Thursday, June 13, 2024


    FRIDAY, JUNE 14TH., 2024

          SEEING STARS!

  Flag Day is a big one around our house
because it's our eldest daughter Cassie's
That got me to thinking. She's grow up
and raised a family, all under the same
    I've lived under three of them!
    When I was born my cousins were
fighting in Europe for a star spangled
banner that represented 48 United
     Then, in January of 1959 an
additional start was added to
represent our newest, and largest
state, Alaska.
     That 49 star flag and a pretty
short lifespan because just 8 months
later Hawaii officially changed its
status from a territory to a state.
      Old Glory may eventually
have to find room for additional
stars. Both the District of Columbia
and Puerto Rico have voted for
statehood in referendums and there
are three other U.S. territories
that could , potentially, become
states.  But, whatever she eventually
looks like let's all hope she keeps
flying ore the land of the free
and the home of the brave.
 Hope you're well and that all
your NEWS is good.

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