Saturday, May 25, 2024


     SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2024

          A  FAMILY TREE!

   As I recall the popular old saying

it goes "Like father, like son.' How

about "Like mother, like daughter?"

I suspect most of you never heard 

of Alse or Alice Young. But you should

have. On this very day in the year 1647

she became the first person in the original

13 colonies to be hanged as a witch! She

died on the gallows in Hartford, Connecticut!

In 1684 her daughter, Alice Young Beamon,

was also accused of being a witch! Unlike

her mother, however, she was never indicted

for the "crime." And imagine, Alse's execution

took place 45 years before the Salem Witch

Trials! So many witches one witch couldn't

tell which witch was which! Just thought you

should remember Also on this ominous date,

hope you're  well and that all your NEWS is


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