Saturday, September 14, 2024



             WASHY, WASHY!

   This is "International Clean Hands

Week!" Especially appropriate in the 

case of my wife and me as we are

heading out on a Travelworld Cruise

today. If you've ever been on a cruise

you've probably encountered those

attendants with land lotions waiting

here and there shouting something 

like "Washy, washy" and offering

the cleaning liquids for your hands

before you go to dining. While our

hands will be "washy, washy" my

BLOGS may be "ify, ify." I

l'll have limited wifi and will be

using my smartphone rather than

my usual Blog Camera. But I'll

try to get though when I can so please

be watching for my posts. Special

thanks to our brother-in-law Karl

for moving in to house sit while

we're cruising! Stay well during

this upcoming week and, by all

means, keep your hands clean!

Hope you do and that all your 

NEWS is good!  

Friday, September 13, 2024




     OK everybody. This is another one of those
"unusual holidays" I like to tell you about. But
I'm thinking there's not a lot of you who'll be
joining in the celebration!
     September 8th (or whatever date the 2nd
Saturday in September happens to be) is
"International Drive Your Studebaker Day."
       There's probably a fair number of
prospective readers who don't have the
faintest idea what a Studebaker is (or was)
and a very large number who may know
but don't have one around to drive!
        The first Studebaker horseless carriage was
hit the roads, what there was of them, in 1895.
The firm had a good run but finally folded in 1966.
They had some unique models including the
Lark, the Studebaker Hawk, and the Avanti!
          Of course the company never made as
many cars as GM or Ford so far fewer have
survived over the years,
          If you'd really like to join the celebration
I'll put you in touch with my best friend who
lives in upstate New York. Ever since he owned
his first car, a 1951 Studebaker, he's wanted to
have another one. A couple years back he found
a classic Studebaker Taxi so he bought it!
         Earlier this year he learned of a 1950
model that was nearly the spitting image of
the one he first drove. He asked me about
parting with taxi in favor of the one closer
ton his memories. I suppose I created a bit
of a conflict in his mind when I suggested
the taxi was a bit more rare thus, probably, more
          He has since solved the conflict. He owns
both vehicles. Since he can't drive two at the
same time maybe he'll lend you one.
          I'd take the taxi but I remember having to
 push it home the first time I drove with him in
         Well, anyway, enjoy the holiday and
happy motoring. Hope all your NEWS is

Thursday, September 12, 2024



              LOTS OF LUCK!
    It is Friday the 13th. For some, a day to
be weary.
    But it is also "Defy Superstition Day!"
    It's amazing how superstitions impact
our lives. Even though we don't always
realize it.
    For instance, try and fine the 13th
floor or a room numbered 13 any place
in New York City. Or most any other
big city as well! They are few are far
     I never had any special fear of the
number 13. In fact I often welcomed
it when visiting my local bakery.(Do
they still do that?)
     But for whatever reasons a lot of
people are superstitious.
      This is a day to confront those
unnecessary worries!
       So go ahead, walk under a ladder
or let that black cat walk right in front
of you!
        Have no fear! I don't (knock on
        Hope your lucky lottery number
comes up and that all your NEWS
is good!


Wednesday, September 11, 2024


    THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th. 2024

                   GAME DAY!

   OK fans! It's September 12th, It's Game

Day. Don't worry about not being allowed 

in the stands. In fact you you don't even 

have to get out of your chair. You see it's

"National Video Game Day!"  I guess you

could say it started back in 1958 with a 

simple table tennis video game called

"Pong."  Since then there has been a wave

of various games like Nintendo, Atari, and

lots of variations of the XBox.

   There are two schools of thought about

video games. One suggests they promote

one's mental agility and sharpens the

reflexes.  The other suggests video games

have taken kids away from the outside world

of fresh air and creative play.

      I always favored  running around outdoors.

Of course, that;s when I could actually run!

      Hope you enjoy what ever you're playing

and that all your NEWS is good.       

Tuesday, September 10, 2024



          A DAY FOR MY BLOG!

  My first quest after starting this blog some

 5,015 blogs ago was to name it!
   Since I had recently been retired from more
that 50 years in news broadcasting I wanted to
steer clear of commentary relating to the daily
"news beat."
  The old saying..."No news is good news"
immediately popped into my mind so I claimed
it as my title. I added the question mark, however,
to allow my readers to decide whether my
essays should or might occasionally be
considered news worthy.
   Little did I know there was actually an
unofficial holiday called "No news is good
news day!"
   It's kind of ironic it falls on September 11th
given the fact that one of the biggest news events
in the history of our nation is remembered on
the same date!
   The idea behind this "holiday" is simple!
   Stay away from all the traditional news
sources. Radio, television, and newspapers.
   That way you won't hear, or see, or read about
all the "bad news" they deliver on a daily basis!
    Of course it doesn't mean the "bad news" will
actually go away. It just means you won't know
about it.
    Back in the days when I was News Director
at WILK Radio we experimented with one
newscast that was devoted strictly to "good news."
    It didn't work out very well.
    While people enjoyed hearing some "positive"
stories, they didn't want to miss information
about a big local fire, or scandal, or government
decisions about their taxes or whatever.
     The problem with news today, in my opinion,
is that it is far harder to come by on a local
basis in an objective presentation.
     Few area radio stations offer local news these
     There are more regional TV newscasts than
ever. But they're all coming from two originating
     Area residents are still fortunate to have some
newspaper competition. But fewer people are
reading newspapers these days.
     Then there are the "Talk Shows!"
     I did one of those a few years back.
    But, back then, the hosts didn't give their
opinion. The job was to come up with the
subject or subjects then get the listeners to call
in with their thoughts on the issues.
     Now most of the hosts seem to be dedicated
to making sure their opinion is heard. They
welcome and coddle those who agree and are
short and often sarcastic with anyone who
     Oh...they'll tell you how they extend
invitations to those of opposing political views.
   But, let's face it, accepting such an invitation
would be like a hunter agreeing to have coffee
with the leader of an Animal rights organization! it or not.....this is "No News
Is Good News Day"......and have I got Good
News for you!!!!!!
    Hope all your NEWS is good!


Monday, September 9, 2024


      TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 2024    

   The coal mines of northeastern Pennsylvania

claimed thousands of lives during the heyday

of "King Coal!" But the 19 miners who died

on this day in 1897 weren't killed in a mining

accident. They were shot down by sheriff's

deputies in the small town of Lattimer, just

outside of Hazleton. Many of their fellow

miners were wounded in an even that has come aa

the Lattimer Massacre! Miners throughout the

area had been on strike for better pay and working

conditions. A large group of them were marching

to a mine in Lattimer in an attempt to get miners

there to join their strike.  Sheriff's deputies ordered

the men to disperse but they marched on and

the deputies opened fire. Most of the victims had

started to run away and were shot in the back!

Outrage over the shootings boosted efforts

to get other miners to join the United Mine

Worker's Union and eventually led to higher

pay and improved working conditions. It

happened on this day in 1897.  An area

event that should be remembered! Hope you do

and that all your NEWS is good!


Sunday, September 8, 2024


     MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2024


     Some folks might be surprised to find a

Ghost town just a few miles away from Public

Square in Wilkes-Barre, But we're got one!

    62 years ago this month the final move of

some 850 people got under way  in the

Borough of Laurel Run,  The now vacant land

on either side of what has become know as

the Giant's Despair road was once filled with

over 160 homes, 2 grocery stores, a church, a

school and a lumber yard

      Back in 1915 a coal miner left his carbide

light burning while hanging on a wooden

pillar. By the time the mine reopened after

the weekend the fire had spread into a seam

of coal,

       Over the years the blaze spread further,

eventually causing some of the ground above

to collapse and sending toxic fumes to the


        There are still homes in Laurel Run. All safely

west of the fire area. Efforts have been made to

stop its spread but it still burns 109 years after

it started  Coal may have been king at one time,

but it was also a killer! It's very worth remembering.

Hope you do, and that all your NEWS is good.

Saturday, September 7, 2024




   Whether you know it or not this is a
National Holiday. September 8th., is
"National Grandparent's Day."
    President Jimmy Carter made it
official in 1978. It's always the first
Sunday after Labor Day.
    I now claim the title of
Grandpa for a total of 6 kids!
    I truly enjoy the role, But I didn't
have a lot of training!
    My grandmother DeCosmo
passed away when I was about three.
    My Grandmother Singley passed
when I was in 4th grade.
    But I never knew either of my
Grandpa's! Both of them passed away
before I was born.
     I think that's part of the reason I
have spent every available minute I
could with my grand kids.
      I want to make sure they have a
grandpa to remember.  And I'd like to
believe the two I never knew would
be proud of me for being the grandpa
they couldn't be for me.
        It's not always easy. My wife and
I have often found ourselves running
from one school or tow to another to
be there when the grand children are
involved in sports or special activities.
        I spend more time on the floor
with my youngest grandson playing
with trains and toy cars than I did
with my friends when I was 4!
       But it's much harder to get back
up these days!
      That said, it's worth every minute!
      Hope you've got pleasant memories
with your grand parents and are making
some with your own grand-kids!
      Happy Grandparents Day and may
all your NEWS be good!

Friday, September 6, 2024



                    SLICE IT THIN!!

       Well it's here! The day you've all been
waiting for. Well, maybe not everybody.
        This is National Salami Day!
         Salami Day was first started in 2006 in
Henrico, Virginia, by the Salami Appreciation
Society (SAS for short).
          There are actually a lot of meats that
are, technically, types of Salami. They include
Varieties of salami include:
  • Cotto
  • Genoa
  • Fegatelli
  • Finocchiona
  • Pepperoni
  • Saucisson sec
  • Sopressata 
         Of course, the simplest way to celebrate
Salami Day is simply to eat some Salami. But
supporters of this holiday say there are other
ways to enjoy the day.
          Maybe a game like  Pin the tail on the Salami!
Maybe Bobbing for Salami! Or perhaps you could
encourage friends to come to a Salami Costume
Party! (Let me know if you get anybody willing
to do that!).
           If you don't want to get too elaborate just
make yourself a nice Salami sandwich and chow
           Hope you've got some honey mustard and
that all your NEWS ( and sandwich) is good!

Thursday, September 5, 2024



      FRIDAY, SEPEMBER 6TH., 2024
          GET IT DONE!  NOW!!!!!

         As you probably already
know September 6th is "Fight Procrastination
       Mark Twain told us "Never put off till
tomorrow what you can do today."
       Most of us tend to be procrastinators
even when we really don't intend to be.
I know I have to put the trash out every
Wednesday for Thursday pickup. And I
do. But it's likely the last thing I do at
night even though I've had all day to do
      Of course I rationalize. If I wait till
the last minute I'll get every bit of trash
including that last napkin I throw away
right after my evening snack. The thought
usually convinces me to put off my job
till the very last minute.
       But this is only Tuesday. I don't
even have to think about the trash till
       If you've got anything that should
be done get to it now! Don't put it off!
Don't procrastinate! Be like me.........
Fight procrastination!
      I've been thinking I should take a
nap! So I'm going to do it right now!
      Hope you follow my example.....
and that all your NEWS is good!


Wednesday, September 4, 2024



               TIME TO BE LATE!

      It's said that some people are so
routinely behind schedule, they'd be
late for their own funeral.
      Well rejoice procrastinators! Turn
off that alarm clock. Kill the sound on
your cell phone. This is "Be Late For
Something Day!"
       Although no one has yet been
identified as the founder of this
unusual "holiday" it is always
observed on September 5th. I guess
it was originally suppose to be on the
       The Rabbit from Alice In
Wonderland could catch his breath
       It's easy to celebrate. Just show
up late for anything you're attending.
Any of you with young children should
have no problem doing your part!
       And, let's face it, tardiness is not
only very common, it's sometimes in
style. We've all heard about showing
up "fashionably late" to a party!
      Who among us has ever visited a
Doctor when he (or she) has been on
       I was never able to take advantage
of this holiday when I worked in News.
If we showed up late the newscast
would have started without us.
       So, enjoy the day. Take your time.
Be late. Unless, of course, you're the
Groom heading to your wedding. If
you're not there on time you're likely
to become "The Late Mr. _________"
      Hope you read this before it's too
late and that all your NEWS is good.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024




   September 4th is "National Wildlife Day!"

Just so you know we're talking about animals,

not parties! The day was established in 2005

by animal behaviorist Coleen Paige to bring

awareness to endangered animals worldwide

and the importance of maintaining animal

habitats. We don't have many wild animals

around our house. There was a bear around

for awhile but we haven't seen it recently.

We do have a groundhog that's been

hanging around eating my wife's tomato

plants to stay healthy for his annual

February weather prediction. Lately,

however, there are signs of an annual

wild visitor that he are desperately

trying to locate to another habitat.

It's a skunk, although I don't think

it's the same one we've trapped at

least a half dozen times. On each

occasion we've relocated the animal

at least ten miles away from our

place! We're told you have to go that

far to assure they don't find there

way back. So on this National

Wildlife Day I'm hoping we catch

the latest visitor so we can join

the others for which we've found

a new home. I'm hoping it doesn't

make a "big stink" about the

relocation so that all our, and your,

NEWS will be good!

Monday, September 2, 2024



        A ROCK FOR A WALK!?

     September 3rd just happens to

be "Pet Rock Day!" Pet rocks became

an international success in the 1970's

and the fad started when a young man

names Gary Dahl found himself

listening to a group of friends chatting

about the care, feeding, and responsibilities

they shared when caring for their cats and

dogs and other pets. Dahl found himself

pointing out the advantages of his pet

rock over those live animals. Of course

at the time Dahl didn't have a pet rock.

But after the conversation he went out

and picked one up. Literally! Then he

designed a box in which to ship the rocks.

Boxes complete with air holes like you'd

find in containers shipping live animals.

Foolish, right? Well the campaign

quickly sold a million pet rocks and

eventually made Dahl a multi millionaire!

The fad eventually died out but I believe

it has evolved. There's a new, very nice

trend these days, which has people 

painting rocks and often including a

positive message such as "Smile"

which are left along paths and walking

trails for others to find and enjoy. Not

a bad idea. We found one recently on

a walking trail near Geisinger Wyoming

Valley and a similar project has been

under way in Scranton's Nay Aug Park

for several years. It leaves one, making

or finding the rocks, with a very

positive feeling. Hope you're involved

in this latest "Pet Rock project" and that

all your NEWS is good!    

Sunday, September 1, 2024




   This is Labor Day, first celebrated in 1882

when thousands of union workers in New

York City staged their own parade to honor

the working man and woman. The idea caught

on with local unions across the country who

began to hold their own parades and celebrations/

It became a Federal holiday in 1892. It's celebrated

in many other countries under various names. Canada

shares the name and date with the United States. It

recognizes the efforts of organized labor to improve

working conditions. Efforts that led to the 8 hour day

and 5 day week, In some ways, of course, it can be

a sort of sad day as Labor Day is considered by many

to be the unofficial end to summer. And that's not all!

It is also the unofficial end to the Hot Dog Season!

You see between Memorial Day and Labor Day

Americans consume as estimated 7 Billion hot dogs!

Then, sales fall off drastically! So throw an extra

dog on the grill today to celebrate labor and extend

the season! Hope you're not working today, that you're

well, and that all your NEWS is good.