Friday, February 28, 2025



            LISTEN UP!

   Welcome to March my friends. And

this first week of March is also

"Hearing Awareness Week!" Millions

of people around the world suffer

from hearing loss problems! In

Australia 1 out of every 6 people

has a hearing problem. In my house

it's one out of two. And I'm the one!

To compound the problem, my wife

speaks softly. The phrase most often

uttered here, by me, is..."What!?"

I purchased some inexpensive

hearing aids a year or two ago. The

best ones are super expensive so I

went the cheap route. And mine are

worth every penny! They bring up

the background sounds. So if I'm

in church trying to listen to the

pastor I hear the motor noise of the

fan just above me at about the same

level as he's coming in! When I first

got my hearing aids they actually

impeded my hearing! The little

rubber tip got stuck in my ear

and I heard less than usual. Fortunately

that happened on a day my wife was

telling me what she wanted me to do

so I never heard the instructions! I

cam up with a solution! I told my

wife to write down what she's saying.

Sort of like having Closed Caption on

your television show. Here's a copy

of her first note........"YOU ARE A

NUT."  Maybe I can try turning up

the volume on my hearing aids?!

Hope you "hear" what I'm saying

and that all your NEWS is good! 


Wednesday, February 26, 2025



                     LOOKING BACK!

        It's a day to take a good look in your
rear view mirror folks. It's "National Retro
        This is a day to look back and
"remember when."
         I actually got a head start while
driving along an area roadway yesterday.
I glanced to the side and noticed the
guide rails separating the highway from
a steep drop off.
          We used to call them "guard rails."
I'm not sure when they changed from
posts separated by heavy cables to long
sheets of steel but I'm thinking their
purpose is still pretty much the same.
             And while thinking "retro" I
begin to wonder if some of the things
I'm remembering should make a
              When I look back I remember
my Mom hanging wet laundry on a
line hung up in our backyard. The sun
handled the drying without using up
one kilowatt of electricity.
               At the very back of the backyard
we had a barrel in which we burned our
old paper and cardboard. Of course you
didn't do that on laundry day!
                I can't remember any of the
family or our neighbors dying from our,
or their, backyard burning.
                And speaking of burning, we
heated our house by burning coal which
was plentiful in the area. In the summer
the Ashman came once a week or maybe
every other week to haul the ashes away.
                 In the winter we spread the
ashes on the sidewalks and streets to
make walking and travel safe.
                I could spend hours looking
back but I must say I like what much of
what I see in that rear view mirror!
               Hope you've got some good
retrospect too  and that all your NEWS
is good.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025



           FOR PETE'S SAKE!

     In case you haven't already heard,
it's February 26th which is also known
as "For Pete's Sake Day."
     As a guy who is not prone to use
profanity I'm not only in favor of this
"holiday," I'd like to see it extended!
     It's a day to encourage everyone
to replace swear words with those
more acceptable to general society.
     Here's an example. You miss
the nail and hit your thumb with a
hammer. An incident like that could
lead to all kinds of expletives. But,
instead, one could shout.."Oh Sugar!"
     Admittedly you're more likely
to restrain yourself if whatever
annoys you happens when you're in
polite, or mixed, company.
      In my case it's hearing profanity,
or seeing it on line, that gets me
annoyed in the first place!
      "Darn!" How come we hear so
many curses when nobody even has
a hammer? 
       "For crying out loud" can't we
be more civil? 
        "Shoot!" Let's try to clean
things up a bit!
         "For Pete's sake" let's stop
all this cussing!
         Hope I don't have to get out
the Lifebuoy.....and that all your
NEWS is good!


Monday, February 24, 2025



      TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH., 2025

    It's February 25th everybody.
    Just so you're all aware today is
"Rubber Ducky Day!"
    It was on this date in 1970 that Sesame.
Street's Muppet character "Ernie" (voiced
by Jim Henson) first sang the tune
dedicated to his favorite bath time toy!
    It was so popular they recorded a
45rpm record which actually hit number.
16 on Billboard Magazine's Hot 100 Hits!
    I happen to be the proud owner of a
Rubber Ducky. In fact I may even have
two! Our 9-year-old grandson has
discovered one of those Crane machines.
where a dollar lets you play until you
win. And the prize bin is filled with, you.
guessed it, Rubber Duckies! He's given.
me a couple of his prizes!
      I must admit, since he's the one who.
gifted me, I'm awfully fond of my
Rubber Duckies!
      I think I'll put them in a place of
honor today. Right in front of me on the
table while I eat a couple eggs!
      I just love these special days! Hope
you do too and that all your NEWS is


Sunday, February 23, 2025


       MONDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 2025

                  VIVA TORTILL!

    February 24th is National; Tortilla Chip

Day! Wasn't all that long ago few people

in the U.S. had ever heard of a tortilla chip.

But that changed over the past 10 to 20 years

and these chips, coupled with salsa. have

become a very popular snack! They came

from Mexico and were introduced in the

United States by a businessman named

Elmer Doolin. Personally, I think they're

kind of corny! But enjoy them if you will

and may all your NEWS be good. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025


    SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2025


     It's not a holiday. Only another date

in our shortest month. But don't write off

February 23rd. It's got some great history!

It's the day, in 1455 when Gutenberg put

the Bible into print for the first time. 

In 1792 the Massachusetts Humane

Society was formed. Not an organization to

protect animals but, rather, an organization

to offer help to seamen in distress. It evolved

into the United States Coast Guard! In 1836

Charles Hill came up with a was to manufacture

a new medal. Aluminum! In 1873 the game of

Lawn Tennis received a patent. 1940 saw the

release of the Walt Disney movie Pinocchio.

In 1945 on February 23rd., the U.S. Marines

raised the flag on Mount Suribachi during the

battle of Iwo Jima!  In 1954 children at a school

in Pittsburgh became the first group to receive

the Salk Polio vaccine. And let's not forget

what happened on February 23rd of 1895. That's

the day Leo Hirschfield introduced America to

the Tootsie Roll! Seems February 23rd was a

very big day, historically. You've just got to

take a look back! Hope you do from time to

time and that all your NEWS is good! 

Friday, February 21, 2025


       SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd, 2025

              HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUYS!                

  Well friends, it's Washington's Birthday! The

real one! But Washington isn't the only guy

whose birthday is worth celebrating on

February 22nd. This is also the birthday

of Frank Woolworth, the man who basically

started the first 5 and 10 cent stores! His 1st

was i  Utica, New York in 1879. His 2nd was

in Lancaster, Pennsylvania! The 5 and 10 cent

store craze grew to include giants like McCrory's

and Kresge's founded by Sebastian Kresge from

Allentown. Of course the days of the 5 & 10's

are long gone now. These days you'd be lucky

to find something for a dollar in a Dollar store!

Still, today we salute Frank Woolworth for his

marketing efforts that, at one time, saw at least

one 5 & 10 cent store in most every medium

sized community. Just thought I'd throw my two

cents worth into his birthday! Hope you're well

and that all your NEWS is good.

Thursday, February 20, 2025



    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST., 2025
                      SPIT IT OUT!

      I believe I first heard that phrase, "Spit
it out," sometime during my illustrious Grade
School career. It later evolved into something
I heard in the movies as Detectives interrogated
a witness or suspect holding out on important
       I mention this because today is "The
Great American Spit Out!
       Unlike my experience with chewing
gum in school or Hollywood's police
cliché this day is dedicated to a campaign
to get people to stop using smokeless or
"chewing" tobacco. In this case they'd
like people to "spit it out" before it's ever
        I'm not sure why anyone would take
up this habit on purpose. I've had a cigar
or two in my day and the taste of the
tobacco leaves were never especially
appealing. I'd rather have raw spinach.
And I hate spinach!
         The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention states that some 75% of
all mouth, lip, tongue, throat, nose and
larynx cancers are due to the use of
smokeless tobacco. All that and a
lousy taste! What a combination!
          I'm going to lend my endorsement
to this unusual "holiday" and suggest
that those who are using this stuff try a
good pack of Juicy Fruit gum!
          Hope they do and that all their,
and your, NEWS is good!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025





The groundhog predicted 6 more weeks of  
winter but today's the day we can head that
prediction off at the pass!
     February 20th is "Northern Hemisphere
Hoodie Hoo Day!"
     The creators, at, encourage
everyone to go outside at Noon today, wave
your hands over your heads, and chant
"Hoodie Hoo!"
      The whole idea is to chase away any
winter blues and bring in Spring.
       I'm not sure if there's any data to
measure the effect of these actions but,
perhaps, it's worth a try. Our grandson
Anthony tried but it was a day early so
we're not sure if that really counts. I
haven't questioned my friend Weather
Bob about this technique but somehow
I feel he would not use it in preparing
his forecast!
       Since this truly is a little know
"holiday" you might want to pick a quiet
area away from others to participate. I'd
hate to see any body hauled away for
disorderly conduct just for trying to
do something about the weather.
        Hope it works and that all your
NEWS is good!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025



                      BOOK' EM!

   We're already half way through February

and I've failed to mention this is

"National Library Month!"  We have some

really great Libraries around these parts

and they've all adapted to today's

technology. Not only can you check out

books on line but in some libraries you

can check out things like medal detectors

and such! I'm not a big user of the

library but I used to be. I just found an

old newspaper article that lists me

along with about a hundred other 

kids who participated in the Heritage

of America Reading Club of the

Children's Department at the Hazleton

Public Library in 1952. Seems I got

credit for reading 8 books that year.

I'd probably have received credit

for 30 or more had Comic Books

be included. My wife is an ardent

reader. She has a book with her at

all times and frequently uses the

library. She'd probably get a room

there if she could. But she couldn't.

They were "Overbooked!"

Hope you're using your library 

and that all your NEWS is good! 

Monday, February 17, 2025


     TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, 2025


  Chances are where ever you're
going or what ever you're doing
today you'll be depending on
batteries. The one that starts you
car. The one that powers your cell
phone and/or IPod. The one in
your flashlight that leads you to
the circuit breaker when your
electricity goes out!
  And what would any of us guys do
if we didn't have batteries to work
our TV remotes?
   I'm thinking about all of them
today because this is "National
Battery Day!" Break out the "D
cells" and the "Triple A's!"
   To spark your interest perhaps I
should explain that February 18th
is the Birthday of  Alessandro Volta,
Italian physicist and inventor of the
electric battery, who was born in
1745. Yes, it was an Italian that
came up with the battery! And he
didn't have either a car or a TV!
   So let's take a moment to say
"Grazie" to Mr. Volta for the
invention that today powers so
many of the devices on which we've
come to depend. Too bad so many
of them come with the admonishment
"Batteries Not Included!"
    Hope your smoke detector is
working and that all your NEWS is


Sunday, February 16, 2025



                 HAVE IT YOUR WAY!

     Fall in everybody! February 17th is
"My Way Day!" Yep. My way or the
     It's not just because I said so, it's
one of those unofficial holidays I like
to tell you  about.
      There's almost no information
about who came up with the idea. It's
thought to have been created and
shared via social media by someone
who felt it was time to make a loud
pubic cry about all the nonsense that's
forced upon us daily.
        When I first read it I was convinced
it was my day and I really didn't have
any big ideas. Then I figured the
creator of the day meant it for all of
us. So, in a sense, it's "Your Way or
the highway today.
       The idea is simple.  You're
encouraged to do whatever you want,
however you want.
        So go to it people. Be like Frank
Sinatra and do it your way today! Hope
it works and that all your NEWS is

Saturday, February 15, 2025


     SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, 2025

              CART WHEELS!

   When you think about February you

probably think about Valentines Day. Or

Lincoln's or Washington's birthday or "President's 

Day" if you will. But I wonder how many of

you know this is "Return Your Shopping Cart

To The Store Month?" I have noticed more

and more people seem to be ignoring those

lanes specifically set up to allow shoppers

to store their carts when they're done

shopping. These days it seems more popular

to just let your cart in the space where your

car was parked. The next shopper might

be glad to have a cart waiting IF they only

had a place to park! Hopefully if you're

close enough to the store entrance you'll

just return your cart to where you got it.

If not at least use one of the return lanes

and make it easy on others, like me,

trying to find a parking space. Hope you

do and that all your NEWS is good!

Friday, February 14, 2025


      SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2025

           MEMORIES OF  SUSAN!

   February 15th is "Susan B. Anthony Day!"

She was born on this date in 1820. She was

a strong advocate for Women's rights, especially

the right for women to be allowed to vote.

Susan spent 40 years lobbying for those rights

and, though it took a long time, most of what

she found for came to pass. Keep the image

of Susan B. Anthony in your mind...and her

silver dollar in your pocket! Hope you've got

a few and that all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, February 13, 2025



             VALEN TIMES OF OLD!

      I'm pretty sure my Valentine's Day
will include the same card I've been
getting from my wife for many, many years!
It's a beautiful card and it never gets old.
      I do sometimes wonder when she
snatches it up to hide away for next year.
      Some of those "old" Valentines have
extra special meaning. I know I've got a
couple packed away in a drawer where I
stash a few cards and/or artwork done by
our grandkids.
       The day brings back some interesting
        I also remember those grade school
Valentine parties. We all had these tiny
Valentine cards and we'd fill one out for
every other student in the class. 
       You, of course, would then receive
a pile of Valentines and could check them
all out while enjoying some treats which
usually included some heart shaped
cookies and cupcakes! 
        My most unusual Valentine's Day
came in 2007. We got hit with 20 inches
of snow and ice that day!
        I was in our Scranton news bureau when
we heard a scanner call  about a roof collapse
at an armory near Nay Aug Park.
        Nothing was moving in town at that
hour. Not even plows. I told my cameraman
to forget the company car. We jumped into
my Chevy Suburban, put it in 4 wheel low,
and drove (up hill all the way) without
ever stopping at an intersection and got our
story! I loved that Suburban! I'd send it a
card but I'm not sure in which junkyard it
resides these days.
          I do have a special Valentine's treat
ready for my wife but I won't tell here just
in case any of her friends are reading.
          Hope you have a wonderful
Valentine's Day as well as Valentine's
memories...….and that all your NEWS is

Tuesday, February 11, 2025



      Abe Lincoln is one of the most
recognized U.S. Presidents in history
and for many years we celebrated his
birthday. That happens to be today,
February 12th.
      We used to celebrate George
Washington's birthday too. That
falls on February 22nd.
       Thanks to the Uniform Monday
Holiday Act of 1968 we will, instead,
celebrate President's Day next Monday,
February 19th.
        Technically speaking President's
Day officially celebrates Washington's
birthday. We throw Lincoln and, actually,
ever other President in the mix but the
original legislation only mentions
George Washington.
       Lincoln's birthday was never a
Federal holiday although it was
recognized in some states.
        Back in my schools days I would
have been happy to recognize every
President's birthday if it meant a day
off! I've always liked days off!
        Let's give "Honest Abe" his
due and raise a glass to him today!
        Hope you can take the day off
and that all your NEWS is good!

Monday, February 10, 2025



                THE LOST CORD!

    I write today in honor of  "Get Out Your
Guitar Day." Yes. There is such a day and
it is observed on February 11th.
    It is a day I would love to celebrate. But,
alas, my guitar is long gone.
    I bought it back in the late 50's when
artists like Duane Eddie, Les Paul, and
Chet Atkins were topping the charts with
tunes like "Rebel Rouser!"
    Then I took lessons. About 5 of them.
Not only could I not duplicate Duane
Eddie by then, my fingers were stinging
from pressing them on those strings.
     I did learn about 3 cords. And played
just right I could sing about a dozen songs
with those cords! Of course I was never
able to alter my voice to actually be in
harmony with those cords so it appeared
by music career was over.
      That, of course, turned out to be far
from the case. As a radio DJ I played
all of the songs I couldn't play on my
guitar. I just played them on records!
       I still fooled around with my
guitar from time to time, never
really improving. Then one day I
noticed that the neck of the instrument
had warped away from the body just
a bit. I'm still wondering if it might
have come that way. That would account
for the notes, or sounds, I produced.
       Our son D.J. has taken up where I left
off and has long since passed my
playing ability. And he's self taught!
       On days like this I think back
and wonder what the music world
has missed by my decision to give
up the guitar. Those who have heard
me play answer...."Nothing!"
I believe, however, that I may have
accidentally found the "lost cord!"
Now we'll never know!
       Hope you're playing today and
that all your NEWS is good

Saturday, February 8, 2025



          IT'S THE BIG DAY!

      It's here everybody! The big day you've

been waiting for! It's  "National Pizza Day!" 

 You would have thought this unique holiday 

would fall on a Friday. But it is what it is.

   If you live in Northeastern Pennsylvania

you'll likely find a pizza place every couple

blocks in most every main street shopping

area. Indeed the community of Old Forge

lays claim to being the Pizza Capitol of the

world!  Now there is one other event that

makes this a Big Day! Of course it's  Super 

Bowl Sunday!!!!

An estimated 2.5 million pizzas will be

consumed today. And most of them will be

consumed by people watching the Super

Bowl. That makes today the second

biggest day for pizza sales here in the

United States! The biggest day?

Why that's Halloween!

Hope your pizza is delicious, that

your favorite team wins, and that

all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, February 6, 2025





   For those of you with good memories
you'll undoubtedly recall when your daily
mail delivery included letters or cards from
friends or distant family.
    These days, with the exception of
Christmas, your mail box is pretty much
filled with bills and advertisements.
     Those personal notes now come via
text or emails.
      Well today's the day to bring back the
good old days. February 7th is "Send A Card
To A Friend Day."
        I'd have to admit it's nice to get a
card or letter from someone. I have one
very good friend who still writes personal
cards or letters and I look forward to them.
In cursive at that! And he fills every available
space on the card!
         I don't write as often as I should. My
excuse is my handwriting. It's so bad I can't
usually read what I wrote 20  minutes after Still, I do make the effort from
time to time and I've been told those notes
are appreciated.
        So grin and bear it! Grab a ":Friendship
card" or something like that and reach out to
somebody today. You're going to make their
        It's good practice for your handwriting
too. Hope you remember your cursive and
that all your NEWS is good.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025




It's February 6th everybody! The first

Thursday in February! That makes this

"International Optimist Day!" There are

Optimist Clubs throughout the world so

this is, indeed, an International

observance. It's a day to look on the

positive side of life. And it's especially

good to get our youth involved in this

observance. There's so much negative

news in the world it's healthy to look

at all the good that exists as well.

Remember, a Pessimist only sees a

dark tunnel. An Optimist always sees

a light at the end of the tunnel. Of

course the Optimist is also smart

enough to get out of the way when

the train comes through! Hope

you're optimistic today and that

all your NEWS is good! 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025



          WEATHER OR NOT!

    It's February 5th and I'd say there's a
90% chance most of you don't know what
unofficial holiday is on the calendar!
   Even if you do I'd guess, based on
recent developments, there's a 95%
chance you might not join in the
   This is "National Weatherman's Day!"
Or "Weather Person's Day" if you feel
the need to be politically correct.  
  It's got nothing to do with that radical
1970's underground group that wanted
to overthrow the government.
   In this case we're referring to those
weathermen, and women, who predict
our daily weather, often overthrowing
everybody's schedule........including
   It may surprise you to know that
most of our local forecasters have a
very high accuracy percentage when
it comes to their predictions. A friend
of mine here on Facebook, Weather
Bob, has an excellent prediction
   Problem is, getting it wrong once
is a little like saying you didn't think
the gun was loaded!
   If the storm they call for doesn't
come you've closed schools, halted
transportation, and lost work.....all
for noting.
   If they don't call for the storm and
you get clobbered everybody wants to
lynch them after being caught,
unprepared, in the mess!
   So have a little sympathy today for
the folks that go out on a limb, or the
backyard, or the roof, throughout the year
to tell us what our day may be like.
   Remember......this is their day.....and
there's 100% chance we'll have weather..
of some sort!
   Hope it doesn't include a storm
with some stupid name....and that
all your NEWS is good!


Monday, February 3, 2025


     TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2025


   This is "Children's Author's and

Illustrator's Day." However it's not

about kids who write and draw their

own stories. It's a day to honor those

who write and illustrate stories you've

probably read to your children a hundred

times. Stories like "The Little Engine

That Could." In all modesty, however,

I must tell you that I have written a

number of children's stories based on

my mythical character "Prince Claude."

He's a not especially bright prince who

gets into trouble with almost everything

he does. He was born many years ago

when our granddaughter Jenna asked

me to tell her a story while we were

sitting in my car. I came up with a

tarn about a princess who falls into a

well. Prince Claude happens by and

tries to offer assistance, such as throwing

rocks into the well so she can use them to

climb out. Unfortunately he neglects to

tell her he's throwing the rocks which

now leaves her stuck in the well with a

sore toe. His other efforts end in similar

results. When Jenna asked me to tell the

story again a couple weeks later I had

forgotten  some of it. She filled in the

missing pieces and I began writing the

stories on paper. By the way she provided

the first illustration all those years ago.

Many more "Prince Claude stories"

have followed.  This year for Christmas

our granddaughter Kara teamed up with

my wife to print a hard cover of my first

Prince Claud story/ I now have my own

book. And the only two copies!

My wife says I come by the stories

easily. She says the character is

based on me! I'll have to think about

that. So a salute today to those who

write and illustrate children's stories.

Hope all their NEWS is good.

Sunday, February 2, 2025


     MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2025


    January was a very cold month and

February isn't shaping up much better.

But today is "Sweater Day." Sweaters

are great to help us through the cold

months and they're also a big help to

the environment. When you wear a

sweater you can turn your thermostat

down a couple degrees and save a bit

on your heating bills. I like sweaters.

I own several. My favorite it one we

bought on a trip to Scotland a few years

ago. They look pretty sharp too. Although

some people seem to wear them better than

others!  Remember Marilyn Monroe?

Hope your your seater is on and that all

your NEWS is good!

                                                              Marilyn Monroe


Saturday, February 1, 2025


      SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 2025


       Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil is
the man, actually rodent, of the hour every
February 2nd. His shadow, or the lack of
shadow, is said to be a prediction of how
soon we'll see Spring show up.
       But while Phil tends to get most of
the attention, it turns out he's not the
only meteorologist presenting a forecast.
It's kind of like all the guys on our local
TV stations. Each offering their own
take on the weather. One sees it as
partly cloudy while the other calls for
partly sunny.
        I wonder how many of you have
heard of Phil's competition? Let's see.
 Balzac Billy in Balzac, Alberta, BC
 Chattanooga Chuck in Tennessee
 Chesapeake Chuck in Virginia
 Chuckles in Connecticut
 Dunkirk Dave in New York
 French Creek Freddie in West Virginia
 Gen. Beauregard Lee in Georgia
 Grady the Groundhog in North Carolina
 Holtsville Hall, another New Yorker
 Buckeye Chuck in Ohio
 Malverne, he's from New York too
 Nibbles, another North Carolina forecaster
 Staten Island Chuck from the Big Apple
 and Stormy Marmot from Colorado.
       I've actually omitted a couple more
from Canada since there's some question
as to whether Spring exists there at all.
       As for the others, if Phil doesn't call
it the way you'd like check out his cousins
and take a drive into an early spring. It's
bound to be there somewhere!
       Hope you find it (sooner than later)
and that all your NEWS is good!


        SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 2025


           I'd like to start your day and this month

out on a high note by informing you that
this is Crusoe Day!
     Wait! Before you start singing his praises,
it's Crusoe not Caruso! Not Enrico. Robinson!
      The sailor. Not the singer. Got it?
      You'd think this would be celebrated on
a Friday wouldn't you?
       Well, anyway, every February 1st is
observed as Robinson Crusoe Day.
        You see, like so many of today's popular
movies, the story of the marooned sailor
Robinson Crusoe is based on actual events!
         A Scottish sailor named Alexander
Selkirk was rescued from a uninhabited
island on this date in 1709 and his tale was
the basis for the book "Robinson Crusoe"
written by Daniel Defoe.
         What Defoe didn't tell us was that
Selkirk asked to be put ashore after getting
into a quarrel with his Captain. Maybe he
thought it was a resort!? He was there for
five years!!!!!! With only Friday around!
       At least Gilligan had associates like
 Ginger and Mary Ann!
       Ideally you are to observe Robinson
Crusoe Day by being "adventurous and
self-reliant." Realizing there are things to
be done around the house however, I intend
to note the day by......"getting lost!"
       Hope you survive the day and that all
your NEWS is good!