Monday, June 15, 2020


   TUESDAY, JUNE 16TH., 2020

   It was quiet at the Plains playground.
Just the sound of a lawn mower in the
distance and a few kids playing. But
just minutes before the sound of a
police siren echoed around the park
and the flashing lights of the patrol
car could be seen for quite some
distance. But why? There were no
protests. No riots. Actually the action
was caused by my 4-year-old grandson!
The new Plains Township Police Chief
happen to be at the park when we
arrived and when my grandson inquired
about where the car's siren might be
located the chief immediately allowed
him to get in the vehicle and works the
controls! The chief won't get any headlines
or be in the news (except here) for his
kindness. But I'd like to suggest that he
is a typical example of most of the officers
serving communities everywhere these
days. Not those one or two who happen
to make the news because of wrongs
they've done. I know my grandson
appreciates the gesture he made to give
a kid a few minutes of his time. We should
all appreciate it. And say thank you to all
those who serve us with honor and
compassion. Hope your're well and
that all your NEWS is good!

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