Sunday, January 23, 2022


          MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 2022


    January 24th is "Talk Like a Grizzled Prospector

Day!" I'm not sure just how I should take that. The

web site for the day suggests you say things like

" Been a passel a' time since I've been to a good

hootenanny." But, fact is, I had a real live 

prospector in the family and the only thing I found

a bit odd about his speech was the fact he still

refered to the bus as a "stage," as in stage coach!

My Uncle Charley (actually my Mom's uncle)

had a gold mine in Alaska in 1933 during one

of the Alaskan Gold Rushes. He used to tell

us there was a million dollars worth of gold

in the mine but it would have taken two million

to get it out! Charley spent months at a time,

alone, in log cabin on his claim and did manage

to get some gold out of his mine. He'd have to

fly in and out every few months to get supplies.

He came back to Pennsylvania where he spent

the final years of his adventure filled life in a

small cabin home just outside of Hazleton. I

first got to know him when I was just a kid and

always found him to speak with an intelligence

you couldn't argue with. Many time I head him

say "I'm smart enough to know how dumb I am."

So to honor him and the day I'm simply say

 "Dagnabbit Charlie, I was darned luckey to

know you!" Hope you'll observe the day in

whatever way you choose and that all yours

NEWS is good!


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