Wednesday, July 3, 2024




   It's a big day of celebration here in

the United States. And for a lot of

good reasons! Independence Day of

course resulting from our 1776

Declaration of Independence from

England. Ironically the nation

didn't begin its annual celebration of

July 4th until 1796! In 1802 the U.S,

Military Academy at West Point opened

its doors on July the 4th.  The following

year, 1803, the Louisiana purchase added

828, 00 square miles to the United States.

That was announced on July 4th. In 1831

the song "America (My Country Tis Of

Thee) was song for the very first time on

July 4th. Then, in 1862, Lewis Carrol 

choose Independence Day to publish

"Alice In Wonderland." The following

year General Robert E. Lee pulled his

troops out of Gettysburg on July 4th

effectively marking the beginning of the 

end of the Civil War!  On July 4th 1876

the first electric light was demonstrated 

in San Francisco and in 1884 France gave

us the Statue of Liberty of the 4th of July.

Our flag has changed a lot since 1776. On

July 4th of 1959 we saw a new 49 star

banner as Alaska was added to the union.

That flag didn't last very long though as

Hawaii became the 50th state and another

star was added on July 4th of 1960. A lot

of July 4th history for a fairly young nation.

Wonder what the future hold in store? Hope

it's all positive and that all your NEWS is


Tuesday, July 2, 2024




   Wednesday, July 3rd. A great day to stay at home!
   We've all hear the expression....."Those Dog days
of Summer." Well it's not just an expression! They
are real. And they begin today!
     They run from July 3rd to August 11th and
coincide with the rising of the Dog Star, Sirius.
     If that's not enough to worry you, it's also
"Stay Out Of The Sun Day!" Bet you didn't
know about that one!
     The cautions connected with both of these
strange "holidays" are pretty obvious. You're
warned to protect yourself from the heat and
the direct rays of the sun.
     But what are we suppose to do with the day
if we agree to "observe" it by staying inside?
     Well I'm glad you asked.
     Fortunately July 3rd also hosts several other
unique "holidays" that provide possible
     It is, for instance, the official start of  "Air
Conditioning Appreciation Days!" I will admit
to getting a heard start on this celebration
sometime in June! 90 degree days should be
limited, by law, to deserts!  75 to 80 is just
fine by me...IF...the humidity is low enough.
     July 3rd is also "National Eat Beans Day!"
     So, while you're hiding from the "Dog Days"
and keeping out of the sun, you can enjoy a
bowl of beans or two. Any more and you'll
probably have no choice but to stay inside......
probably in one specific room!
      But wait, there's more!
      July 3rd is also "Compliment Your Mirror
      Of course that one can be observed anywhere
you can find a mirror!  I've seen more than one
young woman observing the day way ahead of
schedule and often stopped at a traffic light.
      And one here or there that weren't
stopped at the time! I'll limit my celebration to
my morning shave.
     Anyhow as you can clearly see, even without
a mirror, these July 3rd "holidays" are
sneaking up on you so you had better be
      Make sure you don't "let the dogs out,"
use plenty of sun tan lotion, stay cool, comb
your hair, and eat your beans!
      Hope you survive the day (tomorrow's
the 4th!) and that all your NEWS is good!

Monday, July 1, 2024



     TUESDAY, JULY 2ND., 2024

      I'm hearing and reading a lot
about concern over aliens these
days. July 2nd is a day that has
been set aside to focus on the
controversy! It is World UFO
       Oh. You thought I meant
those "other aliens." No. This
question about these aliens has
been confronting us since 1947!
That's the date the so-called
"Roswell Incident" took place.
        A rancher in New Mexico
discovered wreckage of a metallic
object on his property and reported
it to the military which removed
the debris and initially labeled it
as coming from an Unidentified
Flying Object.
       The official story later changed.
But many people believe that's
because of a government cover
up. Who ever heard of anything
like that ever happening?
        Back in the late 50's and
early 60's I was a volunteer member
of the Ground Observer Corps. I
and my fellow volunteers manned
control towers like observation
posts and scanned the skies for
aircraft in the hope of heading off
a Russian attack on the United
       I've heard tell a couple of
our volunteers reported a UFO
in the area above our post in
Hazleton. Then there were
reports on a UFO coming down
in a Carbondale pond in 1974
.     I never saw anything
that couldn't be identified.
       But what if the aliens are
actually out there? And with
ill intentions! I don't think a wall
would keep them matter
who paid for it!
        So today is a day to join
others, throughout the world,
in discussing the issue. Heck
it might even make a good
topic for politicians running
for office!
       Of course there's always
the possibility the aliens who
came to Roswell are already
here and living among us.
Maybe some ARE politicians!
That could account for their
strange behavior!
        Hope you're watching
the skies and that all your
NEWS is good!