This is "Children's Author's and
Illustrator's Day." However it's not
about kids who write and draw their
own stories. It's a day to honor those
who write and illustrate stories you've
probably read to your children a hundred
times. Stories like "The Little Engine
That Could." In all modesty, however,
I must tell you that I have written a
number of children's stories based on
my mythical character "Prince Claude."
He's a not especially bright prince who
gets into trouble with almost everything
he does. He was born many years ago
when our granddaughter Jenna asked
me to tell her a story while we were
sitting in my car. I came up with a
tarn about a princess who falls into a
well. Prince Claude happens by and
tries to offer assistance, such as throwing
rocks into the well so she can use them to
climb out. Unfortunately he neglects to
tell her he's throwing the rocks which
now leaves her stuck in the well with a
sore toe. His other efforts end in similar
results. When Jenna asked me to tell the
story again a couple weeks later I had
forgotten some of it. She filled in the
missing pieces and I began writing the
stories on paper. By the way she provided
the first illustration all those years ago.
Many more "Prince Claude stories"
have followed. This year for Christmas
our granddaughter Kara teamed up with
my wife to print a hard cover of my first
Prince Claud story/ I now have my own
book. And the only two copies!
My wife says I come by the stories
easily. She says the character is
based on me! I'll have to think about
that. So a salute today to those who
write and illustrate children's stories.
Hope all their NEWS is good.
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