Tuesday, June 25, 2024


     WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 2024


   We're all heard the old saying "Truth is 

stranger than fiction." Well sometimes truth

is so strange it is altered a bit and used in

fiction. You might want to keep that in mind

the next time you're reading Fairy Tales to your

kids and come across the Pied Piper of Hamelin!

You see it's based on a true story! It was set

down by the brothers Grimm in a story that

tells of a town plagued by rats. The Pied Piper

agrees to rid the town of the rats by leading them

away to the music of his flute. The Piper, of course,

was to be paid. But once the rats were gone the town

refused to pay up. So the Piper said he'd lure the

town's kids away forever. There are numerous records

in the town of HameIin, Germany, referring to the incident.

One, an etching in what is called "the Pied Piper's house

reads  "In the year 1284 on the day of (Saints) John and

Paul on 26 June, 130 children were misled by a piper

clothed in many colors to Calvary near the Koppen

(and lost.) One theory suggests the children actually died

is a plague and the Piper represents death. But all on June

26th?! Another suggests the young people went off on a

crusade and never returned. Whatever happened it was a

tragedy for Hamelin. But all these years later the town

not only accepts the story, it profits from it! Thousands

of tourists come to Hamelin every 26th of June. They

watch a reenactor lead young people through the streets,

buy trinkets, even pastry shaped like rodents! Maybe that's

the real moral of the story! Take a tragedy and turn it into

something positive! Hope you're well and that all your

NEWS is good!   

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