Sunday, June 30, 2024


          MONDAY, JULY 1, 2024


       It's July 1st and it's a big holiday.

But not here. The holiday is across the border

in Canada. It's CANADA DAY...marking the

combination of three territories' into one

Canada! That happened in 1867! I wanted to

help them celebrate! Canada is such a good

neighbor and they've given us so much!  A

Canadian, Marcellus Edson patented Peanut

paste ( Peanut butter). Canada gave us

Lacrosse. The Snowmobile. And it was a

Canadian surgeon, Fredrick Banting and a

medical student, Charles Best, isolated the

hormone insulin for the first time! I know a

little about Canadian products. A few years

back my old friend and colleague Derry Bird

and I went on a fishing trip to Canada. It was

raining when we arrived and we knew we'd

have to spend the night holded up in my camper.

Derry bought a 6 pack. It seems Canadian beer

has a higher alcohol content than American

beers. I had two. I think. I don't really remember.

But I know I slept well that night! Anyhow, today's

the day to toast our friends to the north. So to all

you Canadians, I hope your day is great and all

your NEWS is good! Eh?

Saturday, June 29, 2024


       SUNDAY, JUNE 30TH., 2024


   How very appropriate that you
should be joining me, by reading
my blog, on Social Media Day!
It's the 14th annual observance of
this global celebration although
Social Media has been around a
lot longer than that.
    Of course it's changed over
the years! At one time the term
could have been applied to those
rural homes that shared a so-
called "party line" telephone.
    Now we've evolved to world
wide contact ability through
sources like Skype and Facebook.
And what great resources they
     Just yesterday I received
three Skype messages from
people I never heard of asking
that I add them as contacts.
      Meanwhile on Facebook,
I struggle daily with the task
of coming up with one word
responses on how I met various
friends who then want me to
copy and paste my answer to
my home page.
      I have politely tried to
 explain that I haven't copied
since third grade and am
prohibited, by my wife, from
using paste or glue.
     On the positive side, I
now have a better idea of
how many cats my FB friends
own and see their photos
nearly every day.
      Of course I do plenty
of postings too including
family and travel photos.
I do not, however, have
any cats except for those
who roam my neighborhood
at will. If I see one, or a
skunk, I'll try to post a photo
so I feel more like a part of
the group!
      I don't know how folks
in those party line days
      How you keep using
Social Media (to read my
blogs) and that all your
NEWS is good!


Friday, June 28, 2024


  SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 2024


 June 29th is National Camera Day!

You know, that instrument that helps

us preserve those wonderful

memories of our lives. The camera

has come a long way! Back in the

early west people had to keep

totally still for a minute or so 

while the photographer opened

the lens  of a box box camera to

capture the image. Through the

years cameras evolved and back

in the 50's and 60's small hand

held units allowed everyone to

become the photographer. But

you had to load rolls of film

which usually had to be mailed

away somewhere to be processed/

Digital cameras became the 

favorite for most folks. Snap a

picture then download it on your

laptop. These days of course most

people use their cell phone to take

pictures. And cameras are everywhere.

Walk two blocks from your home 

and, odds are, you've had your

picture taken by a security camera

somewhere. They're even putting

them on Stop signs and traffic lights

to make sure you're following the

rules of the road. My latest camera

is mounted on the rear bumper of

my car! Put the vehicle in reverse

and you can see everything behind

you. Never had a second thought

along having it installed. In fact

since I got on I 'never look back!'

Hope you're all in focus and that

all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, June 27, 2024


          FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2024


   You've got to admire people who constantly

get clobbered buy never say die! Adolphe was

such a person. He liked music and inventing

but he was lucky he lived long enough to

enjoy the music and get his invention

patented! Before he was two years old he

fell three stories and hit his head on the

solid pavement. They thought he was dead.

He swallowed a pin and, when only two, 

drank a bowl of acidic water he thought was

milk! For some time he slept in a room where

laminated furniture was being dried, The fumes

could have killed him! Then, later in life, he

was struck on the head with a cobblestone and

fell into the river! Still he survived. Much to

the joy of music, and especially jazz lovers.

You see on this very date in 1846 Adolphe

got a patent for his invention which, by the

way, bears his name. You see Adolphe Sax,

invented the Saxophone! Just though you'd

want to know! Hope you're enjoying your

jazz and that all your NEWS is good. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024



          THURSDAY, JUNE 27TH., 2024  
     It's June 27th friends! It's Mildred Hill's
Birthday and we really ought to sing for her~
    Back in 1893 Mildred and her sister Patty
Hill, wrote a song for their nursery
school students. It was, originally, "Good
morning to you." Eventually it evolved into
 "Happy Birthday to you."
     And now you can sing it....for free!!!!!!
     130 years ago a third sister filed a
Copyright on the song and, over most of
those years, publishing companies have been
collecting royalties whenever the song
was sung or played by a profit making
      For instance the scene in which I appear
in the movie "All In Time" was written as a
Birthday Party. When the producers realized
they'd have to pay to use the "Happy
Birthday" the scene was changed to a picnic.
I did miss the cake!
    Small change? Hardly! The royalties
brought in an estimated two million dollars
a year! Makes you think about writing
a song!
     In 2015, however, a Federal Judge
ruled the copyright only applied to a
specific piano arrangement of the song. Not
to the song itself!
    So if you or someone you know is
celebrating a Birthday...sing away and
bring a band to play the music if you
wish! It's all for fun...especially now that
it's all for free!
     Hope you enjoy the party and that
all your NEWS is good!



Tuesday, June 25, 2024


     WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 2024


   We're all heard the old saying "Truth is 

stranger than fiction." Well sometimes truth

is so strange it is altered a bit and used in

fiction. You might want to keep that in mind

the next time you're reading Fairy Tales to your

kids and come across the Pied Piper of Hamelin!

You see it's based on a true story! It was set

down by the brothers Grimm in a story that

tells of a town plagued by rats. The Pied Piper

agrees to rid the town of the rats by leading them

away to the music of his flute. The Piper, of course,

was to be paid. But once the rats were gone the town

refused to pay up. So the Piper said he'd lure the

town's kids away forever. There are numerous records

in the town of HameIin, Germany, referring to the incident.

One, an etching in what is called "the Pied Piper's house

reads  "In the year 1284 on the day of (Saints) John and

Paul on 26 June, 130 children were misled by a piper

clothed in many colors to Calvary near the Koppen

(and lost.) One theory suggests the children actually died

is a plague and the Piper represents death. But all on June

26th?! Another suggests the young people went off on a

crusade and never returned. Whatever happened it was a

tragedy for Hamelin. But all these years later the town

not only accepts the story, it profits from it! Thousands

of tourists come to Hamelin every 26th of June. They

watch a reenactor lead young people through the streets,

buy trinkets, even pastry shaped like rodents! Maybe that's

the real moral of the story! Take a tragedy and turn it into

something positive! Hope you're well and that all your

NEWS is good!   

Monday, June 24, 2024


            TUESDAY. JUNE 25, 2024

   THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF COLOR!                  

   This is "Color TV Day!" Imagine have a

TV without color these days! It was back in

1951 when CBS aired what was considered

to be the first color TV broadcast. Of course

most people only had black and white television

sets which couldn't decode the signal and they

only received a blank screen! A few specially

designed set were set up in hotels and they got

to see the broadcast in color. All of the networks

had been experimenting with color for some time.

In fact there was a story that, in 1943, NBC did a

color broadcast with Jerry Lewis and Bill 

"Bojangles" Robinson that went from the network's

studios in New York to Princeton University that

had only one viewer! That viewer was Albert

Einstein! I remember when color TV's were

the "new big thing." I asked the clerk in the

appliance store if he had any and he quickly

said "Yes!" "Great," I said! "I'll take a green one!"

Hope your day is colorful and that all your

NEWS is good! 

Sunday, June 23, 2024


  MONDAY, JUNE 24TH. 2024

              FAIRY DUST!

  If you're looking for something to

celebrate today you might consider

the fact June 24th is "International

Fairy Day."  I suspect this observance

may have originated in Ireland where

you'll actually find a perfectly straight

highway suddenly circling an island-

like mound of earth which the local

population considers to be "a Fairy

Fort." They take them very seriously

and don't disturb them where ever

they're found!

    Sherlock Holmes creator Sir

Author Conan Doyle was a great

believe in the tiny creatures!.

    And who among us hasn't read

or had Fairy Tales read to us or

waited to see what the Tooth Fairy

left under our pillow in place of

that tooth we lost?

     According to one of the web

sites celebrating the day a Fairy can

blow away bad dreams, grant wishes,

and bring good luck and happiness.

     Guess we could all use a little

of that right now! Enjoy the day.

Hope you're well and that all your

NEWS is good!

Saturday, June 22, 2024



   SUNDAY, JUNE 23RD., 2024
      AGNES WAS NO LADY!     

     Every year around this time I get requests for
interviews. But unlike the days when I was an
active reporter doing the interviews.....these are
requests from people who want to interview me!
   And I know just what they'll be asking about.
   It's the 1972 Tropical Storm Agnes Flood!
   Back in '72 I was the News Director of WILK
    Things looked bad in June 22nd so I called
my wife to tell her I'd be home late. Turns
out I didn't see her for nearly three days!
   When the waters of the Susquehanna River
began to rise rapidly because of the "Agnes"
storm I went to the Luzerne County to call
updates back to my station.
    But Civil Defense, the agency that
preceded the Emergency Management
Agency, didn't have a Public Information
Officer. So, when I walked in, I got drafted!
   I didn't make the decisions for Civil Defense.
   But, most of the time, I was the one who
announced them.
   The one I'm often remembered for was the
one I made on June 23rd as the sirens sounded
and I told area residents it was time to....
"Get out. Get out now!"
   A little while later I was sending a report
on our two way radio in the sub basement of
the Courthouse when water started coming
into the room from a drain in the floor.
   I always thought water was suppose to go
out drains!
   So when the water came in.....I got out!
  Eventually all of us on the Civil Defense
staff had to evacuate the Courthouse and move
to higher ground.
   We ended up in the Wilkes-Barre School
Administration building sending hourly
news updates to 13 area radio stations. I
formed and directed that network.
   Initially we used an Army Field Telephone
which was wired, literally, through the streets
to the old WYZZ FM.  The other 12 stations
re-broadcast our reports at 15 minutes past
each hour and throughout the emergency
we only missed one report.
   That's because a couple of kids found our
wire and decided it would make a good
jump rope!
    It's been 51 years since "Agnes" paid
her visit and I suspect I'll be telling a few
more stories about those days.
   A lot has changed in those 51 years
including, as my photo will illustrate,
   Hope you're high and dry and that all
your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024



         "WATCH THIS!"

 It's time you knew! June 19th is
"National Watch Day!" It's a day
set aside to honor an industry
that's existed for over 500 years.
Before I retired I almost always
wore a wristwatch. In broadcasting,
as with many other occupations,
time was always very important.
The news started promptly at 6
so I had to be ready on the second!
When I first visited Europe I wore
two wristwatches! One had the
local time the other the time back
home. I pretty much gave up both
when I left the news beat. I might
have though, for a second, about
getting a new one when we visited
the Rolex Company in Switzerland
where watches were priced more
than most houses around here!
  These days the only time I'm
watching my time seems to be for
doctor's appointments. But I'm
guessing the doctor's don't have
watches either because I always
have to wait after getting there on
time. Watches have changed so
much. I wondering if the kids
are still taught why there's a little
hand and a bid one on those big
round clocks you see here are there.
  Anyway, mark June 19th on your
calendar. National Watch Day.
You can set you clock by it! Hope
you're well and that all your NEWS
is good.

Monday, June 17, 2024


   TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2024


     Summer is now just two days away

and those who haven't started already are

likely planning their summer vacation. For

many in our area that will include a trip to

the Jersey shore. Our familty goes every

year. But one of the attractions that use to

lure us to the shore is, essentially, gone now.

The world famous Steel Pier! The Steel

Pier opned on this day in  1898! It waasn't

the first pier at theJersey shore. But it was

certainly the biggest, reaching nearly a quarter

mile out to sea. The original Steel Pier was

damaged in a majur fire in 1924 bu the

refurbished pier attracted thousands of people!

It had three movie theaters, a giant ballroom, kids

programs, major displays, and a circus water show!

Big bands and rock stars played the Pier's huge

ballroom. There was a diving bell to take visitors

to the bottom of the sea beneath the pier and, of

course, the famous Diving Horses. One of the

riders was Della Fox, the mother of the Gennetti

hotel owners in our area. The pier started to

decline in the late 60's and severe damage from

a storm pretty much finished it off. There's still

a "Steel Pier" there. But it's a very small pier

housing amusement rides. Great memories

though of old times at the Steel Pier. Hope

you'll make wonderful memories during your

vacation, where ever it may be, and that all 

your NEWS is good!

Sunday, June 16, 2024


 Monday, June 17, 2024

       Bee Mindful!

    We're noting another unusual

"holiday" this week. Today begins

"National Pollinator Week!" 

According to the linked website

Pollinator Week is an annual celebration

 in support of pollinator health that was

 initiated and is managed by Pollinator

 Partnership. It is a time to raise awareness

for pollinators and spread the word about

what we can do to protect them."

i suppose we're mainly talking about bees.

They do a tremendous amount of good

pollinating those plants, flowers and

eatables that benefit all of us in one

way or another. So let them alone to

do their job! Besides getting too close

can get you stung, if you get my point.

Or theirs! Just step back and smell

the roses! Hope you do and that all

your flowers are beautiful and your

NEWS is good! 

Friday, June 14, 2024


   SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2024


  We've all heard about people who

seem to live life dangerously. I 

suppose we all do from time to time.

But if the dictionary included a photo

under that definition I suppose it

might well be a picture of Carlisle

Graham! On this very day in 1888

Graham completed the 3rd of 4

successful trips through the

dangerous rapids below Niagara

Falls! He did it in a barrel! You

see Graham was a barrel maker

from England who settled in

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

That's where he decided to test

his skill and the quality of his

work against the Niagara rapids!

He made a 4th attempt later and

then a 5th. His barrels were so

well built, however, that the 5th

attempt was halted when he

nearly suffocated  inside. Even

Graham learned you can only

press your luck so far! Hope your

luck is holding out and that all

your NEWS is good! 

Thursday, June 13, 2024


    FRIDAY, JUNE 14TH., 2024

          SEEING STARS!

  Flag Day is a big one around our house
because it's our eldest daughter Cassie's
That got me to thinking. She's grow up
and raised a family, all under the same
    I've lived under three of them!
    When I was born my cousins were
fighting in Europe for a star spangled
banner that represented 48 United
     Then, in January of 1959 an
additional start was added to
represent our newest, and largest
state, Alaska.
     That 49 star flag and a pretty
short lifespan because just 8 months
later Hawaii officially changed its
status from a territory to a state.
      Old Glory may eventually
have to find room for additional
stars. Both the District of Columbia
and Puerto Rico have voted for
statehood in referendums and there
are three other U.S. territories
that could , potentially, become
states.  But, whatever she eventually
looks like let's all hope she keeps
flying ore the land of the free
and the home of the brave.
 Hope you're well and that all
your NEWS is good.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


             THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2024



  Just when I thought I had covered

just about all the available "unusual

holidays" available I found a new one.

June 13th is "International Axe Throwing

Day!" I've seem a few of these Axe 

throwing lanes around. I saw my first on 

the boardwalk at the shore a couple years

ago. Since then one was set up at a

carnival in downtown Wilkes-Barre and

a few commercial Axe Throwing

establishments have been opened in

cities around the region. Now there's

even a National Axe Throwing League.

I wonder if Lizzy Borden would sign up?

This "sport" is said to relieve

frustration but, I think it best I don't

mention this cutting edge activity to

my wife! Hope your aim is true, that

you're well and that all your NEWS

is good!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


   TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2024


    This is "Mechanics Day!" It's been

around since 2001 and it is a day to

remember all the craftsmen who keep

our cars and trucks running and in

tip top shape. And the maintenance

men who install those lines and

pipes no matter how much street

they've go to rip up to do it! I am

not a good mechanic! Never have

been. Putting any sort of tool in

my hands is a little like asking a

baby to drive a riding mower

blindfolded in a thunder storm.

I usually come out of any sort

of repair work with at least one

good bruise or in need of the

biggest Band-Aid available.

If something needs to be done 

I usually call my wife. She's

pretty handy. But, I'd like to

observe this unusual holiday

so I figured I'd just "Monkey

around!" Hope you're well

and that all your NEWS is


Monday, June 10, 2024


     TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2024

        I TOLD YOU SO!

   Sometimes we take a stand in life

on an issue with which others

disagree. And sometimes that

stand can get us in trouble! It can

happen to anyone. Even very prominent

people. Take the man we consider to be

the father of modern astronomy. The man

many consider to be the father of modern

physics. Galileo! He was the man who 

discovered the rings around Saturn. He

subscribed to the theory that the earth

rotated around the sun, rather than the

sun rotating around earth. That belief 

got him into hot water with the Catholic

Church. On this very date in 1615

Galileo was brought before an

inquisition and was found to be

"vehemently suspect of heresy."

and was forced to recant. He spent

the rest of his life under house arrest.

Of course the Vatican eventually

admitted Galileo was right, On October

31sr of 1992 Pope John Paul II acknowledged

the Church had erred in condemning Galileo.

Hope you stick by your guns and that all

your NEWS is good!

Sunday, June 9, 2024


    MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2024

              WRITE ON!

     Writing has gone through a lot of

evolution over the years.
    I don't mean "style." I'm writing
about the mechanics of writing.
    From drawings on the walls of
caves to the quill which penned our
Declaration of Independence.
    But one of the biggest revolutions
 in writing happened 77-years-ago
    That's the day the Bíró brothers,
 László and György, got Patent
 # 2,390,636 for their invention....
the Ball Point Pen!
     It's hard to believe it was only
available to the wealthy initially.
     These days most of us have
lost or misplaced more Ball Point
Pens than all the quills that ever
     Many companies hand them out
as promotional items. Although
most banks still chain them to those
platforms where you endorse your
      Personally I favored the fountain
pen.....up until I ruined my 4th white
shirt with leaking ink! I believe it was
my wife who suggested I switch to a
Ball Point!
      I generally have about 3 or 4 Ball
Point Pens within ten feet. I use them
till they won't write anymore.
       Of course the advent of the Lap
Top has me doing most of my writing
on line these days.
        But when it comes to personal letters,
thank you notes, Birthday Cards and such,
I still turn to the Bíró boy's invention to
get my message out!
      Now if we can just find a way to make
sure there's one close by to take down a
message or number when someone's
trying to rattle off that stuff on the
       Hope you've got one somewhere
where you can find it and that all your
NEWS is good!

Saturday, June 8, 2024



       SUNDAY, JUNE 9TH., 2024

    I've been seeing many, many photos
and messages of congratulation to area
graduates over the past few weeks.
     They bring back memories of graduations
past, including my own.
     In addition to the traditional cap and gown
there were the traditional messages of
optimism for the future of all the graduates
and the challenge to move boldly ahead in
     I dusted off a couple of mementos of my
school days yesterday. They're aren't a lot to
     A copy of our Junior High School
newspaper included a "Will" the 9th graders
were leaving behind for the next class. I was
on the newspaper staff but don't remember
who actually wrote the will.
      It includes a line leaving my "dependability"
to a couple underclassmen. I would hope that
is a trait someone really saw in me and that
I've lived up to it in all the years that followed.
      I also found an instruction sheet that went
to my graduating high school class in 1960 just
before graduation day.
      We were reminded "When you are seated
in the stadium remember that there are many
townspeople who are also there. Your behavior
determines the feeling of them toward your
school." We were admonished to "assume
dignified positions."
       The instructions also reminded us we
were to report back to the high school after
commencement to receive our actual diploma
AFTER we returned our caps and gowns! We
were permitted to keep the tassel but for the
life of me I can't remember where I might
have put mine for future use.
       I think our class did pretty well with
regard to their immediate goals. Most went
to college. My yearbook writeup includes
the line "hopes to become a radio announcer"
so that worked out. And radio eventually
lead to television.
        I hope this year's graduates have a
great future, wonderful memories, and
that all their NEWS is good!


Friday, June 7, 2024


         SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 2024

            A NEW "BROOM"!

     June 8th is a big day in household

history! This is the day that the

Whirlwind hit the United States.

Not a tornado or a dust storm! This

is the day that Ives Gaffey patented

his new invention...the vacuum cleaner!

Up until Gaffey's invention the only way

to clean your floor was by using a broom.

Of course you might say his invention 

wasn't a heck of a lot better. You had to

push it along and turn a handle while you

do so. The handle you were turning

provided the vacuum that sucked up the

dust. Ives didn't exactly clean up with

his new invention. That might have been

because the steep price tag! The Whirlwind

sold for 25 dollars! Hope your home is

neat and clean and that all your NEWS

is good!    

Thursday, June 6, 2024


             FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 2024 


      June 7th is "Daniel Boone 

Day!' This great American

frontier figure is known around 

the world for blazing trails through

the wilderness of Kentucky and then

beyond into areas that would eventually

become part of the United States, He

carried a long rifle on his quest. Sometimes

known as a Kentucky or a Pennsylvania

rifle. They're both the same thing although

most f  of those firearms were manufactured

in Pennsylvania, Turns out that Daniel

Boone was a Pennsylvanian too!!! He

was born in a town near Birds Borough

His homestead is there and it's open

to the public! Hope you'll stop is sometime

and remember the famous woodsman from

Pennsylvania! Hope you're well and that

all your NEWS is good!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


     THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2024

        THE OTHER 'D DAY!"

    June 6th is known by most people

as "D Day!" It recalls the beginning

of the end of World War II as allied

forces landed in Normandy to begin

the liberation of France. But there's

another D Day always observed on

June 6th. It's Drive In Movies day.

It recalls the day in 1933 when Richard

Hollingshead  opened the first drive in

theater in Camden, New Jersey! During

their peak in the 1950's there were some

4,000 drive ins in the United States.

Over the years competition from TV

and land value saw many close. Ironically

the pandemic saw people rediscovering

drive ins as a way to get out of the house

while maintaining social distancing. A few

things have changed. Those poles that once held

speakers so you could hear the movie are

now used to help space parking. The movie

sound now comes through your car radio.

The screens are still giant. Far bigger that

even the largest home tv screen.  And just

like in the 50's it good to enjoy a night out

with your date. The other change that comes

to mine is the elimination of  bench seat in

most cars. And my Miata doesn't even have a

back seat. So...enjoy the show! Hope you're

well and that all your NEWS is good.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024




 It's Festival Day my friends though I 

dare say you may not be familiar with

this particular "celebration." June 5th

is "Festival Of Popular Delusions Day!"

It stems from June 5th 1945. One day

before "D-Day" the day the Allies landed

in Europe. It was, you see, the final day

for the NAZI delusion that they would

rule the world for 10,000 years!  

Are you living under any delusions?

It's a good day to check. I, for 

instance, was under the delusion I was

going ti sit back with my feet up

taking it easy today. My wife quickly

cleared that up with a list of things

that must be done. Reality can be

tough! Hope you have a good ":Festival

Day" and that all your NEWS is good.

Monday, June 3, 2024



       A CHEESY DAY!

   Welcome to June 4th. "National

Cheese Day!" Cheese has been around

forever. At least there are records of

cheese dating back 10,00 years! You

likely have cheese in one form or

another every week. In fact the average

American consumes 31 pounds of

cheese a year! I'm not sure if that

figure even includes the cheese you

eat on your weekly pizza! My favorite

is "Reserved," a very sharp chedder

that goes good with wine. So go ahead

and celebrate. Have a slab of your

favorite cheese today. If, however, that

"favorite" happens to be Limburger, 

write me about it. Don't tell me in

person!!! That's a little too much

cheese for me! Hope you enjoy your

cheese treat and that all your NEWS

is good. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024


    MONDAY, JUNE 3, 2024


  June 3rd is "Repeat Day!" Repeat

Day! An unusual "holiday" possibly

created by someone, we don't know

who, liked to do things over and 

over again. It does offer some

neat opportunities. You can have

two breakfasts, two lunches, and

two dinners if you'd like. Like

golf? Play two rounds today.

Double up on everything you

enjoy. Repeat yourself when

speaking with friends (but

explain it's Repeat Day) so they'll

understand. Have a fun filled

great day and I hope all your

NEWS is good. And I hope

all your NEWS is good! 

Saturday, June 1, 2024


     SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 2024

           EDISON'S FIRST!

       It's June 2nd and today I am remembering

one of America's most prolific inventors. Thomas

Edison. It was on during this week, in 1868 when.

at 21-years-old, he received his first patent! Edison

eventually held 1,093 patents under his name. He

was working on between 500 and 600 more but

either didn't finish the projects or had them

rejected for one reason or another. He's probably

best remembered as the inventor of the light bulb,

the phonograph, and the movie camera. But his

first, the one receiving a patent this week 156

years ago is still being re-invented! Nearly every

year! It was a machine to count votes!!!!

Hope you're well and that all of your NEWS is
