Tuesday, May 21, 2024


 WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2024


      Today celebrates my favorite character

in literature! This is "Sherlock Holmes
    Of all the interests my late brother and
I shared the adventure of that super
detective Sherlock Holmes would surely
be at or near the top of our list!
     Holmes had keen powers of observation
which would allow him to know almost
everything about a person the minute
he laid eyes on him or her.
     Alas, my wife continues to remind
me that the crumbs I've left behind on
the floor near the couch where I've
nibbled my snacks proves, conclusively,
that I lack Holmes' powers of observation!
      Ironically, she seems to have them!
      Before I've removed a shirt worn
for an hour or two I hear her utter the
words "that goes in the laundry." That
pronouncement comes as she's detected
a tiny spot unseen by my eye!
       Holmes, of course, was a fictional
character. The day actually celebrates
the Birthday of his creator, Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle who penned many stories
about the detective. He, Doyle, was
born on May 22ud of 1859.
        One of the highlights of a trip
my wife and I hosted to Scotland a
couple years back was enjoying
Fish & Chips at the Conan Doyle
Restaurant in Edinburgh overlooking
a small park where stood a statue of
Sherlock Holmes!
         As we left I thought of
that line "Elementary by dear Watson"
so attributed, though never actually
spoken, in a Doyle novel by Holmes
to his faithful assistant
        My wife  interjected a thought of her
own. " That shirt goes in the laundry."
         Happy Birthday Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle. May all those who
continue to enjoy your writings
enjoy good NEWS as well!

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