Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fall Out!

   There's something in the air...and they'll soon
call it Fall!
   This is not based on a date on your calendar.
   All you have to do is look at the signs.
   I've had my first taste of what I like to call
"September air" over the past couple of mornings.
   It's that cool, clean, air with just a hint of a
chill that's followed by decent afternoon
temperatures and, hopefully, a lot of sunshine!
   It's the kind of day that makes me want to put
the top down in the Miata and go out searching
for cider and donuts.
   We actually made the search this week but
left the Miata at home because we had the
chance to go with friends.
    We found an area orchard all set for the
season with apple and pear cider, all kinds of
apples, apple cider donuts, and pies.
    Not wanting to miss any of the thrill we
did our part to welcome the season and
walked out with a box full of supplies.
    The place also has a small corn maze
set up for the expected weekend crowd.
    I'm not real big on those maze things.
    I keep thinking about "The Shinning!"
    I know I'm not likely to see Jack
Nicholson  in there.
    There were pumpkins all over the
place too. They're a sure sign of Fall
cause they're so associated with
    Which reminds me....the Halloween
costumes are out and they're just about
everywhere. They've been out, along
with the candy, for a few weeks now.
     In fact it won't be long before
they're pushed aside for Christmas
decorations! Wow.....and it was just
80 degrees out there.
    Of course one sure sign of Fall won't
be around this year.
    Last week's flooding damage forced
officials to call off the Bloomsburg Fair.
   That's too bad. But understandable.
   There are still a lot of other
seasonal attractions that
orchard we found.
   So...Fall Out...find and enjoy them!
   Hope your mornings are crisp, the
sunshine is warm, and that all your
NEWS is good!

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