Welcome to March my friends. And
this first week of March is also
"Hearing Awareness Week!" Millions
of people around the world suffer
from hearing loss problems! In
Australia 1 out of every 6 people
has a hearing problem. In my house
it's one out of two. And I'm the one!
To compound the problem, my wife
speaks softly. The phrase most often
uttered here, by me, is..."What!?"
I purchased some inexpensive
hearing aids a year or two ago. The
best ones are super expensive so I
went the cheap route. And mine are
worth every penny! They bring up
the background sounds. So if I'm
in church trying to listen to the
pastor I hear the motor noise of the
fan just above me at about the same
level as he's coming in! When I first
got my hearing aids they actually
impeded my hearing! The little
rubber tip got stuck in my ear
and I heard less than usual. Fortunately
that happened on a day my wife was
telling me what she wanted me to do
so I never heard the instructions! I
cam up with a solution! I told my
wife to write down what she's saying.
Sort of like having Closed Caption on
your television show. Here's a copy
of her first note........"YOU ARE A
NUT." Maybe I can try turning up
the volume on my hearing aids?!
Hope you "hear" what I'm saying
and that all your NEWS is good!