Sunday, February 2, 2025


     MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2025


    January was a very cold month and

February isn't shaping up much better.

But today is "Sweater Day." Sweaters

are great to help us through the cold

months and they're also a big help to

the environment. When you wear a

sweater you can turn your thermostat

down a couple degrees and save a bit

on your heating bills. I like sweaters.

I own several. My favorite it one we

bought on a trip to Scotland a few years

ago. They look pretty sharp too. Although

some people seem to wear them better than

others!  Remember Marilyn Monroe?

Hope your your seater is on and that all

your NEWS is good!

                                                              Marilyn Monroe


Saturday, February 1, 2025


      SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 2025


       Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil is
the man, actually rodent, of the hour every
February 2nd. His shadow, or the lack of
shadow, is said to be a prediction of how
soon we'll see Spring show up.
       But while Phil tends to get most of
the attention, it turns out he's not the
only meteorologist presenting a forecast.
It's kind of like all the guys on our local
TV stations. Each offering their own
take on the weather. One sees it as
partly cloudy while the other calls for
partly sunny.
        I wonder how many of you have
heard of Phil's competition? Let's see.
 Balzac Billy in Balzac, Alberta, BC
 Chattanooga Chuck in Tennessee
 Chesapeake Chuck in Virginia
 Chuckles in Connecticut
 Dunkirk Dave in New York
 French Creek Freddie in West Virginia
 Gen. Beauregard Lee in Georgia
 Grady the Groundhog in North Carolina
 Holtsville Hall, another New Yorker
 Buckeye Chuck in Ohio
 Malverne, he's from New York too
 Nibbles, another North Carolina forecaster
 Staten Island Chuck from the Big Apple
 and Stormy Marmot from Colorado.
       I've actually omitted a couple more
from Canada since there's some question
as to whether Spring exists there at all.
       As for the others, if Phil doesn't call
it the way you'd like check out his cousins
and take a drive into an early spring. It's
bound to be there somewhere!
       Hope you find it (sooner than later)
and that all your NEWS is good!


        SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 2025


           I'd like to start your day and this month

out on a high note by informing you that
this is Crusoe Day!
     Wait! Before you start singing his praises,
it's Crusoe not Caruso! Not Enrico. Robinson!
      The sailor. Not the singer. Got it?
      You'd think this would be celebrated on
a Friday wouldn't you?
       Well, anyway, every February 1st is
observed as Robinson Crusoe Day.
        You see, like so many of today's popular
movies, the story of the marooned sailor
Robinson Crusoe is based on actual events!
         A Scottish sailor named Alexander
Selkirk was rescued from a uninhabited
island on this date in 1709 and his tale was
the basis for the book "Robinson Crusoe"
written by Daniel Defoe.
         What Defoe didn't tell us was that
Selkirk asked to be put ashore after getting
into a quarrel with his Captain. Maybe he
thought it was a resort!? He was there for
five years!!!!!! With only Friday around!
       At least Gilligan had associates like
 Ginger and Mary Ann!
       Ideally you are to observe Robinson
Crusoe Day by being "adventurous and
self-reliant." Realizing there are things to
be done around the house however, I intend
to note the day by......"getting lost!"
       Hope you survive the day and that all
your NEWS is good!



Thursday, January 30, 2025


   FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 2025


  January 31st., is "Inspire Your Heart

With Art Day!"  Art can touch our

souls in so many ways. Through

paintings, photographs, music, and

even literature! And it doesn't have

to come from some world famous

artist. I have paintings done by my

wife that are special just because she

did them. I have a painting done by

a high school student depicting a

scene from one of our honeymoon

stops at Niagara Falls. And there's

a rendering of the Mona Lisa done

by our grandson when he was 8 years

old that may not be priced like the

original but is invaluable to us!

So take some time today to enjoy all

the art that's around you in whatever

form! I'm not much of an artist but

I've got a blank paper and a full

box of crayons so I'm off to create

my masterpiece! Hope you'll work

on yours and that all your NEWS

is good! 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


       THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 2025

                     GET AWAY DAY!

   It's January 30th friends and that, for those
who may not know, is "National Escape Day!"
I'm sure there's more than one person in local
lockups hoping to celebrate the occasion!
   You won't find it listed in the Congressional
Record and it's probably not marked in red on
your calendar. But it's an important day!
    You're suppose to celebrate by getting away
from our everyday chores and activities.
     Between work, school, family, friends, partners
and errands, we all get into a routine. This is a
day to "escape" from the routine.
     Of course it's a lot easier to talk about
getting away than actually doing it!
    Just ask the people stranded along our
Interstate highways during a snow storm!
    And, let's face it, how many bosses out there
will forgive you for not showing up to work because
it's "National Escape Day?"
    Hope you get away with.....I mean escape from....
something today and that all your NEWS is good!


Tuesday, January 28, 2025



            HAPPY NEW YEAR!

   Just when you thought "the Holidays"

were over it's time to celebrate again!

So break out the party hats, noisemakers,

and confetti! It's Chinese New Year! I

don't think they have a Ball Drop. But

they do have a big celebration. Also

known as the Lunar New Year it runs t

for 16 days! We say good bye to the

Year of the Dragon and welcome the

Year of the Snake. Dances , festivals,

and traditional foods highlight the

days so get with it everybody! Have

a very Happy New Year! Hope all

your NEWS is good!

Monday, January 27, 2025



   TUESDAY , JANUARY 28TH., 2025
            PLAY "IT" AGAIN SAM!

    We may not always be in harmony with
others. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't
try to carry a tune. And , on that note, today
we celebrate the instrument that gives us a
chance to be heard.
    January 28th is "National Kazoo Day!"
Of course, kazoo players are not known to be
perfectly precise, so you may have already
celebrated as some folks believe the date is
supposed to be the fourth Thursday in January.
    The kazoo was invented in the 1840's and
first presented to the world at the Georgia State
Fair in 1852. If you can hum a tune it's likely
you can "play it" on a Kazoo.
    The instrument has been manufactured in
Enden, New York since 1916. The factory is
still operational and now serves as a working
museum that's open to the public.
    I'm a harmonic man myself. Still, as a guy
who knows thousands of songs but can't sing
a note, I've always like the Kazoo.
    If everybody played a Kazoo the world
would be a better, if not harmonious, place.
Check those seldom opened drawers in your
house. Chances are there's a Kazoo buried
in one somewhere. Get it out and "go to
town." But you might want to keep the
windows closed!
     Home all your NEWS is good!


Sunday, January 26, 2025



    MONDAY, JANUARY 27TH., 2025
            POP GOES THE STRESS!      

      How would you like an opportunity
to solve most of your problems and
concerns without taking medication
or learning a thousand yoga positions.
       And just what is this "magic
potion?" I'll glad you asked!
        It can be found in a giant
roll of Bubble Wrap!
        It's on my mind now
because, as you probably know,
January 27th is "Bubble Wrap
Appreciation Day!"
        And who, especially guys,
doesn't appreciate Bubble Wrap?
What sort of woe can't be solved
by sitting down and popping those
little plastic air pockets one after
another with that resulting "snap!"
that echoes around the room?
        I don't want to take anything
away from those of you who may
actually use the stuff for wrapping
valuable or breakable materials
for shipping. I'm sure that takes a
load off your mind too.
         You've got to wonder how
many world problems might be
solved if a few leaders would just
sit down together on a comfortable
couch with an adequate supply of
Bubble Wrap!
         Nothing else seems to be
working so it may be worth a
        Hope you'll enjoy popping
some too and that all your NEWS
is good!

Saturday, January 25, 2025


             SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 2025


   January 26th was a very big day in the United

States. At least it was in 1871! A few years

earlier the country was split apart by a Civil

War. That conflict was expensive both in terms

of lives lost and what it cost the north financially.

To cover those costs the President ordered an

income tax. 3% for those making up to $800 and

5% for those earning over that amount. But on

January 26th the Income Tax was repealed!!!

That's right! No U.S. income tax! Unfortunately

that tax break was all too short. Congress

reinacted the Federal inclme tax by adopting

the 19th Amendment in 1913, The rest, of

course, is both history and our future! Hope

you're paid up and that all your NEWS is good!

Friday, January 24, 2025


        SATURDAY, JANUARY 25th, 2025


   This is one of those unusual holidays generally

not observed here in the United States. It is

celebrated in certain areas of Europe and

certainly in Scotland! This "Robert Burns

Day" marking the birthday of that world know

Scotish poet Robert Burns. The title of today's

Blog recounts a noted line from one of his

verses which suggests it would be good to have

the gift of seeing ourselves as others see us.

In Scotland the day is celebrated with a big

feast similar to our Thanksgiving. Burns wrote

many poems all in a thick Scottish dialect when

recited as written. You probably don't know most

of them. But you should be familiar with at least

at least one. Chances are you sing it every New

Year's Eve. "Auld Lang Syne," A Robert Burns

poem set to music! Hope you have a great day

and that all your NEWS is good! 

Thursday, January 23, 2025


           FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2025

               "NORTH TO ALASKA!"

    January 24th is "Talk Like a Grizzled Prospector

Day!" I'm not sure just how I should take that. The

web site for the day suggests you say things like

" Been a passel a' time since I've been to a good

hootenanny." But, fact is, I had a real live 

prospector in the family and the only thing I found

a bit odd about his speech was the fact he still

referred to the bus as a "stage," as in stage coach!

My Uncle Charley (actually my Mom's uncle)

had a gold mine in Alaska in 1933 during one

of the Alaskan Gold Rushes. He used to tell

us there was a million dollars worth of gold

in the mine but it would have taken two million

to get it out! Charley spent months at a time,

alone, in log cabin on his claim and did manage

to get some gold out of his mine. He'd have to

fly in and out every few months to get supplies.

He came back to Pennsylvania where he spent

the final years of his adventure filled life in a

small cabin home just outside of Hazleton. I

first got to know him when I was just a kid and

always found him to speak with an intelligence

you couldn't argue with. Many time I head him

say "I'm smart enough to know how dumb I am."

So to honor him and the day I'm simply say

 "Dagnabbit Charlie, I was darned lucky to

know you!" Hope you'll observe the day in

whatever way you choose and that all yours

NEWS is good!


Wednesday, January 22, 2025


         THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 2025

                FROM HEEL TO TOE!

       I have discovered another unusual 

"holiday." Turns out that January 23rd.,

is "Measure Your Feet Day!" No one

seems to know who came up with this

bizarre holiday or, perhaps more

interestingly, why! It does bring back

some memories from my visits to

various shoe stores when I placed

my feet on what is known as a

"Brannock Device" on which both

the length and width of said feet

were measured. If I think back

far enough I can even recall

trying on new shoes for size 

and slipping both feet into a

fluoroscope that allowed me

to see those feet, and even my

foot bones, inside the shoes.

That was a lot of fun for us

kids until someone decided

that exposing our feet to Xrays

probably wasn't such a great idea!

In any case since this is "Measure

You Feet Day" the only thing I

can suggest to observe the

occasion is to get out the tape

measure and go to work! I suppose

it's better than putting your foot in

your mouth! Hope you get the

proper measurements and that

all your NEWS is good! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025





     I was just a part time errand boy at

my hometown radio station in 1959 when

the Susquehanna River broke into the

Knox Coal Mine in Port Griffin. I read

the headlines and saw the television news

reports but didn't really comprehend the

impact of the disaster which claimed a

dozen lines and virtually ended underground

coal mining in our area.

      Many years later, during my television

news career, I met the man many consider

one of the heroes of that tragic day.

       Pacifico Joe Stella was a mining

surveyor who happen to be in the tunnels

making up the Knox Mine. His knowledge

o the underground passage ways and a old

air shaft enabled him to lead 33 miners to


        I interviewed Joe several times over

many years, almost always on the

anniversary or eve of the anniversary of

the disaster. His story was always the

same. Very detailed and offered in a very

"matter of fact manner," never portraying

himself as the hero everyone else said he


        He wasn't the only hero that day.

In fact one of his colleagues, Amaadeo

Pancotti of Pittston received the Carnegie

Medal for his efforts to help clear debris

from the airshaft that provided the escape

route and for personally climbing the last

50 feet to reach the top! Joe stayed

behind to make sure some of the older

miners would make it out OK.

        The story is being retold today,

another anniversary. And thankfully

a documentary has been produced

to preserve that story for those who

believe our history is vitally important

to our future.

         Joe Stella isn't with us anymore.

He passed away in 2007..

         Hope he's remembered for many

years and that all your NEWS is good!

Monday, January 20, 2025



      TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2025
                  GETTING SQUIRRELY!

 Today marks the second observance of the  
newest wacky holiday I have uncovered. This
is "Squirrel Appreciation Day." It was created
by Christy Hargrove, a wildlife rehabilitator
from North Carolina in 2021. He says people
enjoy seeing squirrels so he selected this day
to focus on them.
   I remember, in my childhood, passing through
a large local cemetery that was filled with
Squirrels. They had become so accustomed to
people feeding them that you could almost
always find a couple that were willing to get up
close and personal and take a peanut right from
your hand. I know I fed them from time to time.
    These days I usually encounter them in the
middle of the roadway when I'm trying to drive
somewhere. In that setting they become like so
many people I know! They don't seem to know
which way to turn!  They'll run out of the woods,
stop like a statue when they see you coming, then
suddenly switch directions and run back to where
they came from even though they're already half
way, or more, across the highway!
     There's an old saying "He who hesitates is
lost." The adage is proved by the remains of
Squirrels who waited just a bit too long to
decide which way to run!
       Other than their failure to look both ways
before crossing these rodents are actually a lot
smarter than many humans. They stock up their
supplies for winter so they don't have to run out
for bread or milk when a snowstorm hits.
       I should also make you aware there's a club
that's been established for those of you that have
an affection for Squirrels. It's the International
Squirrel Lover's Club based in Lower Burrell
       The organization says its mission is to
encourage appreciation, kindness, and education in
regard to animals, especially Squirrels.
        I might have considered joining but the annual
dues come to $28. I'd have to be nuts to shell that
much money out of squirrels!
         Hope the  squirrels stay out of your
bird feeders and that all your NEWS is good!

Sunday, January 19, 2025



    MONDAY, JANUARY 20TH., 2025
               IT'S A SPECIAL DAY!.

     January 20th is a special day! Why? Well it's
Inauguration Day! It's Martin Luther King Jr.
Day! But it's also National Disc Jockey Day!
     While most of you may remember me as
a news reporter my first few years in broadcasting
were spent as a DJ.
      Those days were a lot of fun for the most part.
There was never a lot of money in it, at least
around these parts. I got to play a lot of the music
I liked. They call them Oldies these days but they
were all new back then.
       We used to have a lot of fun behind the
scenes too. Most everybody who started back
in the 60's can tell you about the time they
were reading a commercial live on the air when
one of their older colleagues set the written copy
on fire! You had to learn to ad lib back in those
       I used to be able to pick up a few extra dollars
by taking our portable equipment to local schools
and dance halls for what we called "Record hops,"
Since records are making a bit of a comeback I
guess I don't have to explain what those were.
        Most DJ's drifted from station to station over
a fairly short period of time. That goes back to the
money or lack of it.
          My switch to news wasn't something I
expected or really wanted to do at the time but
it turned out to be a wise move.
           Though this is National Disc Jockey Day
the days of the DJ are all but gone. Most local
radio stations don't have local DJ's anymore.
The majority of stations are automated and, in
many cases, the voice you hear introducing
music, if you hear one at all, is broadcasting
from a major city to many stations around the
country at the same time.
             That's sad for a number of reasons
not the least of which is hearing a local voice
talking about local happenings and keeping
you up to date on breaking local news.
              There are a few members of this
dying breed around our area so give them some
credit. They work hard and I'm not sure the
money has gotten a heck of a lot better than
it used to be!
             Let's hear it for ,and from, our DJ's!
Hope their, and your. NEWS is good!

Saturday, January 18, 2025


   SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 2024

           ANALYZE THIS!!

   Today begins "National Handwriting 

Analysis Week" which focuses attention 

on the benefits of handwriting analysis.

It's always observed the week of John

Handcock's birthday. He was the

gentleman who signed his name in

very large letters on the Declaration

of Independence so King George would

be sure to notice it. Our handwriting

does tell a lot about us. How organized

and precise we are. How outgoing or

timid. It can be used in criminology

to make up a likely profile of the

person doing the writing. I even

considered doing today's blog in

a handwritten form. But my wife said

nobody would be able to read it!

Guess I don't have the "write" stuff.

Hope you do and that all your NEWS

is good! 

Friday, January 17, 2025




  My BLOG is being replaced with a

tribute today. It is a tribute to my late

brother-in-law Mike Williams. Mike

passed away Friday in the Hospice

center at the VA Hospital in Wilkes-

Barre. His loving wife, Karen, was,

as always, by his side.  An Honor

Guard escorted his flag draped

gurney through the Hospital halls

while employees as well as some

patients stood at attention with their

hands over their hearts or in salute

as it and family members walked

behind. A very moving tribute!!!!

Mike was one of the 8 children

born in Mountain Top to the late

Leo and Lena Williams. My wife

Leona is one of his sisters. But

Mike was more than a brother-in-law 

to me. He was my friend. I believe

one of the reasons for that friendship

was out mutual love for the games

of baseball. More than a  fan, however,

Mike played minor league baseball

for the Boston organization. In one

spring training session his batting

coach was Ted Williams! Mike also

managed a woman's professional

baseball team at one time. He cared

deeply about the game and the fans.

During an Old Timers game at the

Lackawanna County Stadium a few

years ago Mike used his between inning

time to sign autographs for kids who

looked up to those on the playing

field. Mike will be a lot missed by his

family and friends. But I smile with

the realization that as he slid across

the plate Friday the ultimate "Umpire"

called him "Safe At Home!"

See you later Mike! 

Thursday, January 16, 2025



     FRIDAY, JANUARY 17TH., 2025

     I want to tell you about a guy
with a lot of pull! You see today is
"Cable Car Day!"
    Andrew Smith Hallidie is the guy! He
got tired seeing horses falling over, sometimes
dying, while trying to pull trolleys up the
steep streets of the City by the Bay!
    So he got a patent for a moving cable to
pull the cars along. And, by the way, for a
number of years the cables that did the job
were manufactured in Sunbury, Pennsylvania!
    I got a chance to ride the Cable Cars back
in 2007 when my wife and I hosted a train
trip out to San Francisco.
     A guy directing the cars at a turn around
point pulled one aside especially for our tour
group and off we went!
     I got to stand at the right front of the car
which allowed me to get some great video...
but also had me ducking out of the way of
trucks parked along the tracks. Their mirrors
were at just the right height to knock any
inattentive passenger half way to the stars!
     Since we don't have any Cable Cars
around here maybe you can head out to
one of the ski slopes and ride the lift all
day. It's just another version of Hallidie's
idea and no horses are at risk!
     Hopefully that "Golden Sun" will shine
on you and all your NEWS will be good!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025



     THURSDAY, JANUARY 16TH., 2025

      January 16th is "National Fig Newton Day!"
         It is dedicated to Fig Newtons –
cookies filled with fig paste that are a
trademarked version of the fig roll
manufactured by Nabisco. I always liked
these tasty snacks!
        Contrary to what some believe, they
are not named after English physicist Sir
 Isaac Newton. I don't believe he even has
a day named after him. Fig Newtons were
named after the town of Newton, Massachusetts.
         Anyway I just thought you should know
there's plenty of reason to celebrate today!
Hope all your Newtons......I mean...News...
is good!   

Sunday, January 12, 2025



   MONDAY, JANUARY 13TH., 2025

     You may find this hard to believe but
January 13th is "International Skeptic's
      I already wonder if this unusual day
is really observed around the world. Or
along the world for those who question
whether the earth is truly round.
      I know there are those who don't
believe the date since the first Friday
of the year and October 13th are also
listed as "Skeptic's Day."
       I have been a skeptic for many
years. Remember, my role as a news
reporter frequently had me asking
questions to, and hearing answers from,
people in politics.
        Of course there's nothing wrong
with some skepticism. If more people
were skeptics far fewer would have
bought the Brooklyn Bridge or sent
money to that guy who emailed to
say the dough was needed to free up
your inheritance discovered in South
          So celebrate by raising an
eyebrow when you're given "the
facts" by anyone today and don't
hesitate to carry an umbrella if the
forecaster is promising sunshine!
           Meanwhile if you're interested
in a bridge between Brooklyn and
Manhattan  I can give you a good
deal! Hope you're you'll take it off 
my hands and that all your NEWS
is good!

Saturday, January 11, 2025


      SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 2025


    For hours leading up to this day I just

knew there was something brewing. As

though there was an elephant in the room!

Then I realized...we're half way into "Idiom

Week!" It's time to let the cat out of the bag!

My wife has often suggested I was an Idiom.

Or something like that! Idioms, of course, are

words and phrases not to be taken literally.

I mean it never actually rains cats and dogs!

But how do we observe this week? I'm up in

the air about that. And not knowing is like having

a monky on your back!  Guess I'll just hit the hay

and think on it before I fly off the handle! Hope

you're thinking too and that all your NEWS is


Friday, January 10, 2025


     SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 2025

                         GOT MILK?

         January 11th is "National Milk Day!"

I like milk! I've been drinking it since I

was a babu. As it happens the first home

delivery of milk in glass bottles took place

on this very day in 1878. Milk has changed

a bit throught the years. You can still find

it in glass bottles. But you're most likely

see it in plastic containers at most stores

these days/ You'll also find a choice of 1%, 2%, 

and whole milk. I like whole milk. But our

grandson has pretty much grown up on

Almond milk. (I still haven't learbed how

one milks an almond!  But my favorite

milk product only comes around a couple

times of year. I just picked up a bottle

yesterday. It's called Egg Nog and it's

probably good that it isn't available

all the time. It's got about as many

calories in one glass as a double cheeseburger!

Think I'll have a sip right now! Hope you've

"got milk" and that all your NEWS is good! 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025




    Christmas is over!
    Russian Christmas is over.
    New Year's Eve has come and gone.
    But don't despair. There's always a
holiday to be celebrated. And that
includes today.
     Just in case you didn't know January
9th is "National Static Electricity Day!"
I thought you'd get a charge out of that
shocking fact!
     It's a day to recognize, if not
celebrate, that sudden little electrical
zap you get when reaching for the door
knob after dragging you feet along the
     Or that interesting hairdo that
develops after rubbing a balloon over
your curly locks.
     Winter is prime time for static
      There's a scientific reason for the
creation of static electricity. It involves
atoms and protons and neutrons.
       If I could explain it I wouldn't
have spent all those days on the road
as a reporter standing outside in the
cold or rain or snow chasing bad
guys or describing horrible driving
conditions. Or writing a blog!
        Since I can't I just thought I'd
make you aware of this holiday.
        I can tell you you'd be wise to
ground yourself before you kiss your
significant other goodbye!
        Hope I've sparked your interest
and that all your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025




    The title to my daily blog presentation

is taken from an old saying.."No news is

good news." But that's not always true.

And this very date in history proves my

point/ It was on January 8th of 1815 that

then General Andy Jackson led a force

of Americans, and volunteer pirates,

against the British in what has become

know as the Battle of New Orleans! Johnny

Horton did a song about that epic fight in

the War of 1812. The Americans won the

day but both sides lost a lot of men during

the battle. And here;s the thing, the battle

was fought on January 8th of 1815. But the

war actually ended in December of 1814!

The soldiers never got the news about the

end of the war until after their battle had

ended. In their case, no news was basically

a disaster for those who lost their lives! It;s

far better t know my friends! Hope you're

top on things and that all your NEWS is


Monday, January 6, 2025


            TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2025


     Julius Caesar was a pretty important guy
in Rome back in the day. How many other
people lived over 2000 years ago and still
have a salad named after them?
    He's remembered on coins and even in
famous works of literature.
    But what's important today is the fact
that this guy had his own calendar! It was
used by everybody up until 1582 when this
other guy, Pope Gregory XIII decided to
change things around!
     But Caesar's calendar wasn't complete
discarded. The Eastern Orthodox Church
still uses it and, in it's book, that makes
today CHRISTMAS! Many refer to the
day as "Russian Christmas." At least I do!
     Now most of us have already observed
the big day back in December. But my
take on the whole thing is....what's wrong
with celebrating twice?!
      So, although my closest connection to
Russia is an occasional visit to Moscow
in Lackawanna County and an old James
Bond movie, my wife and I welcomed
Santa once again with some
small gifts for immediate members of our
family none of whom are Russian!
     And I heard him exclaim as he drove
out of sight, Merry Christmas to all, and
may all your NEWS be good!

Sunday, January 5, 2025


      MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 2025

            THE LAST LAUGH!      

    We' e all been so busy with the

holidays it's easy to overlook some

of the lesser known reasons for having

a celebration. This week, for instance,

is "Someday We'll Laugh About This

Week." I'm sure you get the idea. We've

all done something that was pretty much

a disaster at the time it happened. But

when we look at it years later it becomes

the subject of humor. It's a week to

forget those mistakes and turn them 

into a reason to smile. In my case, for

instance, there was the time I put Dish

washing detergent in the dish washing

machine only to find the kitchen floor

covered in soap suds minutes later.

Best part is...I repeated the mistake

several month later. I look back on

it now and I laugh. Ironically, for

some reason, my wife still doesn't think 

it's funny! Maybe if I try it again she'll

see the humor? Hope so, and that all

your NEWS is good!

Saturday, January 4, 2025


       SUNDAY, JANUARY 5th, 2025

               DO NOT PASS GO!

   It's January 5th, 2025. It's Monopoly Day!

Who hasn't, at one time or another, been caught

up in a game of Monopoly? You may be surprised

to learn the game was the creation of a young

lady. Elizabeth Magie came up with the game

as a way to teach the economy. She called it

"The Landlord Game" and got a patent for it

on this date in 1904. Of course the game eventually

became Monopoly. It's been customized a bit 

over the years, including special versions for

communities that wished to have their own

shops included on the board. But, basically,

it's the same game that "Lizzy" came up with

all those years ago. Might be a good day to get

your version out and play a round. Just don't

get the GO TO JAIL card like me!!!! Hope

you're well and that all your NEWS is good!


Friday, January 3, 2025




   Look into my eyes! Oh wait. You can't.
This is an essay. Not a telecast. Too bad.
   January 4th is "World Hypnotism Day."
   I have never been hypnotized. Well,
not by a hypnotist anyway.
   I have had a number of teachers over
the years who put me into a deep trance
    Some politicians have had the same
effect as have a few television programs
I should never have tuned in.
     Supporters of the "science" of
Hypnotism insist it can help people in
many ways.
      I know there have been a number
of local seminars that promised to help
people lose weight or stop smoking
by way of Hypnotism.
       I sincerely hope it has helped
people beat those addictions.
       I'm still from the "old school."
The thought of hypnosis brings to
mind visions of Count Dracula
and even though I could truly use a
good sleep I think I'll stick with a
sip of Amaretto.
        I tried self hypnosis the other
day. I don't think it worked but my
wife insists she had me take out the
garbage before she work me up!!!
        So, look into my eyes. You
and growing sleepy and will have
a great day with all your NEWS
being good! 

Thursday, January 2, 2025


     FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 2025


   For those of you who thought the fun

was all over, think again. We have two big,

but unofficial, "holidays" to celebrate on

January 3rd. This is the day for the annual

Fruit cake toss. Some communities 

actually hold contests to see which

contestant can throw that unwanted Fruit

cake over the longest distance. It's a perfect

day fort those who don't appreciate that

gift that often accompanies the Christmas

holidays. Since my wife and I have

already consumed her holiday Fruit cake

we couldn't participate in the celebration

even if we wanted to. The other "holiday."

however, is a different story. It was created

with the realization that we have all been

very busy getting prepared for, first

Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then New

Year's eve and day. That's why January 3rd

is also "Festival of Sleep Day." It's a day

to get some rest. Take a cat nap or even

sleep in. I like the idea of this "holiday"

and plan to be observing it all day long!

Hope you're celebrating something and

that all your NEWS is good!   

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


    TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2025

         CHECK YOUR MENU! 

  As I scanned my list of unusual "holidays"

for 2025 I was shocked to see this listing for

January 2nd. "No Spam Day!" I was quickly

relieved to learn the date has to do with email

Spam and not the luncheon meat which I

enjoy from time to time. Social media Spam 

has become a real problem but there are

things you can do about it. First, check with

your internet provider for filters it may

offer/ If you're making a purchase on line

check all the boxes carefully. Many have

you signing up for email you don't really

want to receive. And, of course, check

your email lists to see if you're getting

Spam from providers from which you

can unsubscribe. That way you can get

rid of your Spam problems while allowing

me to acquire the Spam I enjoy fried on

the stove. Hope you're well and that all

your NEWS is good!