Monday, June 17, 2024


   TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2024


     Summer is now just two days away

and those who haven't started already are

likely planning their summer vacation. For

many in our area that will include a trip to

the Jersey shore. Our familty goes every

year. But one of the attractions that use to

lure us to the shore is, essentially, gone now.

The world famous Steel Pier! The Steel

Pier opned on this day in  1898! It waasn't

the first pier at theJersey shore. But it was

certainly the biggest, reaching nearly a quarter

mile out to sea. The original Steel Pier was

damaged in a majur fire in 1924 bu the

refurbished pier attracted thousands of people!

It had three movie theaters, a giant ballroom, kids

programs, major displays, and a circus water show!

Big bands and rock stars played the Pier's huge

ballroom. There was a diving bell to take visitors

to the bottom of the sea beneath the pier and, of

course, the famous Diving Horses. One of the

riders was Della Fox, the mother of the Gennetti

hotel owners in our area. The pier started to

decline in the late 60's and severe damage from

a storm pretty much finished it off. There's still

a "Steel Pier" there. But it's a very small pier

housing amusement rides. Great memories

though of old times at the Steel Pier. Hope

you'll make wonderful memories during your

vacation, where ever it may be, and that all 

your NEWS is good!

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