Sunday, April 24, 2011

This Bulletin just in...

 Journalists are, of course, individuals. Each relates the facts of a story in his or her own way.
 Still the basis facts remain the same. Generally speaking the more their stories seem the same
the more you can count on the accuracy of their information.
 I'm thinking of  four rather well know journalists who covered the same story, wrote it in their
own way, and ended up with news reports that were virtually identical!
 Their reports concerned the body of a man who had been executed and buried. But the body
disappeared! And then the Bulletin...the man...showed up alive among a crowd of people!
 The journalists were Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
 The man, of course, was Jesus!
 Their reports are still available for your review.
 Happy Easter.......and may all your NEWS be good!

1 comment:

  1. Talk about a story with endurance? How much of what you see or hear on the evening news will be of any consequence 2000 years from now. You hit on the original and truly important Good News.
