Thursday, September 12, 2024



              LOTS OF LUCK!
    It is Friday the 13th. For some, a day to
be weary.
    But it is also "Defy Superstition Day!"
    It's amazing how superstitions impact
our lives. Even though we don't always
realize it.
    For instance, try and fine the 13th
floor or a room numbered 13 any place
in New York City. Or most any other
big city as well! They are few are far
     I never had any special fear of the
number 13. In fact I often welcomed
it when visiting my local bakery.(Do
they still do that?)
     But for whatever reasons a lot of
people are superstitious.
      This is a day to confront those
unnecessary worries!
       So go ahead, walk under a ladder
or let that black cat walk right in front
of you!
        Have no fear! I don't (knock on
        Hope your lucky lottery number
comes up and that all your NEWS
is good!


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