Sunday, May 26, 2024


         MONDAY, MAY 27, 2024


 As we continue festivities scheduled

for this long holiday weekend may I,

on a serious note, suggest that you remember

Julia? You see May 27th is "Julia

Pierpont Day!" Julia Agusta Robertson

Pierpont was the wife of Francis

Pierpont, the Governor of the restored

West Virginia after the Civil War.

After that conflict ended it was Julia

who made not of the fact that many

of the graves of soldiers who died 

were generally abandoned and left

unattended. She and her husband 

began a campaign to decorate those

graves and their efforts, which spread

across many states, lead to the creation

of "Decoration Day." That, of course,

evolved into what we now recognize

as "Memorial Day." So while we're

remembering perhaps we should keep

Julia on our minds! This is, in fact,

still a separate legal holiday in West

Virginia. Hope you'll be remembering

this weekend and that all your NEWS

is good! 

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