Monday, June 10, 2024


     TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2024

        I TOLD YOU SO!

   Sometimes we take a stand in life

on an issue with which others

disagree. And sometimes that

stand can get us in trouble! It can

happen to anyone. Even very prominent

people. Take the man we consider to be

the father of modern astronomy. The man

many consider to be the father of modern

physics. Galileo! He was the man who 

discovered the rings around Saturn. He

subscribed to the theory that the earth

rotated around the sun, rather than the

sun rotating around earth. That belief 

got him into hot water with the Catholic

Church. On this very date in 1615

Galileo was brought before an

inquisition and was found to be

"vehemently suspect of heresy."

and was forced to recant. He spent

the rest of his life under house arrest.

Of course the Vatican eventually

admitted Galileo was right, On October

31sr of 1992 Pope John Paul II acknowledged

the Church had erred in condemning Galileo.

Hope you stick by your guns and that all

your NEWS is good!

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