Monday, September 9, 2024


      TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 2024    

   The coal mines of northeastern Pennsylvania

claimed thousands of lives during the heyday

of "King Coal!" But the 19 miners who died

on this day in 1897 weren't killed in a mining

accident. They were shot down by sheriff's

deputies in the small town of Lattimer, just

outside of Hazleton. Many of their fellow

miners were wounded in an even that has come aa

the Lattimer Massacre! Miners throughout the

area had been on strike for better pay and working

conditions. A large group of them were marching

to a mine in Lattimer in an attempt to get miners

there to join their strike.  Sheriff's deputies ordered

the men to disperse but they marched on and

the deputies opened fire. Most of the victims had

started to run away and were shot in the back!

Outrage over the shootings boosted efforts

to get other miners to join the United Mine

Worker's Union and eventually led to higher

pay and improved working conditions. It

happened on this day in 1897.  An area

event that should be remembered! Hope you do

and that all your NEWS is good!


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