Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Days of our Lives

 I can't figure out what happened!
 I did my weekly program on Public Access TV
yesterday. Then I did some quick shopping. Then,
with the sun shining and temperatures near 80 degrees,
I put the top down in my little red Miata and
went for a cruise!
 Anyhow, in the midst of all that activity, I somehow
missed the fact that the 25th is 'National Tap Dance
Day!'  How can one possibly make up for an
omission like that?
 What? You doubt me? Hey, I'm an old newsman!
Here are the facts. 22 years ago a
US Joint Resolution declared May 25th as National
Tap Dance Day! President George Bush signed it
into law on November 7th., 1989.
 I'm not sure what, if any, other legislation was
even considered that day.
 Usually I can count on the local and national
news media to keep me up to date on important
matters like this. But I didn't see even one report.
I mean, one shot of our local anchors or Katie
Couric with straw hat and a cane surely would
have reminded me that something was afoot!
 But it's over now and I missed it! I trust the rest of
you were better prepared and did a few steps
across the kitchen floor to celebrate.
 I'll just have to wait till next year.
 Wait a minute! I'm saved!!!!!!
(My wife just told me it's still APRIL!)
 And that means this is NATIONAL PRETZEL
 You have a whole month to get your tap shoes
ready!    Hope all you NEWS is good!

1 comment:

  1. the media? they were too busy with the Royal pains, I mean wedding to deal with the real important news like National Tap Dance Day. ;-)
