Wednesday, May 15, 2024


   THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2024


   This is "National Hording Awareness

Week." It is an observance created in

2014 by the Fire Chief's Association

to make people more aware of the

possible dangers involved in storing

too many things in one's home. I must

admit I am a bit or a hoarder, although

I would describe it as "collecting" 

rather that "hoarding" things. My wife

is just the opposite. She like to clear

things out as soon as possible. Women

are more likely to be that way. That's

why so many men don't have the

baseball cards they were saving as

kids. Their mother's threw the cards

in the trash!. Toi my way of thinking

if I have something for which there

seems to be no use I'll eventually

find a use! Or, if I keep something

long enough it will become valuable!

Take my Solar Eclipse glasses for

instance! They were a big deal this

year. Now they seem to be useless.

But I've saved them. You see there

will be another Solar Eclipse. Sure,

it's not till 2044. But I'll be ready!

Will you? Hope you will be and

that all your NEWS is good!

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