Monday, March 13, 2023


      TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 2023


    It's March 14th. It's "National

Potato Chip Day!" They are the most

popular snack in the United States!

15 Billion dollars worth of chips are

sold in the U.S. every year. But it is

somewhat strange that March 14th was

selected as National Potato Chip Day.

The creation of the potato chip, as we

know it now, traces back to a funny

story dating to August 24th., of  1853.

An unhappy restaurant customer kept 

sending his potatos back to the chef,

complaining they were too thick and

soggy. That chef, George Crumb, cut

his next batch of potatos as think as he

could, abd fried them in oil till they were

crisp and solid. He salted them and sent

them back to the customer whe was so

thrilled with the chips they were added

to the menu. They were called "Saratoga

Chips."  And speaking of funny potato

chip stories, have you heard about the man

who visited the monastery and spotted 

someone making potato chips. "Are you

the 'friar' he asked? "No" came the reply.

"I'm the Chip-Monk." Hope you're well,

enjoying some chips, and that all your

NEWS is good!

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