Wednesday, September 11, 2024


    THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th. 2024

                   GAME DAY!

   OK fans! It's September 12th, It's Game

Day. Don't worry about not being allowed 

in the stands. In fact you you don't even 

have to get out of your chair. You see it's

"National Video Game Day!"  I guess you

could say it started back in 1958 with a 

simple table tennis video game called

"Pong."  Since then there has been a wave

of various games like Nintendo, Atari, and

lots of variations of the XBox.

   There are two schools of thought about

video games. One suggests they promote

one's mental agility and sharpens the

reflexes.  The other suggests video games

have taken kids away from the outside world

of fresh air and creative play.

      I always favored  running around outdoors.

Of course, that;s when I could actually run!

      Hope you enjoy what ever you're playing

and that all your NEWS is good.       

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