Club of the

Children's Department at the Hazleton

Public Library in 1952. Seems I got

credit for reading 8 books that year.

I'd probably have received credit

for 30 or more had Comic Books

be included. My wife is an ardent

reader. She has a book with her at

all times and frequently uses the

library. She'd probably get a room

there if she could. But she couldn't.

They were "Overbooked!"

Hope you're using your library 

and that all your NEWS is good! 

Monday, February 17, 2025


     TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, 2025


  Chances are where ever you're
going or what ever you're doing
today you'll be depending on
batteries. The one that starts you
car. The one that powers your cell
phone and/or IPod. The one in
your flashlight that leads you to
the circuit breaker when your
electricity goes out!
  And what would any of us guys do
if we didn't have batteries to work
our TV remotes?
   I'm thinking about all of them
today because this is "National
Battery Day!" Break out the "D
cells" and the "Triple A's!"
   To spark your interest perhaps I
should explain that February 18th
is the Birthday of  Alessandro Volta,
Italian physicist and inventor of the
electric battery, who was born in
1745. Yes, it was an Italian that
came up with the battery! And he
didn't have either a car or a TV!
   So let's take a moment to say
"Grazie" to Mr. Volta for the
invention that today powers so
many of the devices on which we've
come to depend. Too bad so many
of them come with the admonishment
"Batteries Not Included!"
    Hope your smoke detector is
working and that all your NEWS is


Sunday, February 16, 2025



                 HAVE IT YOUR WAY!

     Fall in everybody! February 17th is
"My Way Day!" Yep. My way or the
     It's not just because I said so, it's
one of those unofficial holidays I like
to tell you  about.
      There's almost no information
about who came up with the idea. It's
thought to have been created and
shared via social media by someone
who felt it was time to make a loud
pubic cry about all the nonsense that's
forced upon us daily.
        When I first read it I was convinced
it was my day and I really didn't have
any big ideas. Then I figured the
creator of the day meant it for all of
us. So, in a sense, it's "Your Way or
the highway today.
       The idea is simple.  You're
encouraged to do whatever you want,
however you want.
        So go to it people. Be like Frank
Sinatra and do it your way today! Hope
it works and that all your NEWS is

Saturday, February 15, 2025


     SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, 2025

              CART WHEELS!

   When you think about February you

probably think about Valentines Day. Or

Lincoln's or Washington's birthday or "President's 

Day" if you will. But I wonder how many of

you know this is "Return Your Shopping Cart

To The Store Month?" I have noticed more

and more people seem to be ignoring those

lanes specifically set up to allow shoppers

to store their carts when they're done

shopping. These days it seems more popular

to just let your cart in the space where your

car was parked. The next shopper might

be glad to have a cart waiting IF they only

had a place to park! Hopefully if you're

close enough to the store entrance you'll

just return your cart to where you got it.

If not at least use one of the return lanes

and make it easy on others, like me,

trying to find a parking space. Hope you

do and that all your NEWS is good!

Friday, February 14, 2025


      SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2025

           MEMORIES OF  SUSAN!

   February 15th is "Susan B. Anthony Day!"

She was born on this date in 1820. She was

a strong advocate for Women's rights, especially

the right for women to be allowed to vote.

Susan spent 40 years lobbying for those rights

and, though it took a long time, most of what

she found for came to pass. Keep the image

of Susan B. Anthony in your mind...and her

silver dollar in your pocket! Hope you've got

a few and that all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, February 13, 2025



             VALEN TIMES OF OLD!

      I'm pretty sure my Valentine's Day
will include the same card I've been
getting from my wife for many, many years!
It's a beautiful card and it never gets old.
      I do sometimes wonder when she
snatches it up to hide away for next year.
      Some of those "old" Valentines have
extra special meaning. I know I've got a
couple packed away in a drawer where I
stash a few cards and/or artwork done by
our grandkids.
       The day brings back some interesting
        I also remember those grade school
Valentine parties. We all had these tiny
Valentine cards and we'd fill one out for
every other student in the class. 
       You, of course, would then receive
a pile of Valentines and could check them
all out while enjoying some treats which
usually included some heart shaped
cookies and cupcakes! 
        My most unusual Valentine's Day
came in 2007. We got hit with 20 inches
of snow and ice that day!
        I was in our Scranton news bureau when
we heard a scanner call  about a roof collapse
at an armory near Nay Aug Park.
        Nothing was moving in town at that
hour. Not even plows. I told my cameraman
to forget the company car. We jumped into
my Chevy Suburban, put it in 4 wheel low,
and drove (up hill all the way) without
ever stopping at an intersection and got our
story! I loved that Suburban! I'd send it a
card but I'm not sure in which junkyard it
resides these days.
          I do have a special Valentine's treat
ready for my wife but I won't tell here just
in case any of her friends are reading.
          Hope you have a wonderful
Valentine's Day as well as Valentine's
memories...….and that all your NEWS is