January 31st., is "Inspire Your Heart
With Art Day!" Art can touch our
souls in so many ways. Through
paintings, photographs, music, and
even literature! And it doesn't have
to come from some world famous
artist. I have paintings done by my
wife that are special just because she
did them. I have a painting done by
a high school student depicting a
scene from one of our honeymoon
stops at Niagara Falls. And there's
a rendering of the Mona Lisa done
by our grandson when he was 8 years
old that may not be priced like the
original but is invaluable to us!
So take some time today to enjoy all
the art that's around you in whatever
form! I'm not much of an artist but
I've got a blank paper and a full
box of crayons so I'm off to create
my masterpiece! Hope you'll work
on yours and that all your NEWS
is good!