Wednesday, April 27, 2011

And the number to call is...

  Everyday local radio personalities like Nancy & Webster, and Sue,
and Corbett repeatedly give out their station's phone number
inviting listeners to call in so they can talk. They want the calls.
They need the calls. So they give you their number.
 But who is giving out mine?
 Now don't get me wrong. I enjoy hearing from and talking
to people! In fact I may be one of the few people in broadcasting
who has always had a listed telephone number.
  It's those unsolicited calls that are driving me crazy!
  I signed up for that popular "Do Not Call List" back in the days
when it was brand new. I thought it was a great idea. But that list
includes its own list of exceptions. And the worst of those involves
"Political calls." Lately I've been besieged by those types of
recorded messages. It was bad enough when they came from the
candidates. Now they're coming from organizations supporting or
opposing various types of legislation. I use to get a few of them
asking me to call my Congressman to complain about some vote
he made. Now I'm getting some asking me to call his office to
thank him for something he's done.  How the heck are they able to
time them to interrupt something I'm doing that shouldn't be interrupted?
 I may start a calling campaign myself. If I do I'll be asking people
to call their Congressman or woman to expand the "Do Not Call
List" to include political candidates or issues!
 By the way, so you don't forget, this is both "Babe Ruth Day" and
National Prime Rib Day!"  Hope all your NEWS is good!


  1. Today is also "National Take a Walk After Lunch Day" so have prime rib for lunch, wash it down with a candy bar then take a walk!

  2. David, you do know you need to re-up on the do not call list right? I think it's every 5 years, or something like that. I usually forget and then when the calls starting coming in head over and plug in all our phone numbers (all 6 of them).
    Not that I'm complaining about this one, but our school district has a great phone message system. Instead of getting up and turning on the radio (sorry John) to hear school closings, we get a recorded phone call. Not bad... except today is school election day, and last night, since we had kids in all three levels of school, we got a call from the elementary, then the middle school, and finally the high school reminding us to vote today. sheesh! LOL
