Friday, September 6, 2024



                    SLICE IT THIN!!

       Well it's here! The day you've all been
waiting for. Well, maybe not everybody.
        This is National Salami Day!
         Salami Day was first started in 2006 in
Henrico, Virginia, by the Salami Appreciation
Society (SAS for short).
          There are actually a lot of meats that
are, technically, types of Salami. They include
Varieties of salami include:
  • Cotto
  • Genoa
  • Fegatelli
  • Finocchiona
  • Pepperoni
  • Saucisson sec
  • Sopressata 
         Of course, the simplest way to celebrate
Salami Day is simply to eat some Salami. But
supporters of this holiday say there are other
ways to enjoy the day.
          Maybe a game like  Pin the tail on the Salami!
Maybe Bobbing for Salami! Or perhaps you could
encourage friends to come to a Salami Costume
Party! (Let me know if you get anybody willing
to do that!).
           If you don't want to get too elaborate just
make yourself a nice Salami sandwich and chow
           Hope you've got some honey mustard and
that all your NEWS ( and sandwich) is good!

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