Thursday, February 28, 2019


        FRIDAY, MARCH 1ST., 2019

       This is my day off.
   I know. I know. I'm "retired" so
everyday is a day off.
   But this one is special. No! Not
because it's Saint David's Day.
Although I do appreciate them
setting aside a day for somebody
named David.
    No. This day is special because
of all those days most months
    You know. 30 days hath
September, April, June and
     As family members and some
of the rest of you know most of
the special days noted by my wife
and I fall on the 29th of particular
     I gave her my Class ring on one
29th. We got engaged on another
29th. And we got married on the
29th of still another month.
    It's easy to remember those various
"anniversaries" and........I usually
get February off! Most Februaries,
of course, hath no 29th. Leap year
is a different story.
    So, since this is not February
29th, I have the day off! I don't
have to remember anything. At
least I don't think I have to remember
    Hope I'm right and that all your
NEWS is good!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019


    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH., 2025

    I thought I'd better remind you that we're
running out of February! This is not a Leap
Year so today is all that's left of this all too
short month.
     It's your last chance to observe or take
action on some or all of the special concerns
assigned to February. There are quite a few
so use your time wisely!
     February is: Adopt a rescued rabbit month,
Bake for family fun month. Declutter for a
cause month, and  International boost self esteem
      I'm just getting started!
      February is National bird feeding month,
National Cherry month, National hot breakfast
month, National mend a broken heart month,
National Weddings month (assuming you've
been successful in mending the broken heart),
National pet dental health month, Return grocery
carts to the supermarket month, National women
invertors month, and Sweet potato month (My wife
loves sweet potatoes!).
        There are many more observances assigned
to February. I've just listed a few I thought you
might not know about.
         So get busy friends. Time is running out.
Tomorrow is March! Next year you'll get an
extra day for your efforts!
          Hope you've  observed all the observances
and that all your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


                     LOOKING BACK!

        It's a day to take a good look in your
rear view mirror folks. It's "National Retro
        This is a day to look back and
"remember when."
         I actually got a head start while
driving along an area roadway yesterday.
I glanced to the side and noticed the
guide rails separating the highway from
a steep drop off.
          We used to call them "guard rails."
I'm not sure when they changed from
posts separated by heavy cables to long
sheets of steel but I'm thinking their
purpose is still pretty much the same.
             And while thinking "retro" I
begin to wonder if some of the things
I'm remembering should make a
              When I look back I remember
my Mom hanging wet laundry on a
line hung up in our backyard. The sun
handled the drying without using up
one kilowatt of electricity.
               At the very back of the backyard
we had a barrel in which we burned our
old paper and cardboard. Of course you
didn't do that on laundry day!
                I can't remember any of the
family or our neighbors dying from our,
or their, backyard burning.
                And speaking of burning, we
heated our house by burning coal which
was plentiful in the area. In the summer
the Ashman came once a week or maybe
every other week to haul the ashes away.
                 In the winter we spread the
ashes on the sidewalks and streets to
make walking and travel safe.
                I could spend hours looking
back but I must say I like what much of
what I see in that rear view mirror!
               Hope you've got some good
retrospect too  and that all your NEWS
is good.

Monday, February 25, 2019


                      WHO'S PETE?

     In my never ending search for "unusual
holidays" I've come across February 26th
which, it turns out, is "For Pete's Sake Day."
     I've heard that phrase used as an
expression from time to time but never
gave it much, well actually, any thought.
     By the early 1900's the expression became
commonly used when someone was annoyed
or angry, frustrated, or disappointed in
     It's thought to be a substitute for
profanity so, it that sense, it's served a
rather useful purpose.
     But the question remains. Who's Pete?
     The limited information about the day
suggests the name refers to Saint Peter.
But there's no real documentation to back
that up.
     Rather that used in a negative fashion
perhaps you can think of somebody named
Pete in your list of family or friends and
so something special for them today. You
know, for Pete's sake."
     If not then, for Pete's sake just get out
there and enjoy the day!
     And Pete or no Pete I hope all your
NEWS is good!

Sunday, February 24, 2019


              LET'S TALK AWARDS!  

    It's hard not to notice that Hollywood
occasionally turns to old movies to come
up with "new material" so I've reworked
a previous blog for today's presentation.
    I watched the Academy Awards last
night. Well some of it anyway.
    My wife and I have seen some pretty
good movies lately and we were anxious
to see if the Academy members agreed
with our choices. It did with regard to
"Green Book" as best picture.
     Of course I must admit I'm still a
little miffed at the Academy for failing
to consider my role, short as it was, in
 "All In Time" a couple years back
     Apparently they did not have a separate
category for "Best New Old Actor In
A Supporting Role."
     If I'm ever lucky enough to get an
Oscar it would be the second in our
     My wife got one a couple years
back and her roles have all been limited
to home movies! Still, when we visited
Hollywood on one of the tours we host
I came across an Oscar labeled "World's
Greatest Wife." She was the obvious
winner so I got it for her!
      Hope my next role comes soon and
that all your NEWS is good!


Saturday, February 23, 2019



    Heading out for a long weekend ride
is usually reserved for top down summer
drive on the Miata. But after home bound
weeks following her foot operation we
figured it was time my wife and I hit the
     An article about a new sandwich and
pastry shop had us heading for Mountaintop
to see if it was open. It was and we went in.
We weren't disappointed!
      Afterwards we decided to head to my
old home town to stop by Snape's Pizza
Bakery. Unfortunately it had closed a
half hour before our arrival. We were
       Seemed like we had a few good miles
left in the day so we headed off to Nescopeck
to check out our favorite ice cream shop.
They're not always open at this time of the
year. But on this day they were. We weren't
       Two out of three isn't bad!
       Hope we catch the Pizza place next
time and that all your NEWS is good!

Friday, February 22, 2019



   I was sleeping in Friday morning
waiting for the radio alarm to announce
9am. Instead, at about 8:15, my sleep
was disturbed by the sound of a heavy
truck passing somewhere close by.
    Somewhere, deep in the recesses of  my
brain, memory and current affairs thoughts
collided and electrons sent an impulse
that forced my eyes open. Well, partly
open anyway.
      This was the last Friday of the month!
Around my place this is recycling day. It
only comes once a month and I hadn't put
my recycling out for pick up!
       Firefighters would have been proud
of my instant reaction! I jumped out of
bed, grabbed my blue jeans and a handy
sweatshirt. slipped into my unlaced, but
ready, sneakers and rushed outside to
grab the recycling can to carry it out
        I got there just in time to see the
collection truck turning the corner at
the bottom of my block.
        Lost? No way!
        Though still half asleep my mind
recalled all those cowboy westerns I used
to see on those long ago Saturdays before
anyone every heard of recycling.
          When somebody was getting away
all you had to do was head them off at
the pass!
           I moved the can from the front of
the house to the side where no one ever
puts out their trash. But you couldn't miss
it there. And they didn't!
            My recycling was picked up and
I still had time to go back to bed for about
30 minutes to dream about all those old
movies. Who'd believe they'd come in so
handy someday?
              Hope I've helped save the
environment and that all your NEWS
is good!

Thursday, February 21, 2019


          A NICE RIDE...SO FAR!

   Long before I started this daily blog
my good friend David Yonki started
the Lulackpolitical newsletter, a blog
that covers all sorts of community and
political matters. On Thursday David
honored me with a tribute for my 6
decades of broadcasting. I'd like to
share it with all of my friends by
reprinting here today.

Here he is in great form and better than ever on ECTV. 

(Photos: DeCosmo blogsite)
Long time broadcaster David DeCosmo is celebrating 6 decades in broadcasting this year. 60 years. He started hanging around radio station WAZL at he age of 15 and things in broadcasting have changed since then. Now most anyone can get sound from an IPhone but Davis first assignment was to tape a presentation by then Congressman Dan Flood. For those of us who remember the dulcet tones of Flood, it was almost impossible to keep up with the ebb and flow of his vocal levels but somehow DeCosmo brought back a finished product that could air. 
 Starting out as a teenager in Hazleton Area radio has led to Dave becoming  a veritable institution in this radio and TV market. For years he was the News Director of WILK in Wilkes Barre and a well known fixture in County government covering meetings and the like. During the 1972 flood DeCosmo helped found the Agnes Flood Radio network putting together a string of local radio stations that provided vital information at time of crisis. 
David was also the very first President of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Media Association. Those meetings, which I was a part of were seminars conducted by the broadcast and news print greats of NEPA.  DeCosmo also served twice as President of the Pennsylvania Associated Press Broadcasters Association.
In 1973 he went on to WMJW and won many broadcasting awards there as News Director. DeCosmo later shifted to TV where he and the late Kevin Jortdan were the premier news duo for WYOU TV. DeCosmo stayed at the station covering a myriad of stories that bordered on the national corners of the news realm.
He was the last witness to testify at a Coroner's inquest regarding the Teddy Kennedy-Mary Jo Kopechne situation.  He has been an educator of students wanting to get in the media and his wealth of institutional knowledge is untouchable.
Not content to sit on the sidelines, DeCosmo still does a weekly TV show on ECTV which we promote weekly here on LuLac. 

David and his wife's wedding was announced on National Radio by none other than Paul Harvey on ABC when Harvey was detailing the number of marriages that stood the test of time. Dave ad his wife Leona were barely newlyweds when Harvey bestowed  that honor. Plus I'm sure Harvey is smiling somewhere knowing that the "two kids" he mentioned years ago are still together and thriving.
For me, he has been a mentor, friend, confidante and supporter of every endeavor I have undertaken. He was the best damn softball pitcher my softball team, The Lady Killers ever had. 

On 60 years of excellence and dedication, we salute David DeCosmo and hope you will too. 

  Thank you David Yonki! Wish I was still pitching too! Hope all your NEWS is good!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


                      SPIT IT OUT!

      I believe I first heard that phrase, "Spit
it out," sometime during my illustrious Grade
School career. It later evolved into something
I heard in the movies as Detectives interrogated
a witness or suspect holding out on important
       I mention this because today is "The
Great American Spit Out!
       Unlike my experience with chewing
gum in school or Hollywood's police
cliché this day is dedicated to a campaign
to get people to stop using smokeless or
"chewing" tobacco. In this case they'd
like people to "spit it out" before it's ever
        I'm not sure why anyone would take
up this habit on purpose. I've had a cigar
or two in my day and the taste of the
tobacco leaves were never especially
appealing. I'd rather have raw spinach.
And I hate spinach!
         The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention states that some 75% of
all mouth, lip, tongue, throat, nose and
larynx cancers are due to the use of
smokeless tobacco. All that and a
lousy taste! What a combination!
          I'm going to lend my endorsement
to this unusual "holiday" and suggest
that those who are using this stuff try a
good pack of Juicy Fruit gum!
          Hope they do and that all their,
and your, NEWS is good!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


             I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW!

   After a rather sleepless night I sentenced
myself to the couch for most of the day
Tuesday. Then, around 3:30, cabin fever
set in and I talked my wife into a short
ride towards Mountaintop.
     As the sun lowered in the afternoon
sky the layers of dirt on the front windshield
showed up all too well. I hit the washer switch
then watched as the wipers sent streaks of that
dirt across my vision!
      It was pretty clear, if you'll excuse the
expression, I was in need of new wipers.
      Minutes later we passed an Automotive
Supply Shop and my wife suggested it would
be a good place to stop. I agreed and would
have pulled in immediately had I not realized
how close we were to the Abe's Hot Dog
Restaurant and how close it was to our
dinner time.
        We pulled in for a couple of dogs, held
the onions on this visit, then got back in the
       I would have immediately returned to
the Auto Supply Shop had I not realized
how close the hot dog place is to the
"Milk House," Mountaintop's newest
Ice Cream Shop, Everybody deserves
        So we stopped in and enjoyed some
delicious ice cream then returned to the
         I remembered the Auto Supply
Shop and made sure I headed directly
        My wife wanted me to ask the
guy behind the desk if he might possibly
install the new wipers. I must admit I was
reluctant to ask. After all I could do the
job myself in 6 or 7 hours.
         When he came out with me, however,
 my wife gave me one of those..."See, I told
 you it wouldn't hurt to ask" lines.
           I just smiled. You see I never had
to ask. He volunteered to do the installation
as I made the purchase!
            And, I can see clearly now!
            Hope all your NEWS is good!

Monday, February 18, 2019


               MAGIC McDONALDS!

    I was amazed by the young magician
preforming on Americas Got Talent
Championship competition. This young
man has truly turned card magic into an
art form.
    Lately though, I've encountered magic
on a regular basis at, of all places, the
McDonald's fast food chain!
    On Monday I ordered a Happy Meal
with cheeseburger and fries for my
grandson. a cheeseburger for my
wife, and a cheeseburger for me.
     When we got home and opened
his Happy Meal Box I found the
french-fries and a box of chicken
nuggets. Some how his cheeseburger
had magically changed into chicken
     I checked the receipt. Three
cheeseburgers showed up there! So
it had to be magic.
     Not wanting to disappoint a 3-
year-old I traded my cheeseburger
for the nuggets.
     My experience was not unique.
     Another recent McDonald's stop
produced a Sausage, Egg, Biscuit in
the box that was suppose to hold my
Bacon, Egg, Biscuit as reflected on
my receipt.
      Unfortunately I used the Drive
Thru on both occasions and didn't
discover the "tricks" until I was
on my way home. Returning would
have meant going in, which I had
chosen to avoid in the first place,
or returning to the long Drive Thru line.
        Since the voice on that Drive Thru
speaker, as well as the illuminated
order confirmation board, and my
receipt all had my order correct I can
only conclude it's McDonald's magic
that changed the product in my bag!
          I preferred it when Ronald was
just a clown!
          Hope I get the right order next
time and that all your NEWS is good!

Sunday, February 17, 2019



     Many years ago there lived a Baseball
team called The Washington Senators. A
popular saying was linked with the team.
    "First in war, first in peace, and last in
the American League!" The first two, of
course, refer to our nation's first President!
     And if you've got a day off from work
or school today it's because George
Washington is still first!
     You see, officially, this is George
Washington's Birthday! It is not
"President's Day!
      Back in 1968 the term "President's Day"
came up for legal consideration in the
Congress.But it was shot down.
     The holiday was moved to fall between
Washington and Abe Lincoln's actual birth
dates. But the name was never changed
even though there was another attempt to
do so in the 1980's.
     Technically, all those Car Dealers and
other merchants pushing President Day
Sales are promoting a holiday that doesn't
     As I've mentioned before, back when
I was in school we had both Washington
and Lincoln's actual birthday's off. I still
support that. As well as a day off for
every President's birthday! I always liked
days off!
     Well, whoever's name you shout out
when you're singing "Happy Birthday"
today, I hope all your NEWS is good!


Saturday, February 16, 2019


                 MY WAY DAY!

     Fall in everybody! February 17th is
"My Way Day!" Yep. My way or the
     It's not just because I said so, it's
one of those unofficial holidays I like
to tell you  about.
      There's almost no information
about who came up with the idea. It's
thought to have been created and
shared via social media by someone
who felt it was time to make a loud
pubic cry about all the nonsense that's
forced upon us daily.
        When I first read it I was convinced
it was my day and I really didn't have
any big ideas. Then I figured the
creator of the day meant it for all of
us. So, in a sense, it's "Your Way or
the highway today.
       The idea is simple.  You're
encouraged to do whatever you want,
however you want.
        So go to it people. Be like Frank
Sinatra and do it your way today! Hope
it works and that all your NEWS is

Friday, February 15, 2019



    It's a question I've often been asked by
people both in and out of broadcasting.
Where do you get your news?
     The question has multiple answers.
When I was on the news beat stories
usually came from scheduled events,
calls on the police scanner and tips
     I even broke some very big stories
just by carefully reading the legal ads.
I was always amazed the newspaper's
reporters didn't seem to check them to
find stories that were right under their
      But a TV report this week brought
back memories of one of my biggest
exclusives that came to me strictly by
      My cameraman and I were searching
for an obscure address in Scranton in
2002 when we crossed a bridge near the
Scranton Lace Company. We spotted a
man walking nearby and approached him
hoping he might be familiar with the
address we were seeking.
       Before we could ask the gentleman
spoke up. "Guess you're here about the
company's plans to close!"
       Turns out we had pulled up minutes
after the Lace company's workforce had
received the news the factory would be
closing! Since workers were leaving for
the day we had no problem gathering
comments from many employees.
       The company had no comment but
the worker's "pink slips" confirmed the
news. Sad news for a local industry that
once employed 1400 people and boasted
its own infirmary, bowling alleys, and
theater! But a big exclusive for me!
       Several buildings in the Scranton
Lace complex are  being demolished
this week in the hope of providing
space for future development.
        I'll always remember the place for
my "accidental exclusive" and for the
curtains that hang in my living room,
purchased by my daughter during the
company's "Last Days Sale."
        Hope your NEWS, unlike that
received by those workers in 2002, is

Thursday, February 14, 2019


               THE LAST HEART!

    We had a nice Valentine's Day around
our house. And it turned out to be a long
     I surprised my wife with a necklace
with the title of  "our song" inscribed on
its face.
     I also surprised her with two dozen red
...No...not roses. Red hearts! I cut each
and every one from sheets I printed and
pasted them here and there all over the house!
I even put one on her glasses to be sure she'd
seem them! And it worked. Kind of.
    Our 3-year-old grandson spent the
day and we had visits from one of my
daughters and a granddaughter who
brought flowers for my wife.
    They all got to see the necklace
and hear about the paper hearts.
     Later we joined our son, daughter-
in-law and two grandkids for a
steak dinner at one of our local
     When we got home my wife got
to wrap up the day by searching. You
see throughout the day she had some
up with 23 of the 24 hearts I had
hidden (in plain sight) around the
place. She finally came up with
the last one around 9:20 Thursday
night! I really got a lot of mileage
out of this day!
     Hope your hearts were all in
the right place (or places) and that
all your NEWS is good!    


             VALEN TIMES OF OLD!

      I'm pretty sure my Valentine's Day
will include the same card I've been
getting from my wife for many, many years!
It's a beautiful card and it never gets old.
      I do sometimes wonder when she
snatches it up to hide away for next year.
      Some of those "old" Valentines have
extra special meaning. I know I've got a
couple packed away in a drawer where I
stash a few cards and/or artwork done by
our grandkids.
       The day brings back some interesting
        I also remember those grade school
Valentine parties. We all had these tiny
Valentine cards and we'd fill one out for
every other student in the class. 
       You, of course, would then receive
a pile of Valentines and could check them
all out while enjoying some treats which
usually included some heart shaped
cookies and cupcakes! 
        My most unusual Valentine's Day
came in 2007. We got hit with 20 inches
of snow and ice that day!
        I was in our Scranton news bureau when
we heard a scanner call  about a roof collapse
at an armory near Nay Aug Park.
        Nothing was moving in town at that
hour. Not even plows. I told my cameraman
to forget the company car. We jumped into
my Chevy Suburban, put it in 4 wheel low,
and drove (up hill all the way) without
ever stopping at an intersection and got our
story! I loved that Suburban! I'd send it a
card but I'm not sure in which junkyard it
resides these days.
          I do have a special Valentine's treat
ready for my wife but I won't tell here just
in case any of her friends are reading.
          Hope you have a wonderful
Valentine's Day as well as Valentine's
memories...….and that all your NEWS is

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


                  WORLD RADIO DAY!

     Now hear this! February 13th., is World
Radio Day! It's a day promoted by the United
Nations to celebrate radio as a medium.
      I always loved radio. I started by broadcasting
career there long before moving into TV. That
said, the radio I knew is all but completely
gone and I find that tragic.
      "Local radio" used to be a lot of fun. It was
also a great value to the communities it served.
       The station where I started used to give
birth announcements and the daily mine
working schedules. We had a daily concert
from a local pianist and a gentleman who
played the organ from a theater in town.
         The DJ's were local celebrities who
usually made a couple extra bucks by going
to record hops after their regular working
          Radio changed here in the U.S. when
the FCC allowed deregulation and the public
never raised any objections. Local DJ's and
news reporters were replaced by syndicated
automation provided by satellite from someplace
far away from the local town.
          Elsewhere in the world radio remains
much the way it used to be here. That's reason
to celebrate!
          Hope U.S. radio someday comes back
home...….and that all your NEWS is good!