For those of you who thought the fun
was all over, think again. We have two big,
but unofficial, "holidays" to celebrate on
January 3rd. This is the day for the annual
Fruit cake toss. Some communities
actually hold contests to see which
contestant can throw that unwanted Fruit
cake over the longest distance. It's a perfect
day fort those who don't appreciate that
gift that often accompanies the Christmas
holidays. Since my wife and I have
already consumed her holiday Fruit cake
we couldn't participate in the celebration
even if we wanted to. The other "holiday."
however, is a different story. It was created
with the realization that we have all been
very busy getting prepared for, first
Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then New
Year's eve and day. That's why January 3rd
is also "Festival of Sleep Day." It's a day
to get some rest. Take a cat nap or even
sleep in. I like the idea of this "holiday"
and plan to be observing it all day long!
Hope you're celebrating something and
that all your NEWS is good!
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