Monday, February 6, 2023



             A LINE , OR TWO


   For those of you with good memories
you'll undoubtedly recall when your daily
mail delivery included letters or cards from
friends or distant family.
    These days, with the exception of
Christmas, your mail box is pretty much
filled with bills and advertisements.
     Those personal notes now come via
text or emails.
      Well today's the day to bring back the
good old days. February 7th is "Send A Card
To A Friend Day."
        I'd have to admit it's nice to get a
card or letter from someone. I have one
very good friend who still writes personal
cards or letters and I look forward to them.
In cursive at that! And he fills every available
space on the card!
         I don't write as often as I should. My
excuse is my handwriting. It's so bad I can't
usually read what I wrote 20  minutes after Still, I do make the effort from
time to time and I've been told those notes
are appreciated.
        So grin and bear it! Grab a ":Friendship
card" or something like that and reach out to
somebody today. You're going to make their
        It's good practice for your handwriting
too. Hope you remember your cursive and
that all your NEWS is good.

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